Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Elecrtonic Arts has released a new trailer for SSX where Todd Batty talks about the game's online features that are Explore Mode and RiderNet, the Autolog-inspired engine.

Commented on 2012-01-20 19:13:58
Honestly cannot wait, it's going to be bloody fantastic.
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Commented on 2012-01-20 20:39:11
The online stuff seems fine, but i cannot believe there is no fucking split-screen despite it being in EVERY SSX game to date. No split screen = bargain bin purchase. Just like hot persuit.
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Commented on 2012-01-20 20:51:04
Why don't they make a open world skateboarding game?

With a system like TDU or Fuel where you see the 12+ closest people.
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Commented on 2012-01-21 00:26:07 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
The online stuff seems fine, but i cannot believe there is no fucking split-screen despite it being in EVERY SSX game to date. No split screen = bargain bin purchase. Just like hot persuit.
Because most multiplayer gaming is online now and they didn't feel it was necessary to allocate time and resources to a feature very few of their customers would use.
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Commented on 2012-01-21 01:15:02 In reply to FormlessLikeWater
Posted by FormlessLikeWater
Because most multiplayer gaming is online now and they didn't feel it was necessary to allocate time and resources to a feature very few of their customers would use.
They also claimed this game would be a complete return to form and fan service. Without split screen it isnt. If games like blur, motorstorm, split second can do it, and benefit greatly from it, i dont see why EA can't. Fucking pathetic. Games like burnout, hot persuit, pure, and nail'd suffered for not having split screen. This game will too. Thus i will buy it used for a tenner in 4 monthes time. Fuck supporting a half assed product such as this. The devs and publisher wont get a penny from me.
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Commented on 2012-01-21 13:37:32
How gives a flying fuck about split screen. I want a whole screen to myself :D With the new TVs coming out that can show 2 screens with glasses who cares about split screen
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Commented on 2012-01-21 14:14:04 In reply to thesnake
Posted by thesnake
How gives a flying fuck about split screen. I want a whole screen to myself :D With the new TVs coming out that can show 2 screens with glasses who cares about split screen
You do know those tv's that show full screen with glasses REQUIRE split screen to work. They're simply running in side by side format. But if developers refuse to incorporate such basic features as split screen, those new tv's become redundant. Some developers get the social aspect of gaming, EA seemingly do not. Why support a developer who can't make a game propperly?
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2012-01-21 23:31:19
Split screen was always one of the main things I loved about console gaming.
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Commented on 2012-01-22 02:05:21 In reply to PlumbDrumb
Posted by PlumbDrumb
Split screen was always one of the main things I loved about console gaming.
Yup, me too. Couch gaming FTW. Hell, was just round a mates house playing king of fighters 13 and split/second. I would have taken nail'd, pure, hot persuit, the run, or a ton of other racers/games, but they neglect split-screen. I realise the importance of online gaming, but some of us still hang out with our friends face to face, not over cyber space. It would be nice for an EA racer to cater to us for a change. They did it consistently last gen? Why not anymore?
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Commented on 2012-01-22 03:28:24
Sorry I'm used to PC gaming so i don't really need split screen. If my mates come round it's to watch films or play FIFA while getting smashed, hence why i dont give a shit about split screen. Maybe if it was a PS3 exclusive would make you ignore the fact that it hasn't got split screen eh KORNdog? ;)
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Commented on 2012-01-22 05:01:05 In reply to thesnake
Posted by thesnake
Sorry I'm used to PC gaming so i don't really need split screen. If my mates come round it's to watch films or play FIFA while getting smashed, hence why i dont give a shit about split screen. Maybe if it was a PS3 exclusive would make you ignore the fact that it hasn't got split screen eh KORNdog? ;)
No, a racer without split screen isnt acceptible, i dont give a shit what console it appears on. The lack of it in the first motorstorm hurt the game massively. Thankfully the devs saw sence and added it into all games afterwards, 4 player splitscreen no less, blur also get's props for doing the same. Games i used to love previous gen i now hate. Burnout, midnight club...this. They had something great and proceeded to ruin it. It's these changes for the worse that push me away from gaming. When a sequel to a great franchise i used to love returns after over 5 years, only to be missing what i consider to be a vital, and social element, i cant do anything but be dissapointed.

Soon enough all competative and co-opperative multiplayer will be online. And when that happens i will gladly say 'fuck you' to gaming.
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Commented on 2012-01-22 13:08:02
I just think split screen is a waste of time with any genre. Rather play online with my mates than sharing a screen but thats me. Think split screen is 90's tech. Online gaming is the new hotness. If the minor minority doesnt buy it who cares, it still will sell shit loads
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Commented on 2012-01-22 15:21:16
Split screen has been in decline for a very long time now, KORNdog. I'm surprised that you're so up-in-arms about what looks to be a very decent game lacking it. If it's missing in a game these days, it doesn't surprise me or annoy me. I'm beyond that stage in life. If it has it, great. It's a bonus. Now, if it's something like Mario Kart, for example: well, that's when you know it's all going down the shitter.
Posted by thesnake
I just think split screen is a waste of time with any genre.
So I take it you missed out on the N64 days? Some of the best ever experiences in gaming I've ever had were with 4 controllers and one screen. Unfortunately the explosion of the internet and cheaper technologies regarding it are killing that trend. It's more sad than anything else.
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Commented on 2012-01-23 22:45:12 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Split screen has been in decline for a very long time now, KORNdog. I'm surprised that you're so up-in-arms about what looks to be a very decent game lacking it. If it's missing in a game these days, it doesn't surprise me or annoy me. I'm beyond that stage in life. If it has it, great. It's a bonus. Now, if it's something like Mario Kart, for example: well, that's when you know it's all going down the shitter.

So I take it you missed out on the N64 days? Some of the best ever experiences in gaming I've ever had were with 4 controllers and one screen. Unfortunately the explosion of the internet and cheaper technologies regarding it are killing that trend. It's more sad than anything else.
Dude i loved it back then but there was no internet gaming at that time so hence why i said its a 90's tech
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Commented on 2012-01-23 23:07:36 In reply to thesnake
Posted by thesnake
Dude i loved it back then but there was no internet gaming at that time so hence why i said its a 90's tech
If it's so "90s" why do the devs with an ounce of sense still incorporte it? And why does it add immensely to the overall package. You dont see halo ditching split screen just because online is popular do you? Or gears of war? Or even COD? Why?...because it's a much loved feature for a lot of people with actual friends. A racing game without split screen is akin to an FPS without online play. The feature goes hand in hand with the genre, so i expect it. But only a quarter developers have the required skills to incorporate it.

I can understand when an open world, graphically intensive game is online only, but not racers, it's unnacceptibe and i refuse to support it. If a game like gran turismo can have split screen, or a game like blur can have 4 PLAYER split screen, then there is absolutely no excuse for it to be absent from SSX aside from the developer being too lazy or incompetant. It isnt like there is much going on in the SSX tracks. Its a white mountain and a poxy 4 riders. Is 2 player split screen really too much to ask for? I dont think it is.

I will buy the game used for a small amount of cash (should only take a month or so to plummet in price) I refuse to support EA when they consistently neglect split-screen. Fuck 'em. Another of my fave series destroyed.
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Commented on 2012-01-24 12:34:31 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
If it's so "90s" why do the devs with an ounce of sense still incorporte it? And why does it add immensely to the overall package. You dont see halo ditching split screen just because online is popular do you? Or gears of war? Or even COD? Why?...because it's a much loved feature for a lot of people with actual friends. A racing game without split screen is akin to an FPS without online play. The feature goes hand in hand with the genre, so i expect it. But only a quarter developers have the required skills to incorporate it.

I can understand when an open world, graphically intensive game is online only, but not racers, it's unnacceptibe and i refuse to support it. If a game like gran turismo can have split screen, or a game like blur can have 4 PLAYER split screen, then there is absolutely no excuse for it to be absent from SSX aside from the developer being too lazy or incompetant. It isnt like there is much going on in the SSX tracks. Its a white mountain and a poxy 4 riders. Is 2 player split screen really too much to ask for? I dont think it is.

I will buy the game used for a small amount of cash (should only take a month or so to plummet in price) I refuse to support EA when they consistently neglect split-screen. Fuck 'em. Another of my fave series destroyed.
Hahaha saying i haven't any actual friends? Ok dude you know me so well lol! Like i said i game mostly on PCs and when i do see my friends we get pished not play split screen games cause its crap end of! Half a screen no thanks dude. Sorry to me it doesn't matter a shit but you and your mates must gather round and play split screen all the time so each to their own. Imo it's shit, half a screen, worst graphics and usually bad FPS but you get that on PS3 most of the time anyways so i guess your used to that.
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Commented on 2012-01-24 13:22:56 In reply to thesnake
well that's your problem right there, you're a PC gamer. of course split sreen is going to be shit, hell, do ANY games even support that feature? now on a 50" screen via console, i think that's plenty big enough for each player thank you very much. and LMAO at trying to use the PS3 to end your argument. shows more about your character then anything else. but good luck with that.

i'll continue to expect more feature from my games, you can continue not to.
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Commented on 2012-01-24 13:39:54 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
well that's your problem right there, you're a PC gamer. of course split sreen is going to be shit, hell, do ANY games even support that feature? now on a 50" screen via console, i think that's plenty big enough for each player thank you very much. and LMAO at trying to use the PS3 to end your argument. shows more about your character then anything else. but good luck with that.

i'll continue to expect more feature from my games, you can continue not to.
Not when features like that don't matter to me. The PS3 was a valid point tho not all games run on a good FPS rate when you do split screen. You never said anything about graphic drop either. My points that i made that were very valid and you just picked up the "PC gamer" part. Not everyone has a 50" screen either so thats a minority just like people that play split screen
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Commented on 2012-01-24 13:43:27 In reply to thesnake
Posted by thesnake
Not when features like that don't matter to me. The PS3 was a valid point tho not all games run on a good FPS rate when you do split screen. You never said anything about graphic drop either. My points that i made that were very valid and you just picked up the "PC gamer" part. Not everyone has a 50" screen either so thats a minority just like people that play split screen
but features are features. you dont have to use them, but to not want them there for the people who WOULD make use of it is frankly just selfish and pretty retarded. as i said, i'll continue to expect more features in my games, you continue to be happy with the bare essentials. no skin off my nose. /end
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Commented on 2012-01-24 15:13:06 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
but features are features. you dont have to use them, but to not want them there for the people who WOULD make use of it is frankly just selfish and pretty retarded. as i said, i'll continue to expect more features in my games, you continue to be happy with the bare essentials. no skin off my nose. /end
Hardly the bare essentials. Stop being a drama queen, with all the online features they are implementing i wouldn't say bare essentials lol. /end
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Commented on 2012-01-24 18:21:12

still hope. wake me once they do it, i dont think they will tho. too many people like "thesnake" in the world....sadly.
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Commented on 2012-01-25 04:27:28 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog

still hope. wake me once they do it, i dont think they will tho. too many people like "thesnake" in the world....sadly.
Yeah that PC game.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by
EA Canada

$135 of $400 per month

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