As a last news before my "vacation", here is a new trailer of Activision's Call of Duty 2. The recently released PC-demo rocked, and is one of the better I've played this year. This short trailer shows some footage from the demo map, so I guess it's nothing new for those that have played the demo.
All comments (18)
To me the game ran beautifully on my rig (A64 3200+, gig-o-ram, 6800GT), ran smoother than BF2 or the fear demo in fact...and, is STUNNINGLY beautiful. I really think the games enviroment effects are unmatched by anything I've seen on my PC..including any other shooter that's dropped this year.
It's beautiful.
Haters go home.
i took a pic of the demo with 1280'720 in resolution to get an idea how it will look on HDTV.
from a CoD2 dev:
"What you're seeing is a video card memory issue. Since your card only has 128 megs of ram, most of your texture memory is being used for low res bump maps, specular maps, and color maps (all at very low res to fit). When you put it into dx7 mode, it isn't loading the bump and spec anymore, so it loads much more detailed versions of the color maps. If you had even more video memory you'd see details like those on the color map, plus detailed bump maps, plus detailed spec maps. "
In other words, 128mb cards are having to sacrifice texture resolution for the bump maps, I guess something they just didn't expect (and something, by the way, which won't be a problem on the 512mb Xbox360), and it affects the engine so much so that the models look like crap.
Look at what happens when a 128mb'er forces directX7 mode:
Using the card's "full potential":
Dumping the bump-maps, allowing the higher-res textures to be loaded:
Of course, when you have a 256mb card, you retain both the high res textures AND the bump maps, and it looks even better.
but the video looks awesome.
Anyone who played the original COD on PC knows how immersive the single player is, and how fun the multiplayer is...
these great graphics just make me clap like a little boy at the circus.
I may get this game on PC instead of 360, but I'm not sure yet.
I have a 2.8 GHz P4 to accompany my 9800XT and get ~40fps on the default settings
One should only expect for the game to take a serious hit visually if they're forcing the DX7 path, I don't know why anyone would expect it to look like a breakthrough title on low settings--but the complaints I'm baffled by have more to do with people running it on Geforce series 6/7 boards and still b*tching about performance; both in regard to visual performance and framerates...
I've played the PC demo through about five times so far, once on hard, four times on vet...and I'm pretty excited for this title. I think I'll be grabbing it for PC (I love my kb/m kthx) but I expect it to blow up pretty large on XBL..and if that's the case perhaps it'll find a spot in my 360 collection as well.
Guess hype/expectations are set pretty high on this one. Maybe I just need to pay slightly less attention to forum trolls/fanboys :)
i have a radeon 9800 pro but i don't know how many mb's it is
on my computer i can have everhting turned on to a certain extent with resolution 800 by me it looks fantastic, expecially indoors when the light is streaming through the nazi flags
A pc with high settings and 1280'720 in resolution,or a xbox360 with a regular tv?
Im getting a hd tv late next year,they are to expensive in Sweden at the moment...
You WILL see people with a GeForce 6800 get pissed - the basic model has 128 of RAM. So, what he's saying still applies. If 7800 owners are upset, something MUST be wrong with their sytems. I mean, I'm not running a super computer over here, and it's working great!
Here's a screen from my box: