Video PC PS4 Xbox One

CDProjekt Red just released this great looking 15 minutes video showing some gameplay of the much awaited The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, to be released in May on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

10 screens

  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
  • The Witcher 3 gameplay video - 10 screens
Commented on 2015-01-26 22:06:27
I can't fuckin wait to play this game!
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Commented on 2015-01-26 22:06:52
Thanks for this. The youtube version quality isn't too great. I want to see in this new footage whether CDProjekt have downgraded the game or not...

Still gonna play it regardless though.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-01-26 22:31:49
Damn that NPC for forcing Geralt to get rid of his beard lol

Anyways, i am getting some slight DAI vibes from the gameplay for some odd reasons.

Nice visuals, but if W2 is anything to go by, this game isnt for me since i wasent all that satistfied with the combat it had.
Though I am looking forward to the OST.
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Commented on 2015-01-26 22:41:33 In reply to Sath
Posted by Eamon
Thanks for this. The youtube version quality isn't too great. I want to see in this new footage whether CDProjekt have downgraded the game or not...
They put three extra months into optimising the game, which pretty heavily indicates that they are doing their best to avoid downgrades in the release version. I especially doubt that they'd downgrade the PC version even if the consoles have to suffer.
Posted by Sath
Damn that NPC for forcing Geralt to get rid of his beard lol
You have the choice to refuse, judging from the dialogue options.
Nice visuals, but if W2 is anything to go by, this game isnt for me since i wasent all that satistfied with the combat it had.
The developers have said that they have listened to the complaints that people had about the last game's combat and made improvements in those areas, so I recommend you still give it a try. And I wouldn't call TW2's combat bad, either. It just had an inverse difficulty curve.
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Commented on 2015-01-26 23:05:14
dat server speed :D
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Commented on 2015-01-26 23:09:38 In reply to Lightice
Well, tbh the combat in Witcher 2 was quite clunky. Especially before they patched it up. But hey, the game ist still very enjoyable, even if the combat isn't exactly 10/10.

Witcher 3 looks great though. Screw dragon age, it ain't got nuthin' on this :)
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Commented on 2015-01-26 23:12:31
I only played Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition and I thought the combat was great. Definitely a steep learning curve but still fun and challenging.
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Commented on 2015-01-26 23:32:01
MGSV Phantom Pain, Arkham Knight and KH3 are probably the only games i'll preorder this year. Including this.
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Commented on 2015-01-26 23:47:24
What platform was that on?
The characters look great, but the vegetation and the LOD switches outside were not too appealing.
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Commented on 2015-01-26 23:53:44 In reply to user82
Posted by Eamon
I only played Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition and I thought the combat was great. Definitely a steep learning curve but still fun and challenging.
Steep learning curve? Yeah drink some potions, pick the right sword and hack away basically. Throw some signs if the enemies block, GGWP. As much as i love The Witcher, i can't say that the combat of 2 was particularly great. Not terrible or anything just kinda bland and unengaging. Maybe it got better on higher difficulties, but i kinda doubt that. I imagine it just involves you spamming more signs or traps.
Posted by MikeManiac61
MGSV Phantom Pain, Arkham Knight and KH3 are probably the only games i'll preorder this year. Including this.
Why pre-order at all? It's not like you aren't gonna get a copy if you don't and it's way smarter to read the reviews BEFORE you buy the game, rather than end up with Alien: Colonial Marines, if you know what i mean :P
Posted by user82
What platform was that on?
The characters look great, but the vegetation and the LOD switches outside were not too appealing.
The youtube version i saw said it was the PC version, i think.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 01:12:59 In reply to Megido
Is this on PC or... that didn't look like it. Either way it looks great.
Posted by Megido
Steep learning curve? Yeah drink some potions, pick the right sword and hack away basically. Throw some signs if the enemies block, GGWP. As much as i love The Witcher, i can't say that the combat of 2 was particularly great. Not terrible or anything just kinda bland and unengaging. Maybe it got better on higher difficulties, but i kinda doubt that. I imagine it just involves you spamming more signs or traps.
I'm not sure you played the 2nd one past the tutorial?
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Commented on 2015-01-27 01:25:56
This is all PC footage yes. And you can clearly see that it doesn't look as good as previous footage on PC, which is a little odd.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 01:31:27
Now this looks like an awesome world for a open world RPG. Skyrim and Dragon Age Inquisition weren't particularly lively but here like even the geese has me wanting to soak up all the peripheral stuff.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 02:38:45 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
The youtube version i saw said it was the PC version, i think.
Well i rarely pre-order though unless it's a game that I'm surely confident about. 2014 was the worse year in gaming IMO and i'm very careful of what games i get
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Commented on 2015-01-27 03:44:12
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Commented on 2015-01-27 03:54:18 In reply to MikeManiac61
Posted by crookedmind
Is this on PC or... that didn't look like it. Either way it looks great.

I'm not sure you played the 2nd one past the tutorial?
I've played both games through several times each, thank you very much. What part of the combat offers depth? Just keep your gear upgraded, drink potions and use signs and you are good to go. I mean, blocking and dodge rolling doesn't even need to be mentioned as it's the bloody basics of the combat. I thought the combat was pretty simple, no in depth strategy or advanced movement, maneuvers or anything. You barely need to think about what the enemy is doing, just keep that Quen up and mash the attack button. If they block, give em some Aard or make em walk in to an Yrden trap. GG a hero is you. There are some more difficult encounters as well but they generally just involve you cheesing with signs as well, until you can get a few hits in. The arena mode seemed to offer a bit more challenge in the combat department but i've never spent much time in that mode as the story and the world is what i like about the Wither games. If i want good combat i'd rather just go back and play Dark souls 1 and 2 again, and get some PvP in there as well.
Posted by MikeManiac61
Well i rarely pre-order though unless it's a game that I'm surely confident about. 2014 was the worse year in gaming IMO and i'm very careful of what games i get
Yeah, all i'm saying is that i don't think you have to worry about your local game store running out of copies of MGS V, hence no real need to pre-order. You can buy a game on day 1 without pre-ordering it, you know that right? :P

I mean, it's kinda dumb to pre-order in stores, and even worse on steam. Why do people pre-order shit on steam? It's bloody retarded. It just means you buy a game without checking it out first. Worried that they'll run out of digital copies or something? It's like buying a 60 dollar blind bag. What sane person would do that? Haven't pre-ordered a game in a while now, Bloodborne being the exception as i am enough of a consumer whore to really want the big collectors box. I'm sure it'll be in stock without pre-ordering but i'm just making sure. Witcher though? Nah, i'll just buy it when it comes, same with all other games i'm interested in this year. Then i usually don't give a hoot about the trivial pre-order bonuses you get as it's always some token DLC that's worth pretty much nothing in the end. Shiny trinkets to sell you a 60 dollar product you don't know anything about.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 05:55:07
Looks great. But GPX are a mix bag. Those red bricks and grass. But I guess PC mods will do the rest for developers.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 06:44:59 In reply to SirAdamFrisk
Posted by SirAdamFrisk
Looks great. But GPX are a mix bag. Those red bricks and grass. But I guess PC mods will do the rest for developers.
Or, you can wait for the enhanced edition, like the previous two games.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 06:51:46 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Yeah, all i'm saying is that i don't think you have to worry about your local game store running out of copies of MGS V, hence no real need to pre-order. You can buy a game on day 1 without pre-ordering it, you know that right? :P

I mean, it's kinda dumb to pre-order in stores, and even worse on steam. Why do people pre-order shit on steam? It's bloody retarded. It just means you buy a game without checking it out first. Worried that they'll run out of digital copies or something? It's like buying a 60 dollar blind bag. What sane person would do that? Haven't pre-ordered a game in a while now, Bloodborne being the exception as i am enough of a consumer whore to really want the big collectors box. I'm sure it'll be in stock without pre-ordering but i'm just making sure. Witcher though? Nah, i'll just buy it when it comes, same with all other games i'm interested in this year. Then i usually don't give a hoot about the trivial pre-order bonuses you get as it's always some token DLC that's worth pretty much nothing in the end. Shiny trinkets to sell you a 60 dollar product you don't know anything about.
I see where you're getting at. I don't preorder digital downloads because like you said it doesn't make sense, the Witcher I'm going to get the physical copy due to it having no DRM crap and from what i've heard i can just pop the disk in then boom, just play the game. Pre-order bonuses were always a joke to me, the way i see it it's an abundance of stuff cut from the game so they can make money off it.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 06:53:45 In reply to Moonwalker
Posted by Megido
What part of the combat offers depth?
No idea. But, I wouldn't say Dark Souls offers any more depth than the Witcher does... roll, block, hit, roll, block, hit, roll, roll, roll...

I don't think combat depth is really defined or is as important as whether or not the game play is fun. For the record, I think they both are, and in the end that's all that's important for me.
Posted by Moonwalker
This is all PC footage yes. And you can clearly see that it doesn't look as good as previous footage on PC, which is a little odd.
That is strange.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-01-27 07:23:02 In reply to Lightice
Posted by Lightice
You have the choice to refuse, judging from the dialogue options.
If thats the case, i feel sorry for those who agree to do it :P
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Commented on 2015-01-27 09:20:39
A little bummed out that CD projekt didn't go all the way on hair detail, or tressfx. The game looks pretty solid. I hope the ultra settings don't disappoint.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 09:48:27
I just downloaded Witcher II. I hate playing games that don't challenge me so I choose to play the second hardest difficulty. I die 10 times at each fight. What am I doing wrong?
P.S. Even if I would not get killed that often, I don't think I would enjoy the fights. Are there any infos on what they improved for witcher III?
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Commented on 2015-01-27 14:29:08
I can see pre ordering games is frowned apond this year. I pre order games to guarantee I get the Collector's Editions of them. This year has some GREAT ones coming out! The pre ordered both Limited and Batmobile Editions of Batman Arkham Knight, The Premium Edition of The Order 1886, The Collector's Edition of Bloodborne, and The Collector's Edition of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. I'm good for the year.
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Commented on 2015-01-27 14:52:02 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
No idea. But, I wouldn't say Dark Souls offers any more depth than the Witcher does... roll, block, hit, roll, block, hit, roll, roll, roll...

I don't think combat depth is really defined or is as important as whether or not the game play is fun. For the record, I think they both are, and in the end that's all that's important for me.
I think it does, what with a boatload of different weapons, positioning is important, knowing the enemy is important, parrying and reactionary gameplay offers a much deeper and more interesting combat experience in Dark Souls. Just the rings in Dark Souls offer so much flexibility in how you play the game, there's nothing like it in The Witcher 2. Witcher is more about buffing up and hacking away. They approach combat very differently. Also i never argued that the game is fun, i'm probably the largest damn Witcher wanker on this forum, but i accept that combat is not the strong suit of Witcher 2. It's not what makes the game fun and enjoyable. At least not to me.

Redneck: Spam Quen a lot. That's like the basic survivability option. Just always have Quen active, and if you don't have stamina? Kite the enemies until you regen some. Also use Yrden a lot as well, it's very effective. You can stun one opponent while hacking on the other and so forth. I found that the easiest way to beat the game is to level the magic skill tree first, get your quen sign up to maximum as soon as possible. At that point you'll reflect so much damage with it that you are good to go for the rest of the game and can level other perks freely. Also, always drink some potions, if you know a fight is coming, always have some Swallow, Tawny Owl and Rook ready. Use some oils on the sword to buff it up as well, the extra damage helps. Also, don't be afraid to use your upgrade materials, like the armor upgrades, there's no shortage of them through the game.
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About the game
Published by
CD Projekt
Developed by
CD Projekt RED

$135 of $400 per month

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