Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One

Capcom sent us the first trailer of Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition along with screenshots. The revamped 2008 title will be available digitally for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this Summer and features Legendary Dark Knight Mode, some gameplay improvements and 3 new playable characters (Vergil, Trish and Lady).

13 screens

  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - 13 screens


  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Artworks
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Artworks
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Artworks
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Artworks
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Artworks
  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Artworks

Main Art

  • DMC4 Special Edition first trailer - Main Art
Commented on 2015-03-24 13:49:19
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Commented on 2015-03-24 14:06:20
Awesome how Capcom is totally NOT addressing the crappy shadows. Just up dat shadow resolution will ya !? Oh well, guess that's why it's called 'Special Edition' only and not 'Remastered'
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Commented on 2015-03-24 14:06:37
I'm getting this remaster. I'm getting God of War 3 Remaster. I'm getting Final Fantasy X Remaster. I'm gonna do my best to make sure the remaster trend continues! *evil laugh*
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Commented on 2015-03-24 14:30:16
I liked this game a lot so I'm getting this.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 14:30:52
Not only do you get Vergil, you get Trish AND Lady? Good job Capcom, good job.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 14:34:09 In reply to Loakum
Yet, you're still not getting the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy remaster. =P

This is the Devil May Cry I most like in the series, one of the first games I played in my new computer, back in 2009, while studying for my degree.

Never understood all the hate, so I'm glad that it's finally going to get the attention it deserves. Even if it took DmC for fans to appreciate it.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 15:12:56 In reply to Loakum
Posted by Loakum
I'm getting this remaster. I'm getting God of War 3 Remaster. I'm getting Final Fantasy X Remaster. I'm gonna do my best to make sure the remaster trend continues! *evil laugh*
lol - it's gamers like you that are killing the industry ... SMH ... lol but hey I get it ... I wish the definition of the word "Remaster" actually meant "re-making" the game and not just stretching out the resolution and doing some random tweeks to faces here and there ... : /

Even worse, in most cases not even the audio, screen tearing, and slew of other things are not addressed ... le sigh
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-03-24 15:52:53 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
Never understood all the hate
Go forward as Nero, backtrack everything as Dante. Same levels, same enemies.

There, now you know why its hated...and rightfully so. It was nothing but copy and paste.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 16:22:41
I never had that much problem with backtracking in DMC4, because the combat was very satisfying. Looking forward to replaying it yet again.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 16:27:21 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
lol - it's gamers like you that are killing the industry ... SMH ... lol but hey I get it ... I wish the definition of the word "Remaster" actually meant "re-making" the game and not just stretching out the resolution and doing some random tweeks to faces here and there ... : /

Even worse, in most cases not even the audio, screen tearing, and slew of other things are not addressed ... le sigh
if remaster meant re-making then they couldnt call it a remaster? they're 2 different things. lol
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Commented on 2015-03-24 16:32:29
The only thing i didn't like about this game is the monsters design. DmC looks way better in term of character design.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 17:16:40 In reply to Sath
I never had a problem with backtracking in DMC4, plus you get Dante with a different combat style and abilities compared to Nero. And the enemies you fight do get new abilities, I still remember coming back as Dante and fighting those lightning enemies, I was very surprised at that.

Not to mention the new scenes and fights you get to have with the bosses. The first boss, I believe it's the Fire/Flame one, fighting him for a second time as Dante was amazing, if I'm not mistaken, it's the fight which Dante uses the rose at the end. Epic!

Also, it's almost the same as Resident Evil 1 and 2 if you play with both characters, same places, same enemies and etc. But better since the game acknowledges you already fought those enemies, so it makes it harder gameplay wise and creates new narrative and scenes for the bosses - like a boss complaining he was defeated twice, first by a kid and then properly by Dante.

Some The Legend of Zelda games make you backtrack even more and all the time, while the character is the same and you only get 1 new item per dungeon. Just finished Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, the game is great, recently and you get a new item and get to explore different parts of old areas and even completely new areas that were unreacheable to you before, like Castlevania or Metroid. A lot of games do this.

I've also seen a lot of people complain about Nero's personality and that people expected to play Dante, not an stupid teenager kinda like Vaan from Final Fantasy XII. Now this I can relate to, still is not enough to "hate" a game because of 1 character, specially since he plays so well.

Like I said, I never understood the hate. DMC4 is a great game and the second best in the series for me, but only because DMC3 has a Special Edition. Hopefully DMC4 Special Edition elevates it to number one!
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Commented on 2015-03-24 17:22:31
This is the one that made me realize that all the EVEN NUMBERED Devil May Cry games are unfun.

Just bring on Devil May Cry 3 HD Super Ultra Remastered DLC-o-rama Limited Legendary Edition, so I can actually buy a "new" (another) DMC game.
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Commented on 2015-03-24 18:55:23
A-amazing, Thanks for the Trailer, Great Quality as Always :D
And my Favorite game :D
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Commented on 2015-03-24 20:29:42
Im happy as can be with this. DMC4 had the best combat of all the Devil May Cry games so it will be fun to go threw it again with the new additions.
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Commented on 2015-03-25 00:18:29 gameplay they mean you cut Nero's whiny bitch self out of the game? DMC4 was ok, I really thing the series peaked in DMC3, but my favorite of the dante designs was DMC4. I'd call it a 20/30$ i'm bored purchase.
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Commented on 2015-03-25 02:37:13 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
if remaster meant re-making then they couldnt call it a remaster? they're 2 different things. lol
Nah, that's why I said "I wish ... " :p
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Commented on 2015-03-25 16:39:47 In reply to Loakum
Posted by Loakum
I'm getting this remaster. I'm getting God of War 3 Remaster. I'm getting Final Fantasy X Remaster. I'm gonna do my best to make sure the remaster trend continues! *evil laugh*
heh, get the PS4 remaster, they call it the's mega cool, gets all the games first.
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Commented on 2015-03-25 21:17:48
I don't understand why game companies get so much crap when they rerelease games but not movie companies when they upgrade movies from VHS to DVD or DVD to Bluray. It costs them very little to make and it's just extra income so they can fund new games. Nobody is forcing you to buy them.

And is it so hard to believe that someone with a PS4 or XB1 never owned a PS3 or XB360 and never got to play these games?
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Commented on 2015-03-26 04:00:28
Definitely buying this. I hope the main art is the official US box art.
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Commented on 2015-03-26 10:36:58 In reply to ebola9717
Posted by ebola9717
I don't understand why game companies get so much crap when they rerelease games but not movie companies when they upgrade movies from VHS to DVD or DVD to Bluray. It costs them very little to make and it's just extra income so they can fund new games. Nobody is forcing you to buy them.

And is it so hard to believe that someone with a PS4 or XB1 never owned a PS3 or XB360 and never got to play these games?
exactly. sadly people don't seem to get it. they see these remasters that are typically cheap, quick and outsourced as some dev resource hogging monstrosity. lol. like releasing an uncharted collection is somehow hindering or slowing development of uncharted 4...pahaha.

these remasters obviously sell otherwise they wouldnt continue to do them. they're not for people who played but didn't love these games. they're for the fans and the people who never got to play them in the first place...everyone else need not apply.
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Commented on 2015-03-26 15:32:59 In reply to KORNdog
I think it's several things why some have a problem with these constant remasters...

1) Price - usually these remasters pricing never reflect them being cheap, quick, outsourced, remasters of old games we've previously owned, missed out on, or ignored, first time round.

2) The mentality of what next-gen should be - we expect investments in new IP, visuals that wow, or something that offers something different. We're almost 2 years into the new consoles life cycle and majority of games already simply offer higher resolutions, or better framerates, from their last-gen counterparts. We're pretty starved for dedicated 'next-gen' games. And seeing devs focus any resources on pushing out old games reflects more the fact that they're not offering anything new that pushes the new hardware yet.

3) motives. Did this Devil may cry sell a lot? is it considered a modern classic? Sometimes these things just come across as cheap push outs to meet a companies sales quoter. Is it really to introduce people to a franchise they may have missed out on when there's a number 2/3/4 attached.

4) Marketing - sometimes you see the tag line "play it how it was meant to be played" attached...which is a bit of a slap in the face when they charged £50 for it little over a year ago when you picked it up last gen.

That's just my theory on some of the reasons why gamers have started rolling their eyes at this constant remastering shit.
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Commented on 2015-03-26 16:07:07
Oh and...

5) if they had just made these consoles backwards compatible like nearly everybody would have wanted given the choice, then I wouldn't have to buy my back catalogue back again
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Commented on 2015-03-26 16:18:41 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
I think it's several things why some have a problem with these constant remasters...

1) Price - usually these remasters pricing never reflect them being cheap, quick, outsourced, remasters of old games we've previously owned, missed out on, or ignored, first time round.

2) The mentality of what next-gen should be - we expect investments in new IP, visuals that wow, or something that offers something different. We're almost 2 years into the new consoles life cycle and majority of games already simply offer higher resolutions, or better framerates, from their last-gen counterparts. We're pretty starved for dedicated 'next-gen' games. And seeing devs focus any resources on pushing out old games reflects more the fact that they're not offering anything new that pushes the new hardware yet.

3) motives. Did this Devil may cry sell a lot? is it considered a modern classic? Sometimes these things just come across as cheap push outs to meet a companies sales quoter. Is it really to introduce people to a franchise they may have missed out on when there's a number 2/3/4 attached.

4) Marketing - sometimes you see the tag line "play it how it was meant to be played" attached...which is a bit of a slap in the face when they charged £50 for it little over a year ago when you picked it up last gen.

That's just my theory on some of the reasons why gamers have started rolling their eyes at this constant remastering shit.
1. Price is largely irrelivant. new games are upwards of £45 this gen, these remasters are often 25-30. they're still games, with licencing and marketing, and production attatched. and ultimately, as with any game ever created, you don't like the asking price day 1? how about you wait a while. if you're a fan or are anticipating the release, then the price means very little. which is what i said originally. this isn't for people who have a passing minor interest who then scoff at the's for the die hards and the noobs.

2. as for the "next gen" mentality, surely these remasters are catering to that better then anything? "next gen" has, and always will means shinier graphics. these remasters are exactly that, old systems, old gameply, but looking nicer. that's what all next gen games are. prettier itterations of stuff we've played before. even new IP's are just shiny varsions of old formulas, and looking at how well forza, or halo, or uncharted etc will sell, it seems to be exactly what people want. and again you bring up resources. there are non. it's a handful of guys at an outsourced companyy porting and upressing something over about 6 months. as i said. dev X releasing remaster of game A is not having any effect of dev X making game B. now, remakes...that's something different. and i'd agree a legit remake such as halo/halo 2 are a waste of resources. that really is throwing time and money at a game everyone has played already.

3. again, irrelivant. why does it matter if it sold well or not. or whether you see it as a cheap cash in? if that's your views...guess what? it's not for you. it's a pretty simple premise to understand. if you don't want it, then dont buy it. it isn;t effecting you either way.

4. this i guess is true. but then a blu-ray directors cut release of a 30 year old movie could be considered that too, no? i don't hear many people whining like babies over that?
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Commented on 2015-03-26 16:44:50 In reply to KORNdog
I never said these were my personal views - so far the two best games I have on ps4 are ps3 games - The Last of Us, and GTA5. Now did either of those hit at the £25 mark? did they fuck, they were both little over a year old and both asked the same £50rrp as they did first time round. Do i regret buying them? no. But I sure as hell waited for The last of us to be a reasonable asking price.

Do the majority of these remasters hit with a 25rrp? NO. Being able to buy any game lower than its rrp is irrelevant. It's what publishers value them at that counts.

New IP's arent going to totally ignore a winning gameplay formular no. But they do generally introduce new worlds, and stories around them. As well as their own spin on things - which is always welcome.

New addiction of existing IP's will always be more welcomed and looked forward to than remasters of existing games too.

Resources are Resources. If Dev X isn't making a remaster of Remaster the game 4, do you really think they're sat their twiddling their thumbs and getting paid for doing so? No. Just because they may not be effecting the progress of another game doesnt mean their time couldn't be spent working on something else that isn't a remaster...or does it? Are these people locked away, only having the skills to upload high res version of existing texture packs?

If a game was popular (sold well) or considered a classic matters when talking about spending any sort of resource in re-releasing that game. If the game was complete garbage...universally hated by everybody then surely even you would consider it a waste of time to spend time re-releasing it...even if it's just an opinion from the outside looking in as you've zero intent on buying it regardless - logic is logic.

If a video gets a blueray edition people dont generally give it a second thought because A) the vhs format is completly different and now defunct. B) they didn't buy that movie on vhs 1 or 2 years a go. C) it generally comes with quite a bit extra they didn't get the first time around. D)it's reasonably priced.
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$135 of $400 per month

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