Video PS4

The much awaited Bloodborne is playable on Sony's booth, and we just uploaded this first video with more to come to show the other playable characters!
Update: Added a third video.

Commented on 2014-09-18 11:58:07
I can't wait to play this gorgeous game.
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Commented on 2014-09-18 12:05:34
So one of you guys here on the site played it? I'm really curious about the shotgun/blunderbuss thing. Mainly the parrying aspect of it. Since the blunderbuss seems to stagger enemies on a regular hit, does that mean that parrying is super safe now? I mean if you fail the enemy will still just end up with a load of buckshot in the face? Or does it only stagger smaller enemies? I suppose this might also be offset by ammo limitations.

Gonna be interesting to see how this turns out though, i'm really itching for a better souls game than Dark Souls 2 :P
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Commented on 2014-09-18 13:05:05
Ive nothing new to say about this new gameplay videos. I just want to say this GS off-screen videos have been looking amazing since years. Thank you, fellow players.
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Commented on 2014-09-18 13:14:58
2015 is going to be so awesome! BloodBorne, Witcher 3, Uncharted, Until Dawn, The Order, Scalebound, Quantum Break, Crackdown, Halo 5, Tomb Raider, ... it is a good time to be a gamer !!!
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Commented on 2014-09-18 14:11:02
Looks really good graphically, but the animations really stand out and not in a good way. It really reminds me a lot of Dark Souls in that way and i sure had expected them to improve on that. I'd also like to see small things like instead of the character 'sliding up' the stairs, let's make it step by step, you in RDR, GTA V...hell i even think Alan Wake had that.
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Commented on 2014-09-18 14:46:25
It looks good graphically Ill say that. I think devs have to start realizing that we don't just want a prettier last-gen game. I see nothing here from the camera mechanics, to the combat, to the animations that couldn't be done back in 2005. Fresh coats of paint is all that next-gen is to some studios. Its sad.
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Commented on 2014-09-18 15:35:24 In reply to timotim
Posted by Moonwalker
Looks really good graphically, but the animations really stand out and not in a good way. It really reminds me a lot of Dark Souls in that way and i sure had expected them to improve on that. I'd also like to see small things like instead of the character 'sliding up' the stairs, let's make it step by step, you in RDR, GTA V...hell i even think Alan Wake had that.
Even Demon's Souls has the characters adjusting their feet to the ground they are standing on (unless i'm getting it wrong, but Dark Souls does it), so i'm not sure what you are complaining about there. Maybe not the best animations in the world, but hardly bad either. Not all games can be huge damn AAA games with hundreds of millions in budget, and somewhat floaty animations on stairs seems like a pretty small consession in general.
Posted by timotim
It looks good graphically Ill say that. I think devs have to start realizing that we don't just want a prettier last-gen game. I see nothing here from the camera mechanics, to the combat, to the animations that couldn't be done back in 2005. Fresh coats of paint is all that next-gen is to some studios. Its sad.
So what exactly is it that you think this generation will bring and make possible that last gen couldn't do, with uglier graphics? Almost every previous generation of consoles have really raised the bar in some way. From shitty old atari to NES was apretty decent leap, you got scrolling games big enough to contain little stories and stuff. Pretty big. The 16 bit era brought stuff like RPGs that you couldn't really do well due to limitations on older system, and you also got more complex controllers. With the 32-bit era you got 3D graphics, obviously a huge change. Then you got the dual analog setup that really got going with the PS2 and Xbox. But now? What exactly is the PS4 and Xbone brinign to the table in terms of something that will change how we play? Very little imo. The leap this generation is mainly about the graphics i think.

MS tried to do something with Kinect, but since this motion controlls thing is pretty shit and at best an unruly way of doing what we allready do with controllers, i see how that isn\t sticking. If anything i think the VR-helmets like Morpheus and the oculus rift are probably better poised to bring new experiences in a few years. But i think that before we get hardware that can actually support new and innovative ways to play, we are going to see a lot of different takes on the same old stuff we've been seeing from the PS2 and onwards. And when i say new and innovative, i don't mean gimmicks like motion controlls or voice commands :P
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Commented on 2014-09-18 15:52:13 In reply to Moonwalker
Posted by Moonwalker
Looks really good graphically, but the animations really stand out and not in a good way. It really reminds me a lot of Dark Souls in that way and i sure had expected them to improve on that. I'd also like to see small things like instead of the character 'sliding up' the stairs, let's make it step by step, you in RDR, GTA V...hell i even think Alan Wake had that.
Yeah I noticed the animations by Japanese dev is not great at all. Even Uncharted1 was good: Having said that the gfx seems got a nice upgrade now which is good. Otherwise the game is going to be pretty epic.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2014-09-18 15:53:42
Animations by some japanese devs are awesome some of them put alot of detailed effort into them, Capcom and Team Ninja and Platinum are the ones i can think of, some other devs not so much.
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Commented on 2014-09-18 17:30:57
Animations don't bother me tbh. btw Finally a videos with some more skilled guy playing that demo.
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Commented on 2014-09-19 10:29:06 In reply to timotim
Posted by timotim
It looks good graphically Ill say that. I think devs have to start realizing that we don't just want a prettier last-gen game. I see nothing here from the camera mechanics, to the combat, to the animations that couldn't be done back in 2005. Fresh coats of paint is all that next-gen is to some studios. Its sad.
I can assure you that a prettier version of dark souls is EXACTLY what dark souls fans want.
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Commented on 2014-09-19 18:13:03
Next played demon souls or dark souls. The game looks great though. Will be getting this for sure though when I buy PS4
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Commented on 2014-09-19 18:31:21 In reply to Sath
well so far on all MGS games the animations and movements have been laughable
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Commented on 2014-09-19 19:40:02
Looks incredible visually, massive thanks for the videos
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Commented on 2014-09-19 19:51:26 In reply to gameover
Posted by gameover
Never played demon souls or dark souls. The game looks great though. Will be getting this for sure though when I buy PS4
Never not next. So annoying can't edit my post after 5mins.
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Commented on 2014-09-19 20:54:01
Graphics look good but the gameplay iffy.
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Commented on 2014-09-19 21:36:44 In reply to Trebby
Posted by Trebby
Graphics look good but the gameplay iffy.
How so? I think it looks pretty promising. But then i play the souls games on a daily basis, pretty much. Can't get enough of that shit :P
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Commented on 2014-09-20 01:04:11 In reply to timotim
Posted by timotim
It looks good graphically Ill say that. I think devs have to start realizing that we don't just want a prettier last-gen game. I see nothing here from the camera mechanics, to the combat, to the animations that couldn't be done back in 2005. Fresh coats of paint is all that next-gen is to some studios. Its sad.

Quoted from you "WOW...Remedy at its best. QB demoed very well at the show. Amazing visuals! Look forward to learning more about the story."

"Loved everything about this trailer. The scale and big battles, the voice acting, the sense of story, the smoothness of the animations, and of course the visuals displayed in this trailer are some of the best visuals Ive ever seen in an action game. Truly impressive stuff. definitely one of my launch titles for sure."

Where was all of this "Oh, games need to do more than just look pretty" with these games? Oh, that's right, they're Xbox One games so it doesn't count. And you sang praises for a crappy game like Ryse but you're putting down a game with deep mechanics like Bloodborne.
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Commented on 2014-09-20 05:45:11 In reply to timotim
Posted by timotim
It looks good graphically Ill say that. I think devs have to start realizing that we don't just want a prettier last-gen game. I see nothing here from the camera mechanics, to the combat, to the animations that couldn't be done back in 2005. Fresh coats of paint is all that next-gen is to some studios. Its sad.
Posted by Moonwalker
Looks really good graphically, but the animations really stand out and not in a good way. It really reminds me a lot of Dark Souls in that way and i sure had expected them to improve on that. I'd also like to see small things like instead of the character 'sliding up' the stairs, let's make it step by step, you in RDR, GTA V...hell i even think Alan Wake had that.
DEFINITELY have to agree with most of that. This to me pretty much is Dark Souls, and with how the animations are, the striking (how the weapon hits the enemies, hits the walls and goes thru them, etc), and fact that almost to me at least, looks exactly like the Dark Souls engine, just overhauled with some next generation shaders and texture integrity, id have to say i dont see what all the hype is about, but perhaps thats just how i've been trying to approach games as of the last year. Many people have been hyping every game thats on its way, and i fear many future titles will dissapoint, just kind of like Destiny seems to have (to some). Anyway, they obviously they could have made Dark Souls 2 look like this on PC (or close to it), but they didnt, but perhaps if going from Dark Souls 2 on PC, to this, its definitely not as impressive as say someone who has played DS2 on PS3/360 and compared them to this.
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Commented on 2014-09-20 09:58:33 In reply to cma112087
Posted by cma112087
DEFINITELY have to agree with most of that. This to me pretty much is Dark Souls, and with how the animations are, the striking (how the weapon hits the enemies, hits the walls and goes thru them, etc), and fact that almost to me at least, looks exactly like the Dark Souls engine, just overhauled with some next generation shaders and texture integrity, id have to say i dont see what all the hype is about, but perhaps thats just how i've been trying to approach games as of the last year. Many people have been hyping every game thats on its way, and i fear many future titles will dissapoint, just kind of like Destiny seems to have (to some). Anyway, they obviously they could have made Dark Souls 2 look like this on PC (or close to it), but they didnt, but perhaps if going from Dark Souls 2 on PC, to this, its definitely not as impressive as say someone who has played DS2 on PS3/360 and compared them to this.
Dark Souls 2 on PC still looks like shit. I don't understand how people can not say that the game is bad looking, no matter if it's on PC or not. Some places don't even have proper lighting for crying out loud. Just look at Things Betwixt, it's all just flat shaded. Most likely artifacts from the lighting overhaul, but since the game has been out for so long now, i think that should have been patched. It looks terrible. Ofc some areas look nice too, but that's mainly the design, not so much the technical bit.

The reason why Bloodborne is worthy of hype is that it's Miyazaki returning for what is basically another souls game. See a lot of people were kinda disappointed by Dark Souls 2, me included, since it wasn't at all as good as Demon's Souls or Dark Souls (still good, just not as good). This however is the title that i think a lot of Souls fans are hoping for. It is in a sense the true sequel to Dark Souls. For anyone who is really in to the previous Souls games, this looks fantastic.
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Commented on 2014-09-20 12:28:00 In reply to gameover
haha becareful there are a lot of idiots on this site who like to moan at people for not editing their post in the 5 mins it gives you
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Commented on 2014-09-20 12:30:43
ive never been into the dark souls games at all they never looked all that good and I don't tend to like style of games...I do like 3rd person games but that's games like uncharted etc where as these games have a different camera setup BUT I will say im getting this game, it look great
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Commented on 2014-09-20 15:45:14
cool ... will get this
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Commented on 2014-09-20 17:05:20 In reply to zeuanimals
Posted by zeuanimals

Quoted from you "WOW...Remedy at its best. QB demoed very well at the show. Amazing visuals! Look forward to learning more about the story."

"Loved everything about this trailer. The scale and big battles, the voice acting, the sense of story, the smoothness of the animations, and of course the visuals displayed in this trailer are some of the best visuals Ive ever seen in an action game. Truly impressive stuff. definitely one of my launch titles for sure."

Where was all of this "Oh, games need to do more than just look pretty" with these games? Oh, that's right, they're Xbox One games so it doesn't count. And you sang praises for a crappy game like Ryse but you're putting down a game with deep mechanics like Bloodborne.
Dont misunderstand me...Im all for games looking their best, in fact thats apart of being "next-gen", but what Im speaking on is devs simply wrapping next-gen visuals around last-gen gameplay/mechanics.

QB for X1 does indeed look fantastic visually, however, what they are doing with time and how things stutter and the fun you can have with those gameplay mechanics is also very interesting. QB looks fresh from a gameplay perspective. Also, what they are doing with emotion and voice acting is also top of the line. QB warrants all the praise it gets based off what they've shown thus far.

For Ryse, I was commenting SPECIFICALLY on that TRAILER, nothing more. Everything I said about the TRAILER was absolutely true for me. Your making the mistake in thinking that just because I speak positive about a game, that means I believe it will be a great game... more so, since I didn't speak as positively about Bloodbourn that I believe it will be a bad game...not exactly. Understand that this is a GAMEPLAY video...we see the camera is not that great, nor is the animations and overall it looks quite soulless. You see weapons going through walls on the constant, same ole gameplay mechanics from two generations just doesn't say next-gen to me other than the visuals. Having said that, I it will score pretty good and be liked/loved by those who play it. In Ryse, they did at least try and bring some good things...but ultimately I think the game is a solid 6-7 game. Story was great, voice acting was beyond good, combat was repetitive and the setting was fantastic. Til this day, its still one of the better looking next-gen titles.
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Commented on 2014-09-20 19:28:47 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Dark Souls 2 on PC still looks like shit. I don't understand how people can not say that the game is bad looking, no matter if it's on PC or not. Some places don't even have proper lighting for crying out loud. Just look at Things Betwixt, it's all just flat shaded. Most likely artifacts from the lighting overhaul, but since the game has been out for so long now, i think that should have been patched. It looks terrible. Ofc some areas look nice too, but that's mainly the design, not so much the technical bit.

The reason why Bloodborne is worthy of hype is that it's Miyazaki returning for what is basically another souls game. See a lot of people were kinda disappointed by Dark Souls 2, me included, since it wasn't at all as good as Demon's Souls or Dark Souls (still good, just not as good). This however is the title that i think a lot of Souls fans are hoping for. It is in a sense the true sequel to Dark Souls. For anyone who is really in to the previous Souls games, this looks fantastic.
Well since you said it, i guess i will too, it does look shitty, but i just didnt want to insult any fans. I didnt finish DS1, or 2, but got pretty far into 2, almost to the end, so i have played a hefty amount of both, and i do definitely see what you're saying in terms of it being what the fans want. I personally dont think there was much difference from DS1 to 2, but there are things i liked better in 1.

Even so however, DS is a ''niche'' game. There are alot of people who love it, and alot of people who hate i definitely dont understand why it seems EVERYONE is on this games nuts. Why would those who dont like Dark Souls enjoy this? I guess thats what i mean. Think maybe it has something to do with the lack of games currently available.

Chances are though, this wont deliver. Too much hype for a niche game. And as i said in my other post, its like the new trend to hype the shit outta these new games. I really think we've reache the point of internet trolling where people are now hyping games so that they dont meet the expectations, and therefore dont do as well as they should.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
FromSoftware Inc.

$135 of $400 per month

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