Images Xbox 360 PS3

Square-Enix reminds us that 2010 won't just be about Final Fantasy XIII with these new images of Nier, their upcoming beat them up. It is hard to get really excited about them though given how poor the character models and the artistic direction look. However, it is still great to see that the genre is definitely back this year and that there will be another title to choose among the lot.
Update: Trailer added.

Playstation 3 images

  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images
  • The end is Nier? - Playstation 3 images


  • The end is Nier? - Artworks
  • The end is Nier? - Artworks
Commented on 2010-01-23 10:44:45
"It is hard to get really excited about them though given how poor the character models and the artistic direction look."

Huh? Just because you might not be a fan of the art direction or models, doesn't meant they're poor. Just being devil's advocate.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2010-01-23 10:47:39 In reply to digi_matrix
Ok so they're detailed and the hero looks very cool and badass if you prefer. :)
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Commented on 2010-01-23 10:56:08 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Ok so they're detailed and the hero looks very cool and badass if you prefer. :)
That's what art is, it's subjective, but "poor" sounds like an objective evaluation. As if a judge on craftmanship. I'm not a fan of it either, to be clear.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2010-01-23 11:00:03 In reply to digi_matrix
What I meant by poor is that the character models do not really look current gen (look at the NPCs in the city) and I'm sorry but the hero's face is anything but charismatic. Then again, I'm sure some people will like it and it does not mean the game won't be good. Forgive me for injecting a bit of my subjectivity in the few lines I wrote, I did not intend to imply my feeling was universal. :)
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Commented on 2010-01-23 11:02:17
What does Nier mean?? ist like NEAR?

The game looks good, the voice acting is cheesy...
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Commented on 2010-01-23 11:24:40
I would have to agree that graphically it does look last gen.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 12:28:10 In reply to digi_matrix
Posted by digi_matrix
Huh? Just because you might not be a fan of the art direction or models, doesn't meant they're poor. Just being devil's advocate.
No it simply looks like shit. It looks more like a PS2 game than a PS3/360 one. If you aren't able to get more out of your game than this then the models have to be pretty poorly made.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 12:28:52
Looks pretty bad and the art direction looks pretty bad as well. This is one of those games from a "C" team at Square-Enix and it shows. Especially with the antiquated look of the menu design. Square-Enix is composed of some very talented people and a lot of people who can't make a good game.

I do find it hilarious that Square is making a separate PS3 version only for Japan. I say, release that worldwide as the PS3 version. That way, you could get hardcore Nier fans (if there are any) to double dip as I doubt it will be a huge seller.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 13:58:09 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
No it simply looks like shit. It looks more like a PS2 game than a PS3/360 one. If you aren't able to get more out of your game than this then the models have to be pretty poorly made.
more like a ps2 game? don't see that.

I quite like the art style they're going for with the SF4 ink splashes. Those ingame character models in these pics look fine to me too for an rpg. Dunno why graphics mean a games made "poorly" or not.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 14:12:25
Graphics are usually a pretty good indicator of how talented a team is and usually gives some measurement of how the game will likely play. In this case, the rough graphics indicates the team is not that great and the gameplay will most likely be unpolished and rough. Lo and behold, previews for the game make such a statement. This isn't always the case though.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 14:22:53
i expect heavy rain to have the greatest gameplay ever..and not just an endless succession of QTE's

I personally dont see any problem with the visuals in these screens.. the character models look on par with most rpgs offered this gen. Weither the games good or not i don't know. But does it look like it belongs on a ps2?
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Commented on 2010-01-23 14:41:10
It looks ingesting what are you guys watching lol ?
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Commented on 2010-01-23 14:43:13
Still looks alot better graphically than Fable 2.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 15:06:01
Sigh. Bleached, Heavy Rain gameplay will likely be polished and play pretty well for what is essentially an adventure game, irrespective of whether you foolishly believe that it will be an "endless succession of QTEs". This game probably will not and will probably have wonky physics, poor camera, etc. that plague unpolished action titles, for example The Force Unleashed.

Good presentation often times leads to good gameplay.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 17:10:09 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
more like a ps2 game? don't see that.

I quite like the art style they're going for with the SF4 ink splashes. Those ingame character models in these pics look fine to me too for an rpg. Dunno why graphics mean a games made "poorly" or not.
The models are low in detail, the texture work is terrible, the lighting is shitty and personally i think the proportions are terrible. The faces look especially bad. And it looks so watered out and gray, terrible. There's no defending how this game looks when i comes from a big house like Square.

If you like the art that's one thing but don't try to defend this pile of crap on a technical level. It looks terrible.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 17:27:16
This game has taken a turn for the worst for me. Poor Poor production values and honestly below average graphics. Not buying this, what a disappointment, The reveal trailer really had me excited last year but this new trailer is such a turn off!

and for the love of God, cant they get proper translators for the text written in the trailer ??? Google pasted Japanease to English doesnt cut it. What the hell was Square Enix thinking ?
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Commented on 2010-01-23 17:50:37 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by jackdoe
Graphics are usually a pretty good indicator of how talented a team is
Um no, just no. If graphics were a good indicator of a how "good" a game might be then Lair would be a triple AAA title instead of the piece of shit it is. Not to mention the plethora of other games with pretty graphics and absolutely no substance when it comes to gameplay.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 18:10:05 In reply to SuperCuffs
Posted by SuperCuffs
Um no, just no. If graphics were a good indicator of a how "good" a game might be then Lair would be a triple AAA title instead of the piece of shit it is. Not to mention the plethora of other games with pretty graphics and absolutely no substance when it comes to gameplay.
Lair looked piss poor in my opinion and had framerate issues up the wazoo. So it was a pretty good indicator of how good the game was. Unpolished and rough. Production values shine first and foremost in the graphics and high production values leads to polished gameplay.

And "substance"? What is "substance"? A good game can be good without the general term "substance". If you think about it, a shooter has all the substance of a point and click adventure. Does that make them any less good? Of course not.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 18:20:17
Bayonetta meets Demon Soul's! That pops into my head every time I see this game.

Now, I'm usually one to jump on people and mock them for comparing graphics to last gen and I usually say "You haven't played a PS2 game in a LONG time and you've forgotten just how far ahead we are". But this time... Man, it really does look like a hi-res PS2 game. Looks like the God of War collection and I really don't understand what Squenix thinks they are doing trying to foist this on us....

That said, if there is some kind of amazing game inside (not likely), then I'll play it regardless.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 18:22:22 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
The models are low in detail, the texture work is terrible, the lighting is shitty and personally i think the proportions are terrible. The faces look especially bad. And it looks so watered out and gray, terrible. There's no defending how this game looks when i comes from a big house like Square.

If you like the art that's one thing but don't try to defend this pile of crap on a technical level. It looks terrible.
Personally i don't see that much of a difference in these character models to what other rpg's this gen have offered us, such as...

the witcher
Fable 2
White knight chronicles

All of which look alot better in motion, than they do in screens.

And why it being offered by square means anything in terms of quality that you expect i dont know... have you not seen the majority of squares offerings this gen? I'd hope that they'd of mastered a solid framerate and decent gameplay/story, than worry about visuals, if i was you.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 18:29:06 In reply to yourgoodtwin
Posted by yourgoodtwin
That said, if there is some kind of amazing game inside (not likely), then I'll play it regardless.
Nier is being developed by the folks who brought you Drakengard. That should give you a good indication of how well it would play.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 21:04:12 In reply to jackdoe
The witcher is from 07, that was a while ago and i think it still does a lot better in terms of texturing and modeling. Fable 2 and White Knight are both really weak in the graphics department, so why you'd even drag those up is beyond me. Nier just looks like complete weaksauce in the GFX and design department (imo on that last bit).

Look instead at games like Fallout 3 and Mass Effect, games that look good and are RPGs at the same time (not saying that they are flawless but they look way better than Nier). Isn't Nier supposed to be an action game by the way? Perhaps we should rather compare it to stuff like Bayonetta, Darksiders and God of War 3.
Posted by jackdoe
Nier is being developed by the folks who brought you Drakengard. That should give you a good indication of how well it would play.
Ouch. Drakengaard was really terrible.
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Commented on 2010-01-23 22:41:05
If it plays lke Drakengard I'm in. Drakengard 2 was a gem. Very underrated.

I counld care less about graphic. Give me good gameplay and a good story I'm in. I still play SNES game and I'm having a blast.
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Commented on 2010-01-24 00:20:22 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by Drsw36
If it plays lke Drakengard I'm in. Drakengard 2 was a gem. Very underrated.

I counld care less about graphic. Give me good gameplay and a good story I'm in. I still play SNES game and I'm having a blast.
Well the good looking snes games still look good, but you can't compare a SNES game with a 360 game as they are made under completely different conditions. Within the context of it's hardware and it's capabilities, not to mention a big company like square funding the project, Nier should and could look better. It might still be a good game, i don't know, but the gfx are lackluster and trying to deny that is just silly.
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Commented on 2010-01-24 00:43:27 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Well the good looking snes games still look good, but you can't compare a SNES game with a 360 game as they are made under completely different conditions. Within the context of it's hardware and it's capabilities, not to mention a big company like square funding the project, Nier should and could look better.
You have a point there.

The thing is I played game since NES era. I'm just used to low graphic. I looked at Nier and I don't see bad graphic cause I know worst. Its hard to explain what I'm trying to say, what i feel about graphic. For me they just don't matter.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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