Between two crashed I've managed to record an almost watchable video of Resistance: Fall of Man. I'm playing even worse than before, but I simply couldn't "train" enough to do anything better. Anyway, the little I played made a strong impression, and I really can't wait to get back a working PS3 so I can play some more. Expect more videos in the next weeks!

Commented on 2006-11-25 13:02:02
thank you blimblim, these videos are always welcome.
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Commented on 2006-11-25 15:08:10
Yeah!! Thx Blim!
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Commented on 2006-11-25 20:54:26
thanks a lot for the video ;) nice to see you got your PS3 too. I watched the video and I must say I wasnt impressed at all, it looked like a generic shooter and the graphics arent even that great. I wasnt expcting killer graphics anyway but the game has some aweful looking textures.
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Commented on 2006-11-26 01:01:41 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
thanks a lot for the video ;) nice to see you got your PS3 too. I watched the video and I must say I wasnt impressed at all, it looked like a generic shooter and the graphics arent even that great. I wasnt expcting killer graphics anyway but the game has some aweful looking textures.
Why don't you actually play it yourself before declaring it generic. *sigh* It's not at all the same to watch the game being played (especially if it's a gameplay vid on a computer screen) than to actually play the game yourself. Resistance, although nothing revolutionary or completely new, is not your everyday FPS. A big thanks goes to the weapons, and also to the massive scope of everything.
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Commented on 2006-11-26 02:00:26
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
am i the only one noticing the very sparing use of bump mapping in ps3 games? just flat textures, no excuses of rushed launch games, theyve had the same amount of time as 360 games coming out now, so whats going on? :s
Commented on 2006-11-26 03:03:37
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Commented on 2006-11-26 09:39:32
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
something is wrong with the graphics and textures specifically in PS3 launch games.....even if it is fixed in later levels, this is so lame that you need to play to see better graphics...under which category of fun this falls?
Commented on 2006-11-26 12:24:02 In reply to acm2000
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Posted by acm2000
am i the only one noticing the very sparing use of bump mapping in ps3 games? just flat textures, no excuses of rushed launch games, theyve had the same amount of time as 360 games coming out now, so whats going on? :s
Thank you! at least someone agrees.
Commented on 2006-11-26 12:25:46 In reply to Azu
Posted by Azu
Why don't you actually play it yourself before declaring it generic. *sigh* It's not at all the same to watch the game being played (especially if it's a gameplay vid on a computer screen) than to actually play the game yourself. Resistance, although nothing revolutionary or completely new, is not your everyday FPS. A big thanks goes to the weapons, and also to the massive scope of everything.
If the first ten minutes of a game do not make you want to play the game then what will hah ? what I said remains as my personal opinion and I am sticking with it. to me it looks generic and of course it might not be the same to you which is fair enough ;)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2006-11-26 12:33:02
I can't even describe how untrue I think the statement that 10 mins of a game should want to make you play it is. 10 mins of a book doesn't make you wanna read it, and for the most part unless it's a dumb blockbuster movie, 10 mins of a film doesn't make you wanna watch it either.

Are the first 10 mins of Condemned in any way indicative of how the rest of the game pans out? Half Life 2?

If anything, if the first 10 minutes ARE indicative of the game, it's another one of those... current games you have figured out in.. just about 10 minutes.

I've seen vids from later on in this game and it looks absolutely fantastic, with giant motherships hovering above the city and alien tech HL2 style stuck to surfaces, with familiar architecture providing stark contrast to the smooth arcs and surfaces of the alien structures.

It's painful to hear someone imply that graphical splendor can be reduced to bump mapping or no bump mapping.
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Commented on 2006-11-26 12:43:33
Reng, those are somw awesome pics.
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Commented on 2006-11-26 13:22:38 In reply to SimonM7
Posted by SimonM7
I can't even describe how untrue I think the statement that 10 mins of a game should want to make you play it is. 10 mins of a book doesn't make you wanna read it, and for the most part unless it's a dumb blockbuster movie, 10 mins of a film doesn't make you wanna watch it either.

Are the first 10 mins of Condemned in any way indicative of how the rest of the game pans out? Half Life 2?

If anything, if the first 10 minutes ARE indicative of the game, it's another one of those... current games you have figured out in.. just about 10 minutes.

I've seen vids from later on in this game and it looks absolutely fantastic, with giant motherships hovering above the city and alien tech HL2 style stuck to surfaces, with familiar architecture providing stark contrast to the smooth arcs and surfaces of the alien structures.

It's painful to hear someone imply that graphical splendor can be reduced to bump mapping or no bump mapping.
First Im talking about games, I didnt say anything about movies or books although in some cases the rule still applies

To me it does matter and that's probably the reason I play only a few games. IMO, if a game can capture your attention from the minute you pick up the controller and start playing then it's definately a game worth playing and in those few minutes it comes down to how well everything in the game is done. Take Prince of Persia The sands of time, Beyond Good and Evil, XIII, God of War, Resident Evil 4, Ico, shadow of the collosus and tell me those games do not impress from the first few minutes....

I cant help but disagree with you. if 10 minutes from a game is not an indication of how good a game is then what's the point of releasing demos ?
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2006-11-26 14:38:11
Personally, deep down, I don't see the point in releasing demos, but the reason they do is because people want to be able to try before they buy.

I see your point, and I also make the connection between that and the fact that games never really surprise us anymore. There used to be progression in games, and in some cases there still is, but a lot of games from the old days could not be compressed into a 10 minute make-or-brake session with the game.

A lot of games require much longer to just get to grips with the controls. Does 10 minutes with Ninja Gaiden (I wanna use Shinobi but it'd be a narrower reference) really show you what that game will be like? What you will be like within the game? Intuitive controls are all too often confused with dumbed down controls these days.

Of course there's a difference between how a game controls and how it grabs you narratively or in other superficial ways. Resident Evil 4 isn't even remotely the game it eventually turns out to be, when you've just seen 10 minutes of it, but the plot makes you interested. Is that the game's own merit though?

In judging Resistance as generic after seeing 10 mins (more or less) of gameplay footage, is that really comparable to spending 10 minutes with Resident Evil 4? Is all of RE4 set in a forest with crazy spanish people trying to chop you up in little pieces? In fact, is RE4's appeal summed up with a video of spanish people trying to chop you up in little pieces?

But yeah, that's sort of not my original point with my post, because I did mean 10 minutes of gameplay. The likes of Oblivion doesn't even have me done with character creation in 10 minutes, let alone riding around getting into guilds and stuff like that.. The dungeon bit at the start certainly isn't enough to get me hooked - the fact that I knew it'd be a great game eventually had me persevering with it.

The same will be true for Resistance. There's so much more to it than the stuff at the start, and the fact that I'm genuinely excited about playing it means that I'll stick around for when the crazyness starts happening. It's a model I greatly prefer to the likes of GRAW which just blows all of its tricks in your face right away, and then has you wading through the same mexico doing the same things until it finally ends.
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Commented on 2006-11-26 18:04:06 In reply to SimonM7
Posted by SimonM7
A lot of games require much longer to just get to grips with the controls. Does 10 minutes with Ninja Gaiden (I wanna use Shinobi but it'd be a narrower reference) really show you what that game will be like? What you will be like within the game? Intuitive controls are all too often confused with dumbed down controls these days.
I have to disagree with that. 10 minutes with Ninja Gaiden showed exactly what it would be like: ninjas cutting you up, you cutting up ninjas and flying sparrow to cap off their heads, essence orbs, blocking, attack, more blocking, and loads of other crazy stuff.
I do however see your point about 10 minute games, like some games put all their effort into the first hour of gameplay. Such as Call of Duty 2 with the beach drop. And Medal of Honor. And dozens of other FPSs. Those images of the later levels seem to really kick ass in terms of environmental designs and superb weather effects like snow drifts and smoke. I definitely agree, this game gets better halfway through the game, although I haven't played it and only seen video reviews.
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Commented on 2006-11-26 20:30:35
Lol at 3:51 when the player nudges into another soldier onto the right, he falls down and dies. Goes to show how accident-prone your allies are, heheh! :P
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2006-11-26 21:01:41
the thing like about this game is they's lots of things on screen at the same time.nice weather effects; soldiers fighting helicopters exploding in the air which brings the whole game alive

and an interesting story
overall this is not bad game for 1st gen game on ps3
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Commented on 2006-11-27 00:07:40 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
First Im talking about games, I didnt say anything about movies or books although in some cases the rule still applies

To me it does matter and that's probably the reason I play only a few games. IMO, if a game can capture your attention from the minute you pick up the controller and start playing then it's definately a game worth playing and in those few minutes it comes down to how well everything in the game is done. Take Prince of Persia The sands of time, Beyond Good and Evil, XIII, God of War, Resident Evil 4, Ico, shadow of the collosus and tell me those games do not impress from the first few minutes....

I cant help but disagree with you. if 10 minutes from a game is not an indication of how good a game is then what's the point of releasing demos ?
i can tell you none of those games DID capture my attention in the first 10 minutes. in fact half of them were downright boring and required effort to continue until you got at least a few hours in. the first 10 minutes of RE4 for example had me thinking whether the game would even ramp up the atmosphere.

by that reasoning, many rpgs in existance suck. the first 10 minutes (and sometimes you're lucky if the first 5-10 hours) rarely give you an idea of how the game will turn out in the end. you know pretty little about the story, you probably haven't seen anything close to any nuances of the gameplay, you're lucky if they've finished the tutorial in under 1-2 hours.

the point of releasing a demo is usually to give an idea of where the game is heading, not to provide any kind of review material. the closest to being used as review material demos usually get is as feedback farming, but even then its not in the form of "there's the first 10 minutes of the game, tell me how you review the rest of the game". half the time, demos aren't even the first ten minutes of the game. thats why they plop you in some random middle-of-the-game spot where you can get a look at the game once things have gotten going, not when the game has barely begun. the preview feedback is more along the lines of how are certain elements of the game going over with the crowd (a significant difference from, "here's the first 10 minutes, how's the complete game").
note, half the PC demos they release are such early builds its sometimes a question mark if they'll even run properly. not too mention there are often changes between what you see in demos (or even preview events for MMOs) and the final product that makes judging off a demo pointless.
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Commented on 2006-11-27 02:19:19
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Commented on 2006-11-27 03:26:33
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
WoW talk about trolling. Didn't even try to hide that fanboyism!
Commented on 2006-11-27 05:47:23
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Sounds like an insecure twat to me *rolls eyes*
Commented on 2006-11-27 12:03:09
All I see is a great launch title, and a lot of downplaying of the ps3.
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Commented on 2006-11-27 22:49:45
I agree, the trollling here is getting out of hand.
I know the mods have their hands full, but it's starting to get a bit ridiculous now...


The game still doesn't appeal to me, but I'm hearing plenty of good stuff about this game.
Actually playing the game might convince me, but I doubt it.

To me, it seems like a decent fps with some crazy guns, which might be plenty fun for most people, but it just can't excite me all that much and doesn't justify the 60 Euro pricetag...
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Commented on 2006-11-28 09:23:53
1. resistance has lots of bumpmapping... strange thing is you only see it when you use the flashlight!

2. its a very solid launch titel. the game renders huge amounts of polygons. the game is rock stable and has NO slowdowns, popups, LOD changes nothing...

look at that polygon amounts:

see the drawdistance, no popups, everything is fluid, lots of stuff going on.

even a simple stationary gun has lots of polys:

It's a very fast paced shooter. I love it! solid controlls, nice story.

YES, it doesn't look like Gears of War but it has its own beauty. anyone that is bashing resistance has never played it or is a 360 fanboy. Imo it makes at least as much fun as Gears of War.
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Commented on 2006-11-30 06:05:54
Just curious, but why is the best launch game a FPS, especially for the PS3 (Where's all the comments "Keyboard vs Controller"?
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Insomniac Games

$135 of $400 per month

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