Xbox 360

Tout juste débarqué sur le Xbox Live Arcade pour la rondelette somme de 800 points, Rez HD fait encore parler de lui le temps d'une vidéo de gameplay (pas HD, elle) ainsi que d'une petite interview de derrière les fagots fournie par nos amis de XCN.

Host: Graeme Boyd, Xbox EMEA Community Manager
Answered By:  Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Chief Creative Officer, Q Entertainment Inc.

REZ unfortunately wasn't the commercial success it deserved to be. In my opinion the XBLA platform is just what it needs to reach a wider audience. What are your feelings regarding how the XBLA version of REZ will extend the popularity of the series?
I agree that the XBLA platform is the perfect venue for a game like Rez HD. Rez is a fairly simple, casual game, but was seen as a complicated, hard to understand game when it was released on the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 back in 2001/02. If only we had a way to provide a trial opportunity then, I think it could’ve done better. Not everyone was ready to take that risk of paying $40 for a game that they didn’t fully understand. What’s great about the XBLA platform is that you can try the game first before purchasing it and we can offer the game at a lower price point than a game sold at retail. Digital distribution has opened up a lot of opportunities for games like Rez and the chances of it being played by both fans and first-timers.

What will be the main differences between REZ HD and the original?
Aside from the game being recreated for hi-definition and digital surround sound, the game remains unchanged – all of the modes, areas, levels, music from the original are included. When I created the original Rez, we went through a lot of trials and errors to showcase the audio-visual-vibration experience and that was the best we could do at that time. With Rez HD, I feel as if I’ve been given the opportunity to work out those unsolved areas and present the game that I had envisioned since day one – to me, this is the ‘complete’ version of Rez. There are a few things we added to Rez HD to enhance the gameplay experience – you can hook up the other controllers and get the trance vibration signal that is different than the one sent to the player controller; we also included some new sound and visual effects (cave, forest, concert hall for sound and sepia, tile, blur for visuals) that offers a customized Rez experience.

Will you take the REZ franchise even further? Will there be REZ 2?
First, I’ll have to see what kind of response we get from the XBLA audience! Whether or not it be a “REZ 2” or “sequel to REZ”, I just know that the core concept of creating a synesthetic experience through interactive entertainment or in other forms of art will continue to be my role and mission.

In what way will Rez take advantage of Xbox Live?
Rez HD is a single player game, so there will be no multi-player/versus/co-op modes in the game. Rankings will be displayed through the Score Attack Mode and you will be able to view the plays of those who are ranked in the top 20 using Replay Theater.

Will the new Rez use something similar to the original soundtrack or is this being reworked?
All of the elements in the original Rez including the music have been carried over to Rez HD. The tracks have been remixed and remastered in 5.1.

Do you expect Rez to appeal to a wide audience or a select few?
The XBLA platform is the perfect venue for a game like Rez HD. Rez is a fairly simple, casual game, but was seen as a complicated, hard to understand game when it was released on the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 back in 2001/02. If only we had a way to provide a trial opportunity then, I think it could’ve done better. Not everyone was ready to take that risk of paying $40 for a game that they didn’t fully understand. What’s great about the XBLA platform is that you can try the game first before purchasing it and we can offer the game at a lower price point than a game sold at retail. Digital distribution has opened up a lot of opportunities for games like Rez and the chances of it being played by both fans and first-timers. Also, with the popularity of music and rhythm-based games over the last few years, I’m hopeful that more people will want to try a game like Rez HD.

What inspired you while working on Rez?
There were many things that inspired me to create Rez, one of which is a famous 20th century painter Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky’s paintings were heavily influenced by music – the power of expression it gave to one’s body (stimulation) and freedom of imagination (visuals) it offers. I wanted to create a game that was true to the concept of synaesthesia, or the stimulation of the senses, using sounds, visual effects and vibration.

Do you have any plans to remake other United Games Artists games?
While I cannot comment on our current and future projects, the 360 is a very attractive platform and we hope to bring more quality titles that offer a rich, entertaining experience to the gamers.

Do you have plans for multiplayer and/or Co-op Mode?
Rez HD is a single player game, so there will be no multi-player/versus/co-op modes in the game. Individual rankings will be displayed through the Score Attack Mode and you will be able to view the plays of those who are ranked in the top 20 using Replay Theater.

Are there any differences between the XBLA Arcade Version and the Dreamcast Version?
Aside from the game being recreated for hi-definition and digital surround sound, the game remains unchanged – all of the modes, areas, levels, music from the original are included. When I created the original Rez, we went through a lot of trials and errors to showcase the audio-visual-vibration experience and that was the best we could do at that time. With Rez HD, I feel as if I’ve been given the opportunity to work out those unsolved areas and present the game that I had envisioned since day one – to me, this is the ‘complete’ version of Rez. There are a few things we added to Rez HD to enhance the gameplay experience – you can hook up the other controllers and get the trance vibration signal that is different than the one sent to the player controller; we also included some new sound and visual effects (cave, forest, concert hall for sound and sepia, tile, blur for visuals) that offers a customized Rez experience.

Don't you think, that 800 MS Points will be too expensive for Rez HD?
Considering this is a complete recreation of an older title (textures recreated, music remastered) that provides a richer gameplay experience, 800 MSP is not too expensive for Rez HD. We’ve seen many other titles released at the same price and Rez HD offers equal, if not, more value for the price.

Do you have any other plans for another XBLA title?
The XBLA platform is very attractive to us and we hope to bring more exciting, quality titles to the XBLA audience.

Does Rez HD support the Xbox LIVE Vision Camera?
No, it does not support the LIVE Vision Camera.

Is there any difference from the original version of Rez, besides high definition visuals and 5.1?
Aside from the game being recreated for hi-definition and digital surround sound, the game remains unchanged – all of the modes, areas, levels, music from the original are included. When I created the original Rez, we went through a lot of trials and errors to showcase the audio-visual-vibration experience and that was the best we could do at that time. With Rez HD, I feel as if I’ve been given the opportunity to work out those unsolved areas and present the game that I had envisioned since day one – to me, this is the ‘complete’ version of Rez. There are a few things we added to Rez HD to enhance the gameplay experience – you can hook up the other controllers and get the trance vibration signal that is different than the one sent to the player controller; we also included some new sound and visual effects (cave, forest, concert hall for sound and sepia, tile, blur for visuals) that offers a customized Rez experience.

Which projects for Xbox 360 may we expect from Q Entertainment in the future? Space Channel 5 part three, for example?
While I cannot comment on our current and future projects, the 360 is a very attractive platform and we hope to bring more quality titles that offer a rich, entertaining experience to the gamers.

What do you honestly think about the "trance vibrator"?
The thought behind the trance vibrator was to provide vibration/stimulation to the player in addition to the visual and sounds effects that were seen and heard while playing the game. We believe that the peripheral enhanced the overall gameplay experience, leading to a form a synaesthesia, or the stimulation of the senses. Has it been hard to persuade Sega for the Rez HD license? It wasn’t as difficult as one may think – the management at Sega understood my desire to recreate Rez in its ‘new’ and ‘complete’ form. I am very thankful for this opportunity and hope that both fans and newcomers to Rez will enjoy the game.

What is your view on other music-based games that have performed very well in Europe and North America like Guitar Hero and Rock Band?
I think those games are exciting and it’s great to see them succeed. We’ve always had music/rhythm-based games here and there, but these two have taken interactive entertainment to a whole new level by offering co-op play, downloadable content and the opportunity for everyone to become a rock star!

Are you planning downloadable content for Rez, like new music or visuals?
We do not have any plans for additional downloadable content for Rez HD. This, to me, is the ‘complete’ version of Rez and I hope that gamers will enjoy the game as much as I do. Although Rez is a simple game, I believe it offers high replay value and you’ll most likely discover something new every time you play it. Thanks for your time!

Tetsuya Mizuguchi

  • Q&A et gameplay de Rez HD - Tetsuya Mizuguchi
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:10:16
Heureux de voir qu'un jeu "fil de fer" séduise moi je n'y ai toujours pas touché :honte:
En réponse à
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:12:30 En réponse à Musimon
les jeux en VR ça arrache je trouve !
tron 2.0, les maps vf de timeplsitters : RAH
En réponse à
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:15:05
Je ne sais pas si je vais aimer, mais je vais enfin pouvoir m'essayer à ce jeu !
En réponse à
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:31:37 En réponse à Kilmo
si t'as aimé le système de visée/tir de panzer dragoon orta, tu devrais aimer :chercheàvendrelejeu:
En réponse à
Soda - Tourist Trophy
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:36:10
C'est vraiment magnifique.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:41:39
Il est énorme ni plus ni moins !! Par contre je ne sais pas si c'est moi qui traduit mal, mais j'ai comme l'impression que des blocs entiers de textes se répetent !!
En réponse à
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 19:53:00 En réponse à Raiko
En fait, je crois que c'est surtout l'interviewer qui répète ses questions comme s'il les avait écrites à l'avance et sans tenir compte des réponses précédantes apportées par Mizuguchi...
En réponse à
Commentaire du 30/01/2008 à 22:29:50
J'l'avais fini sur dreamcast pis la xbox vas pas tarder.
En réponse à
Onirik - Le gouda c'est sympa
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 10:17:51
Ce jeu est une bombe ! Je ne connaissais pas et j'ai été complétement séduit. Impossible de décrocher ! Meilleur jeu XBLA pour moi.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 11:06:13
Pour moi c'est l'un des plus beau jeux que j'ai jamais vu
J'adore cet univers à la limite entre TRON et Kandinsky
En réponse à
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 18:50:45
Je viens d'essayer et Whaou !
C'est vrai que c'est magnifique. Hypnotique même !
En fait, je vois ça comme un clip psychédélique interactif !
C'est vrai que les fans de Tron doivent tripper avec ce jeu, et vu que je suis fan, ça tombe bien.
Sur une autre news, on parlait de l'artistique et de la technique. Avec Rez, le côté artistique prend tout son sens.
Pour ceux qui ne connaissaient que de nom ou de réputation (comme moi), allez-y !
Vous ne serez pas déçus !
En réponse à
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 20:08:54
Hé hop mon premier achat Xbox live ^^ 1%...c'est long dit donc!
En réponse à
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 21:07:53
Perso' je ne comprends pas l'engouement pour ce jeu. Certes c'est assez sympa mais vraiment rien d'extraordinaire ni dans le style graphique ni dans le gameplay.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 21:23:52 En réponse à Hellknight_Sama
bouge pas, j'appelle kitano, vous allez pouvoir discuter de vos avis divergents sur le jeu !
En réponse à
Commentaire du 31/01/2008 à 22:09:14 En réponse à Hellknight_Sama
Je comprends tout à fait que l'on puisse ne pas adhérer au concept et au gameplay. Mais on ne peut pas nier que graphiquement, c'est incroyablement audacieux !
Oser faire un jeu "fil de fer" à notre époque, c'est culotté non !
D'autant plus que là, la technique est magnifiée.
Il suffit de se rappeler des premiers jeux en fil de fer, comme la borne d'arcade "Star Wars" !
Après, il ne faut pas se fier simplement aux screens. En mouvement les graphismes prennent toute leur ampleur !
En réponse à
Commentaire du 01/02/2008 à 01:06:05 En réponse à Kilmo
les jeux en VR c'est terrible, point ;)
le procédé donne une autre manière d'appréhender l'espace dans un jeu, sans oublier ce charme rétro qui fait tellement plaisir !
En réponse à
Commentaire du 01/02/2008 à 16:45:37
Si vous le dites :p
En réponse à
Commentaire du 01/02/2008 à 20:10:43
moi j'adore :) c'est ORIGINAL !
En réponse à
Commentaire du 03/02/2008 à 11:08:35
ok, c'est beau, ok c'est fascinant, mais pourquoi j'ai plus aucune envie d'y jouer après 3h intensives de trip (total je l'admets). On m'a pas menti, durée de vie zéro.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 11/02/2008 à 17:08:23
Edit j'avais pas vu le post sur le jeux
Merci de mou bouleter Sorry
En réponse à
Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commentaire du 11/02/2008 à 18:04:58 En réponse à viwag1
Posté par viwag1
Merci de mou bouleter Sorry
On boulete pas mou ici désolé. :p
En réponse à
Commentaire du 11/02/2008 à 18:06:31 En réponse à viwag1
Non en faite il faut juste avoir 100% d'exploration sur les 4 première zone
10% pour chaque sous-niveau en faite... (l'espèce de cube sur lequel tu doit tirer après chaque vague d'ennemie)
En réponse à
A propos du jeu

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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