Xbox 360

Thanks to japanese GameWatch site we can have a first look on a Xbox360 port of Koei's Samurai Warriors 2. Along with slightly better graphics, Xbox360 version will have a online mode where two generals fight for better time score, no co-op though.

Gamewatch images

  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
  • Samurai Warriors 2 Images - Gamewatch images
Commented on 2006-06-30 13:50:06
Will the japanease ever take the 360 seriously ? I mean come on, develop a decent port at least. those screens are worse than what a PS2 can do!!!!
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Commented on 2006-06-30 13:54:33
I love their character designs!!

aww you can't blame the japanese, the xbox360 isn't such a huge hit (it bombed worse than the xbox), so i doubt companies are willing to spend so much cost and production values on an xbox360 , without realising they would make the money back.

I think japan is just watching, seeing if the xbox360 has potential..if so, japan will embrace it and make great quality and exclusive titles..we got some great exlcusive games coming out this year and over next year..those will determine if it's worth developing for or not..and dear god i hope they will be a success..otherwise japan will throw away all support from xbox360 and simply stick with ps3 ports
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Commented on 2006-06-30 14:03:49 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
I love their character designs!!

aww you can't blame the japanese, the xbox360 isn't such a huge hit (it bombed worse than the xbox), so i doubt companies are willing to spend so much cost and production values on an xbox360 , without realising they would make the money back.

I think japan is just watching, seeing if the xbox360 has potential..if so, japan will embrace it and make great quality and exclusive titles..we got some great exlcusive games coming out this year and over next year..those will determine if it's worth developing for or not..and dear god i hope they will be a success..otherwise japan will throw away all support from xbox360 and simply stick with ps3 ports
So, I take it you are from Japan ? What you said is true but if all developers keep watching what happens without any of them trying to make a stellar system seller game, nothing will happen.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 14:20:47 In reply to alimokrane
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
that game looks like shit
almost looks as good as a xbox game...
Commented on 2006-06-30 14:46:41
yo splicer they do have good character designs but they need to work on the enviroments.Splicer they wont be spending their money on ps3 its gonna be nintendo winning in japan well they always do. Everyone heard the outroar by the japanese when sony announced their price for the ps3 they were outraged.Oh Microsoft does have a lot of good japan games actually coming out. I mean you got the game by square enix blue dragon which is the biggest hyped 360 game up there and some others that we havent heard of yet so they can pull the japanese market in especially when they start coming out with games like blue dragon. If microsoft was smart they could really end sonys success in japan by just buying out square enix and have them only make 360 games then sony would really be screwed. Oh yea and with that rumor thats going around that a company had to cancel their game for the ps3 because of production cost is gonna hurt sony too.Because if that is true they wont sell in japan because most of they're good japan games that come out there are from 3rd party companies. Sorry for the long post.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 15:03:58
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
what a C.R.A.P
Commented on 2006-06-30 15:07:48
It's a port what can you expect ?

Looks alright to me, if you were expecting Gears of War quality then i'm not surprised some of you are disappointed.

Sure its' nothing special, but i agree with Splicer, Art style is very nice.
Will the japanease ever take the 360 seriously ?
I don't know how you can say that with titles like Enchanted Arms, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Project Sylph, Trusty Bell, Dead Rising, Lost Planet and many others.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 15:25:13 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
It's a port what can you expect ?

Looks alright to me, if you were expecting Gears of War quality then i'm not surprised some of you are disappointed.

Sure its' nothing special, but i agree with Splicer, Art style is very nice.
Will the japanease ever take the 360 seriously ?
I don't know how you can say that with titles like Enchanted Arms, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Project Sylph, Trusty Bell, Dead Rising, Lost Planet and many others.
Enchanted Arms flopped in Japan by the way! The other games are really promising I know especially Blue Dragon but these are not going to be enough and will not be on the market until the PS3 is released and hence wouldnt have the desired impact on sales of the 360s.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 15:29:02 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Enchanted Arms flopped in Japan by the way! The other games are really promising I know especially Blue Dragon but these are not going to be enough and will not be on the market until the PS3 is released and hence wouldnt have the desired impact on sales of the 360s.
And why do you think it flopped ?

Because nobody wanted to buy the console for 1 game (or because barely anyone owns the console there), I'm pretty sure Enchanted Arms will do well in Europe and America, much like Otogi 1 and 2 did.

Blim has reviewed Enchant Arm and he said it wasn't a bad game, even though he couldn't understand the Japanese text. (so it can't be that bad)
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Commented on 2006-06-30 15:47:28 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
And why do you think it flopped ?

Because nobody wanted to buy the console for 1 game (or because barely anyone owns the console there), I'm pretty sure Enchanted Arms will do well in Europe and America, much like Otogi 1 and 2 did.

Blim has reviewed Enchant Arm and he said it wasn't a bad game, even though he couldn't understand the Japanese text. (so it can't be that bad)
Well it certainly did not sell in Japan where it would have helped a lot but I am sure It will sell well in Europe and US. In fact, I am looking forward to it but my concern was about it flopping in Japan where gamers are always hungry for RPGs .... I hope Blue Dragon will do better, I really do.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 16:02:32 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Well it certainly did not sell in Japan where it would have helped a lot but I am sure It will sell well in Europe and US. In fact, I am looking forward to it but my concern was about it flopping in Japan where gamers are always hungry for RPGs .... I hope Blue Dragon will do better, I really do.
Blue Dragon will do better but i wouldn't hold my breath, I suppose it depends on how well the wii60 bundle does in Japan.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 16:53:32
Wait a minute.. They finally put a game online . And there's no coop play.. It's like playing ghost recon online with no coop. SW is about coops.

Why don't they spend some money.. So what it won't sell in japan . it will sell here if they put time and effort into their damn work.. Koei , you guys are really killing me..

and honestly that's why Phantagram is better totally.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 17:05:09
Well, it looks better that i anticipated, they could put more in foliage and environments. In honest, the game should be like that cgi in the bottom.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 17:51:07
Mark my words anyone thinking Blue Dragon wont sell 600,000 360s in japan come december 2007 is in for a surprise :)
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Commented on 2006-06-30 17:58:06
Is Koei japanese for crap? Because it sure seems like it.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 18:04:12 In reply to Optimusv2
Posted by Optimusv2
Mark my words anyone thinking Blue Dragon wont sell 600,000 360s in japan come december 2007 is in for a surprise :)
LOL it won't sell 600'000 in a month.

Mainly because there won't be that many 360 consoles in Japan to meet demand.

I would say 600'000 in 3 months.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 18:27:24
hmmm i doubt xbox will sell anything in japan i have given up hope and i am very sad if my hunches are right :/ :( :/
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Commented on 2006-06-30 19:13:35 In reply to Optimusv2
Posted by Optimusv2
Mark my words anyone thinking Blue Dragon wont sell 600,000 360s in japan come december 2007 is in for a surprise :)
That sounds about right I guess given that Blue Dragon has been on famitsu's most wanted 20 games since its announcement (holding on to position 10 at the moment behind MGS FF13 ....)
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Commented on 2006-06-30 20:02:10 In reply to Shawnzee
Posted by Shawnzee
Is Koei japanese for crap? Because it sure seems like it.
I think 恋えい = to be in love.
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Commented on 2006-06-30 20:11:48
I was just commenting in a business sense of wouldn't invest in something if you don't have a guarentee it will be a success and profit is made.. Game companies don't make games just for the fans, it's mostly for profit.

Just like jollipop said, there are some steller japan games coming out soon and those will be the breaking point for xbox360's success in my eyes.. Blue dragon, cry on (this game will be huge!), lost odyssey, MAGNA CARTA 2!! (YES! this korean smas has a sequel and it's coming to the xbox360!!) are just some of the anticipated japan games..xbox360 is still young in japan and hasn't got any blockbuster game titles..once they start rolling, people will embrace it in my opinion.

Like jolli and Alimo said, i believe too enchant arm will be a hit overseas in america and's one of my most anticipated JRPG and i can't wait for it...once japan realises there is potential for profit..they will aim for games....the sad thing is..they already know the ps3 and wii will be a smash hit in their homeland, therefore there is no fear or loosing out on profit
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Commented on 2006-06-30 20:16:17 In reply to 360Champ
Posted by 360Champ
yo splicer they do have good character designs but they need to work on the enviroments.Splicer they wont be spending their money on ps3 its gonna be nintendo winning in japan well they always do. Everyone heard the outroar by the japanese when sony announced their price for the ps3 they were outraged.Oh Microsoft does have a lot of good japan games actually coming out. I mean you got the game by square enix blue dragon which is the biggest hyped 360 game up there and some others that we havent heard of yet so they can pull the japanese market in especially when they start coming out with games like blue dragon. If microsoft was smart they could really end sonys success in japan by just buying out square enix and have them only make 360 games then sony would really be screwed. Oh yea and with that rumor thats going around that a company had to cancel their game for the ps3 because of production cost is gonna hurt sony too.Because if that is true they wont sell in japan because most of they're good japan games that come out there are from 3rd party companies. Sorry for the long post.
yeah i heard that rumour a game was cancelled because of production cost..but i doubt quality games will be cheap to will always cost more..and plus, it's just a rumour.

Though i believe small companies will loose out..those companies might be the ones with great game ideas and games and too much development costs might lead them to develp for the xbox360..which isn't bad news for gamers .. End of the day, if you have an xbox360, ps3 and aren't missing out on would get exclusive console only games..i did that with this a ps2, xbox and gamecube..and love them all
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Commented on 2006-06-30 21:47:04
i don't know, all koei games are the same rubbish to me. nothing special here, save for some character art.
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Commented on 2006-07-01 00:11:50
Character art is great and polished but it translates horribly into the game. Very, very poor technology they seem to be using in their engine.
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Commented on 2006-07-02 01:58:39 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
I love their character designs!!

aww you can't blame the japanese, the xbox360 isn't such a huge hit (it bombed worse than the xbox), so i doubt companies are willing to spend so much cost and production values on an xbox360 , without realising they would make the money back.

I think japan is just watching, seeing if the xbox360 has potential..if so, japan will embrace it and make great quality and exclusive titles..we got some great exlcusive games coming out this year and over next year..those will determine if it's worth developing for or not..and dear god i hope they will be a success..otherwise japan will throw away all support from xbox360 and simply stick with ps3 ports
Posted by alimokrane
Enchanted Arms flopped in Japan by the way! The other games are really promising I know especially Blue Dragon but these are not going to be enough and will not be on the market until the PS3 is released and hence wouldnt have the desired impact on sales of the 360s.
One name.. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the guy is a god, He made what FF is today as for other great RPG games.. Blue Dragon will be supra. Lost Odyssey same..Cry on, I want thoughs games, more then anything.. I'm over Square-Enix and there FFVII crap, FFXIII will be the new FFVII. blah, Square and Enix used to make some of the best RPG.. looks like that losing that touch with Nomura.. bad move on them to let Sakaguchi go.

Square-Enix is stuck in past, and are about to milk another game.. Therefor I see Square falling soon..Mistwalker will rise and be the new Square.

If you think this art is bad, you haven't seen FFXII, girl looks like Yuna and the guy form verus looks like Riku.

Give Koei a break, one is I think its really good..

I see Koei, getting better, and I see the 360 getting better.. If sony just does one thing worng.. more and likey there going to lose..

360 will see more with Hironobu Sakaguch on there side once he gets games out there. Its a plus for MS, with him so far only making games for the 360, well DS.. but still mark my worlds he stays with MS.. 360 sell better in Japan

edit my post is way off topic, but blah..
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Commented on 2006-07-03 01:32:51
If you guys still thinks looks bad because of an 360's japonese sabotage, check this game from the same koei for PS3:

It manages to be even *worse* than DW2 because of the lack of shadows...

That game's name is Bladestorm: The Hundred Years, formely known as Ni-Oh (yeah that one that used to have a super nice looking face)
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About the game
Published by
Koei Co. Ltd.
Developed by
Omega Force

$135 of $400 per month

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