Trailer Xbox 360 PS3 Wii

SEGA today unveiled some info about the PS3 version of Virtua Tennis 4. Exclusive features include: PlayStation Move compatibility, legend players Boris Becker, Stefan Edberg and Pat Rafter, 2 exclusive Party Games... See the videos and screens below for more details.


  • Virtua Tennis 4: Exclusive Content for PS3 - Artworks
  • Virtua Tennis 4: Exclusive Content for PS3 - Artworks
  • Virtua Tennis 4: Exclusive Content for PS3 - Artworks

2 Screens

  • Virtua Tennis 4: Exclusive Content for PS3 - 2 Screens
  • Virtua Tennis 4: Exclusive Content for PS3 - 2 Screens


  • Virtua Tennis 4: Exclusive Content for PS3 - Bundle
Commented on 2011-04-01 00:24:16
"Exclusive features include: PlayStation Move compatibility..."

Really??! So you can't use Move with the other versions? :o Lol! Seriously though, this sucks. I still can't believe Sega is even releasing games on Sony (or Nintendo) consoles. :( At least with Microsoft they had already been partners with previously so at the very least the Xbox 360 should get versions of any games Sega release, along with any exclusive content.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 00:25:17
Man ive tried topspin demo with move and i loved that tbh im hard pushed ffs i love the virtua tennis games and this one looks like a most own to me. Move support really works with these games.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 00:39:03 In reply to Corellianrogue
Posted by Corellianrogue
"Exclusive features include: PlayStation Move compatibility..."

Really??! So you can't use Move with the other versions? :o Lol! Seriously though, this sucks. I still can't believe Sega is even releasing games on Sony (or Nintendo) consoles. :( At least with Microsoft they had already been partners with previously so at the very least the Xbox 360 should get versions of any games Sega release, along with any exclusive content.
That was probably the worst case of fanboyism i have seen on this site, nearly as bad as Gamersyde taking the piss at the Paris PS3 launch with the XBOX boat.........
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Commented on 2011-04-01 01:22:15 In reply to Corellianrogue
Posted by Corellianrogue
"Exclusive features include: PlayStation Move compatibility..."

Really??! So you can't use Move with the other versions? :o Lol! Seriously though, this sucks. I still can't believe Sega is even releasing games on Sony (or Nintendo) consoles. :( At least with Microsoft they had already been partners with previously so at the very least the Xbox 360 should get versions of any games Sega release, along with any exclusive content.
Some exec at SEGA quite a few years ago (it was in interviews and everything) made the mistake of linking the company's future with the PS3 - so it is actually company policy to bring exclusive stuff to the PS3 whenever possible. Which is one of the reasons you do not see the Yakuza games on the Xbox, even though they would likely sell just as well there as they do on the Playstation, and hence double SEGA's profits on the series.

Of course in this day and age coming from a 3rd party publisher, none of that makes any sense, as the real money is in being as "system agnostic" as possible with releases; and/or getting paid to bring exclusives to one console or the other. This goes double for content exclusivities.

The thing that strikes me as odd concerning the VT4 announcement, is that it is not a high profile game enough for Sony to actually pay SEGA to get exclusive content for - sorry, those are just the breaks, VT fans. Move support on a tennis games makes a lot of sense. And sense Move does not work on any other platform . . . But all the other stuff? Seeing as VT4 is not that high profile of a game for Sony to pay for exclusive content, that's just SEGA doing what they have been famous for for almost two decades - making bad management decisions.

Sorry that angers you, but welcome to the world of being a SEGA fan. If the company is not doing something to disappoint fans, then it is usually doing something to crush the spirits of it's fans. The reason I stopped giving a fuck about SEGA after the Sammy buyout. Better to be a Nintendo fan, at least once every generation, Nintendo delivers to its fans in spades. Better to be a Sony fan, as even though those guys are arrogant clusterfucks, at least they can learn from their mistakes . . . if they make it and are ridiculed for it enough times. Better to be a Microsoft fan, as they know how to deliver the goods to you so well, as you usually wind up forgiving them for the few mistakes they make. But being a SEGA fan is the biggest waste of time, energy and emotion on the planet. They will hurt you, they will disappoint you, and either won't give a shit that they are, and are too damned, fucking stupid to realize they are hurting their own business by shitting on their fans constantly for over a decade. Quite frankly, you are better off quitting gaming altogether and committing to a far more productive hobby, than being a SEGA fan.

Consider yourself warned.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 01:50:45 In reply to FreeSwag
Posted by FreeSwag
Some exec at SEGA quite a few years ago (it was in interviews and everything) made the mistake of linking the company's future with the PS3 - so it is actually company policy to bring exclusive stuff to the PS3 whenever possible. Which is one of the reasons you do not see the Yakuza games on the Xbox, even though they would likely sell just as well there as they do on the Playstation, and hence double SEGA's profits on the series.

Of course in this day and age coming from a 3rd party publisher, none of that makes any sense, as the real money is in being as "system agnostic" as possible with releases; and/or getting paid to bring exclusives to one console or the other. This goes double for content exclusivities.

The thing that strikes me as odd concerning the VT4 announcement, is that it is not a high profile game enough for Sony to actually pay SEGA to get exclusive content for - sorry, those are just the breaks, VT fans. Move support on a tennis games makes a lot of sense. And sense Move does not work on any other platform . . . But all the other stuff? Seeing as VT4 is not that high profile of a game for Sony to pay for exclusive content, that's just SEGA doing what they have been famous for for almost two decades - making bad management decisions.

Sorry that angers you, but welcome to the world of being a SEGA fan. If the company is not doing something to disappoint fans, then it is usually doing something to crush the spirits of it's fans. The reason I stopped giving a fuck about SEGA after the Sammy buyout. Better to be a Nintendo fan, at least once every generation, Nintendo delivers to its fans in spades. Better to be a Sony fan, as even though those guys are arrogant clusterfucks, at least they can learn from their mistakes . . . if they make it and are ridiculed for it enough times. Better to be a Microsoft fan, as they know how to deliver the goods to you so well, as you usually wind up forgiving them for the few mistakes they make. But being a SEGA fan is the biggest waste of time, energy and emotion on the planet. They will hurt you, they will disappoint you, and either won't give a shit that they are, and are too damned, fucking stupid to realize they are hurting their own business by shitting on their fans constantly for over a decade. Quite frankly, you are better off quitting gaming altogether and committing to a far more productive hobby, than being a SEGA fan.

Consider yourself warned.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 01:55:53 In reply to FreeSwag
Posted by FreeSwag
Some exec at SEGA quite a few years ago (it was in interviews and everything) made the mistake of linking the company's future with the PS3 - so it is actually company policy to bring exclusive stuff to the PS3 whenever possible. Which is one of the reasons you do not see the Yakuza games on the Xbox, even though they would likely sell just as well there as they do on the Playstation, and hence double SEGA's profits on the series.

Of course in this day and age coming from a 3rd party publisher, none of that makes any sense, as the real money is in being as "system agnostic" as possible with releases; and/or getting paid to bring exclusives to one console or the other. This goes double for content exclusivities.

The thing that strikes me as odd concerning the VT4 announcement, is that it is not a high profile game enough for Sony to actually pay SEGA to get exclusive content for - sorry, those are just the breaks, VT fans. Move support on a tennis games makes a lot of sense. And sense Move does not work on any other platform . . . But all the other stuff? Seeing as VT4 is not that high profile of a game for Sony to pay for exclusive content, that's just SEGA doing what they have been famous for for almost two decades - making bad management decisions.

Sorry that angers you, but welcome to the world of being a SEGA fan. If the company is not doing something to disappoint fans, then it is usually doing something to crush the spirits of it's fans. The reason I stopped giving a fuck about SEGA after the Sammy buyout. Better to be a Nintendo fan, at least once every generation, Nintendo delivers to its fans in spades. Better to be a Sony fan, as even though those guys are arrogant clusterfucks, at least they can learn from their mistakes . . . if they make it and are ridiculed for it enough times. Better to be a Microsoft fan, as they know how to deliver the goods to you so well, as you usually wind up forgiving them for the few mistakes they make. But being a SEGA fan is the biggest waste of time, energy and emotion on the planet. They will hurt you, they will disappoint you, and either won't give a shit that they are, and are too damned, fucking stupid to realize they are hurting their own business by shitting on their fans constantly for over a decade. Quite frankly, you are better off quitting gaming altogether and committing to a far more productive hobby, than being a SEGA fan.

Consider yourself warned.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 02:22:25
Lol with the bundle you get the tennis racket with move controller. Video is also nice. Becker is a legend and rafter is also ok but the other guy I do not know. Pete Sampras, Agassi should be included.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 03:12:23 In reply to FreeSwag
Posted by FreeSwag
Some exec at SEGA quite a few years ago (it was in interviews and everything) made the mistake of linking the company's future with the PS3 - so it is actually company policy to bring exclusive stuff to the PS3 whenever possible. Which is one of the reasons you do not see the Yakuza games on the Xbox, even though they would likely sell just as well there as they do on the Playstation, and hence double SEGA's profits on the series.

Of course in this day and age coming from a 3rd party publisher, none of that makes any sense, as the real money is in being as "system agnostic" as possible with releases; and/or getting paid to bring exclusives to one console or the other. This goes double for content exclusivities.

The thing that strikes me as odd concerning the VT4 announcement, is that it is not a high profile game enough for Sony to actually pay SEGA to get exclusive content for - sorry, those are just the breaks, VT fans. Move support on a tennis games makes a lot of sense. And sense Move does not work on any other platform . . . But all the other stuff? Seeing as VT4 is not that high profile of a game for Sony to pay for exclusive content, that's just SEGA doing what they have been famous for for almost two decades - making bad management decisions.

Sorry that angers you, but welcome to the world of being a SEGA fan. If the company is not doing something to disappoint fans, then it is usually doing something to crush the spirits of it's fans. The reason I stopped giving a fuck about SEGA after the Sammy buyout. Better to be a Nintendo fan, at least once every generation, Nintendo delivers to its fans in spades. Better to be a Sony fan, as even though those guys are arrogant clusterfucks, at least they can learn from their mistakes . . . if they make it and are ridiculed for it enough times. Better to be a Microsoft fan, as they know how to deliver the goods to you so well, as you usually wind up forgiving them for the few mistakes they make. But being a SEGA fan is the biggest waste of time, energy and emotion on the planet. They will hurt you, they will disappoint you, and either won't give a shit that they are, and are too damned, fucking stupid to realize they are hurting their own business by shitting on their fans constantly for over a decade. Quite frankly, you are better off quitting gaming altogether and committing to a far more productive hobby, than being a SEGA fan.

Consider yourself warned.
I'm a Sega fan because of their games (I mean mostly Sega Japan) not because of blind fanboyism. When I got my first console it was my choice and even though I had played the NES too and enjoyed the games I had played I preferred and chose the Sega Master System and it was always that way until the end of the Dreamcast and Sega had always delivered the goods. (Well, OK, the 32X was a bit of a hiccup, lol! And I wanted the Star Wars arcade games on the Dreamcast but I guess Lucasarts had the overall say on that.) I was sure Sega were going to be Xbox exclusive and they did release great games, eg. Shenmue 2 (although I already had it on the Dreamcast), Jet Set Radio Future, Gunvalkyrie, Toejam & Earl 3 etc, but supporting Nintendo and Sony too, especially with exclusive games, was a slap in the face to all Sega fans. I sometimes wish Sega had accepted Microsoft's offer to buy them. It might have actually helped both companies a lot since Sega's future would most likely be secured and not only would Microsoft have a big supply of great exclusive Sega games but they also could have slapped a Sega logo on the Xbox which I'm sure would have helped a LOT in Japan. Also Microsoft could have even had motion controllers for the first Xbox since Sega already had the Samba De Amigo maracas and Sega Bass Fishing's fishing reel controller which also worked with Soul Calibur and Virtua Tennis (1 or 2, or possibly both of them, I forgot) for the Dreamcast.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 10:53:22
lol, Virtua Tennis.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 18:53:14 In reply to johnc
Posted by johnc
lol, Virtua Tennis.
really lol !
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Commented on 2011-04-01 21:25:22 In reply to FreeSwag
Posted by FreeSwag
Some exec at SEGA quite a few years ago (it was in interviews and everything) made the mistake of linking the company's future with the PS3 - so it is actually company policy to bring exclusive stuff to the PS3 whenever possible. Which is one of the reasons you do not see the Yakuza games on the Xbox, even though they would likely sell just as well there as they do on the Playstation, and hence double SEGA's profits on the series.

Of course in this day and age coming from a 3rd party publisher, none of that makes any sense, as the real money is in being as "system agnostic" as possible with releases; and/or getting paid to bring exclusives to one console or the other. This goes double for content exclusivities.

The thing that strikes me as odd concerning the VT4 announcement, is that it is not a high profile game enough for Sony to actually pay SEGA to get exclusive content for - sorry, those are just the breaks, VT fans. Move support on a tennis games makes a lot of sense. And sense Move does not work on any other platform . . . But all the other stuff? Seeing as VT4 is not that high profile of a game for Sony to pay for exclusive content, that's just SEGA doing what they have been famous for for almost two decades - making bad management decisions.

Sorry that angers you, but welcome to the world of being a SEGA fan. If the company is not doing something to disappoint fans, then it is usually doing something to crush the spirits of it's fans. The reason I stopped giving a fuck about SEGA after the Sammy buyout. Better to be a Nintendo fan, at least once every generation, Nintendo delivers to its fans in spades. Better to be a Sony fan, as even though those guys are arrogant clusterfucks, at least they can learn from their mistakes . . . if they make it and are ridiculed for it enough times. Better to be a Microsoft fan, as they know how to deliver the goods to you so well, as you usually wind up forgiving them for the few mistakes they make. But being a SEGA fan is the biggest waste of time, energy and emotion on the planet. They will hurt you, they will disappoint you, and either won't give a shit that they are, and are too damned, fucking stupid to realize they are hurting their own business by shitting on their fans constantly for over a decade. Quite frankly, you are better off quitting gaming altogether and committing to a far more productive hobby, than being a SEGA fan.

Consider yourself warned.
Multiplatform game development is actually MORE EXPENSIVE to do than platform specific game development.

As for the reason Yakuza series is not on your beloved console has nothing to do with an exclusive deal, it has more to do with the type of game it is, where the main characters and the MAJORITY of the characters are Ethnicly different, basically Japanese that DO NOT LOOK like WHITE people and therefore would be a hard sell outside of Japan where in both Europe and mainly the USA the majority of characters and culture is of a White male or US demographic.

Its no surprise that even the Shenmue 2 exclusive to Xbox 1 failed to sell due to this and there is no point in beating a dead horse.

The other is that Yakuza is not a mass murder simulator like GTA basically in the US such a game will get unfairly compared to GTA just like Shenmue 1 was and people in the US kept pointing out how they thought it was much more fun to kill bystanders than to be limited to not being able to do that which Japanese devs pointed out that such an act would have concequences such as getting arrested, life in Jail, investigations etc

Just look at LA Noire, the game has ALOT of Shenmue/Yakuza elements in the gameplay however in that game you investigate grusome murders in scenes filled with too much blood and graphic detail something US gamers like you will go gaga for much like Mortal Kombat.
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Commented on 2011-04-01 22:57:52 In reply to Akumajo
Posted by Akumajo
As for the reason Yakuza series is not on your beloved console has nothing to do with an exclusive deal,
You're wrong, I asked Sega and there is a Sony exclusivity deal for the Yakuza games. (Unfortunately. :( )
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Commented on 2011-04-02 01:00:03
They are just having extra content, move support. Child of eden is timed 360 exclusive. So it is something like that.
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