GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
Posted by Tinks
From my experience it doesn't matter if you tell people you need health or ammo. The noobs and children don't give a shit about anyone besides themselves.

Also tanks killing crates from far away and c4 destroying crates easily has been around since the first Bad Company. If you have a good team this is avoidable generally.
I think some people don't notice too, because the game hardly notifies them that you need help. Having your toon scream a voiceover that's hard to identify is lame. It could at least spam voicechat too so it's easy to see and easy to identify the person asking for resupply/health. The lack of a commo-rose is really hurting the game too, since it's virtually impossible to request help unless you can stare down a teammate. This is especially lame when you're in a vehicle and need something!
Posted by Frozpot
I'm gonna have to check out BF2( only played it on console, and it was apparently very different). I hope it is as good as you say, though, and you're not just high on nostalgia ;)...
I do really like the Demo of BC2(360). Sometimes I actually prefer 30fps over 60fps(not sure why). I like that I can spot enemies and get some points if they are killed. It does annoy me that I seem to be the only one who does it though. If I'm over-watching an objective, I want people to know if the enemy is coming from far off so my teammates have time to react. Love being the medic too. It feels great to revive buddies. I revived this one guy right after he was killed and he got up and took out his killer. Sweet. I'm not a kill count whore, though, and am more interested in getting the objective than padding my stats...
BF2 for PC and "BF2" for consoles aren't even remotely the same game. The only thing especially better, I'd say, about Bad Company is that the infantry combat is actually a little more well tuned, but otherwise BF2 is still a deeper game and if you're into the whole scale of battle and vehicle combat thing, it's a much better game too. It's nice to play something new though, and I really do like Bad Company 2.. I just don't think it's better, especially in every way possible.
Posted by Slabs
I dunno then, I did it once and the guy bitched at me because he didn't want my Engineer kit. Maybe he hit E the moment I revived him?
I think it ditches/swaps your kit, and I think people don't do it because they're not used to playing Battlefield. If there's a medic in my squad I'll always grab his kit.
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Since 7055 Days
In BC1 they had a way of showing health and who needed help via your radar that was pretty easy to identify if you were the healer on the squad. Is this gone?
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Since 6884 Days
It is still there...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
It's obviously not enough, since no one listens to "social button" requests.
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Since 6653 Days
Need this:

And certainly doesn't help, only being able to drop 1 ammo bag / 1 medic Kit. It should let us drop two at least.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
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Since 6884 Days
I just check my radar alot when I am playing support- It shows a little symbol if they need revived, and if they need healing, they have a little + sign by their heads. A voice does yell out "I need a medic", or I need a Mechanic". In BC 1 you can switch it to always english too...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
I just shot down a full Blackhawk with an Apache. It was pretty sweet. I wish the helos were always available on the map instead of just for one short base.

I say short because Rush is broken and when I'm on a good attacking team we shuffle through the entire map in about five minutes. Rush still sorta sucks, and it's a shame because it would be easy to fix.
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Since 6557 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I say short because Rush is broken and when I'm on a good attacking team we shuffle through the entire map in about five minutes. Rush still sorta sucks, and it's a shame because it would be easy to fix.
what do you mean is broken? Ive won plenty of games as a defensive team. If the team is good there's nothing broken about it. Hands down my fav battlefield game type, second was titan in 2142 (which i know you'll probably say it sucks because you dindn't like 2142). This mode is so much more objective oriented, and the games are much progressive then the conquest, where everybody just seems to be running around.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
I've won plenty of games as a defensive team too, but not all teams are equal. It's broken because with the right upgrades, which are pretty easy to equip, planting is pointless. That whole mechanic might as well not exist if you can just blow the crates up so easily. It's going to be even worse when assault kits can carry C4. I just think if you're going to give the other team the ability to defuse, and make the attackers defend the objective while it goes off, you're in for a harder fight and a more interesting game. I think Titan is a helluva lot better than rush, and I'd say 2142 is a better game than this, but it's also probably because Titan is more like conquest. If everyone is running around in conquest they're not doing it right. I very much look forward to playing conquest in this game. The Battlefield in conquest is very dynamic.

I don't mind the evolving map thing, that's my favorite part of this mode. Although this map is a little easy to abuse the mountain sides on, on both attack and defense. Hopefully when more people catch on to that it won't be so easy to camp on top of the hill around every base. The cliffsides are impossible to climb in most places, but there are spots where you can run right up there. A medic and an assault kit together can dominate people trying to use the roads, or even hillsides below. It's especially brutal when you do it on defense, since you can get right up against the previous bases, and rape people as they funnel towards the next objective.
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Since 6884 Days
I never feel that I'm losing because of bad design. Just bad team mates. I find that having even one other person who can adapt to the situation and communicate effectively really makes a difference. I always try to mark targets and let my teammates know the position of the enemy as they come in. They certainly take advantage of that, but it would be nice if other people did it as well. It makes defense sooo much easier. I also don't think people utilize the weapon systems enough. That's not the games fault. It's the people. That being said, when you have two good teams facing off- It is just awesome and challenging- constantly shifting tactics. No other game does it right outside of the Battlefield series. I like how your tactics are as important as your shooting skill, unlike a certain other game...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 5536 Days
I need a medic!

Sorry, I don't understand Russian.
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Steam: Doomsong83

Since 7055 Days
A pop up menu to yell out for help not only makes you afk but it ruins a lot of the immersion games are stressing nowadays.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
Posted by Tinks
A pop up menu to yell out for help not only makes you afk but it ruins a lot of the immersion games are stressing nowadays. does it make you AFK? It takes like (less than) one second to use the commo-rose. Learn to mutlitask. If you think it slows you down or makes you afk than you've never used it.

The main problem with the community button is that you have to actively target resupply or medics or engis or whatever to request help. Try doing that while you're in a tank.
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Since 7055 Days
It seems pretty pointless when people can't even read a radar that tells you who exactly needs health
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
Posted by Tinks
It seems pretty pointless when people can't even read a radar that tells you who exactly needs health
You've never played BF2 or 2142 then, because the commo-rose is very useful.

People aren't constantly looking at their radar. They need audible or visual queues that actually have some kind of impact. That's really a different issue, removed from what makes the commo-rose so superior to the community button. Yelling in Russian doesn't count, and it doesn't matter if you *can* change the voice-over to English-only since you can't exactly control other peoples options.

It was a lot easier to tell who and when to help your teammates in BF2, and it was a lot easier to request help thanks to the commo-rose. I honestly think spamming text (I accidentally said "voicechat" earlier) chat would help a lot, it's more blatantly obvious than the radar, and would cause people to look down more readily than hearing "I need a medic!" in another language.

A lot of people are just new to this though (myself included), and I'm sure they'll get used to the more subtle system, but it's still worse. They didn't do this to increase immersion, they did it because it would be slow on a gamepad. I just think they could tweak it a little more, but it's not awful.
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Since 6884 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
You've never played BF2 or 2142 then, because the commo-rose is very useful.
If it's anything like the menu in Crysis, then it would only take a split second once you get used to it...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
That's also not to say that I haven't requested health in BF2 and had medics run from the scene. Some people are just dumb.
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Since 6627 Days
That happens a lot, the medic is the most useful team mate you can have. But I also see medics running around with little health, so I guess most just don't know about it.

I had a lot of successful bomb plants with the medic. We move into the buildings and kill everyone, I revive the dead and we defend it with a full team until it explodes. Almost always on the top of the score boards, too. Bar none my favourite class. It can get a little frustrating when the paddles don't work the first time (hit detection is off, try killing someone with a defibrillator), that are the moments where I usually die.

I usually hate sniper class, but it's unusually satisfying. I spotted 3 snipers on a pipe and took a kit of a dead sniper, landed 3 head shots without missing in short succession. But these moments are rare, at least I usually have problems spotting targets with a sniper.
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Since 6884 Days
I only use the sniper class for counter sniping when they start to piss me off. I love going against the guys who don't get that there is bullet drop! Usually I'm the Medic on defense...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
Posted by Frozpot
I only use the sniper class for counter sniping when they start to piss me off. I love going against the guys who don't get that there is bullet drop! Usually I'm the Medic on defense...
The bullet drop in this game sorta does confuse me. I seem to be able to aim at targets at hundreds of yards with the XM8 dead on. How far off does a target need to be? Does it effect all weapons equally?
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Since 6884 Days
It' typically something you only have to pay attention to if you want head shots. You just need to aim a little higher if there is some distance between you and your target. With the XM8 you are throwing down a lot more bullets, so you can get easier kills hitting the body. Its not a huge amount of drop, but can make a big difference when you want one-hit kills. A good example is if your on the first set of crates(on defense). If you're in the building overlooking the crater- that sniper hill is a good go-to for some counter sniper stuff. Just aim a little bit ABOVE their heads. Also, the higher up you are, the less you need to adjust. Just think of gravity affecting your bullets...
I don't think they do it like a real bullet path though( where the bullet actually goes up before dropping. Thats alway as pain, especially when you are going from a target at 150 meters to one at 300 meters, besides the fact that a person is the size of your front sight post at that range...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6627 Days
Imo, the LMGs lacks some punch. I'll probably go for the most accurate one in the full game, because I can offset that disadvantage (vs other kits) with accuracy. I got used to the RPD by now, it's very affective at mid range as long as you got for headshots, that's kinda an impossible feat with the SAW.
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Since 6653 Days
Multiplayer Loading Screens:

Some maps look amazing. Why three snow maps though argh :(
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7126 Days
But one of them is a night map. That's awesome. Reminds me of special forces.

Looks good. A lot of diversity for a relatively small number of maps.
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