Trailer Wii U

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge shows playable character Ayane in the TGS trailer of Team Ninja's game. The title will be available on November 18th.


  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
  • TGS: Trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE - Gallery
Commented on 2012-09-20 14:32:01
doesn't look very impressive tbh... but ok, it's just a port of a PS3/360-game

it's the exclusives where Big N will outclass everything else as they did in the past
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Commented on 2012-09-20 14:39:13 In reply to Darth82
Posted by Darth82
it's the exclusives where Big N will outclass everything else as they did in the past
don't want to alarm you, but it isnt the early 90's anymore. the SNES era has been and gone...

as for this, looks like another pointless port of an old game that everyone who wanted to play will have done already. but then the console itself looks about as pointless as they come too, so i guess it's fitting.
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Commented on 2012-09-20 15:04:29 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
don't want to alarm you, but it isnt the early 90's anymore. the SNES era has been and gone...
yeah true, but still Nintendo's exklusives are awesome, especially compared to the mediocre lineups/games of Microsoft and Sony
(and most 3rd-party-games i do play on PC, so Playstation and XBox are completely obsolete)
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Commented on 2012-09-20 16:05:35 In reply to Darth82
Posted by Darth82
especially compared to the mediocre lineups/games of Microsoft and Sony
maybe if you're 6...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-09-20 16:21:11
Fuck you Team Ninja, thanks for ruining Ninja Gaiden 3 but semi-fixed it on a future console.

Metal Gear rising will probably take over NG for me (still like Ryu though lol)
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Commented on 2012-09-20 18:29:01
I think NG3 was pretty good. Not as good as its predecessors for sure, granted, but nowhere near as bad as the shitload of 40-60% reviews is implying and - surprise - on HARD i found it quite challenging, so maybe the wimpy EASY-Mode reviewers are the ones to really blame here.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-09-20 18:56:19
Bullshit unresponsive controls broke the game more than it was broken, and bad slowdowns (as if the game was a graphical powerhouse).
One weapon, one ninpo, regenerate health using ninpo, no charm to any of the levels, uninspired enemies (made me think of Strider than NG), no upgrade system for anything, no inventory, no items, no exploration, no real control over the combat (auto SOB).

Yes, it was pure shit game, so shit that even "Shityhashi" admitted it AFTER making Wii U version that it wasent a Ninja Gaiden game.
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Commented on 2012-09-20 18:57:24

Pretty much.
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Commented on 2012-09-20 19:53:07
Unresponsive controls ? Slowdowns ? You played this on what ? An overheating PS3 ? Or are you making things out ? Or maybe you're referring to MP ? If so that'd be your own fault for even bothering with that shitty component. As for the rest, yea, i have to agree, a bit game-breaking to some degree if you used to play the others, especially on EASY + no replay value as in the first two.
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Commented on 2012-09-20 19:54:35 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Bullshit unresponsive controls broke the game more than it was broken, and bad slowdowns (as if the game was a graphical powerhouse).
One weapon, one ninpo, regenerate health using ninpo, no charm to any of the levels, uninspired enemies (made me think of Strider than NG), no upgrade system for anything, no inventory, no items, no exploration, no real control over the combat (auto SOB).

Yes, it was pure shit game, so shit that even "Shityhashi" admitted it AFTER making Wii U version that it wasent a Ninja Gaiden game.
That pretty much sums it up. You left out one thing though. Why is Hayashi suddenly back on the gore/dismemberment bandwagon that NG2 did so well? He was quoted talking about how he just didn't think it was a good fit for NG and now look. What a two faced bitch if you ask me.

Just think, if that damn Tecmo executive would've payed Itagaki his bonus we'd probably all be playing a true NG3 right now.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-09-20 20:00:53 In reply to ASURAshadow
Posted by SplitTongue
Unresponsive controls ? Slowdowns ? You played this on what ? An overheating PS3 ? Or are you making things out ? Or maybe you're referring to MP ? If so that'd be your own fault for even bothering with that shitty component. As for the rest, yea, i have to agree, a bit game-breaking to some degree if you used to play the others, especially on EASY + no replay value as in the others.
I played the demo on Ps3, full game on 360 (installed), and both platforms had the same issue. And no, Single Player only, since MP is horrible for such a genre and NG is ALL about SP experience.

I have played every single NG game on the market except that DS game, so I know when controls are wrong. NG3 is just HORRIBLE. If you have unresponsive controls and delays in such a genre then there is no point to continue.
Posted by ASURAshadow
That pretty much sums it up. You left out one thing though. Why is Hayashi suddenly back on the gore/dismemberment bandwagon that NG2 did so well? He was quoted talking about how he just didn't think it was a good fit for NG and now look. What a two faced bitch if you ask me.

Just think, if that damn Tecmo executive would've payed Itagaki his bonus we'd probably all be playing a true NG3 right now.
Thats the ugly beauty of this guy, he has been lying and lying on and on since NG Sigma, I dont trust one single word he says sicne then.
He said that NG fans didnt like what NG3 turned out and that dismemberment was what hardcore NG fans wanted.

He just makes excuses after excuses, not worth even bringing his sorry shit up lol
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Commented on 2012-09-20 22:19:52
LOL controls -> press maybe 10 buttons to kill 50 enemies, it doesn't matter you most likely don't see what is happening on the screen, all that angles and sob slowdowns are way more important . Not to mention when the pain in the arm becomes too great, stupid ai slows down almost to a still instead of slashing him down, fuck the logic.
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Commented on 2012-09-20 23:24:18
sigh - so Tecmo/Team Ninja made this game harder, made the enemies more scary and took out that cowering non-sense, and put in the actual system (slice n' dice bucket o blood) that made sense - sigh - and you're saying it's only on wii ... (for now at least i guess)

if this is a Japanese kind of way to redeem their honor with fans ... I don't know ... maybe harajuku makes more sense Tecmo? : /
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Commented on 2012-09-23 16:18:30 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
maybe if you're 6...
troll I'm tired of you I can't wait to see nintendo succes and see you raging on posts
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Commented on 2012-09-23 18:10:39 In reply to Alec006
Posted by Alec006
troll I'm tired of you I can't wait to see nintendo succes and see you raging on posts
Cool. I won't be raging though...i'll simply ignore it like the pointless hardware it is, much like the wii, GC and N64.
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Commented on 2012-09-23 23:57:30 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i'll simply ignore it like the pointless hardware it is, much like the wii, GC and N64.
yeah, very pointless with plenty of the best core-games ever made exclusive on Wii, GC, N64 and soon WiiU

having a mediocre or good pc at home, playstation and xbox are absolutely pointless/obsolete
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Commented on 2012-09-24 00:33:44 In reply to Darth82
Posted by Darth82
yeah, very pointless with plenty of the best core-games ever made exclusive on Wii, GC, N64 and soon WiiU

having a mediocre or good pc at home, playstation and xbox are absolutely pointless/obsolete
Except for the exclusives...which sadly nintendo hasnt delived on since...well...the SNES...

But if you like gimmicky concepts, then i'm sure you're going to love the "dated before it's even released" wii-U seeing as you seemingly loved the wii...for whatever reason *shrugs* good luck with that.
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Commented on 2012-09-24 00:35:56
The problem has never been their 1st party games, Mario, Link, etc.
It's everything else that's been the problem.
That's just not enough, and their unwillingness to accept trending technology each generation has just been stupidity.

BUT they make tons of money, so I guess it works for them
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Commented on 2012-09-24 00:38:36 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
The problem has never been their 1st party games, Mario, Link, etc.
It's everything else that's been the problem.
That's just not enough, and their unwillingness to accept trending technology each generation has just been stupidity.

BUT they make tons of money, so I guess it works for them
They make money because they never get with the times. Their technology is almost as dated as their ideas! I mean, have zelda games gotten orchestral scores yet? Or are they still using midi files from the N64 era? Nintendo are just creators of more mario...more zelda...that's kinda it...and people bitch about COD being the same old shit year after year...pahahaha.
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Commented on 2012-09-24 02:14:12 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
The problem has never been their 1st party games, Mario, Link, etc.
It's everything else that's been the problem.
That's just not enough, and their unwillingness to accept trending technology each generation has just been stupidity.

BUT they make tons of money, so I guess it works for them
I definitely am not rooting for Nintendo anymore, but there is a tiny, tiny spark in me that wants them to make something I want to play again. I used to love Zelda, until I needed a more engaging story in an RPG. It became like Mario, except that Mario has more personality. Nintendo practically runs on Nostalgia, IMO. The fact that New Super Mario Bros 2 is supposed to be the AAA realease astounds me.

I'm of course speaking for myself, but I can't play a 16-bit style platformer with no story for more than 30 minutes( unless you are Rayman, but that has beautiful scenery to go with the tight controls). I lose interest without the motivator regardless of how tight the gameplay is. Maybe if it was deeper( like a great fighting system, but even then you need more). Multiplayer is different because that is more about competition.

That and it all seems to be the same game over and over. If the Next Zelda solidifies it's universe and puts up an incredible narrative, then I just might bite. The problem is that Nintendo survives on it's faithful waiting for those core franchises. Too bad Ninty is horrifically bad at providing them in a timely manner. Hell, I was reading that Zelda is a looong way off. They haven't said a word about Metroid, F-zero, a full-on 3d Mario, or whatever. Ninty fans get a 3ds game(mario), Pikmin, and a Mini-game... game. At least Zombie U looks decent. Family Fun I guess.

I worry that those casuals that got the Wii already have the game system they wanted( collecting dust under a shelf). They don't care about graphics, or physics, or good AI. Hell , I saw the Wii as an iphone- people bought it for the buzz as much as anything, not really understanding what was going on underneath. I even bought it despite my misgivings (then sold it a year later for 300 bucks, lol). I'm not sure the tablet is going to get those people to bite, but hey, if Apple shows us anything it's that Brand names count. Why else call it friggin' WiiU( or Xbox360 or Playstation 3 fror that matter)?
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Commented on 2012-09-24 07:43:44 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Except for the exclusives
exclusives on playstation and xbox?... i'm sorry, don't have enough time to play every "decent" game on the market

but ok, Sony and Microsoft... try harder, maybe next time... hahahaha
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Commented on 2012-09-24 11:42:32 In reply to Darth82
Posted by Darth82
exclusives on playstation and xbox?... i'm sorry, don't have enough time to play every "decent" game on the market
then maybe you should make time, they're better then nintendos rinse repeat offerings...
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Commented on 2012-09-24 12:04:47 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
then maybe you should make time, they're better then nintendos rinse repeat offerings...
Hold on a sec.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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