Microsoft and Mistwalker released just a few days ago the first real downloadable content for Blue Dragon, a rather nice 300 points and 18 MB download. This adds a new dungeon right before the end of the game, and since it's randomly generate it's quite replayable. As you'll be able to see by yourself in the video my characters were really underpowered against with booted up enemies, but it's still a nice watch while waiting for hopefully lots of english subtitled content next month with the new asian version of the game.
All comments (38)
European release please?
Sadly i was personally spoiled. I didn't know what Zola and Murasma shadow looked like real time. But never the less i was impressed. The enemies sure seemed hard. They'll quite down the people who were moaning the game was too easy
I almost wish I hadn't watched those "summon" attacks, because there won't be as much of a surprise there. Does each character have multiple big attacks like that, Blim?
I almost wish I hadn't watched those "summon" attacks, because there won't be as much of a surprise there. Does each character have multiple big attacks like that, Blim?
Tried to play through this game again and i just got bored of it, was cool the first time though.
It is sad how they olny have one super move for the characters though, hopefully with Two and even Lost Odyssey we'll be treated to many more
I'l for sure pick it up whenever it release however, probably a decent RPG.
I'l for sure pick it up whenever it release however, probably a decent RPG.
Lighting in this game is just unbelievable. Eager to see how much power they end up getting out of the 360 with their next title.
Mistwalker/Artoon combo I mean as I know the Lost Odyssey team is a different dev. Lol those real attacks look so amazing :D
They refer to it as an “Instant Classic of an RPG" (read the Verdict part of the Review)
And Blue Dragon, as many of you already know, will be translated into 5 different Languages.
(Taken from the Article: )
Flagship Xbox 360 RPG Blue Dragon has finally been confirmed for European release this September, and will be fully localized in to five different languages.
The Mistwalker RPG will come to Europe in French, Italian, German, Spanish and English, and two of the Japanese version's title songs will be translated into English.
We managed to get a preview of the English-voiced game this afternoon and the voice actors have done a great job of capturing the Japanese game's character.
However, many recent Articles have indicated August 15th as being the BIG Day!!! :D (while the European release is still set for this September of course)
Imagine how good the sequel will probably look.
Still looks great but i stopped watching before the "summon" attacks.
Hopefully the US version is region free? causei want to be able to play with the japanese voices.
considering the reviews (famitsu gave it a 9 9 9 10 - 37/40) then you can pretty much bet its atleast better than "decent" anything more or less just comes down to personal taste.
^Indeed. Also, this Review was released Dec.12th ’06, from the Japanese Version of course.
They refer to it as an “Instant Classic of an RPG" (read the Verdict part of the Review)
And Blue Dragon, as many of you already know, will be translated into 5 different Languages.
(Taken from the Article: )
Flagship Xbox 360 RPG Blue Dragon has finally been confirmed for European release this September, and will be fully localized in to five different languages.
The Mistwalker RPG will come to Europe in French, Italian, German, Spanish and English, and two of the Japanese version's title songs will be translated into English.
We managed to get a preview of the English-voiced game this afternoon and the voice actors have done a great job of capturing the Japanese game's character.
Posted by Optimusv2
I can't wait!! Hurry us version release release release :D
At least we know that “Blue Dragon” is definitely coming this August '07!!!
However, many recent Articles have indicated August 15th as being the BIG Day!!! :D (while the European release is still set for this September of course)
Atleast you Americans are getting the Japanese tracks. I rather would have liked them spanning it over 1 extra DVD and add that to the european region too. But oh well nothing I can do about it but to shake my fist in anger at everytime I see the German Prime minister on my TV.
Germany:"We have been ruining the European version of movies and games for over 40 years and DAMN proud of it!". After all they are also responsible for Robots in Contra and other silly things in Gaming.
Atleast you Americans are getting the Japanese tracks. I rather would have liked them spanning it over 1 extra DVD and add that to the european region too. But oh well nothing I can do about it but to shake my fist in anger at everytime I see the German Prime minister on my TV.
Germany:"We have been ruining the European version of movies and games for over 40 years and DAMN proud of it!". After all they are also responsible for Robots in Contra and other silly things in Gaming.
hmmm funny that and no complaints from anyone about it? yet other western games get ripped apart for having framerate issues whilst still in development??
It actually causes problems with game play as the bar along the top can skip about when yu bit slow down.
I am guessing they will optimize the US/EU version, the Japanese version was rushed out the door i think.
One thing i will say is that for people who don't like watching cutscenes this game isn't for you, as the game is about 50% cutscenes.. :P