Finally this is happening, yes you are seeing this right we actually have a video of a PS3 exclusive game before its release date, and this game is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It's a first, and hopefully it won't be the last time it happens. So let's all thank our new contributor TTP for this and his fine work! Hopefully we'll be able to show more of the game in the next few days too. Enjoy!
Update 3: TTP must have spent a long night capturing and reencoding all the videos again, but there they are, and this time they are as good as they can be! Many thanks to him!
All comments (44)
ND's comedic timing is as good as ever too. The plain "shit!" when he realises it's a statue in front of him is so awesome. Had it been timed just a liiittle bit different it wouldn't be as chuckle-worthy. :)
I'm glad to be a PS3 owner as well! hahahahaha
Seriously though- for the most part, my PS3 sucks. It's the worst POS I've wasted money on- but this is the first in the line of games I truly hope turn my opinion around. Heavenly Sword- great but absurdly short. Lair... sucked. Ninja Gaiden... been there did that. Twice. And Motorstorm is the saving software from the powers above.
And then there's Uncharted. I loved the demo- but it ended horribly. I can't wait to plug this in but my issue is that Uncharted is out on the same day as Mass Effect AND Rock Band!!! OMG- that totally sucks!
Three games in one day- yea- some will just need to be left in their wrappers until I can devote the time they truly deserve to them...
Not my kind of game, cause of all the shooting, shame really.
man i wish xbox 360 had something like this instead of sci themes we always get
is it just me or does that lass sound like pheobe from friends?
or at least very familiur...
id probobly think about getting a ps3 for this game if only ther were less shooting and more puzzles/exploration... seems like all ive been doing for the last few months on my 360 is shooting, i dont need any more of it thanks lol!!
The look ist great, the sound kicks me and characters looks awesome!!
That said, I have one little, tiny, minuscule gripe: Why are all the game mechanics ripped from Gears of War? The reticule, cover system and (from another game site's video) the weapon selection menu are straight from epic's title. Even the "look here" indicator, when the plane is flying by, is a tool that Gears used.
Like I said, it's a minor gripe and in no way will keep me from purchasing and enjoying the game. It's just that you don't usually see (or maybe I don't notice) that many game mechanics borrowed from the same game. Does anyone know if there is some shared development house here. I was half expecting to see him do a "roadie run".
insomniac: resistance and ratchet...