Trailer Xbox 360

Rise of Nightmares is a pretty surprising Kinect title. First, because it is destined to a mature audience, which is not usually the case when it comes to Kinect. And finally because for once, you get to control your character in first person view entirely, which includes moving and walking around. Until we get our copy of the game with SEGA and we can give you our impressions, here is a new promotional video.

Commented on 2011-09-06 00:50:06
Ok marketing, you do know your game isn't suposed to have self-conscious "bad" horror as HotD: Overkill, don't ya?
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Commented on 2011-09-06 00:50:06
It doesn't use your avatar, it's first-person. And even if it had been third-person (what happened to the second person? Lol!) it still wouldn't use your avatar as you can see the character you play when you look in the mirror on the train. Plus avatars wouldn't exactly fit with the rest of the graphics would they?

OK, that's freaky, we literally posted at the exact same second, lol!
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Commented on 2011-09-06 00:56:30
Too scary for me...just shit my pants :(
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Commented on 2011-09-06 03:08:59
First review: B+ (85%) Who was it that said it would be the worst reviewed game of the year? LMAO!

Also first user review, he calls the game a masterpiece!
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Commented on 2011-09-06 07:41:28 In reply to Corellianrogue
Posted by Corellianrogue
First review: B+ (85%) Who was it that said it would be the worst reviewed game of the year? LMAO!
KORN is going to be disappointed now, that's all i know lol. :P
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2011-09-06 08:35:50 In reply to Corellianrogue
Posted by Corellianrogue
It doesn't use your avatar, it's first-person. And even if it had been third-person (what happened to the second person? Lol!) it still wouldn't use your avatar as you can see the character you play when you look in the mirror on the train. Plus avatars wouldn't exactly fit with the rest of the graphics would they?
I didn't mean your 360 avatar. The character you play is, by definition, an avatar since it's not really you. ;p

I've changed it anyway, so it's clear to everyone. :)
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Commented on 2011-09-06 11:44:58 In reply to Seth
Posted by Seth
KORN is going to be disappointed now, that's all i know lol. :P
i never said it would be the worst reviewed game of the year (that was someone else), i just said it looks shit. a review doesnt change that.
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Commented on 2011-09-06 11:52:04 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
I didn't mean your 360 avatar. The character you play is, by definition, an avatar since it's not really you. ;p

I've changed it anyway, so it's clear to everyone. :)
When people use the term "avatar" when talking about games, especially Kinect games, they're normally referring to the avatar you create on the dashboard, so you can't blame me for thinking that you thought that the game used that sort of avatar.

I'm going to post the video review I posted in the chat window because I think it's actually a very important video. Not because it's a positive review but because it shows that the guy really "gets" Kinect. I don't know if he "got" Kinect previously but by the end of the review it's clear he understands at least some of the potential. I'm hoping that when people play Rise Of Nightmares (or even after watching the video) they'll "get" Kinect too if they haven't before.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2011-09-06 12:05:17 In reply to Corellianrogue
I'm not blaming you, I'm explaining myself. :)
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Commented on 2011-09-06 12:06:44 In reply to KORNdog
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by KORNdog
i never said it would be the worst reviewed game of the year (that was someone else), i just said it looks shit. a review doesnt change that.
Why don't you explain why the game looks shit? I'm presuming you're talking about more than graphics but if you are just talking about graphics then the reason it doesn't look like Gears Of War 3... oops you think that looks shit too don't you? OK, I'll say Uncharted 3 instead. The reason it doesn't look like Uncharted 3 is most likely because it was already well into development before Kinect's specs were finalised so they didn't know exactly how much processing power Kinect would use so they couldn't know how much power they could use for graphics so were fairly conservative with them. (Notice how this is the case with pretty much all the first wave of Kinect games, although Kinectimals actually has pretty good graphics compared to any non-Kinect game at the time.) Also since Kinect is a new (videogame) technology developers have to spend more time getting used to it which would take resources away from getting the most out of games' graphics.

Edit: I just remembered that just recently you thought that Rise Of Nightmares was an on-rails shoot-em-up so your opinion of the game is actually worthless, especially since you say positive reviews won't change your mind even though they've actually played the game wheareas you don't even seem to have paid attention to any footage you may have seen.
Commented on 2011-09-06 12:43:08 In reply to Corellianrogue
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Corellianrogue
Why don't you explain why the game looks shit? I'm presuming you're talking about more than graphics but if you are just talking about graphics then the reason it doesn't look like Gears Of War 3... oops you think that looks shit too don't you? OK, I'll say Uncharted 3 instead. The reason it doesn't look like Uncharted 3 is most likely because it was already well into development before Kinect's specs were finalised so they didn't know exactly how much processing power Kinect would use so they couldn't know how much power they could use for graphics so were fairly conservative with them. (Notice how this is the case with pretty much all the first wave of Kinect games, although Kinectimals actually has pretty good graphics compared to any non-Kinect game at the time.) Also since Kinect is a new (videogame) technology developers have to spend more time getting used to it which would take resources away from getting the most out of games' graphics.

Edit: I just remembered that just recently you thought that Rise Of Nightmares was an on-rails shoot-em-up so your opinion of the game is actually worthless, especially since you say positive reviews won't change your mind even though they've actually played the game wheareas you don't even seem to have paid attention to any footage you may have seen.
it'd be like talking to a brick wall. so why bother explain why i dislike the look of the game (and btw, it is more then just the visuals). and no, i think gears of war looks great. i just think batman AC uses the engine better (i assume that's what you are referencing to?)

in reference to your "EDIT", that is case in point. why explain myself to someone incapable of accepting opinion? it'd be a waste of time. just accept that i think it look shit, and i'll accept you think it's the second coming of christ since it's a kinect game? sound reasonable? good.
Commented on 2011-09-06 13:09:59 In reply to KORNdog
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by KORNdog
it'd be like talking to a brick wall. so why bother explain why i dislike the look of the game (and btw, it is more then just the visuals). and no, i think gears of war looks great. i just think batman AC uses the engine better (i assume that's what you are referencing to?)

in reference to your "EDIT", that is case in point. why explain myself to someone incapable of accepting opinion? it'd be a waste of time. just accept that i think it look shit, and i'll accept you think it's the second coming of christ since it's a kinect game? sound reasonable? good.
How can you have a valid opinion of something you clearly know nothing about on a system I doubt you've even played? (I'm talking about Kinect, not the Xbox 360.) There's a game on the PS3 I've heard about and only seen brief footage of called The Last Guardian and other than assuming it's some kind of platform adventure game judging by what I've seen I don't really know anything about it. Guess what? I'm not going around posting on comment sections of articles about it that I think it's crap because that would be ridiculous and my "opinion" would be totally invalid.
Commented on 2011-09-06 13:23:00 In reply to Corellianrogue
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Corellianrogue
How can you have a valid opinion of something you clearly know nothing about on a system I doubt you've even played? (I'm talking about Kinect, not the Xbox 360.) There's a game on the PS3 I've heard about and only seen brief footage of called The Last Guardian and other than assuming it's some kind of platform adventure game judging by what I've seen I don't really know anything about it. Guess what? I'm not going around posting on comment sections of articles about it that I think it's crap because that would be ridiculous and my "opinion" would be totally invalid.
i dont think it's crap becasue "i know nothing about it" i think it's crap becasue what i've seen looks like crap. if you thought and posted that the last guardian looks like crap based on what you've seen, then fine. why would your opinion effect my own?

i really dont know what you are trying to achieve here tbh? maybe convince me kinect is a decent development platform? lol, sorry, not gonna happen. not untill something i like the look of is shown or something where kinect is a "prefared" and "ideal" form of control, not simply an alternative to the superiour game-pad. but based on EVERYTHING released for kinect thus far, i dont see that ever happening.

the sooner you accept that not eveyone likes kinect, or the games on it, the sooner you can stop being so defensive. ;) i think kinect is a huge waste of time...stop acting like i've just slapped your first born, it's an opinion about an electrical appliance for christ sake.
Commented on 2011-09-06 13:31:09 In reply to KORNdog
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by KORNdog
i dont think it's crap becasue "i know nothing about it" i think it's crap becasue what i've seen looks like crap. if you thought and posted that the last guardian looks like crap based on what you've seen, then fine. why would your opinion effect my own?

i really dont know what you are trying to achieve here tbh? maybe convince me kinect is a decent development platform? lol, sorry, not gonna happen. not untill something i like the look of is shown or something where kinect is a "prefared" and "ideal" form of control, not simply an alternative to the superiour game-pad. but based on EVERYTHING released for kinect thus far, i dont see that ever happening.

the sooner you accept that not eveyone likes kinect, or the games on it, the sooner you can stop being so defensive. ;) i think kinect is a huge waste of time...stop acting like i've just slapped your first born, it's an opinion about an electrical appliance for christ sake.
As I pointed out you thought the game was an on-rails shoot-em-up so how can you have an opinion on something that isn't even what you think it is? If I said The Last Guardian looked like a crap on-rails lawnmower simulator are you honestly going to say you would have no problem with my "opinion"? LMAO! You're just a pathetic troll.
Commented on 2011-09-06 13:40:27
gonna be one of the worse reviewed games of the year.
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Commented on 2011-09-06 13:47:30 In reply to Corellianrogue
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Corellianrogue
As I pointed out you thought the game was an on-rails shoot-em-up so how can you have an opinion on something that isn't even what you think it is? If I said The Last Guardian looked like a crap on-rails lawnmower simulator are you honestly going to say you would have no problem with my "opinion"? LMAO! You're just a pathetic troll.
*sigh* see what i mean, brick wall.

the first trailer i ever watched for this game made it look like like it was on-rails (a blame the piss poor trailer that didnt explain things properly, but seeing as i wasnt the only one, how am i to blame for their poor PR?). i have since read and seen enough to know it is not. guess what? i still think it looks like a poorly made, badly designed pile of shit. i think the gameplay looks clunky and boring, the "story" looks like shit, the voice acting terrible, the art style uninspired, lacks atmosphere and the graphics dated.... and on top of it all, it's controlled via the kinect, a laggy, inprecise peice of tech (yes, i have used it, and yes, it was in "optimal" conditions). i know why *I* dont like it, now explain to me why you are finding it SO FUCKING DIFFICULT to accept my own opinion? does me not liking it someone lower your own appreciation for the title? no, so what is your problem here? that i dont like a game you do after seeing and reading plenty about it? lol, deal with it.

it's the same concerning dead island. the game looks like a budget title to me. bugs, glitches, gameplay looks tedious and the atmosphere story and voice work is just poor (all typical of techland). it's getting 8's and 9's, but i still dont like the look of it. this game could get the best reviews of the year. but i'd still think it looked crap. but hey, that's known as pesonal taste...that's known as an opinion....a number doesnt change it.

i really dont know what else to tell you.
Commented on 2011-09-06 19:00:01
Hmmm may have to give this game a look, those are some pretty decent reviews.
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Commented on 2011-09-07 01:22:58 In reply to KORNdog
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by KORNdog
*sigh* see what i mean, brick wall.

the first trailer i ever watched for this game made it look like like it was on-rails (a blame the piss poor trailer that didnt explain things properly, but seeing as i wasnt the only one, how am i to blame for their poor PR?). i have since read and seen enough to know it is not. guess what? i still think it looks like a poorly made, badly designed pile of shit. i think the gameplay looks clunky and boring, the "story" looks like shit, the voice acting terrible, the art style uninspired, lacks atmosphere and the graphics dated.... and on top of it all, it's controlled via the kinect, a laggy, inprecise peice of tech (yes, i have used it, and yes, it was in "optimal" conditions). i know why *I* dont like it, now explain to me why you are finding it SO FUCKING DIFFICULT to accept my own opinion? does me not liking it someone lower your own appreciation for the title? no, so what is your problem here? that i dont like a game you do after seeing and reading plenty about it? lol, deal with it.

it's the same concerning dead island. the game looks like a budget title to me. bugs, glitches, gameplay looks tedious and the atmosphere story and voice work is just poor (all typical of techland). it's getting 8's and 9's, but i still dont like the look of it. this game could get the best reviews of the year. but i'd still think it looked crap. but hey, that's known as pesonal taste...that's known as an opinion....a number doesnt change it.

i really dont know what else to tell you.
How did any of the trailers make it look like it was on-rails? They looked no different (in regards to movement) to any other first-person game. Do you assume that all first-person games are on-rails until you know different? Also none of the videos have shown guns (and I don't know if there are any guns in the game, nobody has said there are any) and in fact have all shown melee combat so why would you assume it was a shoot-em-up?

See, you just state lies. Claiming that Kinect is "a laggy inprecise piece of tech" is just plain wrong. Unless you think the same of joypads? Unlike you I have not only got Kinect but also measured the lag on various games and it's pretty much the same as a joypad. (A joypad when playing 30fps games.) Currently the lowest lag a Kinect game can have is 102ms (admittedly I don't know if any games have that yet, I think the lowest I've measured is 133ms, the same as Bioshock when frame-locked, GTA4, Mirrors Edge and Lego Batman just to name a few, in fact 133ms is roughly the average lag for 30fps joypad games as in a lot of games have that not that in all games that's the average lag) whereas the lowest lag a 30fps joypad game can have is 100ms, 2ms difference is imperceptible. To put it in perspective the average blink of an eye is 300-400ms

Also, if it was so iMprecise then explain Child Of Eden? Is it magic? Rise Of Nightmares itself? Fruit Ninja? The Gunstringer? The Ghost Recon demo? How about Blackwater which relies on aiming precision to fire? Plus of course numerous "Kinect hack" videos including people playing RTS games with Kinect? See, FACTS trump opinion. Claiming the opposite is basically political correctness AKA marxism.

If you don't like the look of Rise Of Nightmares (or Dead Island) then fine, of course you're entitled to your opinion on games in general. But going into threads and posting that you think it's shit even though you've never played it, don't have a Kinect and don't even seem to have a clue about either the game or even Kinect really is just trolling. Like I said, I don't go into threads about games on systems I don't own to say how bad I think the games are even if I don't really know anything about them because I'm not a TROLL! In fact if I ever do post on another system's games, which is very rarely, it's usually to say that I was impressed by them and wished that either the games or similar games (if they're for example Sony made, so would never be released on the Xbox 360) would be released on the system I own.
Commented on 2011-09-07 01:33:33 In reply to Corellianrogue
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Corellianrogue
How did any of the trailers make it look like it was on-rails? They looked no different (in regards to movement) to any other first-person game. Do you assume that all first-person games are on-rails until you know different? Also none of the videos have shown guns (and I don't know if there are any guns in the game, nobody has said there are any) and in fact have all shown melee combat so why would you assume it was a shoot-em-up?

See, you just state lies. Claiming that Kinect is "a laggy inprecise piece of tech" is just plain wrong. Unless you think the same of joypads? Unlike you I have not only got Kinect but also measured the lag on various games and it's pretty much the same as a joypad. (A joypad when playing 30fps games.) Currently the lowest lag a Kinect game can have is 102ms (admittedly I don't know if any games have that yet, I think the lowest I've measured is 133ms, the same as Bioshock when frame-locked, GTA4, Mirrors Edge and Lego Batman just to name a few, in fact 133ms is roughly the average lag for 30fps joypad games as in a lot of games have that not that in all games that's the average lag) whereas the lowest lag a 30fps joypad game can have is 100ms, 2ms difference is imperceptible. To put it in perspective the average blink of an eye is 300-400ms

Also, if it was so iMprecise then explain Child Of Eden? Is it magic? Rise Of Nightmares itself? Fruit Ninja? The Gunstringer? The Ghost Recon demo? How about Blackwater which relies on aiming precision to fire? Plus of course numerous "Kinect hack" videos including people playing RTS games with Kinect? See, FACTS trump opinion. Claiming the opposite is basically political correctness AKA marxism.

If you don't like the look of Rise Of Nightmares (or Dead Island) then fine, of course you're entitled to your opinion on games in general. But going into threads and posting that you think it's shit even though you've never played it, don't have a Kinect and don't even seem to have a clue about either the game or even Kinect really is just trolling. Like I said, I don't go into threads about games on systems I don't own to say how bad I think the games are even if I don't really know anything about them because I'm not a TROLL! In fact if I ever do post on another system's games, which is very rarely, it's usually to say that I was impressed by them and wished that either the games or similar games (if they're for example Sony made, so would never be released on the Xbox 360) would be released on the system I own.
Commented on 2011-09-07 11:41:08 In reply to Corellianrogue
Posted by Corellianrogue
First review: B+ (85%) Who was it that said it would be the worst reviewed game of the year? LMAO!

Also first user review, he calls the game a masterpiece!
You love Kinect too much :p

This is the best Kinect can do make slow with no feddback. Also the game should be played seated.
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Commented on 2011-09-07 16:50:34
You can play the game in free roam or on rails. Its pretty damn good fun aswell which is no suprise coming from the House of the dead team.
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Commented on 2011-09-07 23:32:45 In reply to _killzone_
Posted by _killzone_
You love Kinect too much :p

This is the best Kinect can do make slow with no feddback. Also the game should be played seated.
According to the video review I posted you can actually play most of the game seated (on a swivel chair at least) and just have to stand up for certain parts.
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Commented on 2011-09-08 17:10:48
The very worst trailer I've ever seen
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Commented on 2011-09-10 19:28:30
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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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