SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
Dammit! :D
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Inscrit depuis 6688 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
innovative as in you are not a space marine going through endless chromewalled corridors shooting, on an ego perspective, thousands after thousands of aliens.
Just because its in a different setting does not make it innovative.
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Inscrit depuis 6486 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
Just because its in a different setting does not make it innovative.
but the general gamplay mechanics do imo. yes we've seen counter heavy combat before, but its still rare in comparison to the hack and slash brainless focus most games have (devil may cry, gaiden, god of war, conan). plus the completely scalable cityscape, the animation system, and yes, even the setting and characters. in a very american focused, action man video game character world thats dark, gritty and lifeless, its nice to once in a while get the opposite, assassins creed does it, as does uncharted.

but mainly i give the game props for its technical accomplishments. i can see past the fact the enemies take turns to attack becasue everything else about the game is practically perfect. much like heavenly sword. only this is in a huge open world.

i think most people would consider this game more innovative then say, halo 3. not only on the basis its an orignal IP, but becasue it does things that no other game has. its just most of those things are based around immersion, such as the crowds, the animation, the parkour etc. not so much on the gameplay itself. but in a game like this, immersion counts for a LOT.
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Inscrit depuis 6513 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
Just because its in a different setting does not make it innovative.
say what?! if 3000 games are released, 50% are WWII, 50% are space marines, doesn't the fact that a game is set during the crusades make it innovative?
i'm not saying that it's only because of that, but denying this it's just silly.
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Inscrit depuis 6701 Jours
guys will you stop hating on jade raymond? yes i know assasins creed was weak but its not fair on her seeing as shes been chilling in my bed for the past two days and having to read all this. Just pretend the game was amazing cos it means she gives me more loving in bed...please guys :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
say what?! if 3000 games are released, 50% are WWII, 50% are space marines, doesn't the fact that a game is set during the crusades make it innovative?
i'm not saying that it's only because of that, but denying this it's just silly.
Yes that example is so accurate. 50% of all games are WWII games. Big giant roll of the eyes for you sir. I have a feeling this is a game that I just have to play for myself to know if it lived up to its hype or not. Hype is a very unfortunate thing, in many ways.. but we'll see how that works out later. Too many games right now that are sure things to take a chance on AC just yet.

The Jade love-in though.. that continues to be sad no matter how you look at it.
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Inscrit depuis 6688 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
say what?! if 3000 games are released, 50% are WWII, 50% are space marines, doesn't the fact that a game is set during the crusades make it innovative?
i'm not saying that it's only because of that, but denying this it's just silly.
That statement is just way off. And no, not really. Introducing a unique setting ( have other games not done similar things ? Im not sure) does nothing to innovate. Sure it might bring forth a really fresh playing environment ( Bioshock ) but not in AC's case. This games setting doesnt look all that individual. It doesnt excite me in any way.
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Inscrit depuis 6533 Jours
Looks to me like Ubisoft spent too much effort in getting the `feel` right and left out the gameplay lol. I`m not going to commit myself until I have a retail build in my grasp, but I have to admit that the rather poor reception it seems to have got has put me off buying it.

I want longer campaigns, not 6 hour ones. I just wish that the developers would put more effort into the main game and maybe even cancel any form of multiplayer if it meant giving us all value for money.

Plus, xmas is coming soon (dun dun duuunnn) and my money is going on Crysis and Mass Effect which is touted as having between 20-25 hours storyline gameplay and up to 60 hours if you decide to do ALL the side missions. £1 per hours worth of gameplay?.....oh yes please !!!.
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Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
lol @ some of you guys comments bout the jade thing

its like some of you guys are jumping at the oppertnity to say other people are sad and nerds and virgins, to make yourselves feel better?did you get bullied at school or something?. im neither of those things and il put good money on betting i get more sex then anyone else here. its funny people on here say shit but no one really knows each other in person how can u make assumptions about me and others just cos we think a good looking girls hot? i think ALOT of girls are hot

i wasnt even serious in my first post, about buying the game cos the producers hot, i was having a laugh. u know, messing around. 'joking' if u havnt heard of that before.

and i dont think anyones a nerd ect here, who am i to judge? i dont actually no you lot so to each ther own, save it for the playground your like a bunch of kids. chill out, i mean jade IS hot isnt she. so that makes me a nerd, and a virgin and sad . LOLlololollllll wotever!!!!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
I wasn't talking about you specifically, just using your quote as supporting a point. I'm just kidding around too.. but I do think the Jade worship is pretty sad at the same time. I love girls too, I love models which is quite vein really, but that doesn't really change my position on the matter. The fact that people can't have a discussion about Assassin's Creed without several people jizzing on their keyboards still strikes me as a bit strange.
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Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I wasn't talking about you specifically, just using your quote as supporting a point. I'm just kidding around too.. but I do think the Jade worship is pretty sad at the same time. I love girls too, I love models which is quite vein really, but that doesn't really change my position on the matter. The fact that people can't have a discussion about Assassin's Creed without several people jizzing on their keyboards still strikes me as a bit strange.

well yeah if people jizzing on ther keyboards and worshipping her was actually true, then yeah thats a problem. but as far as ive seen people just sayin shes hot. i dont think thats sad, i mean she is hot. i tell alot of girls ther hot. maybe ive just got into a habbit of it and say it too often, it just seems so normal 2 me.

i think if you ever get people sending her gifts and flowers and stalking her, then thats obviously very serious and very sad and nerdy imo. but theres nothing wrong with a little playfull banter
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
I dunno.. I think people take it a little too far. There's really no need to get all defensive with the "I gets more than anyone here!" attitude though. That's pretty funny too.. like we're having a contest.
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Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
i woud'nt usually bring the 'i get more then anyone else' thing up in any thread on any forum, but i was presenting to you the other side of the argument which is this: not everyone that thinks jade raymond is hot is a sad nerdy virgin lol!!

i get enough flack from my mates about playing games, who are all narrow minded fools sometimes, i dont want to get told im sad and a nerd the only place i feel welcome talking about games lol. otherwise i'll just have to talk to myself lol
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
I think the saddest thing of all is that.. with all of this fuzz about it, people are turning her into what she shouldn't have to be. A poster girl.

She was never selected to be just a pretty face, but people are turning the real intentions on end and before we know it that's all she will be known for. I mean yeah it's human nature (at least male nature) and yeah she is cute, but it's getting so.. intense that you can't show an interview with her anymore because people won't listen or discuss the things she's saying - they're too busy making up sexual insinuations.

Soon these constant comments are finally going to break down her credibility and make her just a pretty face.

Unless it's already happened, I can't tell.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Soon these constant comments are finally going to break down her credibility and make her just a pretty face.
Exactly.. I think it's sorta disrespectful. It's like we're all a bunch of construction workers hollering at a girl on the sidewalk. It's okay if you think she's cute, but I think it's better to show some restraint and respect.
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Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
I think the saddest thing of all is that.. with all of this fuzz about it, people are turning her into what she shouldn't have to be. A poster girl.

She was never selected to be just a pretty face, but people are turning the real intentions on end and before we know it that's all she will be known for. I mean yeah it's human nature (at least male nature) and yeah she is cute, but it's getting so.. intense that you can't show an interview with her anymore because people won't listen or discuss the things she's saying - they're too busy making up sexual insinuations.

Soon these constant comments are finally going to break down her credibility and make her just a pretty face.

Unless it's already happened, I can't tell.
i just dont see it!!!
the only comments i read on games are from this website, so maybe im not seeing the bigger picture. but from the comments here appart from the 'jades hot' comment every now and again, i dont see how any of what you just said is actually happening...

wait im gonna read through the assassins creed videos thread and see if this is true, cos i actually dont remember seeing many comments about jade.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
Try the Gamersyde interview with her. :)
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Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
well theres no jade comments on the assassins creed videos.
but you know what, it dosnt matter cos your right
Posté par GriftGFX
Exactly.. I think it's sorta disrespectful. It's like we're all a bunch of construction workers hollering at a girl on the sidewalk. It's okay if you think she's cute, but I think it's better to show some restraint and respect.
wot grift said just then ^^ is everything i ever hate to be in a man. i dont want to be like that, and im not. i do think shes cute, but from now on i wont mention it
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Inscrit depuis 6513 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Yes that example is so accurate. 50% of all games are WWII games. Big giant roll of the eyes for you sir.
What?!...You telling me that 50% of the games are not WWII??!? o.O

oh...this was sarcasm.

oh...that on my original post that was an hyperbole. *rolleyes*
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
I like how IGN edits their reviews.. from the original review:
“I would go on to say that Assassins Creed would be the top 5 most dissapointing games of all time.” and “…this is a rental, there is no need to go back to play it more than once…in fact, you probably won’t even finish it once.”
That's too critical, PULL IT! Come on IGN.. show some backbone.
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Inscrit depuis 6688 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I like how IGN edits their reviews.. from the original review:
“I would go on to say that Assassins Creed would be the top 5 most dissapointing games of all time.” and “…this is a rental, there is no need to go back to play it more than once…in fact, you probably won’t even finish it once.”
That's too critical, PULL IT! Come on IGN.. show some backbone.
Wow. I hadn't read their one. Thats some pretty harsh comments. See this is what I like about 1up. They are freakin honest. But, its clear from this forum alone that some people can't handle that.
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Inscrit depuis 6895 Jours
I thought IGN was a little too harsh. I mean, they had valid points, but c'mon, top 5 most disappointing games of ALL time? ouch.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Inscrit depuis 6688 Jours
Posté par mkk316
I thought IGN was a little too harsh. I mean, they had valid points, but c'mon, top 5 most disappointing games of ALL time? ouch.
Hype will do that to a game.
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Posté par jioann00
i get more sex then anyone else here
More sex than me ;) doubtfull, not got two kids through chuffing off ..misses is a god damn nymph, but me i prefer a good game and Ben&Jerrys

Just play the game people who REALLY cares what reviewrs say, i for one are renting it friday and will hopefully love it :D or i might come on here going "oh dear god" but ya know thats life really, some shits good some shits bad

But you really should not care if a game is been slammed by critics, that is there opinion so chill out, just like i think Halo 3 is the best of the trilogy, and i think tekken is pure shit, opinions baby we are all allowed them
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Inscrit depuis 6513 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
More sex than me ;) doubtfull, not got two kids through chuffing off ..misses is a god damn nymph, but me i prefer a good game and Ben&Jerrys
just what we wanted, geek gamers discussing their sex lives!
noooooOOOO! :P
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