Xbox 360

Sega certainly pleased a lot of its old fans this week by announcing a XBLA port of Virtual On : Oratorio Tangram. First trailer inside.

Commented on 2009-02-27 12:04:23
ha ha awesome:) Now if only we had twin sticks
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Commented on 2009-02-27 12:12:58
You do, every controller nowadays has two sticks :P
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Commented on 2009-02-27 12:57:35
What's with the streams?
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Commented on 2009-02-27 13:02:37
seems like they have no intention to bring it to PSN, a shame :(
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Commented on 2009-02-27 13:12:39 In reply to Lafiel
Yeah I know it sucks, I loved this back on the DC, Grys Vok owned the arena...I am also still pissed that Rez HD seems to be staying with XBL, I loved that one too...
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Commented on 2009-02-27 13:56:10 In reply to Lafiel
Posted by Lafiel
seems like they have no intention to bring it to PSN, a shame :(
Erm... buy an Xbox? They're so cheap these days there really isn't much excuse.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 14:27:51 In reply to munkini
Posted by munkini
Yeah I know it sucks, I loved this back on the DC, Grys Vok owned the arena...I am also still pissed that Rez HD seems to be staying with XBL, I loved that one too...
Well I'm pissed that Sega releases ANY games for their former rivals' consoles, ESPECIALLY exclusives. I hate to say it but Sega have betrayed its fans a bit. Personally I think Sega should release all their arcade games on XBLA, I don't know why they haven't already since I'm sure they'd make LOADS of money, I know I'd buy most of them. (And why aren't there any lightgun games from any company on the Xbox360 yet??? Sega could set the ball rolling by releasing all of theirs like all the Virtua Cop games and all the House Of The Dead games. House Of The Dead: Overkill a Wii exclusive? WTF???!!!) Also I desperately want Sega to release Thunderforce 6 on XBLA (I'd even buy it if it was a full priced disc), why the hell is that a PS2 exclusive at the moment?? It's only sold around 20,000 so far whereas R-Type Dimensions on XBLA sold around the same amount in its first week! (And shoot-em-ups in general sell pretty well on XBLA.) What a total waste. :( (Sorry for the little rant, lol! You can call me a Sega fanboy if you want but it's for good reason as Sega (as in Sega's own development studios) make some of the best games ever, the fact that their new Megadrive collection disc has 40 mostly A+ games and is still missing some major classics like Super Shinobi just shows the incredible quality of Sega's games.)
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Commented on 2009-02-27 14:47:55 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Erm... buy an Xbox? They're so cheap these days there really isn't much excuse.
I don't buy electronics with the worlds worst ever fail rate and the chance that if it fails you get given another fail prone "refurbished" piece of crap back and thus begins the cycle known as "getting F**ked"

If MS simply promised a brand new machine and had a guarantee that covered non RROD console death (which is also common) I would go for it but I disagree with their loophole riddled policy in principle.

I know that once I had the thing I would not want to go without it so essentially MS then has you by the balls.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 14:49:11 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Erm... buy an Xbox? They're so cheap these days there really isn't much excuse.
Or buy a dreamcast :)
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Commented on 2009-02-27 14:50:13 In reply to munkini
Posted by Corellianrogue
Well I'm pissed that Sega releases ANY games for their former rivals' consoles, ESPECIALLY exclusives. I hate to say it but Sega have betrayed its fans a bit. Personally I think Sega should release all their arcade games on XBLA, I don't know why they haven't already since I'm sure they'd make LOADS of money, I know I'd buy most of them. (And why aren't there any lightgun games from any company on the Xbox360 yet??? Sega could set the ball rolling by releasing all of theirs like all the Virtua Cop games and all the House Of The Dead games. House Of The Dead: Overkill a Wii exclusive? WTF???!!!) Also I desperately want Sega to release Thunderforce 6 on XBLA (I'd even buy it if it was a full priced disc), why the hell is that a PS2 exclusive at the moment?? It's only sold around 20,000 so far whereas R-Type Dimensions on XBLA sold around the same amount in its first week! (And shoot-em-ups in general sell pretty well on XBLA.) What a total waste. :( (Sorry for the little rant, lol! You can call me a Sega fanboy if you want but it's for good reason as Sega (as in Sega's own development studios) make some of the best games ever, the fact that their new Megadrive collection disc has 40 mostly A+ games and is still missing some major classics like Super Shinobi just shows the incredible quality of Sega's games.)
Dead wrong my delusional friend.
Panzer dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Futute, Outrun, etc.

Xbox was the spiritual sucessor for Dramcasts titles, ... only seems fair to support the original buyers with titles on Xbox 360 on the same line of those on the original box.

I eagerly await Original JSR XBLA.
Posted by munkini
I don't buy electronics with the worlds worst ever fail rate and the chance that if it fails you get given another fail prone "refurbished" piece of crap back and thus begins the cycle known as "getting F**ked"

If MS simply promised a brand new machine and had a guarantee that covered non RROD console death (which is also common) I would go for it but I disagree with their loophole riddled policy in principle.

I know that once I had the thing I would not want to go without it so essentially MS then has you by the balls.
GTFO with this bullshit. Start a blog.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 15:20:45 In reply to munkini
Correllian: how is it betraying the fans? OMG they get the games out so that people can play them, those BASTARDS!

Munikin: the failure rate of 360 are completely normal now.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 15:31:42
Looking at this vid, only reminds me why I hate SEGA so much these days - they are not even SEGA any longer.

They used to produce the best games on the planet - like VO:OT. Now they . . .

It really hurts to think of the drivel they produce these days.

And then whenever they do, do a fantastic game, like the Yakuza series or Valkyria Chronicles, they do everything in their power to sabotage the chances of the game being a fiscal success - Yakuza 2 sold like ass, and Valkyria Chronicles sold even worse . . . and Yakuza 3, who even knows the fate of this game outside of Japan.

Meanwhile, all of their other classic series are DOA . . . but then, that is a good thing, as every time this new SEGA attempts to resurrect one of their classic franchises, they only do just enough to destroy the entire franchise: Golden Axe: Beast Rider, anyone.

So we get back to goodness like VO:OT and the upcoming Outrun Online, and for a little while we get to relive some of the best times I've ever had as a gamer. But even the news of VO:OT coming to XBLA is tarnished by SEGA incompetance. Seriously people, VO:OT is a 3D game, how hard could it have been to re-texture the game using hi-def textures . . . seriously. Capcom can deliver us Bionic Commando ReArmed and SSF2THDR, complete remakes of 2D classics. It had to be expensive, not to mention time consuming to get those game made. Tozai can bring us proper remakes of R-Type, R-Type 2 and Lode Runner. Yet SEGA, can't even bother to add hi-def textures to the existing VO:OT code . . . not to mention, render in widescreen. The game is already in 3D, all you have to do is add a mode with hi-def textures. It's not anywhere near as expensive or time consuming a process as building a whole new game from scratch. And they can even leave in the option to play the game using classic or new, hi-def textures. I swear, if the original arcade game did not offer online code, we may not have gotten that even.

Sorry for the rant, but man c'mon. It's like SEGA went from being the best game company on the planet, to doing everything in their power to sabotage all of their games that their old school fans would love to have. As an old-school SEGA fan, watching SEGA now, is the most unbearable things I can think of as a gamer.

I'm still going to buy VO:OT, after all, it is VO:OT, but man it certainly would be so damned nice if SEGA would get their God damned heads, out of their collective asses and back in the game.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 15:53:29 In reply to Corellianrogue
Posted by Corellianrogue
Sega doesn't have the resources anymore to port over all their games. When the hype machine known as PS2 and the bitter EA decided to go up against them it was basically over. Was only a matter of time.
Dreamcast was one of the best systems ever created, but it wasn't meant to last. Too good to be true it seems. So much innovation in such a short period of time.

People need to understand that just about every development team that made these excellent games disbanded and no longer exist. Remnants do with the Blue Dragon people, but otherwise the insanely powerful and talented teams Sega had built over the years are no more.

I am really excited for this.
Also of course Sega will never be the same. The damage they took from everyone leaving and losing the Dreamcast was too devastating. It's going to take them years to get back to anything they once were, even with just Sonic Team and their Sonic games.

You can sort of blame Sega for what has happened, due to what they did on the Saturn. The Saturn as we all know was basically them mortally wounding themselves and somehow seen as a betrayal toward EA. It came back to haunt them, one mistake, and EA didn't forget like some ancient elephant.

I'll always be a Sega fanboy (after NES, I ended up swearing allegiance to my Genesis), and will always love my Dreamcast till the end. To me that system was the peak of constant fun games to play. It was like a flood gate opened and I just rolled around in it. They were polished games with very few flaws, and still incredibly fun, a rare thing nowadays.
Nintendo used to be more like them, but as we all know they have changed. To me Nintendo and Sega were the real game companies and still are. It's a shame that bigger businesses muscled them out of what they were doing. If it weren't for MS or Sony, maybe Nintendo wouldn't have had to resort to what they're doing now, and maybe we'd still have Sega. Two companies that really care if a gamer is enjoying his game, that he/she is having fun.

I'll stop now though
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Commented on 2009-02-27 16:05:50 In reply to jesuschrist
Posted by jesuschrist
Dead wrong my delusional friend.
Panzer dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Futute, Outrun, etc.

Xbox was the spiritual sucessor for Dramcasts titles, ... only seems fair to support the original buyers with titles on Xbox 360 on the same line of those on the original box.

I eagerly await Original JSR XBLA
You misunderstood my post. I was countering the complaint that Rez HD is XBLA exclusive by saying that the Xbox consoles are the only ones Sega should support since Microsoft supported Sega and weren't rivals who used underhanded means to bring Sega down like Nintendo (convicted of using illegal tactics to try to prevent shops from stocking Sega products in the 80s) and Sony. (Originally marketing the Playstation like a fashion accessory which also caused a massive inflation of "casual" gamers who just bought Wipeout for the music and buy every version of Madden and FIFA, buying so many exclusives that should have been multiplatform, especially Tomb Raider which was designed for the Saturn and poaching the people who are now Polyphony from Sega.) And before anyone goes on about Microsoft's PC monopolies and stuff, I don't don't really care (or know enough about whatever the complaints are) since I'm just talking about console videogames.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 16:14:25
I've got this on the DC too! Love it. XBLA really is stepping up nowadays!
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Commented on 2009-02-27 16:17:58 In reply to munkini
Posted by munkini
I don't buy electronics with the worlds worst ever fail rate and the chance that if it fails you get given another fail prone "refurbished" piece of crap back and thus begins the cycle known as "getting F**ked"

If MS simply promised a brand new machine and had a guarantee that covered non RROD console death (which is also common) I would go for it but I disagree with their loophole riddled policy in principle.

I know that once I had the thing I would not want to go without it so essentially MS then has you by the balls.
You're convieniently forgetting the PS1 & PS2. (Even the Sony-loving Kojima joked about PS2 owners having to buy multiple consoles when asked to comment on the PS2's massive sales.) Plus at least Microsoft actually honour their warranties unlike Sony! Also neither the launch Xbox360 I bought or the one I replaced it with last year (only because I wanted HDMI as Resident Evil 1&2 HD DVDs wrongly had ITC applied so are restricted to 480P over VGA) have ever RROD'd and although I agree it's a bad problem that shouldn't have happened the whole bashing-Xbox360-using-RROD is so old and desperate.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 16:26:11 In reply to Corellianrogue
Sega should NOT support any one platform exclusively what a weak suggestion and that's not their policy anyway. In fact there seems to be zero rhyme, reason or "strategy" behind which titles stay on XBL (Rez HD) or the ones that go to both (Lumines).

Anyway, it's all veered too far off topic and turned into a bit of a fanboy rant (yes I am guilty of that too) so I won't say any more...except I miss the old Sega and would gladly trade in MS to get them back in the hardware game.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 16:29:11
I would give my right leg to revive the Dreamcast and undo the breakup
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Commented on 2009-02-27 16:58:31 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
Posted by Corellianrogue
Sega doesn't have the resources anymore to port over all their games. When the hype machine known as PS2 and the bitter EA decided to go up against them it was basically over. Was only a matter of time.
Dreamcast was one of the best systems ever created, but it wasn't meant to last. Too good to be true it seems. So much innovation in such a short period of time.

People need to understand that just about every development team that made these excellent games disbanded and no longer exist. Remnants do with the Blue Dragon people, but otherwise the insanely powerful and talented teams Sega had built over the years are no more.

I am really excited for this.
Also of course Sega will never be the same. The damage they took from everyone leaving and losing the Dreamcast was too devastating. It's going to take them years to get back to anything they once were, even with just Sonic Team and their Sonic games.

You can sort of blame Sega for what has happened, due to what they did on the Saturn. The Saturn as we all know was basically them mortally wounding themselves and somehow seen as a betrayal toward EA. It came back to haunt them, one mistake, and EA didn't forget like some ancient elephant.

I'll always be a Sega fanboy (after NES, I ended up swearing allegiance to my Genesis), and will always love my Dreamcast till the end. To me that system was the peak of constant fun games to play. It was like a flood gate opened and I just rolled around in it. They were polished games with very few flaws, and still incredibly fun, a rare thing nowadays.
Nintendo used to be more like them, but as we all know they have changed. To me Nintendo and Sega were the real game companies and still are. It's a shame that bigger businesses muscled them out of what they were doing. If it weren't for MS or Sony, maybe Nintendo wouldn't have had to resort to what they're doing now, and maybe we'd still have Sega. Two companies that really care if a gamer is enjoying his game, that he/she is having fun.

I'll stop now though
How the hell did Sega betray EA with the Saturn? If you're talking about being hard to program for then you might as well say they betrayed all the 3rd party videogame companies, lol! EA betrayed Sega and lost their best staff because of it. (Visual Concepts are ex-EA staff who left EA in disgust and joined Sega. And, no, it's not the same as Polyphony as Sega didn't poach them, they approached Sega.) It wasn't so much the Saturn itself that hurt Sega (although like I said it was hard to program, but then they were making a revolutionary new console with both powerful 3D AND 2D) it was their bad marketing after the initial success of the Saturn (the Saturn was actually beating the Playstation for about 6 months or maybe a year) and the same with the Dreamcast too. So some of the fault lies with Sega and it was frustrating at the time but Sega as developers were among the if not THE best around and were unfairly treated. (Especially by the media who suspiciously became very biased towards Sony.) I agree that Sony and Microsoft shouldn't be in the console videogame business (except maybe as partners, like Microsoft was with Sega and Sony was going to be with Nintendo which of course eventually resulted in the Playstation) but to be fair to Microsoft FreeSwag is right about it being the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast. I'm absolutely convinced that if Sega was still making consoles the Xbox would have never been released and that Microsoft actually had a deal with Sega that said they'd stay a partner with Sega and only release their own console if Sega ever stopped making consoles. (Proof of that to me is that the Xbox was revealed at the same time that Sega announced the Dreamcast was being discontinued.)
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Commented on 2009-02-27 17:08:35
EA felt fucked over with the Saturn. They lost a lot of money invested in the machine. That is how they felt cheated and that is why they didn't support the Dreamcast. They thought it would just fail again, and they were somewhat right, but at the same time they helped that along.
It's not because anyone at Visual Concepts was from EA. EA got major support on the Genesis way back when, and then the Saturn pretty much burned them.
Marketing may have played a role true, but to me it's on par with any marketing going on today. Marketing is weak now, just as it was back then. Sure you see them sometimes, but no insane amount more than anyone else. There is no clear winner in marketing at all.
The reviews should have been enough to make the Dreamcast successful, but no one saw an EA game on the machine. EA became a powerhouse in the time Sega was out of consoles. Then the PS2 basically swayed ANYONE from buying the machine who questioned the choice even slightly. I had friends who were like "Oh I dunno, I might wait until PS2 drops in a year and a half." That was the major reason why the Dreamcast didn't take off. Had it been a year or two earlier it'd be a different story. The PS1 dominated for too long and the days of the Genesis were too far in the past.
PS2 built it's hype so large that the Dreamcast lost a lot of business. PS2 had one of the worst launches I have ever seen too, along with a long drought of decent games (sound familiar?). People STILL bought it though. Then there sat the Dreamcast, overshadowed. Sega did everything they could, their games even looked better than a system that was supposedly more powerful (sound familiar again?)

A Sega/Microsoft team up is also a pipe dream. Just like Nintendo and Sega ever combining forces. It would have never happened. Sega may have been meant to die and who knows if they would have been able to make another system or not to compete. They seem similar because MS stole a lot of it's design choices from them (to me at least)
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Commented on 2009-02-27 17:25:25 In reply to munkini
Posted by munkini
Sega should NOT support any one platform exclusively what a weak suggestion and that's not their policy anyway. In fact there seems to be zero rhyme, reason or "strategy" behind which titles stay on XBL (Rez HD) or the ones that go to both (Lumines).

Anyway, it's all veered too far off topic and turned into a bit of a fanboy rant (yes I am guilty of that too) so I won't say any more...except I miss the old Sega and would gladly trade in MS to get them back in the hardware game.
Well going multi-platform really hasn't helped them. (Except for the Sonic and Mario Olympics game.) Think about it, Sega was demonised by the Nintendo and Sony fanboys so those fanboys and the people they've influenced think Sega games are crap and aren't going to rush out and buy them. (Except the hypocritical ones who suddenly thought Sega and their games were great now they were on Nintendo/Sony consoles or the afformentioned Sonic & Mario game but that's probably because Nintendo fans just want to get their kicks beating Sonic with Mario IN A RACE, lol!) But the thing is they haven't really gone properly multiplatform, they've spread exclusives around like Thunder Force 6 on the PS2, House Of The Dead: Overkill and Madworld on the Wii, Yakuza 3 and Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3 and, erm, oh that's right the 6 YEAR OLD (at the time) Rez (OK Rez HD) and now the 10 YEAR OLD Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram on XBLA. They're great games but how about some new exclusives? (I know there were great Sega exclusives on the Xbox but I'm talking about right now.) I think Capcom, Tecmo and even Namco have shown you can have great success with exclusive Japanese games on the Xbox360. Or how about just going completely multiplatform? Or they could of course release a new Sega console but I think that's pretty much in the Fantasy Zone ( ;) ) right now, lol!
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Commented on 2009-02-27 17:31:28
Meh would have prefered to see a remake with HD graphics.
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Commented on 2009-02-27 17:32:59 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
EA felt fucked over with the Saturn. They lost a lot of money invested in the machine. That is how they felt cheated and that is why they didn't support the Dreamcast. They thought it would just fail again, and they were somewhat right, but at the same time they helped that along.
It's not because anyone at Visual Concepts was from EA. EA got major support on the Genesis way back when, and then the Saturn pretty much burned them.
Marketing may have played a role true, but to me it's on par with any marketing going on today. Marketing is weak now, just as it was back then. Sure you see them sometimes, but no insane amount more than anyone else. There is no clear winner in marketing at all.
The reviews should have been enough to make the Dreamcast successful, but no one saw an EA game on the machine. EA became a powerhouse in the time Sega was out of consoles. Then the PS2 basically swayed ANYONE from buying the machine who questioned the choice even slightly. I had friends who were like "Oh I dunno, I might wait until PS2 drops in a year and a half." That was the major reason why the Dreamcast didn't take off. Had it been a year or two earlier it'd be a different story. The PS1 dominated for too long and the days of the Genesis were too far in the past.
PS2 built it's hype so large that the Dreamcast lost a lot of business. PS2 had one of the worst launches I have ever seen too, along with a long drought of decent games (sound familiar?). People STILL bought it though. Then there sat the Dreamcast, overshadowed. Sega did everything they could, their games even looked better than a system that was supposedly more powerful (sound familiar again?)

A Sega/Microsoft team up is also a pipe dream. Just like Nintendo and Sega ever combining forces. It would have never happened. Sega may have been meant to die and who knows if they would have been able to make another system or not to compete. They seem similar because MS stole a lot of it's design choices from them (to me at least)
You're right about a lot of things but bullshit on the EA thing. Where the hell was Madden on the Saturn? You know, the franchise that was created for the Megadrive and was such a huge success and that Sega helped promote over their own Joe Montana series? (I feel sorry for Joe Montana, I bet he was pissed at Sega, lol! Joe Montana Sportstalk Football was a great game though.) And I'm sure there were other EA games the Saturn didn't get, I can't remember right now. But it was obvious to everyone that EA were in Sony's pocket. I was working at a videogames company at the time and people were talking about it. Then again most companies were in Sony's pocket to some degree at the time and that was the problem. :(
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Commented on 2009-02-27 17:39:22
They should release MSR on XBLA, fully upscaled to sort out the jaggies (especially the telephone lines!), that would be brilliant. I loved the soundtrack on that, and the driving was, and still is, superb.

Propeller Arena would be brilliant on XBLA, as would Outtrigger, as would that bloody mouse game! (Its name escapes me, ah yes, Chu Chu rocket!)

There is plenty of Dreamcast material that would be perfect for live, or PSN for that matter (although that would be like thanking someone after they had just finished raping your mum). While it was sad when the Dreamcast era ended, it was a long time ago. Time to move on now!

P.S Shenmue 1 would be groovy too.


In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-27 17:45:10 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
They should release MSR on XBLA, fully upscaled to sort out the jaggies (especially the telephone lines!), that would be brilliant. I loved the soundtrack on that, and the driving was, and still is, superb.

Propeller Arena would be brilliant on XBLA, as would Outtrigger, as would that bloody mouse game! (Its name escapes me, ah yes, Chu Chu rocket!)

There is plenty of Dreamcast material that would be perfect for live, or PSN for that matter (although that would be like thanking someone after they had just finished raping your mum). While it was sad when the Dreamcast era ended, it was a long time ago. Time to move on now!

P.S Shenmue 1 would be groovy too.


Somehow I doubt Shenmue 1 will be on XBLA, lol! I hope they do make a 3rd one though and include the first 2 in the pack so you have the whole trilogy. Good one on Propeller Arena, that needs to actually be released! I played it at the ECTS and it seemed pretty good.I'm going to the cinema now so haven't got time to type out all the DC and arcade games I want ported over, lol! (But I will just say that I'd LOVE it if Lucasarts and Sega could get together and release all 3 of Sega's Star Wars arcade games, either separately on XBLA or as a collection on 1 disc.)
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