Since 6627 Days
Played a single game tonight. Gameplay is good, I have to get used to the weapons the camera shakes from all the explosions and the new button layout (I loath it, it's so messy). The amount of bullets it takes to kill is all right, the Apache seemed a bit too agile for my tastes, maybe I'm missing something but a good pilot will stay alive for a long time.

Everything else is as expected: Team mates are hiding in the buildings furthest away from the action with snipers and rush still blows donkey balls. For these reasons I don't see myself wasting too much time on the demo.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Tinks
My roommates don't seem to be having any frame rate probs on the 360? They love the game. I have yet to try myself.
People have different standards. 30fps is slow. And it's hardly unplayable, but it is pretty jarring when moving from other games that literally run five times better and as a result are much smoother experiences. The game is very fun though.
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Since 6197 Days
The thing is games like soldner have had deformable terrain / trees / buildings in the past and didnt perform nearly as bad as this. This has largely pre computed destruction aswell, certainly for the buildings. It just isn't acceptable, it'd be fair enough if there was some combination of hardware that would give stellar performance, but there just isnt, everyone from the high end to the low end is suffering here.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
I'm getting pretty sick of people saying it takes a whole magazine to take someone down, or worse, that they've emptied an entire mag into an enemy without taking them down. That's just not true. You're missing.

But, Rush sucks. The fact that you can kill boxes with C4 ruins the gamemode. It's a bummer too because it could have been good, but explosives are far too exploitable against the objective crates. Funny, too, since explosives sort of suck against infantry. You really have to nail someone with a nade (frag or 40MM) to kill them.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
But, Rush sucks. The fact that you can kill boxes with C4 ruins the gamemode. It's a bummer too because it could have been good, but explosives are far too exploitable against the objective crates. Funny, too, since explosives sort of suck against infantry. You really have to nail someone with a nade (frag or 40MM) to kill them.
Hell you can win the game by just using the tank to blow up all the buildings that got the crates in em...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by FireWire
Hell you can win the game by just using the tank to blow up all the buildings that got the crates in em...
That too. It should be arm/defuse only. At least there's still conquest.

It's also ridiculous that it doesn't spam the text chat when you request ammo/health. If you're speaking Russian, chances are that no one on a USA server is going to understand your request for ammo! I mean seriously... they didn't consider this?
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
That too. It should be arm/defuse only. At least there's still conquest.

It's also ridiculous that it doesn't spam the text chat when you request ammo/health. If you're speaking Russian, chances are that no one on a USA server is going to understand your request for ammo! I mean seriously... they didn't consider this?
I think TF2 is a great example here. Medic request are great in that game.. And you can pretty much spam it If needed...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
They worked fine in BF2 too. I wouldn't mind the lack of the commo-rose that much if the current system worked better. As it is the "community" button seems pretty half assed.

I'm still enjoying the game. I am frustrated by the performance though. That's my biggest problem with this thing. 30fps gaming blows.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
I'm also a bit annoyed that you can basically pass through solid objects, I don't mind being able to walk through bushes/trees but walking through enemy players and tanks is a bit fucked up.
I've had loads of times when I was trying to knife or defib an enemy I would pass through them and not hit them. Hell I've lost knife battle's because of me walking through the enemy player...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 6478 Days
FireWire, I've had the same problems. Between the sluggish framerate, the sluggish mechanics, and the overal lack of polish in so many areas of this game, I am just really confused as to why anyone would consider this a AAA level game.

There are plenty of cool aspects to it, but it doesn't really do anything better than other FPS, other than destruction maybe? The sniping, machince guns, melee, grenades, classes, etc... it all has been done MUCH better in other games. Hell, the graphics aren't even that great.

I'm gonna buy the game simply b/c so many of my friends are gonna be playing it, but so far the demo has left me pretty underwhelmed on many levels. It's growing on me and I'm not as turned off by it as I was my first couple plays, but I'm also not enjoying it nearly as much as many other shooters out there.
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Since 6627 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I'm getting pretty sick of people saying it takes a whole magazine to take someone down, or worse, that they've emptied an entire mag into an enemy without taking them down. That's just not true. You're missing.

But, Rush sucks. The fact that you can kill boxes with C4 ruins the gamemode. It's a bummer too because it could have been good, but explosives are far too exploitable against the objective crates. Funny, too, since explosives sort of suck against infantry. You really have to nail someone with a nade (frag or 40MM) to kill them.
I agree. I don't like rush (for other reasons than you listed) at all but it's still fun playing it with a friend. Had some great moments, we sneaked into their undefended base and armed the crate, then everyone came rushing up the stairs and we killed them, my friend died but I revived him. I love playing medic, I can usually hold my own under heavy fire and revive my mates left and right. Got lots of points, too.

Also the shooting is not sluggish at all. You have to pop/burst fire your gun, depending on the gun the recoil can be a bitch though (the SAW is a horrible weapon for that reason).
In reply to
FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
I'll tell you what I've been owning groups of people on my own with the Saiga shotgun.. I mean with the other guns I can take out max one or two opponents in a 1vs2 fight (with one clip and switching to pistol). With the saiga alone I've taken out 3 players in a row a couple of times without switching to the pistol...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Also the shooting is not sluggish at all. You have to pop/burst fire your gun, depending on the gun the recoil can be a bitch though (the SAW is a horrible weapon for that reason).
It's not perfect, but it's not as bad as some people have claimed. The bullet damage is okay. I think the guns could be slightly more powerful but people are making some pretty stupid complaints. I've seen videos on youtube of someone bitching because two headshots with an SMG didn't kill someone--a fucking SMG. I believe it takes 3 headshots with the XM8 Assault Rifle to kill someone, which is hardly a tremendous amount of rounds. In Call of Duty, it would take two headshots with an AK-47. So yeah.. if you're using an assault rifle and it takes you more than 1/3rd of a magazine to take someone down, you're doing it wrong.
Posted by FireWire
I'll tell you what I've been owning groups of people on my own with the Saiga shotgun.. I mean with the other guns I can take out max one or two opponents in a 1vs2 fight (with one clip and switching to pistol). With the saiga alone I've taken out 3 players in a row a couple of times without switching to the pistol...
Shotguns are great at close quarters but I find a lot of combat is long range, so I'm enjoying the XM8 the most in the beta. The SMG's are good at close quarters too.. you can even run and gun a little with them.
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Since 6556 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I'm getting pretty sick of people saying it takes a whole magazine to take someone down, or worse, that they've emptied an entire mag into an enemy without taking them down. That's just not true. You're missing.
Absolutely agreed
Posted by FireWire
Hell you can win the game by just using the tank to blow up all the buildings that got the crates in em...
Err, well yeah. but it's not easy. There's plenty of defenses close to the crates. It only takes two shots of this antitank mounted weapons to take down a tank and they reload pretty fast too, plus infantry with RPGs plus C4.
Posted by Nietzsche
There are plenty of cool aspects to it, but it doesn't really do anything better than other FPS, other than destruction maybe? The sniping, machince guns, melee, grenades, classes, etc... it all has been done MUCH better in other games. Hell, the graphics aren't even that great.
Which? Which games do this big maps, vehicles, objective oriented, expanding warfront gameplay type better?! It's not about running and gunning and melee and grenades, it's about teambased gameplay, and sense of scale and war battles, and team working together and pushing forward to reach the base, destroy it and procceed to the next. And this you don't find anywhere else.
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Also the shooting is not sluggish at all. You have to pop/burst fire your gun, depending on the gun the recoil can be a bitch though
Well said.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
Which? Which games do this big maps, vehicles, objective oriented, expanding warfront gameplay type better?! It's not about running and gunning and melee and grenades, it's about teambased gameplay, and sense of scale and war battles, and team working together and pushing forward to reach the base, destroy it and procceed to the next. And this you don't find anywhere else.
BF2 :P
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Since 6652 Days
Beta has been fun. Medic ftw.

Thing's i'm not liking:

-> People can just rush objectives with bunch C4, and destroy it, then move to the next. Very hard to stop this. Or just keep from a far with a tank shooting objectives, hard to stop too, since they got engineers fixing them.
-> It's annoying to ask for ammo, or medic health. Pressing Q? WTF, and most people don't even care, i have to knife their faces, or type on the chat: Is it that hard to drop some ammo?
-> People need to start once they see a medic die, pick his KIT, and revive him. It's good for the whole team, because of the tickets.
-> Beta doesn't run very good. I know it's a beta, but for one month away, it's not looking very bright.
-> I wonder why they block geting unlocks, or going up in rank on this beta. We could unlock everything (or almost) on PS3 beta. This way people can't try guns, see if balance needed or something.
-> People suck. Why spam snipers, when our team is the one that needs to attack??
-> I don't like much the map of the beta. It's too narrow, the one on PS3 beta was better. Still missing the big BF2 maps :(
-> Sad that normal guns don't do any damage to choppers. At least let it *hurt* a small bit.

But overall i like it. It will be good to pass the time until Battlefield 3 comes :P
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
Posted by UrukHaiPT
People need to start once they see a medic die, pick his KIT, and revive him. It's good for the whole team, because of the tickets.
I'm playing as a medic a lot and I don't understand why people don't get this... I revive 6 guys in a row. I go down NEXT to them and they just keep on walking and leave me there...

If I see a medic die I do take his kit and revive him...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 7155 Days
The medic then gets the kit you just dropped though I believe.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
Well that's weird, because when I'm playing as a medic and I revive someone there's still a kit on the ground
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 7155 Days
Posted by FireWire
Well that's weird, because when I'm playing as a medic and I revive someone there's still a kit on the ground
I dunno then, I did it once and the guy bitched at me because he didn't want my Engineer kit. Maybe he hit E the moment I revived him?
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Since 6884 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
BF2 :P
I'm gonna have to check out BF2( only played it on console, and it was apparently very different). I hope it is as good as you say, though, and you're not just high on nostalgia ;)...
I do really like the Demo of BC2(360). Sometimes I actually prefer 30fps over 60fps(not sure why). I like that I can spot enemies and get some points if they are killed. It does annoy me that I seem to be the only one who does it though. If I'm over-watching an objective, I want people to know if the enemy is coming from far off so my teammates have time to react. Love being the medic too. It feels great to revive buddies. I revived this one guy right after he was killed and he got up and took out his killer. Sweet. I'm not a kill count whore, though, and am more interested in getting the objective than padding my stats...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6652 Days
BF 2 was an awesome game. My favorite FPS of all time. Gunplay didin't age well though, it's way better on Bad Company 2.

Speaking about Kits, when you pick a medic kit and revive him he gets your Kit. So yeah that's bound to some people not liking it.
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Since 5535 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
BF2 :P
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7126 Days
Posted by Frozpot
I'm gonna have to check out BF2( only played it on console, and it was apparently very different). I hope it is as good as you say, though, and you're not just high on nostalgia ;)...
BF2 has got nothing to do with that console game (it was called modern combat wasn't it?) BF2 is probably the best in the series (Although enjoyed 1942 and Vietnam a lot as well)
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 7055 Days
From my experience it doesn't matter if you tell people you need health or ammo. The noobs and children don't give a shit about anyone besides themselves.

Also tanks killing crates from far away and c4 destroying crates easily has been around since the first Bad Company. If you have a good team this is avoidable generally.
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