Xbox 360 PS3 Wii

Sega will release Sonic Unleashed on Xbox 360 and Wii tomorrow (PS3 in December), and here are the first 10(or 20) minutes in video. The game looks great and it has many of the classic Sonic moments in it, but then again we have that certain Werehog too.

When the sun goes down, you morph into the Werehog. Basically you walk slower, have a darker voice and the stages turn into puzzle & fighting arenas. While the Sonic stages can be finished in three minutes, the Werehog stages instead take up to 20 minutes. You fight a big number of enemies (sometimes 15 or more), then move on and do puzzle's involving switches and moving objects.

My biggest issue with the Werehog is that everything is so slow. You jump, and he kind of hovers in the air. Quite the day-and-night difference compared to Sonic, and this is what I can't understand - if they add a new character, why would they want to make him even slower than any other typical video game character? If they just could have made him a decent movement scheme, it wouldn't be such a pain to do the puzzles and knocking out the enemies. It's not catastrophically bad, but it's bringing the game down.

Thankfully you have the dash button, where the Werehog goes down on all four and runs faster. There's a small movement angle while running in these speeds, so it's mostly used when you run through corridors or open spaces. After finishing a stage you can divide new ability points to either Sonic or the Werehog, and thanks to some new moves for the latter the fighting doesn't get as bad later in the game. You also gain higher Unleashed levels, making Werehog faster for longer time.

The fighting controls are not just about button smashing, he can perform different kombos and grab the enemies. By killing enemies, a meter is filled, and when it's full he can go in Rage mode and get more critical hits and do more damage. The game has an open world where you can talk to people that often give away hints for the next stage.

In the video below you'll find the first three stages in the game, where Sonic's movement is explained through the tutorial. Since there are so many in-game cut-scenes, I had to edit some out. Enjoy!

Commented on 2008-11-27 16:41:49
Damn that is a fast game....
Tho i think they destroyd <- sry spelling, the game with the 3d thing, an fighting thing.

IMO they should just have stayed with the old classic 2 d thing but with 3d view.
The fighting part is just not Sonic.
I mean i remember sony on the Sega Master SYstem, it was fast, smooth, and fun.

Now its like, fast...... a bit, then it stops, and then its fighting, wtf is that?
I understand they want the younger kids into this games, but plz, take out the damn fighting in 3d thing.
IT just ruin the game (imo)

I hope next sonic game will be like the old classic, 2d, with some new 3d gfx, and on a strait line.. OR, they do it like this game, it was fast and looked fun, THE RUNNING PART THAT IS, then offcourse <- sry spelling, they have to throw in the fighting part, and then the game just die.

Zmoker out.
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Commented on 2008-11-27 16:58:12
yeah . i agree.

the running bits looked great fun, although i'd rather they be more based on a side view.

but the story , and loading screens, sonic speaking, the rediculas ware-sonic thing, the robots, the fighting, the walking around talking to people, its just utter trash. i had high hopes this might be (FINALLY...!!) the game to bring sonic back to what made him successful...

maybe next time then...

edit. huh, how come above post was bouleted? seemed like a reasonable opinion to me
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Commented on 2008-11-27 17:47:24
-Sega will release Sonic Unleashed on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Wii tomorrow-

this is wrong. PS3 version will be released in December, though it's not known when exactly.
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Commented on 2008-11-27 18:09:26
Is it just me or is streaming down again :|
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-11-27 18:11:59 In reply to LEBATO
Posted by LEBATO
Is it just me or is streaming down again :|
It's not just you.
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Commented on 2008-11-27 18:13:52
Why not a 2D colorful HD gfx ? with very good design on sprites and backgrounds..
Like the old sonic on Megadrive.. but HD.. more colors.. more sprites.. and beautiful backgrounds and musics..

They don't have to do thing 3D just because we are in 2008... if a game is better in 2D.. then.. DO 2D.. ... 1990, 2008 or 2120.. doesn't matter..

(sorry my english)
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Commented on 2008-11-27 18:44:22 In reply to Anjiro
Posted by Anjiro
Why not a 2D colorful HD gfx ? with very good design on sprites and backgrounds..
Like the old sonic on Megadrive.. but HD.. more colors.. more sprites.. and beautiful backgrounds and musics..

They don't have to do thing 3D just because we are in 2008... if a game is better in 2D.. then.. DO 2D.. ... 1990, 2008 or 2120.. doesn't matter..

(sorry my english)
Because a 2D game by todays standards in high def with fluend animations would probably be quite expensive to make.
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Commented on 2008-11-27 18:47:12 In reply to ZmokeR
yep they should do a 2d 3d platformer for Sonic AND Mario.
i didnt really care for any of the 3d sonic games and the only good 3d mario game to me was super mario 64...

They should all just do what the new Street Fighter did; instead of going all 3d have 2d gameplay and 3d gfx :D

Oh wait..... i just thought bout the new Paper Mario... i never played it b4... isnt it supposed to be like that?... but the other paper marios were rpg's, ugh nevermind

Oh btw right below the last picture the column says "kombos" instead of combos (haha someones been playin to much mortal kombat ;D)

btw btw the stream is down for me to
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-11-27 19:09:17 In reply to dirttbagg
Posted by dirttbagg
yep they should do a 2d 3d platformer for Sonic AND Mario.
i didnt really care for any of the 3d sonic games and the only good 3d mario game to me was super mario 64...

They should all just do what the new Street Fighter did; instead of going all 3d have 2d gameplay and 3d gfx :D

Oh wait..... i just thought bout the new Paper Mario... i never played it b4... isnt it supposed to be like that?... but the other paper marios were rpg's, ugh nevermind

Oh btw right below the last picture the column says "kombos" instead of combos (haha someones been playin to much mortal kombat ;D)

btw btw the stream is down for me to
Actually Paper Mario is a RPG in a 3-d world, just with all the characters looking like paper cutouts.
In reply to
Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2008-11-27 19:54:25 In reply to janofam
Stream should be back up again
Posted by janofam
-Sega will release Sonic Unleashed on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Wii tomorrow-
this is wrong. PS3 version will be released in December, though it's not known when exactly.
True, thanks. I even looked it up yesterday, seems like it's planned for the 19th.
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Commented on 2008-11-27 20:12:34
Guess this one is gonna have to be a rent. I'm tired of playing crappy Sonic games. Maybe I should become a game developer, win the rights over Sonic and restore it to its former glory!
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Commented on 2008-11-27 20:50:55
Actually if you ignore all the reviewers and look at fan based reviews or forums( they're not bad. Maybe reviewers are just expecting too much. Then again, why shouldn't they?
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Commented on 2008-11-27 22:15:39
uM... Well at least it looks better than the most crappy Sonic games that came after Mega Drive II...
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Commented on 2008-11-28 00:42:53 In reply to KahL
Posted by KahL
Actually if you ignore all the reviewers and look at fan based reviews or forums( they're not bad. Maybe reviewers are just expecting too much. Then again, why shouldn't they?
Do not forget that gamefaqs is the worst gaming community on the entire internet, it's full of rabid immature fanboys that will defend anything no matter how bad it is.
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Commented on 2008-11-28 08:11:21
I'm looking forward to this game.
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Commented on 2008-11-28 08:11:51
I think it looks great but sonic is just not for me anymore..
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Commented on 2008-11-28 08:19:59
looks great and i'll be buying
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2008-11-28 14:48:56
I'm stuck caring, since Sonic is like a child of mine that no matter how many times I have to bail him out for drunk driving, pay off his debts and hold his spikes back while he's throwing up from a convoluted gameplay twist overdose, I really love.

This includes deriving fun from his darkest hours, including Sonic '06 where I thought (parts of) White Acropolis and Flame Core and Crisis City were perfectly playable and in instances fun. So, yeah, I'm not easily put off, but Unleashed always worried me to the point where I couldn't get excited.

I won't say I told you so, firsly because I told nobody anything in particular and secondly because I really thought the running bits would cripple the Sonic Adventure 1 and Secret Rings formula to the point where the 3D bits weren't enjoyable at all and just have you holding forward and instantly completing everything. Turns out from most reviews; the speedy Sonic bits ARE very enjoyable and the assyness comes from repetitive Werehog bits and hub world.

But there's hope yet! The Wii and PS2 versions were designed by Dimps, of Sonic Advance, Rush fame (ie Sonic games that have consistently been great, though not in the Megadrive way you may expect) where the running portions supposedly are even better, and the hub world is replaced by an interface where you spin the continents around and simply choose your missions from a list.

The Werehog bits are given a little bit more substance by the Wiimote controls that sometimes are weird but nevertheless change the gameplay up a bit from just mashing a single button.

All in all, if you are interested in this game and have all of the consoles at hand, picking up the Wii version might just be the best choice despite lacking some visual polish. Eurogamer will have a separate Wii review up soon, and they're touting it in their comments section in a way that says it's worth paying attention. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Dimps has outdone its big brother similar to what Montreal did to Shanghai's Splinter Cell: Double Agent.
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Commented on 2008-11-29 05:46:53
It seems to me Sonic Team have to get a few beers in, play Sonic 1 through to Sonic and Knuckles are realise what made Sonic so beautiful in the first place.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you shouldn't.

Quite frankly. An obnoxious sidekick that yells Sonic every time there is a point of interest doesn't exactly make me want to pick this up. And I really wanted to pick this up. Imagine if, in Sonic 2, Tails would slow down the action to alert you to a hidden spring or power up? It would have completely ruined the flow of the game. He was superfluous, you could turn him off in the Options menu if you didn't want him tagging along but it wasn't necessary. The only thing Tails ever did was jump on a movement triggered platform and cause you to do die. In these games, they just can't seem to lose them.

And what the hell is with these RPG like sequences. I hate these in Sonic Adventure. So why the fuck are they still here? When it all comes down to it, I thought, with his game they were starting to realise what they'd been doing wrong.

After seeing the Were Hog (?) in action. I guess not.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2008-11-30 04:55:50
EG reviewed the Wii version. 6/10 vs the PS3/360 versions' 4/10.
Posted by Eurogamer
So let's not get carried away. Sonic Unleashed on the Wii is a very different game to its lumpy 360 and PS3 counterparts, and that's a good thing, but it's still not quite a return to form. Stripped of unnecessary narrative nonsense and forced to use new camera views and level designs, it's simply a more satisfying rendition of the same thing, more faithful to the original series and undoubtedly the version that Sonic fans should pick up. The werehog character remains a clumsy fit, and Unleashed is no great shakes when considered against today's top-tier platformers, but if nothing else it's at least less frustrating, and therefore more fun to play, than its rather ugly sisters on the HD consoles.
As expected it came out on top. Hopefully next time Dimps get to do all versions and get to make the calls on whether to turn Sonic into a werewolf or not.

Full review.
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Commented on 2008-12-02 02:28:00
Manager, I admire the fact that you took your time with the level instead of pounding on the boost button like so many other reviewers did in their video reviews(Although you did kind of rush through the werehog level). The main problem is the original 3 Sonic games were not always "Full speed" games. They had multiple moments of platforming and a few moments of puzzle solving. Don't tell me the only thing you all remember about sonic is green hill zone. You don't remember Star Light Zone? Scrap Brain Zone? Or even the underwater Labrynth zone?(There was no way in hell you could speed at all through that)... or how about the knuckles segments in Sonic 3? Why are people calling the "hold forward/right to win" a.k.a. Sonic and the secret rings, a good game? C'mon guys....

I can see why Sega would be frustrated. One half of you is asking for pure speed and the other half of you is asking for platforming. This game is the closest you got to having both in a long time, and people still aren't satisfied. At least they actually listened to their fans this time for once, and that made this game much better than the path they were heading down..(Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, etc).
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2008-12-02 20:14:22 In reply to Contra
You hold neither forward nor right in Secret Rings.

And it really is a good game.

You're absolutely right, Sonic wasn't just about speed in the olde days, but neither was Mario about flying from one planet to the next. These games will take new directions, some bad (as is the rule with Sonic rather than the exception) and some good. SaTSR doesn't fully adhere to the principles behind the first games, but it's nevertheless a great game in its own right. It had control issues from essentially being Heroes shoehorned into a brand new gameplay framework, but as long as you played it right it was a blast.

I happen to like Sonic Battle and Sonic 3D aswell, despite them not feeling like parts of the *main series*.

But like I said, I do think you're right. With a real, proper Sonic game, Sega shouldn't feel forced to work in extra characters to have all its gameplay bases covered. To me, Sonic Adventure was absolutely fine. Sonic levels had plenty of variety and the game wasn't ludicrously fast. Sonic Adventure 2 is where it went wrong, where Sonic levels became all about speed and the platforming and methodical gameplay responsibilities were passed off to Tails and Knuckles. I dunno why it's taking Sega so long to figure that out.

In the meantime though, GOOD games starring the hedgehog - whether they aspire to nail the Sonic 1-3 formula in 3D or not - is a breath of fresh air, and in that sense I think Secret Rings and Rush did wonders to keep Sonic relevant.
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Commented on 2008-12-04 00:36:55 In reply to SimonM7
Posted by SimonM7
You hold neither forward nor right in Secret Rings.

And it really is a good game.

You're absolutely right, Sonic wasn't just about speed in the olde days, but neither was Mario about flying from one planet to the next. These games will take new directions, some bad (as is the rule with Sonic rather than the exception) and some good. SaTSR doesn't fully adhere to the principles behind the first games, but it's nevertheless a great game in its own right. It had control issues from essentially being Heroes shoehorned into a brand new gameplay framework, but as long as you played it right it was a blast.

I happen to like Sonic Battle and Sonic 3D aswell, despite them not feeling like parts of the *main series*.

But like I said, I do think you're right. With a real, proper Sonic game, Sega shouldn't feel forced to work in extra characters to have all its gameplay bases covered. To me, Sonic Adventure was absolutely fine. Sonic levels had plenty of variety and the game wasn't ludicrously fast. Sonic Adventure 2 is where it went wrong, where Sonic levels became all about speed and the platforming and methodical gameplay responsibilities were passed off to Tails and Knuckles. I dunno why it's taking Sega so long to figure that out.

In the meantime though, GOOD games starring the hedgehog - whether they aspire to nail the Sonic 1-3 formula in 3D or not - is a breath of fresh air, and in that sense I think Secret Rings and Rush did wonders to keep Sonic relevant.
I didn't mean the "hold right to win" literally, but basically if you had to hold something in that game, right would have been it. SaTSR was just dissapointingly easy because of the bare minimum amount of platforming within the game.

While I do agree that sonic adventure was good, the main problem with the adventure series lied in the camera. The camera simply went all over the place. Sonic unleashed managed to do things right in the day stages with a fixed camera, but I can't say the same for the night stages.

I'm not trying to say Sonic Unleashed is the greatest sonic game since adventure. But at the same time I think that the reviewers smashing the game constantly(some giving it a 3.0 out of 10) because there happen to be slower paced platforming elements in it, and that's not "what they wanted" just angers me. You don't review games on what you want in it, you review games on what was given to you and whether or not that works.
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Commented on 2008-12-08 13:42:34 In reply to Contra
Posted by Contra
I'm not trying to say Sonic Unleashed is the greatest sonic game since adventure. But at the same time I think that the reviewers smashing the game constantly(some giving it a 3.0 out of 10) because there happen to be slower paced platforming elements in it, and that's not "what they wanted" just angers me. You don't review games on what you want in it, you review games on what was given to you and whether or not that works.
Well said.

I really enjoy the running levels but I can't say I absolutely loathe the warehog levels. It takes some time to get used to it but I still find it fun.
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Commented on 2008-12-11 05:39:58 In reply to Contra
Posted by Contra
I didn't mean the "hold right to win" literally, but basically if you had to hold something in that game, right would have been it. SaTSR was just dissapointingly easy because of the bare minimum amount of platforming within the game.

While I do agree that sonic adventure was good, the main problem with the adventure series lied in the camera. The camera simply went all over the place. Sonic unleashed managed to do things right in the day stages with a fixed camera, but I can't say the same for the night stages.

I'm not trying to say Sonic Unleashed is the greatest sonic game since adventure. But at the same time I think that the reviewers smashing the game constantly(some giving it a 3.0 out of 10) because there happen to be slower paced platforming elements in it, and that's not "what they wanted" just angers me. You don't review games on what you want in it, you review games on what was given to you and whether or not that works.
I haven't got Sonic Unleashed yet but I think that you and SimonM7 are both right really. And I think Sonic Adventure was the best 3D Sonic game and possibly even the best Sonic game period! (I didn't even have a problem with the other characters' levels as some have.) By the way, the "pure speed" game that the reviewers seem to want actually exists, it's made by Traveller's Tales and Sonic Team, it's on the Saturn, it's like a cross between Sonic and Mario Kart, it's called Sonic R and it's pretty damn cool! :D
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