Xbox 360 PS3

This game has come a long way since the announcement a couple of years back, but D3 Publisher and Digital Extremes are now ready to release Dark Sector on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 at the end of this month. Today we have a trailer, showing some gameplay elements from the game.

Commented on 2008-03-15 14:33:07
I just....don't know. Something tells me it's gonna be ok but then this other voice takes over and tells me it's gonna flop.

..time will tell.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-15 15:04:19
Very soon now :D
Quite bullshit that they have to delay the EU version for a few days, but ah well it is just a matter of days.

I hope they release a demo before launch (next week perhaps) as they mentioned.
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Commented on 2008-03-15 16:18:10
Well I haven't been able to watch vids for over a week now on this site. Weird it worked fine before. Stinks though.
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Commented on 2008-03-15 17:43:19 In reply to RainingLight
Posted by RainingLight
Well I haven't been able to watch vids for over a week now on this site. Weird it worked fine before. Stinks though.
....same here... =/
In reply to
Commented on 2008-03-15 18:20:53
meh, I still think they fkd up after the very first trailer. That was looking awesome: MGS IN SPACE BABY!... The soundtrack was great too... and now after years... we get this... meh.

I'm still very cautiously optimistic though...

not long to wait.
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Commented on 2008-03-15 18:29:48
Why don't they call it Doom4 and be done with it?
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Commented on 2008-03-15 18:36:19 In reply to Grimbarian
Posted by Grimbarian
Why don't they call it Doom4 and be done with it?
This game is NOTHING like Doom... And if it was Doom 4 it would look like shit and be a piece of crap, just like Doom 3!

This game is looking great, though some of the game play I've seen looked a bit iffy, though that may be just cause of the person playing...
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Commented on 2008-03-15 18:45:59
It's a linear, narrow corridor FPS set on a spaceship with monsters, what's "NOTHING like Doom" about that?
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-15 18:46:28 In reply to daikide
Posted by daikide
meh, I still think they fkd up after the very first trailer. That was looking awesome: MGS IN SPACE BABY!... The soundtrack was great too... and now after years... we get this... meh.

I'm still very cautiously optimistic though...

not long to wait.
First of all, it was a tech demo to show off the engine, sure we want it back, but why keep crying for it to come back when its not, let it go.

Second of all "soundtrack", it needs hell of a more music pieces for the game to be called a "soundtrack" not just one.
That track was just made for that tech demo, nothing more.

Sure I REALLY want the sci-fi game to be back, but they have stated it many times in interviews, it was just to show off the engine at the time.

One thing I dont understand is why they keep saying "a guy in the metal arm isnt gonna stand out in space and robots...etc.".

That is just stupid as hell.
Of course he is gonna stand out, the story is around Hayden nothing more.

My take would be this, they could remove the robots, but they could keep the space sci-fi but instead of robots, they could have brutal alien species in different planets...etc. would be so bad ass.

I am still looking forward to this game, but not as much as I was for the old one.
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Commented on 2008-03-15 19:04:21 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
First of all, it was a tech demo to show off the engine, sure we want it back, but why keep crying for it to come back when its not, let it go.

Second of all "soundtrack", it needs hell of a more music pieces for the game to be called a "soundtrack" not just one.
That track was just made for that tech demo, nothing more.

Sure I REALLY want the sci-fi game to be back, but they have stated it many times in interviews, it was just to show off the engine at the time.

I am still looking forward to this game, but not as much as I was for the old one.
wee yeah, that's what I was talking about... that "tech demo" was fantastic! And that "tech demo" trailer had great soundtrack... I'm just dissapointed that they chose to change all the settings from the tdemo...
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Commented on 2008-03-15 19:08:50
Looks interesting enough. If I like the demo, I'll pick up the game.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-15 19:19:19 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by daikide
wee yeah, that's what I was talking about... that "tech demo" was fantastic! And that "tech demo" trailer had great soundtrack... I'm just dissapointed that they chose to change all the settings from the tdemo...
It is still not a soundtrack ;P
But yeah I know what you mean :(
Posted by jackdoe
Looks interesting enough. If I like the demo, I'll pick up the game.
Even if the demo could represent a very bad version of the full game? :S
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Commented on 2008-03-15 19:28:56 In reply to Grimbarian
Posted by Grimbarian
It's a linear, narrow corridor FPS set on a spaceship with monsters, what's "NOTHING like Doom" about that?
the fact its not set on a space ship....LMAO.
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Commented on 2008-03-15 20:25:09 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
the fact its not set on a space ship....LMAO.
and it's also not a FPS... Grimbarian are you looking at the same game as everyone else?
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Commented on 2008-03-15 20:52:28 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Even if the demo could represent a very bad version of the full game? :S
Eh? How? I'm not talking about the tech demo at all. I'm talking about a real demo that I can actually play.
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Commented on 2008-03-15 21:15:55
Also, lotsa kudos to Resident Evil 4. That game changed alot in the game industry.
Some games, I won't name them, are succesful thanks to some ideas they took from RE4.

....can't wait for RE5.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-15 22:25:13 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by jackdoe
Eh? How? I'm not talking about the tech demo at all. I'm talking about a real demo that I can actually play.
Who said about the tech demo?
I was talking about the current Dark Sector, not the old one.
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Commented on 2008-03-16 03:07:29 In reply to liamc
Posted by liamc
and it's also not a FPS... Grimbarian are you looking at the same game as everyone else?
Doh silly me, this is the stupid disc throwing one isn't it? For some reason I had it mixed up with the name of another game, well this one's crap anyway, so there ;)
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Commented on 2008-03-16 03:21:11
I don't know why they just didn't make this a PS3 exclusive. We already have Gears which is insanely better. Probably would have done "better" if only on PS3. At least it wouldn't have been as directly compared to Gears so harshly from everyone.

I know good and well I won't be spending a dime on this game. I just gave it another shot from watching the 1up Show, and wow, it was grueling. The idea of being an emo, throwing that stupid blade over and over again waiting for it to come back and throwing it again. Jesus. Didn't they test the game before deciding that forcing a stupid gimmick on people wouldn't work?

A shame they didn't stick to their original idea, the one which had our attention, before openly admitting to leeching off of Gear's and RE's success in hope of making it big with little effort. I hope the devs are reading this. Very shameful move, guys. If and when this game fails, you'll know why. I feel bad for the segment of developers who had little to no control over the change.
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Commented on 2008-03-16 04:20:43 In reply to Getpwned
Posted by Getpwned
I don't know why they just didn't make this a PS3 exclusive. We already have Gears which is insanely better. Probably would have done "better" if only on PS3. At least it wouldn't have been as directly compared to Gears so harshly from everyone.

I know good and well I won't be spending a dime on this game. I just gave it another shot from watching the 1up Show, and wow, it was grueling. The idea of being an emo, throwing that stupid blade over and over again waiting for it to come back and throwing it again. Jesus. Didn't they test the game before deciding that forcing a stupid gimmick on people wouldn't work?

A shame they didn't stick to their original idea, the one which had our attention, before openly admitting to leeching off of Gear's and RE's success in hope of making it big with little effort. I hope the devs are reading this. Very shameful move, guys. If and when this game fails, you'll know why. I feel bad for the segment of developers who had little to no control over the change.
the 1up guys liked it tho. and personally, i'd take this over gears no matter how avarage this looks, mainly because i thought gears was one of the most dissapointing, overhyped piles of crap since halo 2. so its an easy choice for me. i think the game will do fine. i'd even go as far as saying the game will do great. hell, army of two is doing great and that not exactly AAA's also from EA which doesnt help matters.

it'll be far from some AAA title that everyone must own. but then, i never expected it to be that. it'll just be a perfectly decent action title. im looking forward to renting it.

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Commented on 2008-03-16 04:23:11 In reply to IIGrayFoxII
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
Also, lotsa kudos to Resident Evil 4. That game changed alot in the game industry.
Some games, I won't name them, are succesful thanks to some ideas they took from RE4.

....can't wait for RE5.
Gears of War was more of a "rip off" of Kill.Switch rather then Resident Evil 4.
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Commented on 2008-03-16 05:02:43 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
the 1up guys liked it tho. and personally, i'd take this over gears no matter how avarage this looks, mainly because i thought gears was one of the most dissapointing, overhyped piles of crap since halo 2. so its an easy choice for me. i think the game will do fine. i'd even go as far as saying the game will do great. hell, army of two is doing great and that not exactly AAA's also from EA which doesnt help matters.

it'll be far from some AAA title that everyone must own. but then, i never expected it to be that. it'll just be a perfectly decent action title. im looking forward to renting it.
Gears a pile of crap on the level of.........wait for it.........HALO 2?!?!?! No way. I demand you retract that statement. You and I both know that comment is absolutely ridiculous. People who honestly feel superior to Gears are, in my opinion, people who don't know greatness when they see it--people who don't know what makes a great shooter exactly that--a great shooter. Gears is one of the best, if not THE best strait-up hardcore shooters. That's just a fact.

As for the 1up guys, Ryan openly made it known that Gears is a much better game, but that this game was MAYBE worth playing if bored enough. I recall hearing exactly that. But those guys aren't the be all end all anyway, I mean, they didn't even mention Condemned 2 this week. What a joke... That game is too good not to cover. In my opinion, it's at least as good as Bioshock, if not better. It just makes no sense why there's a media blackout on this game. I guess these "journalists" don't make a move without word from headquarters first (M$). A shame.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-03-16 08:28:48
Getpwned, for someone who don't give a dime about this game, you really care for it alot.
And you keep saying this game will suck and all, but you have yet to tell us how you were able to play this game?

I was dissapointed in Gears of War as well, it wasent all that great as I hoped and how the media turned it to be, fun in a short while bu thats it.

And I don't see ANY similairities between Dark Sector and Gears of War, if any, it is very close to Resident Evil 4 and Uncharted.

It got over the shoulder camera (more too RE4), same gun holding, vault over animation...etc. like RE4, and the cover system is extremely simple like Uncharted.

And no, the guy at 1up said, if you liked Gears of War, Dark Sector is worth checking out.

Besides, why aren't you bashing Gears of War when it took the cover system from Kill.Switch?

Besides, so they didn't mention Condemned 2? so what, I don't see what that game has to do with Dark Sector anyway.

So we shouldnt listen to 1up, but we should pay attention to you?
I rather listen to the people who have actually played the game I am interested in, rather those who haven't.

I get the feeling, you are dissapointed in Dark Sector new concept and you want to bash it in any way you can, or you just want attention to become the outcast, maybe even both.
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Commented on 2008-03-16 13:09:14
Like other people I preferred their original idea. Would have been much more likely to buy that than this game. This game just doesn't interest me at all really. I'm hoping once this is out they'll decide to make the game we all wanted in the first place lol
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Commented on 2008-03-16 13:15:16
^^*agrees with Sath*
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Digital Extremes

$135 of $400 per month

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