Developer The Collective has some things to be ashamed of : after an unconvincing showing of their Silent Hill: Homecoming with some images that were not really inspiring, the company is back at it with some small shots. Yes, it looks good, but at this resolution, almost every production does. Who are they kidding?
Update: added 6 HD images from the PS3 build
All comments (29)
The atmosphere I got from those videos is A LOT better than the non-fear one I get from Alone in the Dark trailers. Imho I think I´ll end up picking this one over Alone in the Dark... and I never thought I would be saying that a month ago!
The Collective does :
# Men in Black
Ported from the PC
# The Game of Life
Ported from the PC
# Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen (2000)
# Buffy the Vampire Slayer(2002)
# Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (2003)
# Wrath Unleashed (2004)
Their first non-licensed title
# Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
# Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure (2006)
# The Da Vinci Code (2006)
# Dirty Harry (2007)
# Harker (2008)
*Limited inventory. It just felt stupid. And the breakable weapons and so forth. No i did not like that.
*Ghosts. They are supposed to make you shit your pants i suppose and sure, they totally stressed me out. But all in all they were just annoying and deducted form the overall experience. Why couldn't you kill them!? Also, carrying those goddamn swords around. Fucking stupid.
*Backtracking. God i hate games where 50% is recycled levels *cough*DMC4*cough*. Seriosuly, going through all the levels AGAIN was just a royal pain. Part of SH is exploring but how much fun is it exploring the same goddamn rooms twice?
*HUD and no flashlight. How much didn't the freaking hp bar kill the mood? And the game is way too light. Part of the scaryness in SH comes from the claustrophobic darkness that is always closing in around you, and your only breather in between is the fogy daylight areas that are just long enough that you can catch your breath.
The story and setup for SH the room was great and the graphics are just awesome, not to mention the music and sound effects. So to me the game could have been super sweet, but the totally botched it.
The room is totally worth playing through once though. It took me like 3 years to do it but at the end i enjoyed the story :P
I hated the way they changed RE4 to over the shoulder, plus removed the undead horrorness of it, looks like RE5 will follow it those footsteps.
Hope they fix it.. otherwise the game still looks Silent Hillish :P
What defines a "horror game" in your honest opinion? What I mean by that is what should it contain, how should it play, etc.
Where is the quality of the last years? What are this please for textures?
There looks "Alone in the Dark" around lengths better!
Look at the first picture (XBOX360) it's more sharp smaller, however, than the lower.