Microsoft sent us a preview build of Kingdom under Fire: Circle of Doom a few days ago, and after a few hours of gameplay I'm still not sure what exactly Blueside wanted to do with this game. On one side there is a very good customization system for the character and the weapons, and on the other some mindblowingly boring and repetitive fights. If you've played Ninety Nine Nights, imagine the last level in the forest, without the invisible walls bugs thankfully, and you mostly get what I played so far. Of course it's a preview, so some things can still hopefully change, and one can hope they'll fix the tearing too.
Enjoy this first video, with more to come today.
Update: Second video online. The third and last one will be up sometimes tonight.
Update 2: Last video online, showing a level with some quite gross enemies, along with an equally gross boss fight.
All comments (27)
I think the OST and the graphics are the things I like about this game.
from the start i've always thought the game was a im not really shocked to hear that it actually IS. mindless hack and slash games just arnt very good really.
i guess i am getting to old for this hack/slash games, but you get a free lesson in Budishm, so i might reconsider
kickass music
While I am not too fond of mass N3 enemy rush style of combat, the customization, loot gathering and skills seem pretty cool, which is of course the entire point of an aRPG. I liked how the game integrated the kill quests as requirements for skill acquisition. That is a pretty nice way to kill two birds with 1 stone, assuming that it doesn' become over-done.
Blim - can you comment about how the customization and character building progresses as the game advances? Are different builds of the same character possible? Do the skills have dependences or are all of the requirements level based?
Looks quite good to me.
Even N3 looked better than this. They should have combined the fast paced action with its original RPG concept, that wpuld atleast give us something to think about.
I was looking forward to this game long time ago, but now with more gameplay I don't want it at all.
so if you came into the game expecting Ninja Gaiden, well... don't know what to tell ya
Abit sad they took out the strategy element...but oh well, i will still buy it.