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EA released this quite cool trailer of Need for Speed: Most Wanted. If they only can get some cool police-vs-thug Xbox Live modes working, I'm all in for a buy.

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  • NFS Most Wanted trailer - Video gallery
  • NFS Most Wanted trailer - Video gallery
  • NFS Most Wanted trailer - Video gallery
  • NFS Most Wanted trailer - Video gallery
  • NFS Most Wanted trailer - Video gallery
Commented on 2005-10-25 17:21:13
This is not Xbox 360 version?
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:23:28
I'm afraid it is 8[
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:27:01 In reply to t1l0
Posted by t1l0
I'm afraid it is 8[
Oh my God... Should I cancel my Xbox 360 pre-order? :S
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:29:31
You should not

But it's really frightening how many XBOX 360 games look (almost) crap.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:31:08
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here

this looks not even as good as Burnout Revenge! crappy FPS, jaggies, low res textures... wtf is wrong with all those Xbox360 games?

kameo and PGR3... the rest is useless...
Snoopers - Gameboy
Commented on 2005-10-25 17:35:24 In reply to McErono
You're right, Condemned, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Madden, DOA4 and PDZ are just full of jaggies / low res textures...
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:43:11 In reply to Snoopers
Posted by snoopers
You're right, Condemned, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Madden, DOA4 and PDZ are just full of jaggies / low res textures...
how many of them are lunchtitles? the rest is not to speak about yet... and yes all of them are full of jaggies (ex. DOA4) and the low res tex is in this nfs movie (the truck that shows up and the street)

snoppers you saw them real on some HDTV... what is about the lack of AA? Is there really no AA yet in any game?
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:44:25
I think none of Oblivion, Dead Rising, DoA4 and PDZ are really amazing like Gears of War or PGR 3, but are far away from being such a crap like Fifa and NFS MW.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:46:09
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
What's up with EA? Can't they learn no one is buying that piece of crap, no one with a brain that is.......
Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2005-10-25 17:54:36
*Remembers the old times when gameplay actually meant something*
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:58:55
manager, no one plays games, we're all buying 360's so we can run the demo and watch for jaggies.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 17:59:51 In reply to Manager
Posted by Manager
*Remembers the old times when gameplay actually meant something*
Of course gameplay is the most important thing, but a 360 game just shouldn't look so bad.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 18:02:33 In reply to Manager
Posted by Manager
*Remembers the old times when gameplay actually meant something*
yeah I'm buying an HDTV and a decent console to see such texture and jaggie crap... tnx...

It's not the Xbox360 that is crap... it's damned EA!
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2005-10-25 18:16:43
The Xbox 360-version obviously look much better than the Xbox version, even though it's not one of the most impressive 360-games. But the thing is - if the gameplay makes it worth paying 50$ for the Xbox version, why not just pay another 10$ the enhanced XBL support and better graphics?
And there's alot of EA haters here, but it's still a fact - millions of people buy the NFS games everytime, and many enjoy the games. It's all about what you want. People maybe don't want an (arcade) simulator like PGR3, they just want to go out on the street and race against the police.

I wouldn't be too surprised if EA took away the backwards comp. from the Xbox-version, just to make us pay for the 360-version.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 18:40:27 In reply to McErono
looks fine for me. oh and about jaggies... have you ever resized a video? no? try it!

oh and by the way, the 360-version is based on the pc-version.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 19:02:32
This game is far the best arcade racing to date.
Maybe this is not the appropriate clip to judge graphics but i have see 8 more clips and they are absolutelly next gen.
Noone who likes arcade racing will give attention to PGR3 because its gameplay is so boring.
This is the reason which gamers will continue to support EA.

My first 3 titles : NFS MW / PDZ / CONDEMNED
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Commented on 2005-10-25 19:12:01 In reply to foreigner
Posted by foreigner
Noone who likes arcade racing will give attention to PGR3 because its gameplay is so boring.
I'm going to have to disagree there ;)
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Commented on 2005-10-25 19:25:04 In reply to Manager
Posted by Manager
And there's alot of EA haters here, but it's still a fact - millions of people buy the NFS games everytime, and many enjoy the games. It's all about what you want. People maybe don't want an (arcade) simulator like PGR3, they just want to go out on the street and race against the police.
You over simplify the issue. There are dozens of excellent, quality games that flop every year while recycled, uninnovative games sell well. Why? Marketing. Big companies like EA and Activision demand retailer shelf space and put significant amounts of money into marketing their products, cross licensing, multiplatforming, etc.

I know people who buy the James Bond games because they still think that it is the same series as GoldenEye 007. They recognize that it is not quite as good, but they say, "007 was really great so they are bound to make another really good one". They do not realize Rare lost the license. Not all gamers read game sites or magazines. It is sad to see a horrible game like Agent Under Fire do better than say TimeSplitters which is a superior game in every way.
I wouldn't be too surprised if EA took away the backwards comp. from the Xbox-version, just to make us pay for the 360-version.
And it would not surprise me if EA stripped most of the replay features out of Madden and NBA Live only to resell them later.

Doh! They already did. I think a lot of people are too quick to defend EA and carelessly call people with legit criticisms "EA haters". e.g. VC had no problem recompiling their NBA 2K6 Franchise code. It really is not that hard. The backend franchise code just takes the game stats, plugs it into the database, and then runs very low intensity processing tasks for simming. It is not framerate sensative or anything.

Tweak, recompile, DONE.

The bull line EA gave about "Not enough time" is a joke and pretty far from the truth. Porting the non-ingame features is the EASIEST part of the port. Further, EA has known for YEARS that they would have to move to a new platform, so why their code is not portable--which it should be considering they have PC/Xbox/PS2/GCN versions--is beyond believable. Further, EA was one of the first with Alpha kits AND Beta Kits.

And yet we are to believe VC did a miracle and did not lose any features yet EA could not?

It comes down to money. And as people are pointing out here is that EA is clearly dollar oriented and not quality oriented. While that is good for their business, it is bad for consumers and bad for the industry in the long run.

The NFL deal also is a sore spot. As a Madden fan I appreciated the competition in the market. Further, EA clearly was seeking a deal 6 months before the final deal was announced. EA and the NFL went as far as to demand a retraction from a newspaper saying deal was struck. Why? It was very bad press and then there was a cherade about allowing other bidders when the deal was done. The fact EA aggresively sought the NCAA and AFL licenses as well demonstrates they have an equal hand in locking EVERYONE out of the football market.

EA's poor financial results lately have been directly related to poor quality titles and recycling franchises.

My hope is Xbox Live will allow many more trailers AND demos. People will get to test out the lesser known games that are AAA+ quality earlier. This should level the playing field and force EA to compete more on the product and less on the marketing.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 19:25:39
Meh.. just meh...
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Commented on 2005-10-25 19:52:06 In reply to Manager
Posted by Manager
*Remembers the old times when gameplay actually meant something*
The thing is, that gameplay on 360 is not gonna be much better due to there still being the same amount of buttons on pretty much the same controller. All that makes 360 worth buying is because of the whole HD, 3 cores, d ram, etc.
In the next gen of 360 we will not be seeing revolutionary gameplay at all. So what we want is mad graphics (PGR3, GOW, COD2, NBA2k), and lots of it....
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Commented on 2005-10-25 20:00:01 In reply to Manager
Posted by Manager
*Remembers the old times when gameplay actually meant something*
But how much differently will XBox 360 games play than XBox games? Even the ones that aren't appearing on both systems? If we don't expect the graphics to be any better, why buy the new system at all? If you want this game and only care for the gameplay, why not skip buying the new console and save yourself a load of money?

Most of the XBox 360 games could be made for the XBox. Some of them might not look as nice and some might have to be scaled back in some ways, but they'd most likely play just as well. Takes Gears of War. It looks amazing, but I've yet to witness anything that indicates any of the gameplay is going to be anything new.

All we really have to judge these games on is how they look. I certainly haven't had an opportunity to play a single XBox 360 game.

And the fact is that when I see pictures of games on a new console I'll be shelling out a couple of hundred pounds then, then I want them to look more impressive than the games I already have.

Gameplay does matter. But the main advantage a port like this will have over older, cheaper sytems is the graphics. And if the graphics aren't better, then why bother?
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2005-10-25 20:06:39
A game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be fun to play. The lack of revolutionary ideas doesn't have to make a game booring to play - just look at Rare's games.

And I think you make the problem even bigger than it actually is. Yes, the games don't change that much over the years, there aren't that many new stuff in them - but does that mean that they aren't fun to play?
I'm a huge PES-fan, and I know - small changes can make wonders to a game. And, you have to remember that people actually like Fifa (I don't have to say Madden there right, as it's actually even getting close to NFL in review scores), and that people love the small stuff - cool freekick animations, the typical goal celebrations. It's those small stuff.

The Need for Speed series is still one of the racing series out there, and you have to remember - there's a large fanbase, and the games still get great review scores. And you can sit there and go "BAH, Gamespot = teh biazed site", but there are still many happy buyers of the EA games.

I only *love* (and buy) one EA series - SSX - and I do understand how people can love the EA games. I love snowboarding games, others love street racing games - and when you buy an EA title, you know you aren't getting the best title out there, but nevertheless - you can be sure you won't get a crappy game (well, except Rogue Agent).

And yes, bo-hoo. Beyond Good & Evil sold bad, *cries*. Boohoo. That's UBI's fault, not EA's. And you can sit there and talk about how Psychonauts, *the* innovative adventure game, sold like crap in USA - but it's Majescos fault. It's retarded to think that you can sell a game without marketing it, even though they kind of tried marketing it at least.

OF COURSE, It's not good for the industry. But then we have Shigeru and the people there - they won't dissapear, there will always be new guys to take over. There will be people coming with new ideas. And just look at the filming industry. It's of course not the same thing - but shoot-shoot-pang-pang action movies still sell well. Even though you sit there and go "Oh, I've seen that thousands times before".
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2005-10-25 20:10:41 In reply to DrHenrySaltz
Posted by DrHenrySaltz
But how much differently will XBox 360 games play than XBox games? Even the ones that aren't appearing on both systems? If we don't expect the graphics to be any better, why buy the new system at all? If you want this game and only care for the gameplay, why not skip buying the new console and save yourself a load of money?
Yes, but you have to remember - they will stop developing Xbox games, and then you have no choice. Either stop playing or buy the new console. There will be the same gameplay.

And yes, in the beginning, it's mostly about graphics. And there's good looking titles too, and I KNOW Fifa 06 looks great. But it's ridiculus to say that any X360 game look like an Xbox title. The same thing with Xbox 1 games, looking like PSX titles. Even though Blood Awake looked like crap, it never could be done on N64 or PS1.
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Commented on 2005-10-25 20:12:48
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
EA haters are so hard to please! Some of you guys don't even deserve to own a 360 because it's just ludacrous how you guys spend so much time and energy hating on EA. This is a stupid trailer people!!!! What happened to the days when people loved how a game plays? What happened to the days when we appreciated a company providing us with some great games and some good fun? Did GTA have great next gen graphics? no! but the gameplay is what made the series so good. The need for speed series were never known for incredible graphics. It was the customization engine and the amazing sense of speed and thrill that made it popular. These idiots hear NEXT Gen and they are expecting ( on the first wave of games at that!!!) for a freaking miracle.EA is known for great gameplay, Madden, Need for Speed, NBA live etc. They are not the greatest when it comes to beautiful games. So stop freaking bitching and just go play some PGR3 if you want beautiful graphics with simulation gameplay. STOP HATING ON EA PEOPLE. I KNOW YOUR FEELINGS ARE HURT BECAUSE THEY GOT THE LICENSE BUT SUCK IT UP AND GET A LIFE!!!! JEEZ!
Commented on 2005-10-25 20:17:26 In reply to Manager
Posted by Manager
A game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be fun to play.
Yeah... But it does to pay £280 to play it.
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About the game
Published by
EA Games
Developed by
EA Games

$135 of $400 per month

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