Xbox 360

Microsoft décide de faire dans l'original en ne sortant pas de vidéos officielles de leurs prochains jeux, mais plutôt en offrant des extraits de gameplay à utiliser pour les vidéos de différents sites. Inutile de dire que personne n'a tenu compte de l'avertissement du début de la vidéo... Commençons avec Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.

Microsoft fact sheet:
May 2008

Title: “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts”

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Developer: Rare Ltd.

Format: DVD for the Xbox 360 video game system

ESRB Rating: E-10 rating pending

Availability: Holiday 2008

Product Overview:
Famed game developer Rare Ltd. is reviving one of its most beloved and successful franchises exclusively on Xbox 360 with the third installment of the “Banjo-Kazooie” series. “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts” embraces new and old fans alike, as the famous bear and bird duo return in stunning high definition for a unique adventure of epic proportions. The Lord of the Games (aka LOG) is tired of the petty squabbling between Banjo and the evil witch Gruntilda (aka Grunty) over the years, and has arranged a showdown to decide the rightful owner of Spiral Mountain. Claiming to have created every video game ever made, LOG has built the game worlds in which the contest’s challenges take place. Banjo must complete LOG’s challenges to win, while Grunty tries to stop him using every method her devious mind can muster.

Throughout their adventure, players create their own abilities by building vehicles for Banjo to pilot over land, water and air. Vehicle parts, which range from simple devices such as engines and wheels to more unusual equipment such as springs and egg guns, are earned and collected throughout the game. Players use their imagination to combine parts in any order to create whatever vehicle they choose. LOG’s challenges have one goal, but players’ choice of vehicle and tactics will determine how they get there. By exploring worlds and solving puzzles, players both young and old will be rewarded with more advanced and diverse vehicle parts in their quest to defeat Grunty once and for all.

With the power of Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE, “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts” brings an entirely new experience to the console and takes the franchise to a whole new level of enjoyment. High-definition graphics, user-created content and online gameplay are just three of the many advances people of all ages and skill levels will discover as they embark on their adventure.

Top features include the following:
• An adventure that starts with your imagination. If you can imagine it, you can build it in the Mumbo’s Motors easy-to-use workshop. Then put your creation to the test as you take on Grunty in your quest for Spiral Mountain. Unlike other games, where the player progressively picks up new skills or abilities at points pre-determined by the game’s creator, “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts” puts the power of improving Banjo’s abilities into the hands of the players as they build vehicles that allow Banjo to progress through the game. Vehicle parts include a wide variety of body panels, engines, wheels, wings, propellers, fuel and weapons, plus many more weird and wonderful gadgets such as floaters, Mumbo Bombos and the versatile sticky ball, from which players can design and create anything from a simple object-carrying truck to a space-age flying saucer. Once you’ve designed your creation, give it the finishing touch by painting it and choosing a suitable name before Banjo jumps in and pilots it into action.
• Customizable experience. With more than 100 contraption parts and unlimited combinations possible, no two players will have the same experience in “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.” By exploring the vast game worlds, discovering hidden secrets and solving puzzles to win rewards, players continually find more and more ways to customize and improve their contraptions, creating an unprecedented level of user-generated content for a 3-D platform adventure game.
• Fun right out of the box. Don’t worry if you aren’t the world’s greatest inventor or want to skip the workshop and get straight to the action, because “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts” comes with a fully loaded experience right out of the box. Pre-built vehicles are included so players can jump right in and get started, with many more contraptions available for purchase throughout the adventure using the in-game currency system of musical notes.
• Engaging storyline and entertaining characters. Two of Rare’s most beloved characters have returned from retirement, making their debut on Xbox 360. To win the deed to their homeland and prevent the evil witch Gruntilda from developing it into tower blocks and malls, Banjo and his best friend Kazooie battle over land, sea and air against their longtime rival. Familiar faces such as Mumbo Jumbo, Bottles, Captain Blubber and the Jinjos are also back to lend a hand, along with an equally colorful cast of new friends and foes. Look out for Trophy Thomas, Piddles, Lord of the Games and Grunty’s mechanically menacing army of Gruntbots.
• Enjoy alone or with friends. “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts” offers complete single-player and multiplayer experiences. You can play through the adventure alone in the single-player campaign, or play with friends in competitive or cooperative challenges on your own or in teams.
• Fun for everyone. Xbox 360 is the home to the best entertainment experiences for everyone. With “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts,” Xbox 360 continues to build its impressive lineup of content that appeals to people of all ages and types.

Information: Founded in 1985 and based in the United Kingdom, Rare Ltd. is one of the world’s leading video game developers and the mastermind behind some of the most popular video games in history, including multimillion-dollar sellers “GoldenEye 007,” “Perfect Dark,” “Banjo-Kazooie” and “Donkey Kong 64.” In November 2005, Rare released “Perfect Dark Zero,” “Kameo: Elements of Power” and “Viva Piñata” for Xbox 360. Rare continues to entertain the world with the release of “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts” and “Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise” later this year. For further information, visit

Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 15:05:08
Sympa la construction des véhicules, ça me rappelle Kingdom Hearts.
En réponse à
Soda - Tourist Trophy
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 15:18:25
C'est mignon tout plein, avec Viva Panata, Microsoft devrait d'avantage communiquer sur ces jeux un peux moins porter sur l'action, étiquette qui colle trop à la ludothèque de la Xbox 360.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 16:33:09
Vraiment très beau
En réponse à
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 16:58:35
Pour ceux qui douteraient encore du potentiel du nouveau B&K, lisez les features ci-dessus; je pense quand même que c'est bien alléchant.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 17:23:30 En réponse à 3333
Ca dit quoi en gros?
En réponse à
Dalariel - Ségolène
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 17:46:20
Et bien qu'on va retrouver la sorcière Gruntilda et les persos des précédents opus.

Qu'il y a plein de possibilités de construction de son véhicule, ce qui apportera à chacun une expérience unique et amusante. Et surtout ce qui m'a interpelé, un mode multijoueur! Où apparament on peut jouer avec DES amis en faisant des challenges en équipes ou non.

c'est vraiment les très très grandes lignes ^^
En réponse à
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 19:13:54 En réponse à Sammy
Ca dit aussi qu'avant, dans un jeu comme B&K (et on pourrait dire pareil pour Mario ou Zelda, par analogie), pour passer tel passage ou résoudre telle énigme te donnant tel bonus, fallait toujours attendre d'acquérir LA capacité te permettant de le faire, puis revenir à l'endroit où tu pouvais t'en servir.
Alors qu'avec les plus de 100 pièces d'appareil collectables (faisant plusieurs centaines ou milliers d'appareils réalisables), tu décides toi-mêmes des propriétés que tu souhaites avoir, en fonction des pièces que tu auras déjà récupérées. Mais tu es libre de partir chercher telle pièce ou telle autre au moment où TU le veux, et ainsi tu pars résoudre une énigme ou réussir tel challenge, sachant que les ennemis sont là pour te mettre les bâtons dans les roues, afin de corser évidemment l'affaire.
Libre à toi de le faire aussi à pieds; c'est possible, même si ça risque d'être aussi plus dur. Voili.
En réponse à
Commentaire du 14/05/2008 à 22:19:20
C'est mieux que ce que j'imaginais, "un jeu de lego en multijoueur"... ça a l'air fluide, précis, de grands espaces, de la physique.

Mais Rare a souvent réussi à foirer ses interfaces qui se voulaient originales (je pense aux menus de Perfect Dark en multi, aux atroces popups de VivaPinata, au hub de DiddyKong). Et le design bon dieu ! Que j'ai hâte d'entendre à nouveau l'ourson glousser.
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A propos du jeu
Edité par
Xbox Game Studios
Developpé par
Rare Ltd.

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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