Our many recent attempts at covering less high profile games having remained vain apparently, we're back with what is now a AAA oldie, hoping that maybe it will draw your attention a bit more so you feel like leaving a comment. Because we don't have an Xbox Series X, the only way we can show you what the next gen patch of Gears 5 will look like is to use the PC version all maxed out with a pinch of HDR to make it shine even more. The Coalition's title may be uneven in terms of graphics (the second open area disappointed us greatly) and a bit dated when it comes to certain aspects of its gameplay (why the A button is still used for running is beyond us), there is no denying that it is a fiendishly efficient third person shooter. We're very curious to see what the developers will do with the franchise on the next Xbox whose hardware is more than competent to blow our minds.
All comments (10)
Truthbomb. Great heights, uneven with lows.
and a bit dated when it comes to certain aspects of its gameplay (why the A button is still used for running is beyond us),
- Hell no, thumbstick click can die in a dumpster fire.
Too bad coalition is stuck with the Gears world. all its juice has been long gone milked in everyway possible from a creative point that makes sense. Just like Killzone and every other IP where the story/characters are just expected noise inbetween the killing loop.