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We have just received a copy of Guitar Hero V, just in time for the European release of the game published by Activision. Instead of showing you the first 10 minutes of the game, I have decided to show you something a bit different, and, who knows, even a lot funnier than the usual stuff. If you're curious, follow me inside.
Update: Guitar video added, song choice being so BlimBlim.

I have to confess, I am not a very experienced Guitar Hero player. I can handle the medium mode pretty well but that's about all I can do. Hence my decision to start with a video showing some kind of Driftwood Idol parody. So I took my headset and gave my singing a try while my avatar was pretending he was a star - which is something he achieved shockingly well. Don't worry though, I will add another video showing some guitar gameplay later, simply don't expect it to be a demo of my impressive skills.

One thing is sure, Guitar Hero V has come a long way with its presentation and visuals. There have really been some improvements here and to top it all, the playlist is really good, as far as I can tell. I'm sure everyone will find something they like in the 92 songs available. There are songs where it feels a bit odd to be playing the guitar when what you hear is a piano - like in the Stones song - but overall, it is well designed.

I haven't had much time to play the game so I can't really give you my final opinion about it but suffice to say I've had some fun playing so far. I have noticed a few drops in the framerate from time to time but it hopefully never makes the game unplayable. So, you guys ready? Sing along: "In my place, in my place..."

Commented on 2009-09-12 00:28:45
The avatar in the pic at the top looks like the vocalist for Kings of Leon. Funny part is he also looks almost just like me, only I have slightly more shaggy hair.

being a long time player of real guitar, I don't like these music games much. I have nothing against them, but it just isn't nearly as much fun as playing the real thing.

still blows my mind though when I see some kid who practices these games hour after hour. If he spent half that time on the real thing he (or she) could be a really great musician. But I guess same goes for many other things in life....
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Commented on 2009-09-12 00:33:40
Unfortunatelly song selection for this vid was grusome. Coldplay is on my hate-list since their first song lol
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2009-09-12 00:36:29 In reply to GeRaLTo
Well, it's not like I could sing any of the other songs. :/
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Commented on 2009-09-12 00:49:26
You did Your best mate :D I'd probably waste my speakers after first line come out of my mouth so...Hail to the braves :D
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Commented on 2009-09-12 01:31:29 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
still blows my mind though when I see some kid who practices these games hour after hour. If he spent half that time on the real thing he (or she) could be a really great musician.

I've been playing guitar for 13 or 14 years now, but that still doesn't stop me from enjoying these games. I honestly don't get this whole "you should just learn real guitar" nonsense.

Anyways, been playing GH5 for a bit now, and it's a huge improvement over GH:WT. The track listing is pretty good as well. However, I'm super fucking pissed that Sonic Youth made it into another music game. Their rhythms, melodies, vocals, and lyrics are such garbage. Arghhhh!
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Commented on 2009-09-12 01:45:18
Do you really have a fabulous beard or is that projecting yourself?
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Commented on 2009-09-12 01:53:14
Settle down buddy, I wasn't meaning to insult the game. I simply said that I don't get into the game because I enjoy the real thing (I've been playing for 16 years now) so much more. I have nothing against these games.

I didn't say it was morally wrong or anything did I? I just simply said that if someone practiced the real thing as much they would be a great musician. This doens't mean its wrong to play the game, just simply pointing out how good some of these kids would be at real guitar.

But I usually don't like any of these types of "party" games so it's no big deal.

What I do like a lot about these games is that it gets kids listening to some really good classic rock bands they might otherwise miss out on.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 02:00:29
This game looks like its going to be awesome
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Commented on 2009-09-12 03:40:23 In reply to Nietzsche
I hardly think I need to be told to "settle down."
I just simply said that if someone practiced the real thing as much they would be a great musician.
This isn't necessarily true. Some people lack rhythm, lack an ear for melodies, lack creativity. I know people who have been playing instruments longer than both of us combined, yet I wouldn't even be able to call them good musicians. And honestly, if it weren't for you saying "But I guess same goes for many other things in life....," I'd think you are a fool. These games are entertaining. That's it, that's all. You don't expect everyone to drop all sources of games in general, watching tv, movies, instead work on a skill like playing guitar, do you? I don't see why this should be any different.
But I usually don't like any of these types of "party" games so it's no big deal.
Why do you hate fun? What did fun ever do to you?

My favourite part of these games, aside from the drunken group aspect, is the drumming. It's fun as shit to drum along to the songs...even if it's not completely accurate. Could I take up drumming for real instead? Actually, no. I don't have the money to spend on drums, nor would my neighbours appreciate me trying to learn to drum. More importantly, do I even want to learn to drum? Nope.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 04:14:36
I got the game about a week ago on an impulse... And totally regret it The series definitely shouldn't be called Guitar Hero anymore. Up until the last few venues the song selection was weak as fuck (case in point: Coldplay is in the game)
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Commented on 2009-09-12 04:32:58 In reply to broman
I do agree that "Guitar Hero" is a bit misleading given the artists featured, but they aren't trying to appeal to the guitar virtuoso fanbase, and nor should they for a music band game.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 07:59:02
If I didn't know better, I would think you are trying to pick a fight lol. Are you always this "friendly" of a poster? Of course not every living soul has the talent to be a great musician, but the majority of people have enough of a ear for melody and rythum that they can learn.

My brother was tone deaf but now he is a really great musician. You obviously are reading way too much into my comments as they are light-hearted at most. No, I wouldn't want to give up those forms of entertainment, and I thought I clearly pointed out I don't think playing guitar hero is wrong in any way.

I just SIMPLY stated that when I see a kid who is amazing at the game, I often think about how good they would (or might be, that better?) be if they spent that much time on the real thing.

As for the "why do you hate fun" part, are you actually quoting the turtle from that commercial? Obviously I don't hate fun, and OBVIOUSLY I just have a different idea of what fun is. I don't have fun playing music games. I have fun playing other types of games, or having great sex, or getting drunk with friends, or playing with other musicians, or playing sports, etc...I'm really surprised how much I have to explain myself on this topic. It's getting a little silly tbh.
But seriously, you have your taste and I have mine, it's no big deal now is it? You simply took me the wrong way and maybe now I have explained myself clearly enough?
Can we be friends now? Good lord...
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Commented on 2009-09-12 10:09:13
Nothing wrong with Coldplay.


/gets umbrella out for impending rotten fruit storm
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Commented on 2009-09-12 10:13:58
They should just call it somewhat rock-ish pop band hero instead ;)

And yes, Ron can't take it when someone has an opposing opinion. I remember having this exact same discussion some time ago.

I also agree with Nietsche that if all the hours spend playing a little plastic guitar were spend doing practice on a real guitar you'd probably learn a whole lot more but the fact of the matter is that practicing guitar is BORING, and in the end perhaps the reason for playing Guitar Hero isn't becoming a guitar god. Just playing scales and patters to get speed and accuracy isn't fun, it's necessary :) And i mean, before you start playing Ozzy songs on your guitar you can bet your ass that you'll have to spend quite a few hours practicing that boring stuff.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 10:33:07 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
I do agree that "Guitar Hero" is a bit misleading given the artists featured, but they aren't trying to appeal to the guitar virtuoso fanbase, and nor should they for a music band game.
But they should... Cause their "music band game" is called Band Hero and not Guitar Hero!
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Commented on 2009-09-12 12:25:23
Practicing guitar isn't boring if you enjoy playing the guitar. That's the difference between someone who can play the guitar and someone who's great at playing the guitar. ;)

As for this taking time away from other things, you could apply that to any form of entertainment. This is a timing rhythym game which is probably good finger-strengthening exercise for guitarists and bassist but in no way has any of the requirements of actually playing the guitar. The drum part of these games, however, is a different matter, and is actually quite good practice. The Beatles training section is rather great, actually.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 13:30:53 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
I just SIMPLY stated that when I see a kid who is amazing at the game, I often think about how good they would (or might be, that better?) be if they spent that much time on the real thing.
You simply took me the wrong way and maybe now I have explained myself clearly enough?
Perhaps I did take you the wrong way, but initially, you could have been mistaken for one of many annoying people who seem to think that playing these music games is stupid because...hey, the real thing is a viable option. There are always people like's like they are threatened that their actual guitar playing skill will be perceived as "not that hard" by the GH/RB crowd or something. They can't seem to grasp that it's just another game...high scores an' all...and people who play them don't think they actually are essentially real musicians.
As for the "why do you hate fun" part, are you actually quoting the turtle from that commercial? Obviously I don't hate fun, and OBVIOUSLY I just have a different idea of what fun is. I don't have fun playing music games. I have fun playing other types of games, or having great sex, or getting drunk with friends, or playing with other musicians, or playing sports,
Have you gotten drunk and played Rock Band or Guitar Hero yet? You might not enjoy the guitar part, but I don't get how anybody could dislike the singing aspect...especially while hammered and with a group of friends.
Posted by Megido
And yes, Ron can't take it when someone has an opposing opinion. I remember having this exact same discussion some time ago.
I can't take it when someone has an ill-formed opinion...or what I perceive as an ill-formed opinion.
in the end perhaps the reason for playing Guitar Hero isn't becoming a guitar god.
No "perhaps."
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Commented on 2009-09-12 14:08:34 In reply to Ajsomfan
In any case, I apologize for... misinterpreting your post.

Edit: This is obviously aimed at Nietzsche, not Ajsomfan.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 15:43:33
I'm a drummer so I'm stubborn and always insist on trying Expert on my first try when I go to a friend's house and play on their stuff... and then they kick my ass at it and I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS! :D
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Commented on 2009-09-12 15:46:34
Squarejaw: the "fun" in doing exercises for me comes from looking forward, like if i do this now then i'll be able to do that thing that i want to do later. I don't really enjoy the crap out of warmup exercises and playing scales :P
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Commented on 2009-09-12 16:01:20 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
Settle down buddy, I wasn't meaning to insult the game. I simply said that I don't get into the game because I enjoy the real thing (I've been playing for 16 years now) so much more. I have nothing against these games.
Just because you enjoy playing real guitar more, doesn't mean you can't play - and enjoy - these games.

I play a real guitar and enjoy it thoroughly, but I also playing these games; I play football in real life and enjoy it immensely, but that doesn't stop me enjoying football games. See where I'm going with this?
Posted by squarejawhero
Nothing wrong with Coldplay.


/gets umbrella out for impending rotten fruit storm
I actually agree with you. Their old stuff is great - their latest stuff isn't as good, but still decent nonetheless.
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Commented on 2009-09-12 22:59:25
Coldplay sucks sucks sucks... Worst Stadiumband I have ever heard.

Give me GH: Iron Maiden and im set for life... Win win win!!!
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Commented on 2009-09-12 23:26:36
Since when is Coldplay a stadium band?

I thought they were always more of a band-that-makes-me-hate-the-radio kind of band.
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Commented on 2009-09-13 00:50:30
Cold Play is, to me, more like a boring band that plays boring music for boring people :P
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Commented on 2009-09-13 16:18:07
They're a stadium band. Saw them in Crystal Palace and Barcelona. They're playing Wembley next weekend.

Also, I'm not boring and I have a varied intake of music, most recent purchase being Soulsavers' Broken. Which is Mark Lanegan being more awesome than usual.


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