Video PS3

The ever great DjMizuhara uploaded a rather crazy number of videos of Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes , just released on PS3 in Japan. And as usual there has been no comprimises over the video quality, so expect huge files :)

Commented on 2010-07-31 15:33:58
should i be excited by this?
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Commented on 2010-07-31 16:21:16
Graphics look terrible.
I had to check what system is this for...
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Commented on 2010-07-31 16:24:20
I'm guesing they pretty much made the game for Wii, then ported it. At least that's what the graphics suggest.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-07-31 18:35:08
i am currently playing it on Wii (Dolphin) but plans on are day 1 on Ps3 since announcement when it hits Europe!

Forget all other Koei games, this is the best one in the genre (Basara 2 got the upper hand because of the rosters are bigger).

But all the comments about visuals...then clearly you have no idea what these games are about. Stick with overrated chitchat how graphics needs to be super.
Sure I agree visuals could be better, but my priority is framerate and combat being the best than having visuals and nothing else.

The devs in Japan that does this genre focuses on gameplay first and foremost and it shows, it shows why westerns still hasent come far with combat in their games in the genre compared to the Japanese devs westerns cant keep up.

As a huge fan of the genre, this is a dream come true for me atleast, all I want is to unleash badass exagerated stylish moves upon tons of enemies and look awesome while doing it, Capcom delivered on it.

If you guys dont "get it" the gameplay and fun factor then you clearly arent a fan of the genre.

One thing I dislike what Kobayashi did was he didnt take advantage of the blu-ray of putting alot of content.
One of them being no Japanese audio in the English copy which is annoying.
And the rosters being less compared to Basara 3. If they didnt make it for Wii they couldnt definitely do more.

But ah well, from seeing and playing it so far, I am having tons of fun.
But I REALLY can't wait for the PS3 version to come out, I want it so badly.

PS. is a tip:
When "sprinting", double tap forward and you can sprint right away instead of running normally and it automatically sprints within minutes :)
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Commented on 2010-07-31 18:58:11
Has every indication of being a Wii port. Very minimal enhancements and such. Since the PS2 is nearly dead, Capcom has done the next best thing. Port to the PS3.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-07-31 19:16:20
Maybe they made it for PS3 with "Wii compatible" in mind and then port it over to Wii. PS3 version is obviously going to look better when it is playable in HD while Wii isnt.

But who cares, if it looks good enough and plays great then its all fine right?
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Commented on 2010-07-31 19:33:58
If they really started developing it for PS3 and then ported it to wii they'd have to be completely bloody retarded. I see nothing but snags and problems starting with the more powerful hardware and then trimming it down to fit a wii rather than the other way around :P

And why are you trying to defend it graphically? It looks like a wii game and to deny that is just ridiculous. Low poly counts, crappy textures and crappy lighting. It might still be a good game if that is your cup of tea, but it still looks like a Wii game.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-07-31 19:40:50
No i am not defending the visuals, I am just saying.
I am not a graphics whore to complain about visuals first and foremost considering these games arent based on that like say God of War.

Sure the visuals could be much better to todays standards, but it is good enough IMO if that makes the game run 60fps as much as possible, especially when the combat is suppose to be chaotic and fast and have alot of enemies coming.

Again, Kobayashi did a misstake making it for Wii, if not he could make a Wii version and not do any jabs at the PS3 for the sake of being "identical".
Thats one of the complains I got, he said because they wanted Wii and PS3 be identical he didnt see it "fair" to have Japanese audio in PS3 version but not on Wii.

Yes visuals could be much better, but I say gameplay/framerate>>>>>visuals.
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Commented on 2010-07-31 19:54:45
I agree wuth Sath here.

Complaining about the visuals here its like complaining about the history in action games,sure you can have better visuals and better story always but gameplay/combat its where its all about.
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Commented on 2010-07-31 20:21:34
Haha ... thanks for the video. I think it looks good. So what it is a PS2 game in HD but it still looks ok. I thought of getting dynasty warrior strikeforce but this also good I guess.

Gfx are important for me but these are also fun games and should probably cost less.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-07-31 20:41:14
Why should it cost less?
It is as much of a full game like the next generic FPS coming out.

I tried Strikeforce, trust me when I say that non of the DW series is more fun in the combat department that is like Basara.
Its much more polished, more responsive controls, more "anime" style moves.

The thing is that if you arent a fan of this genre of hack and slash then its going to be hard to enjoy a musou type of game.
Your mindset has to be "okay i am going to be doing the same thing most of the time", alot of people outside of Japan dont like these type of games thats why some games like these are exclusive only in Japan and only way of getting them is a western publisher or import.
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Commented on 2010-07-31 23:54:52 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Why should it cost less?
It is as much of a full game like the next generic FPS coming out.
I wouldn't go that far comparing this to killzone3, just still.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-08-01 00:25:45 In reply to java4ever
Posted by java4ever
I wouldn't go that far comparing this to killzone3, just still.
I didnt mean only Killzone 3, I meant FPS games in general, they are coming in hordes every year and when a game like this come out its hard to make it success outside of Japan, thats why some games within the genre never leaves Japan and us fans have to import the games.

Its sad really.

So I am going to fully support the genre as much as possible considering its my top favorite genre since NG Xbox and DMC1.
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Commented on 2010-08-01 03:48:49 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Why should it cost less?
It is as much of a full game like the next generic FPS coming out.
It costs $40 in the US so it is a budget title and has that going for it. But... Fist of the North Star looks sooo much better.
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Commented on 2010-08-01 08:24:39 In reply to Megido
aahh to bad people see this as a DW copy or wont buy it because of the graphic. Basara is a very good game indeed. Capcom is king of hack&slash. Agree with you Sath.
Posted by Megido
It might still be a good game if that is your cup of tea, but it still looks like a Wii game.
It look like a Wii game? SO WHAT???? Thats your reason for not buying it? God I hate this gen.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-08-01 09:08:38 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by jackdoe
It costs $40 in the US so it is a budget title and has that going for it. But... Fist of the North Star looks sooo much better.
Have stores already set the price? And that low? Wow. Not a bad thing for sure, low price for new game is good :)
The lowest I seen in Swedish gamesites so far is 599 SEK, its the standard price for most all new games, no budget price. But I dont care, I will still pay for it considering how fantastic it is.

And yes Fist of the North Star looks better, visually. But the combat is so boring. I do love Mamyia's look though, super hot! Reminds me of Magoichi Saika from Basara 3 :)
Posted by Drsw36
aahh to bad people see this as a DW copy or wont buy it because of the graphic. Basara is a very good game indeed. Capcom is king of hack&slash. Agree with you Sath.

It look like a Wii game? SO WHAT???? Thats your reason for not buying it? God I hate this gen.
I have played 3 Dynasty Warriors titles, one of them being Strikeforce...the combat is all the same, thats the game were you dont see much variety at all. And the attacks are too "airy", there is no sense of weight, no punchy feel to just feels and looks sloppy compared to Basara series.
But then again, Capcom is a bigger company so they have more resources, Kobayashi worked on DMC series so I never expected anything less of a awesome polished combat engine, and it I am glad it turned out that way.

I do agree that the graphics look better, but then again this is a video and videos dont tend to show it true quality compared to a game running infront of on hardware.
As soon as the game has higher resolution and is in HD then its not going to look like a Wii game, simple. But yeah I hate this gen, its all about visuals being just as important.

I am playing it now with a bit of pixels and tiny screen on my PC but the thing is I dont care. The game is running super smooth just like how it is intended for such a combat.
It actually reminds me during the PS2 era were these games were swarming in from Japan and all we wanted was gameplay being great.

It might have low res textures...etc. but atleast the visual effects are fantastic to look at :)

Now I wouldnt say Capcom, Team Ninja and Platinum Games...these companies are the king of the genre, period!
But these games have all good games made as well as bad, but mostly good ;)
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2010-08-01 09:36:21 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
It might still be a good game if that is your cup of tea...
Naw, I hate good games.
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Commented on 2010-08-01 11:55:45
Hmm I quite like the look of this and it looks nicer than people here are giving credit for. But it does look exactly like dynasty/samurai warriors just with different characters, I'd wouldn't mind being sold on it abit more and someway to view it in English, I can live with jap voiceovers. There are other characters to choose from right? Don't wanna be stuck punching all game =)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-08-01 12:11:30
Yes it is like Dynasty Warrior, you go base to base taking them out until you reach the levels boss and sub bosses on some.
But once you play the game you will notice how the combat feels much more tight, responsive and satistfying I can promise you that.

There are total of 15 playable characters, 16 when you unlock Oda Nobunaga (devil king).

Ieyasu is fun for sure, but I dont like boxing so I dont try to use him alot.
But there is one character called Mitsunari Ishida, that guy is super fast, godlike once you know all the secret moves and ulock all the skillsets. He uses the Iaido sowrd technique which is basically a form of sword art.
The idea is to quickly do a deadly slash and quickly put it back to its scabbard, but this is exageration to the max so just imagine how fast that would be like hehe.

I would say check some youtube character videos and you get the basic idea what they can do, but once you master a specific character you can do some awesome combos.

It would be better in English menu but I dont know Japanese whatsoever except count to 10 and say thanks and bye hehe :P
There is a general translation of the entire menu in English on internet so it made it much better, though I learned the menus before it through trial and error, now I dont need the translation.

The game is out in US/EU on October 12th-15th so make a rent first to check it out...unless Capcom releases a good demo on PSN.
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Commented on 2010-08-01 12:23:55
I played the first one and it was fine which wasn't enough to compare to the Warriors series which was awesome.
Still, good fun.
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Commented on 2010-08-01 21:16:13 In reply to Sath
seeing this gives me hope for God hand 2!!!!
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$135 of $400 per month

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