Activions tells us more about the next adventures of Spider-Man, called Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. The main originality of the title will be to play the part of our superhero through four different worlds, inspired by the different versions of the franchise, each of them with a proper gameplay and a proper graphic style. We already know two of these "dimensions" : "Amazing" and "Noir". The first one is the most famous variant of the hero, based on the "The Amazing Spider-Man" comics. As for the second one, it derives from the recent release of the "Marvel Noir" label, and its gameplay seems to focus on infiltration. The game is expected for September on PS2, Xbox 360, Wii and DS.
Update: Trailer added.
All comments (25)
I used to be a gigantic spidey fan, but Maximum Carnage pretty much remained my fave Spidey gaming experience even well into the Treyarch era of games. I like the swinging well enough, but once you get to some precision - be it combat or platforming - they make me wanna tear my hair out.
Ultimate Spidey was supposedly nice, but I never tried that either. :O
I played like the first mission though only but its on my list to after Im done with Prototype.
Hm...not sure thought how the game turns out to be..seems a bit like the last Batman game...!
Also I have to say the Noir stuff looks pretty good.
The trailer has it look like there may be some first person action in there too..
what Movie is your Avatar from ??? Looks interesting !
what Movie is your Avatar from ??? Looks interesting !
The Noir Speder-Man looks cool though.