I've visited Sega's office here in France last week to take a look at the latest Full Auto build (non final). I've been allowed to film but most of my footage is not usable directly for different reasons. Here is one that I could use, with no sound unfortunately, with more to come.
All comments (26)
Thanks for the videos. Any of your personal comments on the game coming?
i love this game... this is not even the final built and I loved the demo so I'm buying this anyway. This game has at least as much fun-potential than burnout for me... don't unterstand why so many ppl are so negative about this game.
Of course it could be like Kameo where I basically enjoyed the demo more than the full game (sometimes less is more since you make more of the less than of the more which is more anyway.. er yeah.) but I doubt that.
A well timed demo, too, which came out just in time to hype a game within a reasonable time frame until its release unlike some demos that come out nutty early and you basically lose interest before it's out. (Fight Night 3?)
can,t wait to play the full version in two weeks time.
Hopefully Blim isn't under NDA so that he can give his opinion of the game he saw vs. the marketplace demo. especially in regards to stability/crashes, slowdowns, gameplay and controls revisions and anything else that stuck out in his head.
but there are still heavy slowdowns! watch the movie from 1.00 -1.20... looks sometimes like slomo. strange thing is that there is almost nothing going on and in other scenes the whole screen is exploding but the framrate stays smooth...
but lightening, textures, smoke, reflections... wow.
One thing I was wrong about it seems (I thought they completed all work on full auto for the 360) when he said non final is this to say they haven't finished working on the game or did they just not show the final build of the game?
Mc those didn't strike me as major slowdowns the car took a hit and started to drive a bit slower as a result and coming into that turn he was doing a powerslide which was also slowing down the car nothing major that jumped out at me. Also the smoke trail from the missiles that come from behind is really impressive.
the game has gone gold like a week or 2 ago
but it's obvious that the final game still has slowdowns... mr. smith said the performance is improved over the demo but he didn't say that it is smooth all the time. and I have never seen any footage that was flawless in aspect of the framerate.
Or maybe they'll continue calling it the latest build until they feel its good enough to be called complete. Don't be surprised if the release date gets pushed back a couple of days. Fight night is now no longer releasing on the 14th of feb from what I hear. Its on the 23rd now I believe and full auto could get a similar push back as well if the devs dont' feel its completely ready.
You sure mcerono? I've seen quite my fair share of flawless running gameplay videos of full auto. Or maybe its just the fact that I don't see minor fps drops of anything worth mentioning since I usually hardly ever played consoles till the 360 (mostly pc) So a fps drop here or there is no big deal to me really. Nonetheless I've yet to see any serious slowdowns that would cause me to get pissed off with the game.
Mc there are tons of flawless running videos on ign.
retailers get their copies just 1-2 days before release but mags get review version much sooner. but it is impossible to make such changes to the code in a few days so I think there will be framerate issues.
The video quality is awesome, Blim has some pretty awesome gear. The game has changed quite a bit and the movie definately makes me want to play the final game.
This game definitely has a space reserved on my game shelf.
Good times :)
I'm not sure I would classify them as "serious" slowdowns, there are a few but I'm not sure it's something that would bother me.
I'm more worried about slowdowns on Live gameplay when everything is blowing up around the gamers AND network traffic is being transmitted.
I wish that hitting traffic caused more damage, would give you more of a reason to blow shit up ò_ó