I've been hinting at this since a few days, but now it's finally official. I'll be flying to Tokyo early next week to make as much videos as possible of all upcoming Xbox and especially Xbox 360 games that will be presented there. And since I could not go there with my old camcorder, I also bought a brand new HDV camcorder (Sony HDR HC1) in order to make the best videos I possibly can, even in 720p if needed !
If you were wondering why the advertising banner had been moved to a more visible position, now you understand why. I also had to buy a new portable PC and I'll make another very big hardware investment in the upcoming months.
Update : I finally found a few minutes to play a bit with the camcorder. I've uploaded a sample 720p video of Amped 2 filmed on my DLP retroprojection TV, with LCD display the image will be even better than that.
All comments (23)
Buon viaggio!
TGS is gonna be freakin amazing. I can't wait for the vids, but I'm sure nothing will compare to the aura and excitment of the real deal up close. You lucky, beautiful bastards.
Hope you can maybe give us insite into how these games play feel, etc. Good Luck, enjoy your trip.
1080i as well!! It's so small. Mental.
Better produce some sweet vids. How the hell do you afford to run this site, get the hardware and get to go to Tokyo and stuff. Awesome.
Good luck, I want me some Gears of War and PDZ footage.
$10 says someone asks if it is next-gen! ;)
The recordings will be really nice, this is what most should be producing is terms of recording quality.
T G S footage will be totally kick ass with this quality.
BlimBlim you rox all the way!! :>
Just make sure you don't use the auto-focus when filming off of a screen. If the screen turns dark the auto-focus will get confused and go out of focus. I keep seing this mistake all the time on even the biggest sites. Use the auto-focus before the movie starts to get good focus then turn it off. Just a small tip ;)
Just make sure you don't use the auto-focus when filming off of a screen. If the screen turns dark the auto-focus will get confused and go out of focus. I keep seing this mistake all the time on even the biggest sites. Use the auto-focus before the movie starts to get good focus then turn it off. Just a small tip ;)