After a first Gamersyde contest for a really bad demo, here comes the time to battle again around the piece of Heavenly Sword that went out on the Playstation Store during the night. Today, you'll have to chose between DjMizuhara and me, and we both did our best for your maximum pleasure. Just keep in mind that I recorded and edited mine at 4 AM, under high influence of alcohol and that I don't remember anything about the game. Thank you very much !

DJmizuhara - DJmizuhara-Man
Commented on 2007-07-27 12:20:30
Hey Snoopers you got your excuse in....what about mine? lol
I recorded mine at a room temperature of 42 Degrees Celsius/107 FAHRENHEIT
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Commented on 2007-07-27 12:28:24

Thnx guys :)

I want this on my 360 :(
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Commented on 2007-07-27 12:39:39
Brrr that game seems to have frame rate problems mad, talk about it lagged bad watching that video. ( Not the video itself )
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-07-27 12:39:43
Man 360 lacks so much into this genre that its not funny!

I got Ninety-Nine Nights yesterday and sure it is very good, I want these kind of games much more than guns all the time.

I am sure that PS3 will later on have much more in this genre like Onimusha Dawn of War, God of War, Heavenly Sword, and other bad ass ancient/fantasy sword action.

Anyway, I will most definitely try to pick up a PS3 in couple of months if God willing :D
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Commented on 2007-07-27 12:47:10
I'm too old to adore games like this. Just few notices:

The face of the girl is really nice modelled. Her sister looks like Bjork a bit I think;)
I like the sense of how large is the landscape.
The transitions between batllefields are cool.
The enemies are sliding on the ground like on ice. Weird.
The developers could improve framerate - there is noticable screen tearing.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 12:53:32
I loved this demo. Unless reviews are really bad, I'll be getting the game.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 12:54:21
Sath I agree, I'd like 2 see more of these kinda games on my 360.. (Throw Ratchet and Clank into the equation and i'll be a very happy boy!)
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Commented on 2007-07-27 12:55:52
Yeah, some tearing there, some framerate issues, but looks very nice graphically.
Seen a lot of games lately that make me want to get a PS3, but then you see that price, ugh... I will get one eventually though.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 13:08:44
games like this dont really appeal, but ffs, will devs start using foot planting?!? im fed up of characters floating and sliding around the game worlds, FIFA 07 360 may suck balls, but the foot planting is awesome and has a huge affect on the look and feel, come on devs, use this tech already
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Commented on 2007-07-27 13:19:01 In reply to MugiMugi
Posted by MugiMugi
Brrr that game seems to have frame rate problems mad, talk about it lagged bad watching that video. ( Not the video itself )
What framerate problems? It can slow down rarely, but it's not "mad" OR bad.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 13:24:03
Biggest disappointment for me is the lack of 1080i support and rumble, but I blame Sony for that. Otherwise the gameplay seems very fun. I play a lot of DOA so I'm right at home with the counter system. Now if only the demo lasted longer than 5 minutes...
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Commented on 2007-07-27 13:53:59
I don't know about the gameplay, hard to tell from just watching a movie but the graphics are pretty nice and the qte-like sequences might be cool. But what did bug me a lot was the animation. Just look at her walk cycle, all twitchy and weird! Also the voice acting didn't impress me. Why do they all sound British? :P

Most likely a good game though, if i still had my PS3 i guess i'd get this as soon as it released :D
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Commented on 2007-07-27 14:35:03 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
I don't know about the gameplay, hard to tell from just watching a movie but the graphics are pretty nice and the qte-like sequences might be cool. But what did bug me a lot was the animation. Just look at her walk cycle, all twitchy and weird! Also the voice acting didn't impress me. Why do they all sound British? :P

Most likely a good game though, if i still had my PS3 i guess i'd get this as soon as it released :D
They all sound British because the game is developed there. And there's nothing wrong with the framerate. The game runs at 30fps. It's to be expected that the animations aren't as good as games running in 60fps (like Ninja Gaiden).
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-07-27 14:39:27 In reply to OpiZA
Posted by OpiZA
Sath I agree, I'd like 2 see more of these kinda games on my 360.. (Throw Ratchet and Clank into the equation and i'll be a very happy boy!)
Didn't 360 have their own "Ratchet & Clank", Banjo and the other animal.

anyways, 360 truly lacks of this. Might as well admit that Ninja Gaiden 2 might go to PS3 in couple of months or so. But we don't truly have one GREAT exclusive of this genre, while PS3 got 3 which are Onimusha, God of War and now Heavenly Sword.

While Onimusha is Capcoms work, i doubt Capcom will go exclusive anymore such as the next-gen Onimusha.

I hope Capcom makes the next Onimusha multiplatform and as for gameplay he makes it arcady like Dawn of Dreams which it LOOKs awesome. (I havent played it)
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Commented on 2007-07-27 14:53:30
There's already too much of these games on 360. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Pirates of the Carribean, Tenchu Z, N3, Samurai Warrior 2 and soon Conan.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-07-27 15:23:53
Hahaha @ Krilekk

Non of them are actually AAA titles.

Although I bought N3 like yesterday and I am having fun with that game. But other than that, nothing.

Although Ninja gaiden 2 is coming, but nothing more :(
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2007-07-27 15:28:52 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
They all sound British because the game is developed there. And there's nothing wrong with the framerate.
Except for the slowdowns and the tearing yeah there is nothing wrong :p
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Commented on 2007-07-27 15:31:54
Meh, the tearing is barely noticeable to me, same with any framerate drops. But I’m not a framerate whore.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 15:58:13
belive me people there is no problem with the framerate when your playing it....maybe you brains are laging or you just dont have a ps3 ;)
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2007-07-27 16:01:02
now thats what i'm talking about....this is my genre

great game, has that epic feel to it, the gameplay looks fun and challenging (which is plus to me), enviroments look

apart from the enemies sliding on the ground, everthing else looks else perfect
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Commented on 2007-07-27 16:04:51
Sath I refer to the upcoming R&C title.

Should b a cool game!
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Commented on 2007-07-27 16:24:10
the demo is from an early build (I think I heard 1 year old ) and the issues you see with this one should already be gone
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Commented on 2007-07-27 17:31:39 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
While Onimusha is Capcoms work, i doubt Capcom will go exclusive anymore such as the next-gen Onimusha.

I hope Capcom makes the next Onimusha multiplatform and as for gameplay he makes it arcady like Dawn of Dreams which it LOOKs awesome. (I havent played it)
God no! DoD had the worst gameplay of the onimuishas. It felt so impersonal.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 17:35:02
Loved the demo, but way too short for my tastes. I mean this is the exact same demo they showed us how to beat at E3. So they give it to us, and I am beating it the first time through in less than 10 minutes. By the 3rd try through, I'm beating it without even taking any injuries. Too small and too easy. Which kind of scares me at this point. First of all, if we are doing comparisons, and lets face facts, who is not (even if they will not admit to it), I like the gameplay mechanics of the original God of War much better. Maybe I would have liked those in Heavenly Sword better, but they do not give you enough demo to tell if there is something here that is better than God of War. My second big worry is they may have given us such a small demo because maybe this game gets seriously repetitive after a while; something a longer demo would have revealed and would have stayed many gamers hands after an extended demo play. The same thing happened with The Darkness (which I have on 360), nice enough demo, but the final game proved way too repetitive and makes me wished that I had not purchased it based on the demo; at least not purchased it at full price. I think I still would have gotten Darkness eventually, but after I could have gotten it at a nice discount; say 40% to 50% off the SRP.

I digress. My point being, the demo was way too short and really does not do a good job at showcasing exactly what is it about Heavenly Sword that is supposed to make me want to rush out and pay for it. Maybe my views are a bit skewed because I just got burned on the Darkness purchase, but I am just saying. If SCE expects gamers to run out and make a day one purchase at full price on Heavenly Sword, then maybe they ought to do us the favor of providing us with substantial demo first.

Outside of that, from what I have seen of the game so far, Heavenly Sword looks every bit as awesome as had been promised. This game is simply gorgeous to look at in motion, and stands as one of the extreme few games on the PS3 this year that are beginning to make me glad I purchased the system - just wish that I had not bought it at launch; it should never take a game company this long to start delivering on good games. Again, the combat mechanics could/should be better, and with God of War 3 eventually coming to the same system, Heavenly Sword has some big shoes to fill in the meantime. Sony give us a better demo so that we can better judge if this game is worth the purchase, and I am sure, we'll all be happy campers.
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Commented on 2007-07-27 18:26:56 In reply to unfettered
Posted by unfettered
Loved the demo, but way too short for my tastes. I mean this is the exact same demo they showed us how to beat at E3. So they give it to us, and I am beating it the first time through in less than 10 minutes. By the 3rd try through, I'm beating it without even taking any injuries. Too small and too easy. Which kind of scares me at this point. First of all, if we are doing comparisons, and lets face facts, who is not (even if they will not admit to it), I like the gameplay mechanics of the original God of War much better. Maybe I would have liked those in Heavenly Sword better, but they do not give you enough demo to tell if there is something here that is better than God of War. My second big worry is they may have given us such a small demo because maybe this game gets seriously repetitive after a while; something a longer demo would have revealed and would have stayed many gamers hands after an extended demo play. The same thing happened with The Darkness (which I have on 360), nice enough demo, but the final game proved way too repetitive and makes me wished that I had not purchased it based on the demo; at least not purchased it at full price. I think I still would have gotten Darkness eventually, but after I could have gotten it at a nice discount; say 40% to 50% off the SRP.

I digress. My point being, the demo was way too short and really does not do a good job at showcasing exactly what is it about Heavenly Sword that is supposed to make me want to rush out and pay for it. Maybe my views are a bit skewed because I just got burned on the Darkness purchase, but I am just saying. If SCE expects gamers to run out and make a day one purchase at full price on Heavenly Sword, then maybe they ought to do us the favor of providing us with substantial demo first.

Outside of that, from what I have seen of the game so far, Heavenly Sword looks every bit as awesome as had been promised. This game is simply gorgeous to look at in motion, and stands as one of the extreme few games on the PS3 this year that are beginning to make me glad I purchased the system - just wish that I had not bought it at launch; it should never take a game company this long to start delivering on good games. Again, the combat mechanics could/should be better, and with God of War 3 eventually coming to the same system, Heavenly Sword has some big shoes to fill in the meantime. Sony give us a better demo so that we can better judge if this game is worth the purchase, and I am sure, we'll all be happy campers.
Finally a proper comment!!!

This demo was released solely so we got the practice with the game.
The first time I've played it I was like ''WTF!'' but on my third time I memorised combos and countering almost everything.
It's obvious they made it easy so the demo sells and we don't get frustrated.

These guys almost lost their house to get this game signed- Do you think they'll do something like tricking us into a short demo so we don't notice it's repetitve.

We get to play with rockets- Different enemies, different combos.

God Of War was ''simple'' at it's core too.
But these two have great presentation and satisfaction of play although from the demo- I would say GoW feels more satisfying as HS doesn't have many OMG SPECTACULAR! moves.
But obviously this is a very very small part of what I assume a huge game.

And from a marketing point of view- They showed this bit for so long- We all wanted to play it and now we finally did but it's short thus we want more.
Keeps the game in the spotlight.

I haven't made my mind on this game yet.
I'm going to wait for some impressions but I'm happy with the direction it's taking.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Ninja Theory

$135 of $400 per month

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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (> 3 Months ago)

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  • Loakum

    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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