Developer Diary PS4

Here is on Gamersyde a direct feed version of the Paris Games Week gameplay demo of Horizon: Zero Dawn, this time commented by Senior Producer Mark Norris. The title is expected to launch in 2016.

Key Arts

  • PGW : Direct feed demo of Horizon - Key Arts
  • PGW : Direct feed demo of Horizon - Key Arts
Commented on 2015-10-28 17:39:53
Thanks for this video in high quality.
Guerrilla Games had talked about those numbers in their livestream after E3, so many destructable parts, animations and etc.

I hope they nail the gameplay and story, very intrigued as to how modern civilization fell and who or what made those robots - specially why they decided to make them in the shape of dinosaurs.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 17:54:02
unf. beautiful. fix that foliage pop-in and it's perfect.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 18:27:42
This and Scalebound are scratching my interesting and very different ideas for 2016, provided that they come out in 2016.

This footage looks rougher than the E3 version, unless my eyes deceive me? Not that I'm super concerned as there is plenty of dev time between now and when it releases.

Now give me ground mount and flying mount footage and everything is golden.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 19:22:20 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
unf. beautiful. fix that foliage pop-in and it's perfect.
This is the same exact closed doors demo from E3. It's a very old build, and they didn't show it publicly for a reason. They knew people would have concerns about the performance. It'll be polished like the official E3 demo for sure.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 19:34:31
I'm telling all of ya' pay attention, because I'm only gonna say this once! I'm gonna buy this game, when it's released. Thank you.

*walks away with my dignity intact*
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Commented on 2015-10-28 19:36:24 In reply to Loakum
Posted by Loakum
I'm telling all of ya' pay attention, because I'm only gonna say this once! I'm gonna buy this game, when it's released. Thank you.

*walks away with my dignity intact*
OK, thanks. :-D
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Commented on 2015-10-28 19:41:07
BTW...that 2D artist is freaking insane! I must say, I don´t like the animations transitions much....looks like a homework for next weeks, graphics awesome, I like the desing.....but still can´t get rid of the feeling, it reminds me of Enslaved a lot. And I mean....a lot. And I´m not saying it´s a bad thing.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 20:32:34
I think this is probably the best looking console game yet. Proud of the developers and they come from my country too. :D
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Commented on 2015-10-28 21:41:31
I'm a bit puzzled about what that E3 demo they showed back then (and is available here on Gamersyde as directfeed) actually is then. The start of that video said "captured directly from a Playstation 4 system", and it showed more or less the same gameplay and segment of the game. Different is the framerate was better, more ground detail/grass, less pop-ins and some other IQ things.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 21:47:16 In reply to Melmoth
Posted by Melmoth
I'm a bit puzzled about what that E3 demo they showed back then (and is available here on Gamersyde as directfeed) actually is then. The start of that video said "captured directly from a Playstation 4 system", and it showed more or less the same gameplay and segment of the game. Different is the framerate was better, more ground detail/grass, less pop-ins and some other IQ things.
Think of it as a polished segment for public consumption. There was also a demo shown behind closed doors at the same E3 and there is a reason they're behind closed doors. All games are like this. You see an in-game trailer on stage thats been oolished to "retail spec" while the less polished playable build is hidden for press only. End of the day people go ape shit if they see a flickering texture 5 miles away 2 years from release. Its rare you ever really see legit work in progress stuff.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 22:04:59
I would have understood if the gameplay they showed on the conference was completely different, but it looked very much like the exact same thing, and was played out in full length just like this, only difference was no UI/HUD, and it was obviously recorded gameplay, as they didn't have a guy with a pad on the stage playing it at E3, which leads me to think the E3 conference demo was not captured running realtime, but instead recorded (as data recording, not video) at low framerate and then afterwards rendered at offline with a 30fps framerate.

I've done similar when recording demoscene productions (realtime graphics presentations) to videofiles where i can force it to render at a specific framerate, even if my computer wound't be able to actually run it in 30 or 60fps.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 22:06:11 In reply to Melmoth
Posted by Melmoth
I'm a bit puzzled about what that E3 demo they showed back then (and is available here on Gamersyde as directfeed) actually is then. The start of that video said "captured directly from a Playstation 4 system", and it showed more or less the same gameplay and segment of the game. Different is the framerate was better, more ground detail/grass, less pop-ins and some other IQ things.
Frame rate is the only difference. They presented the E3 demo over and over, hence it was the best segment to show at the time. This one wasn't ready, and still isn't frame rate wise. You're definitely imagining things if you think there's less detail here though. There's more going on in this area, if anything, causing the frame rate to drop more often, so yeah, no. Even the textures looked better here.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 22:35:47
Interesting to see a more honest version of the game, but like killzone it looks very lovely but the actual gameplay looks very bland and awkward. I feel like this has many of the same warning signs the killzone series had.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 22:45:14 In reply to Melmoth
Posted by Melmoth
I would have understood if the gameplay they showed on the conference was completely different, but it looked very much like the exact same thing, and was played out in full length just like this, only difference was no UI/HUD, and it was obviously recorded gameplay, as they didn't have a guy with a pad on the stage playing it at E3, which leads me to think the E3 conference demo was not captured running realtime, but instead recorded (as data recording, not video) at low framerate and then afterwards rendered at offline with a 30fps framerate.

I've done similar when recording demoscene productions (realtime graphics presentations) to videofiles where i can force it to render at a specific framerate, even if my computer wound't be able to actually run it in 30 or 60fps.
Doubtful, the scene in question isn't relevant. It can be the same, doesn't matter. Development isn't linear. There are usually more visually polished builds since the artists have had more imput into them that might crash 99 times out of 100. Then you might have a more stable build that is more polished at a code level, and is perfect for hands on demo's since less crashes, but look worse.

Most devs work like this becasue it lets you both show off your game and keep developing it. Some devs though do work more linearly, where polish comes right at the end. Problem with that approach is you cant show off your game until it's pretty much done, becasue people complain it looks like shit. Only for it then release and look amazing. (Case in point evolution and driveclub/motorstorm)

If they did what you're suggesting, the framerate/pop-in would have been perfect at E3 reveal...But it wasn't.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 23:09:11
Wish i could say i'm hyped for this, but the fact that it's Guerilla making it instantly makes me doubt it's gonna be good. Also, the game has high quality assets and such, but the framerate seems to be down the shitter, and have these guys ever heard of anti aliasing?
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Commented on 2015-10-28 23:17:55
Same old, same old. Gamedev has been like this since the beginning of public gaming conferences. Vertical slices, conference demos etc. It's very much frowned upon by developers. Having a part of the team spend months building a demo for a public presentation instead of working on the actual game. Example, The Halo 2 E3 2003 demo had much of the Bungie team wasting time on a demo in which as good as nothing was used in the actual game.

What it comes down to is mostly publisher policies. Some demands getting demos done for specific happenings and at early stages of the development, while others are more relaxed and lets the developer wait to show the game till they are closer to release.

I think Sony mostly leaves Guerrilla Games to show of their games when they feel comfortable themselves, which is a good relationship. I can imagine how it must have been for them after that outsourced E3 Killzone 2 demo. :)
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Commented on 2015-10-28 23:27:50 In reply to Melmoth
Posted by Melmoth
Same old, same old. Gamedev has been like this since the beginning of public gaming conferences. Vertical slices, conference demos etc. It's very much frowned upon by developers. Having a part of the team spend months building a demo for a public presentation instead of working on the actual game. Example, The Halo 2 E3 2003 demo had much of the Bungie team wasting time on a demo in which as good as nothing was used in the actual game.

What it comes down to is mostly publisher policies. Some demands getting demos done for specific happenings and at early stages of the development, while others are more relaxed and lets the developer wait to show the game till they are closer to release.

I think Sony mostly leaves Guerrilla Games to show of their games when they feel comfortable themselves, which is a good relationship. I can imagine how it must have been for them after that outsourced E3 Killzone 2 demo. :)
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. When they fake it, people complain, when they show actual stage by stage progression (this, shadow fall) people complain becasue it doesnt look final a year before it's released. We're not an easy bunch to please lol. We want to see final results now when it's a work in progress right until launch pretty much.

I like seeing the progress personally. Sure it raises potential worries when folliage is popping up all over the place. But the same happened in killzone shadow fall, and then they added some amazing volumetric mist, and then the trees got increased LOD. It's a process. But people don't realise that. It's no wonder devs fake it. Show anything less and you're crucified.
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Commented on 2015-10-28 23:45:41
Recent example is Assassin's Creed. Last years game, Unity, was shown as techdemo early on, and a very fancy E3 gameplay demo, and the following showings up till release were visually inferior. This way they had people in awe early on, but it ended up doing more harm than good.

This years game, Syndicate, they first showed an demo around E3, and the final game looks about the same.

From what i've seen of Syndicate, it's not as graphically stunning as Unity. Dunno about the framerate. My impression is that people were more angry about how Unity looks than Syndicate. So i think they did smarter this year.
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Commented on 2015-10-29 02:56:00 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. When they fake it, people complain, when they show actual stage by stage progression (this, shadow fall) people complain becasue it doesnt look final a year before it's released. We're not an easy bunch to please lol. We want to see final results now when it's a work in progress right until launch pretty much.

I like seeing the progress personally. Sure it raises potential worries when folliage is popping up all over the place. But the same happened in killzone shadow fall, and then they added some amazing volumetric mist, and then the trees got increased LOD. It's a process. But people don't realise that. It's no wonder devs fake it. Show anything less and you're crucified.
If Ubisoft or EA does this stuff you attack them for lying, if MS show a rough version of a game in progress you call it shoddy work but no matter what Sony does you will always blindly defend it. Your song and dance is an old worn out routine. That you've been doing it ever since I've joined this site just blows my mind. I'm not saying Sony did something wrong here myself I'm just pointing out the hilarious level of hypocrisy. But in my mind GG have never made a great game so I'm not getting excited for this.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2015-10-29 06:00:04
looks downgraded

now with more pop in and lower frame rate. some missing effects too! no ambient occlusion?!
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Commented on 2015-10-29 08:37:10
I think PS4 is just not powerfull for all this games....we might see PS5 even quicker then 2020.
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Commented on 2015-10-29 10:15:42 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Graphically looks kinda good.
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Commented on 2015-10-29 10:50:09
in skeptical about this dev their last good game was killzone 2. the shadow fall game was pretty bad gameplay wise and boring also graphically it was bad in alot of places and it was massivily downgraded from footage they showed at E3

so im not getting excited about this game till i see final gameplay before release

gameplay wise its a case of not knowing how it is till you get real reviews
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Commented on 2015-10-29 11:46:25 In reply to marklola1982
Bad graphics in ShadowFall? looks like we played different games with the same name.
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Commented on 2015-10-29 12:42:49 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
looks downgraded

now with more pop in and lower frame rate. some missing effects too! no ambient occlusion?!
Eh looks as good to me...just runs rougher.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Guerrilla Games

$135 of $400 per month

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  • Loakum

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