Press release PS3

Square-Enix and Crystal Dynamics has announced Tomb Raider Trilogy Pack on PS3, grouping together Tomb Raider: Underworld and the unreleased Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary. The pack is planned for a March 25th release and could be a good way to wait for the new Lara Croft's adventures by (re)discovering the adventuress' world.

Press Release :

LONDON (January 6, 2011) – Crystal Dynamics® today announced that THE TOMB RAIDER® TRILOGY pack, exclusive for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, will be available on March 25, 2011.

The pack will include TOMB RAIDER Legend and TOMB RAIDER Anniversary, both newly remastered in HD quality, as well as TOMB RAIDER Underworld, previously released on PlayStation 3. A number of items were also created exclusively for this pack, including a THE TOMB RAIDER TRILOGY PlayStation 3 theme pack, the official Lara Croft female Home avatar outfit, the Viking Thrall male Home avatar outfit and a collection of “making of” trailers in HD for the entire series, a must for any TOMB RAIDER fan.

“We’re really excited to be able to offer gamers the chance to play both Legend and Anniversary ‘remastered in high definition on the PlayStation®3,” said Darrell Gallagher, Head of Studio, Crystal Dynamics. “These are two titles we are extremely proud to have created.”

For more information on TOMB RAIDER please visit or follow TOMB RAIDER on Twitter @TombRaider.


  • Tomb Raider Trilogy Pack announced - Image


  • Tomb Raider Trilogy Pack announced - Logo
Commented on 2011-01-06 18:07:50
Tomb Raider 1, 2 & 3 HD compilation, please! This one is pointless imo. :/
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Commented on 2011-01-06 18:33:10
I thought Tomb raider legend and anniversary were already HD ó_Ò
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Commented on 2011-01-06 18:40:44 In reply to Anvil
Posted by Anvil
I thought Tomb raider legend and anniversary were already HD ó_Ò
hehe me too :D
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Commented on 2011-01-06 18:55:11 In reply to Anvil
Posted by Anvil
I thought Tomb raider legend and anniversary were already HD ó_Ò
Yes, but they were only released on 360. I guess this is intended for PS3 owners that didn't get a chance to play these games.

Anyway, I'm buying this. I used to have a 360 and LOVED Anniversary, unfortunately my 360 died on me. Ansd it's also a good chance to replay Legend.
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Commented on 2011-01-06 19:33:08
This is very good news for PS3 only owners who never got the chance to experience Legend and Anniversary. Enjoy!
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Commented on 2011-01-06 21:25:52
Did I hear that one of these games was a direct remake of the previous Tomb Raider games?

Wiki'd: It's Tomb Raider Anniversary.
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Commented on 2011-01-06 22:40:16
"Exclusive" to ps3 LMAO. That's what you call being late a few years? (with legend and anniversary), cause they were releasen in HD on 360 years ago. There was a time when I had a ps3 only and was interested in those games, but now they can shove'em.
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Commented on 2011-01-06 22:57:51 In reply to CloudXIV
Posted by CloudXIV
"Exclusive" to ps3 LMAO. That's what you call being late a few years? (with legend and anniversary), cause they were releasen in HD on 360 years ago. There was a time when I had a ps3 only and was interested in those games, but now they can shove'em.
The Tomb Raider TRILOGY PACK is exclusive to the PS3. But you're right, these games have been relesed separately on 360 a few years back.
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Commented on 2011-01-06 23:48:56 In reply to Freditor
Posted by Freditor
The Tomb Raider TRILOGY PACK is exclusive to the PS3. But you're right, these games have been relesed separately on 360 a few years back.
That's what I'm saying, putting a few games in a bundle hardly makes them exclusive if they're already available elsewhere separately. And since these are old titles you can probably pick all 3 of them for less than this trilogy pack will cost you. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that anniversary and legend are coming to ps3, but there's nothing 'exclusive' about it.
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Commented on 2011-01-07 01:49:24
Too many HD release. POP and now this, SC is also coming but it is good to have good games in HD
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Commented on 2011-01-07 03:33:04
Might give this a go if the price is low enough. Just got done renting Underworld and thought it was "ok". I heard that Legend is better and Anniversary is actually pretty damned good. Since Deus Ex: HR is coming out shortly after this, I don't really see myself picking it up unless DE really tanks. Then we have the Tomb Raider reboot coming out (not sure when), so I might just wait until then to get my TR fix...
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Commented on 2011-01-07 03:35:00 In reply to drake
Posted by drake
Too many HD release. POP and now this, SC is also coming but it is good to have good games in HD
Man I forgot about SC coming out. I can't wait to play through CT in HD! Any word if it will be downloadable or disk form???
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Commented on 2011-01-07 05:19:26
These "HD" releases are a complete rip off. Unlike console exclusives like God of War or Ico where there isn't a PC version handy, these re-releases are overpriced considering you can get PC versions which are oftentimes superior (as they port over the PS2 version in the case of Prince of Persia) for a much cheaper price. I'm all for HD re-releases of PS2 exclusive titles as 480p is kind of low res for me now and I would love Zone of the Enders in 720p.

But re-releasing these titles that no one is exactly clamoring for screams cash in.
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Commented on 2011-01-07 08:51:07 In reply to michaelob
Posted by michaelob
Man I forgot about SC coming out. I can't wait to play through CT in HD! Any word if it will be downloadable or disk form???
Me also wanking off over this

PLEASE! let us have the MP up and working :D
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Commented on 2011-01-07 09:14:01 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by jackdoe
These "HD" releases are a complete rip off. Unlike console exclusives like God of War or Ico where there isn't a PC version handy, these re-releases are overpriced considering you can get PC versions which are oftentimes superior (as they port over the PS2 version in the case of Prince of Persia) for a much cheaper price. I'm all for HD re-releases of PS2 exclusive titles as 480p is kind of low res for me now and I would love Zone of the Enders in 720p.

But re-releasing these titles that no one is exactly clamoring for screams cash in.
If i wanted the "superior" product i would be buying the PC version of everything
But i dont, i want it on the format i prefer, true these HD remixes are aimed at trophy whores more so than anyone else, but if its a game you love and enjoy and want to play through it again then you will happily buy them again (i am awaiting FF10 and part2)

Not everyone enjoys playing on pcs not everyone enjoys playing on xbox 360 and not everyone enjoys playing on PS3, so they buy it for there prefered choice
As i said before and i will say it again, people still buy LPs, people watch pirated movies, people watch tv shows on youtube for fucks sake
Hell i sitll buy DVDS for 90% of my movies even though i have 3 bluray players in the house

Superior quality? no one gives a shit most the time.

But if you already own these (on ps2 for instance or xbox 360 or pc) ...whats the point apart from trophies ?
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Commented on 2011-01-07 19:45:21 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by jackdoe
These "HD" releases are a complete rip off. Unlike console exclusives like God of War or Ico where there isn't a PC version handy, these re-releases are overpriced considering you can get PC versions which are oftentimes superior (as they port over the PS2 version in the case of Prince of Persia) for a much cheaper price. I'm all for HD re-releases of PS2 exclusive titles as 480p is kind of low res for me now and I would love Zone of the Enders in 720p.

But re-releasing these titles that ono one is exactly clamoring for screams cash in.
Fair enough. But good for those who have not played on PC. I will not get this game though, not too interested in it.
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Commented on 2011-01-07 19:50:24 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
If i wanted the "superior" product i would be buying the PC version of everything
But i dont, i want it on the format i prefer, true these HD remixes are aimed at trophy whores more so than anyone else, but if its a game you love and enjoy and want to play through it again then you will happily buy them again (i am awaiting FF10 and part2)

Not everyone enjoys playing on pcs not everyone enjoys playing on xbox 360 and not everyone enjoys playing on PS3, so they buy it for there prefered choice
As i said before and i will say it again, people still buy LPs, people watch pirated movies, people watch tv shows on youtube for fucks sake
Hell i sitll buy DVDS for 90% of my movies even though i have 3 bluray players in the house

Superior quality? no one gives a shit most the time.

But if you already own these (on ps2 for instance or xbox 360 or pc) ...whats the point apart from trophies ?
That's an excellent point. I've got a decent rig(3 years old now though) that'll run Crysis on very high, but I still end up buying most of my games for my 360 because That is my preferred way to play. "Superior" can be subjective. And to say that games always look better on PC is misleading as well, as no two are the same. Granted most New PC's probably have the ability to look better, but these Consoles are getting a bit long in the tooth by tech standards...
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Commented on 2011-01-07 21:57:38 In reply to ManThatYouFear
Posted by ManThatYouFear
If i wanted the "superior" product i would be buying the PC version of everything
But i dont, i want it on the format i prefer, true these HD remixes are aimed at trophy whores more so than anyone else, but if its a game you love and enjoy and want to play through it again then you will happily buy them again (i am awaiting FF10 and part2)
Funny that the examples you gave, FFX and FFX-2, ARE console exclusive which was what I said that I was fine with.

But the thing that really grinds my gears is that these HD re-releases (from Ubi) don't port a PC or Xbox version, but rather the PS2 version. It's like the PC version of Resident Evil 4 that was a PS2 port. I can only imagine how the Splinter Cell Collection would look.

I understand that people want to play on what they want to play. I'm not angry at those people. I am angry at these companies who don't treat these people with respect and release a subpar product.
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Commented on 2011-01-07 22:28:56
The Xbox 360 version of Anniversary is a horrible port, and the PS2 ver. in HD would be a superior product just because it wouldn't have the same slowdown. Legend wasn't as bad, but the Xbox 1 ver. actually ran far smoother than the 360 without as many sparkly effects. If I didn't have these for PC I'd be tempted to get them over the 360 versions if they can actually maintain a decent framerate.
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Commented on 2011-01-07 23:06:34
What I want to know is why people aren't screaming yet for a new generation of systems. My 360 felt outdated 2 years ago by my PC. I now feel like I'm playing a last gen console in comparison to what I can do with my PC. Maybe that ten year cycle that Sony and MS want is ok for you guys and most others, but I find myself always disappointed now days with console games. Even with games like Uncharted, Killzone, Reach, Gears, etc..
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Commented on 2011-01-08 00:58:59
I agree with jackdoe, this is a cash-in and not much else.
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Commented on 2011-01-08 14:00:54 In reply to spacemanjupiter
Posted by jackdoe
Funny that the examples you gave, FFX and FFX-2, ARE console exclusive which was what I said that I was fine with.

But the thing that really grinds my gears is that these HD re-releases (from Ubi) don't port a PC or Xbox version, but rather the PS2 version. It's like the PC version of Resident Evil 4 that was a PS2 port. I can only imagine how the Splinter Cell Collection would look.

I understand that people want to play on what they want to play. I'm not angry at those people. I am angry at these companies who don't treat these people with respect and release a subpar product.
sorry i see what your getting at and agree 100%
Resi 4 gamecube is only way to play :D
Posted by spacemanjupiter
What I want to know is why people aren't screaming yet for a new generation of systems. My 360 felt outdated 2 years ago by my PC. I now feel like I'm playing a last gen console in comparison to what I can do with my PC. Maybe that ten year cycle that Sony and MS want is ok for you guys and most others, but I find myself always disappointed now days with console games. Even with games like Uncharted, Killzone, Reach, Gears, etc..
New consoles already? dont want to sound like i am from gametrailers but GTFO, next gen will offer what? higher frame rate? more bad guys? more intresting games? more risky ventures for companys? fuck no all the extra power will go into make 4 bad guys at a times on the screen looking as great as possible next to the main character, for every gen i swear we get less and less bad guys on screen(on average)
A next gen anytime soon will result in nothing more than the same old shit in higher poly count and sweeter lighting, THAT my friend will NOT sell to average consumer know the supposed "casuals" as most "hardcore" gamers call them, there the ones with the majority buying power (proper gamers buy more games yes, but there are less "hardcore" gamers than there are "casual".. look at Wii/move/kinect sales as proof, specially the kinect and wii..)
I dont reckon we will see a new gen officialy mentioned for at least a other 3 years, the machines we have, they have the power for damn good games and if you let down visually with current games, i highly advise you pick a new hobby because the likes of LBP2 K3 U3 Gears3 GoW3 and the new elder scrolls among many other games out and upcoming look fantastic

and compared to your PC, well there is your error in logic, with that logic i am upset with my wife and might trade her in, because there are hotter women out there, look at jolie *dribbles*
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