Xbox 360

The demo of The Outfit is finally available on Xbox Live since a few days, so of course we just HAD to do a few videos. So enjoy these videos from the online mode and also a bit of split screen offline. Thanks to Freaktown for lending me a 360 while mine was somewhere in germany being fixed!

Video gallery

  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery

Video gallery

  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
  • The Outfit: videos of the demo - Video gallery
Commented on 2006-03-08 16:56:04
nice video
i havent try it out as yet thou.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 16:57:25
Don't bother the demo is very very poor
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Commented on 2006-03-08 17:05:08
I actually enjoyed the demo. Wasn't the best game ever, but I went into it knowing it was just a demo.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 17:05:11 In reply to Jabbypants
Posted by Jabbypants
Don't bother the demo is very very poor
It depends on whether you know what you are doing or not.
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Snoopers - Gameboy
Commented on 2006-03-08 17:13:09
Slabs> exactly. I'll translate the impressions I wrote in the french news later, but I found the game quite enjoyable. Not a great game, but really funny and appelling when you master the basis of the gameplay. And it was a lot of fun to make the split-screen video with my friend, it's been a long time since I enjoyed a "fun" multi-player game like this one.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 17:25:14 In reply to Jabbypants
Posted by Jabbypants
Don't bother the demo is very very poor
Absolutely and totally disagree. I played last night for the first time and laughed HARD the entire time. That way, unquestionablly the best time I've had on my 360 yet. I have COD2- intense as hell. Not really 'fun'. I have PGR3 and DOA4. I have Kameo and NFS:MW... even FN3. THIS however- is FUN. I highly recmd. this game. NOW. If you like shooters and have some buddies- this game will be a BLAST. I really, really loved it! Especially (hahahah) getting into the wheelbarrel and having my guys 'charge' me into the enemy base! (hahahahahaha)
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Commented on 2006-03-08 17:42:50 In reply to Snoopers
Posted by snoopers
Slabs> exactly. I'll translate the impressions I wrote in the french news later, but I found the game quite enjoyable. Not a great game, but really funny and appelling when you master the basis of the gameplay. And it was a lot of fun to make the split-screen video with my friend, it's been a long time since I enjoyed a "fun" multi-player game like this one.
I have to agree the game was good fun.

The lag kills it though. I did some sort of preview at
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Commented on 2006-03-08 17:44:28 In reply to Kethmach
Posted by Kethmach
Absolutely and totally disagree. I played last night for the first time and laughed HARD the entire time. That way, unquestionablly the best time I've had on my 360 yet. I have COD2- intense as hell. Not really 'fun'. I have PGR3 and DOA4. I have Kameo and NFS:MW... even FN3. THIS however- is FUN. I highly recmd. this game. NOW. If you like shooters and have some buddies- this game will be a BLAST. I really, really loved it! Especially (hahahah) getting into the wheelbarrel and having my guys 'charge' me into the enemy base! (hahahahahaha)
Using the wheelbarrel is fun but not very smart at all imo.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 17:56:49
Is there a way to get out of a vehicle while keeping your men in the vehicle? I got out of a vehicle and everybody also got out and the enemy quickly got into the vehicle to man the gun and kill everyone LOL. Not something I'd pay $59.99 for, but maybe $29.99.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 18:00:22
Well said, Nossy.

This is great budget title material. But here in Canada this will be $74.99, and there's no way I'm paying that much for this one. It's fun for a bit, but I might as well just play the demo and pass on the full price.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 18:11:57
I enjoyed that Vid it looks like a decent game but jez...

..I D/L and played this thinking i would enjoy it, but then i rememberd that third/first person shooters with joypads are soo paainfully limited and sllloooww when ur used to the 'proper' way that i had to simply delete it.. And why do most 360 games seem to 'jerk and tear' when u stand on a spot and turn around viewing abit of background drawdistance ? even the n64 never had this problem.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 18:17:53
teh_d00d he knows what he's doing, and he likes it!
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Commented on 2006-03-08 18:47:02 In reply to Kethmach
Posted by Kethmach
Absolutely and totally disagree. I played last night for the first time and laughed HARD the entire time. That way, unquestionablly the best time I've had on my 360 yet. I have COD2- intense as hell. Not really 'fun'. I have PGR3 and DOA4. I have Kameo and NFS:MW... even FN3. THIS however- is FUN. I highly recmd. this game. NOW. If you like shooters and have some buddies- this game will be a BLAST. I really, really loved it! Especially (hahahah) getting into the wheelbarrel and having my guys 'charge' me into the enemy base! (hahahahahaha)
Well said.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 19:13:14 In reply to Nossy
Posted by Nossy
Is there a way to get out of a vehicle while keeping your men in the vehicle? I got out of a vehicle and everybody also got out and the enemy quickly got into the vehicle to man the gun and kill everyone LOL. Not something I'd pay $59.99 for, but maybe $29.99.
You have a team that are directly atuned to YOU. That means that those guys are your lacky's. If you get in a vehicle, they'll get in too- get out, and they still have your back. If you loose those guys, you have to call in reinforcements to replace them. IF however, you don't replace them- other people from your team will follow you around, they just won't be as dedicated to your well being as your squad. If you get out of a vehicle that THEY'RE in with you- they won't get out and follow you around... usually, one of the guys in back or on the passenger side will jump out and get in the vehicle and take off! hahah. It's a pretty cool system.

Sorry you had lag up there, I played for 2 hours and didn't see a hint of it (honestly). But I was playing with my buddies though- not open free for all. I know we all have good connections as well. Same thing with the tearing part- I never saw a hint of that. Lucky me? Unlucky you?

Thanks Panzer83
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Commented on 2006-03-08 19:22:31
I think a lot of people went into the demo thinking the game would be like "game XXYY" or some other genre. Knowing Relic it was obvious to me prior to the demo that it would more of a strategy type game than a shooter.
In general the demo was pretty good, ocassionally I had lag but then one or two of the usual suspects would quit or lag-out and the game stabalized.
The worst part for the developer/publisher is that this month is possibly the worst to release in what with all the great titles coming out. I don't think I'll buy Outfit this month but next month or future upcoming 'dry' months I will.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 20:39:10
A bit crappy that the "super trained ultra soldiers" can't SWIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But i like the game, its Action Battlefield
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Commented on 2006-03-08 20:43:47
"There can be only ME!" ROFL

I'm liking the demo. Its great if you can find local/continental players to play with but is pure lag-tastic hell when you join intercontinental games. Live seriously needs a country/continent filter.

"LAAG. I GOT CABLE!!!!111oneone" Yeah but it doesnt defeat the distance or the speed of electricity through several routers along the way whom each adds more delay, the traffic on rushours, the limited bandwidth or packetloss.

MS needs to restructure the service to take this into account, but I guess they are all Joe America and have CABLE OMG OMG!!!1
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Commented on 2006-03-08 21:11:50
I really didn't enjoy the game that much. I guess I'll have to give it another go around.
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Commented on 2006-03-08 21:48:32
Horrible demo...
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Commented on 2006-03-08 22:08:01
Dont like driving controll of veichle
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Commented on 2006-03-08 22:11:19 In reply to f2hunter
Posted by f2hunter
I enjoyed that Vid it looks like a decent game but jez...

..I D/L and played this thinking i would enjoy it, but then i rememberd that third/first person shooters with joypads are soo paainfully limited and sllloooww when ur used to the 'proper' way that i had to simply delete it.. And why do most 360 games seem to 'jerk and tear' when u stand on a spot and turn around viewing abit of background drawdistance ? even the n64 never had this problem.
This is like the third time I've heard you speak on 'proper' controls... I'm thinking you may need to rethink your 360 purchase if you were hoping for majority first/third person games. MS is refusing to support KB+M so......
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Commented on 2006-03-08 23:15:42
I thought the game was pretty fun. You definiatley have to get used to it as its not like too m any other games. But it does what it does well. It's not a blockbuster, but it's decent, and aside from the graphics, i can't see any major flaws...the driving controls maybe, but i can get used to that. I wonder if $60 is a good pricepoint for this title though....
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Commented on 2006-03-09 02:10:41 In reply to superchunk
Posted by superchunk
This is like the third time I've heard you speak on 'proper' controls... I'm thinking you may need to rethink your 360 purchase if you were hoping for majority first/third person games. MS is refusing to support KB+M so......
Indeed i have..

I want some of the fighting games (Dead Rising) and a few racers (Tokyo highway battle - this should make an awesome online racer imo).. i wont be getting any of the 360 FPS's tho.... If im still not happy i'll simply swap/exchange my 360 for a Revolution. Im pretty sure i wont be botherd on missing out on anything once i have that awesome Controller and Metroid prime Revolution in myhands :P
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Commented on 2006-03-09 02:58:21 In reply to f2hunter
I know a similarly deluded individual who believes the revo will have better FPS's than the 360!

I haven't laughed so hard since i played the outfit! great game by the way, distinctive, unique, fun, teh winner.
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Commented on 2006-03-09 04:50:13 In reply to f2hunter
Posted by f2hunter
Indeed i have..

I want some of the fighting games (Dead Rising) and a few racers (Tokyo highway battle - this should make an awesome online racer imo).. i wont be getting any of the 360 FPS's tho.... If im still not happy i'll simply swap/exchange my 360 for a Revolution. Im pretty sure i wont be botherd on missing out on anything once i have that awesome Controller and Metroid prime Revolution in myhands :P
kb/m set up shouldn't and never will be a standard option for consol FPS. The controller is a distictive characteristic of consol gaming and giving people different devices will crreat an unbalaced playing feild. and thats unexceptable. I think you'll have fun if you except FPS controls as one of the gameplay mechanics you need to master in order to be good at a game instead of considering it an annoyance.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Relic Entertainm...

$135 of $400 per month

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