Since 6883 Days
I can take out choppers pretty consistently with the Crew serve weapons( mounted MG) as long as my team can keep the snipers off my back...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7054 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
agreed. on the first one there was always AA guns whenever whenever there was attack helis , on this one I only found out they were in the game because i saw them on the stats page, under weapons.
Generally it'll take two rockets to take down a chopper. If it's tagged it makes hitting it with a rocket easy for any team member. It insures it will go down even if they have someone repairing it in the air.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days

I just started really diving into medic this morning, and oh boy, what a beast. I'm going to stick to my original (and less informed at the time) assessment that the kit is a little overpowered, especially the with the M60. I have to say though, it's really fun to play. There's nothing not-fun about raping people with one hundred rounds in your beastly gun. It really is great in pretty much every scenario. I was getting 40-60 kills in games where I was pushing extremely hard on offense, playing basically the same role I play as assault.. and meds and defribs are a hell of a lot better than ammo. Well, sorta, my biggest problem with playing medic is all of the noob assault players who won't drop you ammo. I try the social button, I try yelling at them in text chat, and I even try dry-humping them and cutting them in the face. You really can't fix stupid.

There's no substitute for C4 though! It's the armor killer!

Oh, and I could be wrong but I believe the "most score by" field in game is usually more accurate than I thought. I think it's showing the stats for the duration you've been connected to that server, or maybe for the attack/defend... but yeah... I could be wrong. It sure seemed that way this morning but I usually don't pay a lot of attention to it because I thought it was broken.
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Since 5535 Days
I love rocket sniping with the Engineer's M-2. So damn fun.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 6478 Days
I've been messing around with the engineer class and now starting to really love that one. The SMGs aren't the most fun, but once I got used to some of the better ones they really do rape in close range combat. Great for vehicle hunting/defending.

This game so probably the most addictive I have played in a long time, even more so than MW2 before it became a glitch fest. I just can't get over how much it grew on me as I didn't even enjoy the demo that much.
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Since 6627 Days
I unlocked the G3 today, don't like it at all, if it had at least a bigger clip it would be half decent. Played some engineer, killed some tanks but over all it's not as fun as a medic. As a medic I can turn the game in my favour, as an engineer I'm relying heavily on my team mates. The fact that I only ever get resupplies by searching for an assault corpse makes it even more frustrating (throw me an ammo pack you fucking idiots!).

The most frustrating team to play against are snipers with auto spotters. They would hide on the rooftop at C on Laguna Alta and there is usually no way you can take that point because the snipers on your own team apparently don't know what bullet drop is.

On another note, I had some epic helo rounds on Atacama Desert. With a competent gunner you can pretty much own the round, all you have to worry about is killing off the enemy helo as soon as it respawns and take care of the AA gunners as soon as they start shooting. Tanks usually won't live long enough to kill me. If it gets close I immediately drop to ground level behind a hill/building, make my way around the obstacle and pop up occasionally to fire off the missiles. Love it.
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Since 6478 Days
My biggest gripe about Medic is how fucking often I have the logo for a downed teammate on my radar and there is no body there to defib. I get really pissed how often I go out of my way to revive someone and the body isn't fucking there even though the radar indicates I should be standing right on them.

Anyone else have this issue. I'm also still having problems with the game freezing for a sec and then the sound going out except for when in the menus. REally freaking odd.
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Since 5535 Days
Just got out of a Rush game, completely owned as an Engineer.

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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 6556 Days
iup, i've also unlock everything as a medic, working my way as engineer as well. It's my second class, like it quite a lot as well.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
I'm pretty sure medic is my best class now, but it might just be because it's the best class. I want to switch it up more, but I've mostly only been switching to assault to use my runner kit with C4 and the Saiga. Sometimes, I just need to kill some tanks. I had a few really funny jihad attempts the other day. I tend to use the tactic mostly on conquest and mostly in the one map that's dominated by armor. One time I was on said map, hunting for a tank and I saw two of my clanmates on the other team land their attack helo in the desert to repair and I got them both. Good times.

But yeah, I want my platinum star with the M16 still, so I'll be going back to that after I hit 1000 kills with the M60. That shouldn't take much longer.. a few rounds at most. I'm already up to 9 golds after two days with it.
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Since 6478 Days
Grift, are you bragging on a video game forum?

Anyhow, I don't often use one class more than others at this point as I have most of the goodies unlocked. I don't really play to unlock starts, or pins, or other crap, just for fun and to win (unlock most retards on this game...).

I switch class often depending on what's going on. Basically I have a go-to set-up for many different situations. I've been playing with my brother and another friend and when we get rolling in Rush it really is crazy fun. But for some reason I'm on a big engineer kick as of late. I don't even like the SMGs much but for some reason I'm just really digging that style of support.

But I still go back to the M-16 often just b/c I love that gun so damn much. It really is the best "feeling" gun in the game IMO. Far better than the M-60 in terms of satisfying to use, even if not as overpowering.

Any word on new maps?
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Since 5535 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Grift, are you bragging on a video game forum?

Anyhow, I don't often use one class more than others at this point as I have most of the goodies unlocked. I don't really play to unlock starts, or pins, or other crap, just for fun and to win (unlock most retards on this game...).

I switch class often depending on what's going on. Basically I have a go-to set-up for many different situations. I've been playing with my brother and another friend and when we get rolling in Rush it really is crazy fun. But for some reason I'm on a big engineer kick as of late. I don't even like the SMGs much but for some reason I'm just really digging that style of support.

But I still go back to the M-16 often just b/c I love that gun so damn much. It really is the best "feeling" gun in the game IMO. Far better than the M-60 in terms of satisfying to use, even if not as overpowering.

Any word on new maps?
I play like that as well, I just don't stick to one class the entire round. I'll rarely use Recon in Rush unless my entire team is full of retards and I want to get some XP for that class lol.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Grift, are you bragging on a video game forum?

Anyhow, I don't often use one class more than others at this point as I have most of the goodies unlocked. I don't really play to unlock starts, or pins, or other crap, just for fun and to win (unlock most retards on this game...).

I switch class often depending on what's going on. Basically I have a go-to set-up for many different situations. I've been playing with my brother and another friend and when we get rolling in Rush it really is crazy fun. But for some reason I'm on a big engineer kick as of late. I don't even like the SMGs much but for some reason I'm just really digging that style of support.

But I still go back to the M-16 often just b/c I love that gun so damn much. It really is the best "feeling" gun in the game IMO. Far better than the M-60 in terms of satisfying to use, even if not as overpowering.

Any word on new maps?
I hate unlocks, but you have to play to unlock stuff in this game. As far as pins and medals go, I actually adore those. I'm sort of a stats geek when it comes to games. I love it when games give you loads of information about your performance, and rewarding you with virtual medals and badges for said actions is fun to me. And no, I'm not bragging, I mean, there are people who have much more impressive stats than I do on my friends list.. I was just sharing a personal battlefield moment and.. bragging about my progress. ;)

I'll start to mix it up more, especially after I finish unlocking all of the kits, but frankly, it's the games fault. I enjoy the M-16 and the AN-94 (slightly more, since in most cases damage > accuracy in BC2), but it's because the classes roles aren't very well defined that I'm getting away with kicking moderate amounts of ass with only two classes thus far. Sure, rockets and AT mines are great, but C4 is very efficient at taking down armor, making assault almost as good against vehicles as engi.. and well.. as satisfying as the M-16 may feel, the M-60 simply performs better in the same role. It's a killing machine.

Assault is my first love, but I'm leaning more and more on medic just because it's hard to deny the greatness. I want more ace pins!

So far as bragging goes.. I encourage people to post pics and talk about stats. I'm into that stuff. It encourages you to play the game better, too. People who track their KDR generally improve their performance over time, and despite what people seem to think, KDR is still pretty important in most modes in this game. I wish the stats website actually worked! That's like my favorite thing about Halo!
Posted by Doomsong83
I play like that as well, I just don't stick to one class the entire round. I'll rarely use Recon in Rush unless my entire team is full of retards and I want to get some XP for that class lol.
That's what the Saiga is for. Recon's make great runners too! Just as good as assault, really.. motion mines are portable wall hacks.
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Since 5535 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
That's what the Saiga is for. Recon's make great runners too! Just as good as assault, really.. motion mines are portable wall hacks.
Yeah I've used that build before, it's pretty fun at times.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 6478 Days
I don't know Grift, my KDR isn't always that hot but I am almost always the highest score in the game simply b/c I press so hard on offense and play so close to the bases on defense. By far my biggest gripe in this game is defense. I fucking HATE how often I look out over a hill and see half if not more than half my fucking team running around the map trying to meet the offense half-way to score easy/cheap kills.

The funny part is I lay back to play defense proper and due to all the extra points from defense I almost always end up with scores significantly higher than those running around kill hunting. It blows my mind how many people just don't "get" this game.

It's a great game, but it's also slightly broken in that, IMO, it's only as good as the team you play with. On a good team who plays proper I love this game to death, one of my fav shooters this gen by far. But on a bad team, this game is not nearly on par with other AAA shooters. I just don't like how much the fun factor depends on the players so much more than the game itself. I guess that's the major price you pay for such a team based game.

I just need to spend more time creating a list of good players, but that still only makes a good squad, not a good team.
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Since 5535 Days
KDR doesn't mean much to me either. I went something like 12/20 as a Medic the other day but was still the highest scorer because I spot, got kill assist and did my job as a medic rather than chase kills for extra e-peen power.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 6883 Days
Same here, but I can still manage a 26/12 game on occasion. I am far more interrested in the objectives and adequately supporting my squad by filling the gaps( sometimes you just need someone to watch a particular avenue of approach when everyone else is running around like morons)...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6627 Days
When I'm playing with my friend we always end up dominating the server. This is the times when I really wish for some MM in my BC2. Winning with a lead of 70 tickets can sometimes be a drag. :)
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Since 7054 Days
I too like playing it for the objectives instead of KD. There seems to be an equal amount of people that just care about KD though.
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Since 5535 Days
Posted by Tinks
I too like playing it for the objectives instead of KD. There seems to be an equal amount of people that just care about KD though.
Yeah and they really bog the game down especially during Rush. Gotta love Defenders trying to base rape while their M-Coms are going down.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Yeah, you guys aren't really understanding what I'm saying. I too play to win and I play the objectives. You can do both. The fact is, your KDR is still an effective measure of your performance in this game (or TF2, or any other objective oriented FPS). Combat matters. Your performance in combat matters. There's only one gametype and scenario where that's loosely not true in this game, and it's on defense in rush, and because your team has unlimited tickets. Even if you're playing medic, and you're bleeding tickets from your pool, you're still doing more harm to your team than good. Ultimately your score is only a reflection of how well you did certain things. They let you accumulate a ton of points for assists and support to encourage those actions, and probably to encourage people who don't kill many other players to play more anyway :)

I'm not saying that anyone should get hung up on it, but there's certainly something to be said for tracking your stats in the game. I think it makes you a better player frankly, because if you're mindful of your performance you basically automatically try to perform better. You can care about your KDR and still play the objectives.. and you're going to be rewarded for it!

You definitely shouldn't get too hung up on it.. I mean.. I know some people who have 0.5 KDR's or lower, and they're bold enough to stick with it because they're having fun anyway. But if you know you're not performing well, you can get better, and if you're just satisfied dying twice as many times as you kill, than you're always going to be a bit of a scrub. That's the difference between a noob and a scrub.

On topic: The stats page went live the other night, but it still doesn't really work properly. The M1 Garand also worked in my game briefly, but now I can't select it again. I noticed that the M1 is the only rifle that's effected by stance in terms of accuracy. Weird.
Posted by Doomsong83
Yeah and they really bog the game down especially during Rush. Gotta love Defenders trying to base rape while their M-Coms are going down.
Yeah, those people are just noobs (or worse). Hell, defense is all about killing the other team, and they're just doing it wrong. Their primary objective is what they want to do and they just don't know how to do it anyway. Those people don't actually care about their performance, they just want to run around and shoot people. If all you care about is running around aimlessly and shooting things, you're playing the wrong game all together.
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Since 6627 Days
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Since 5535 Days
Well put Grift.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 6478 Days
Grift, I agree with everything you say except for that people that stay out of harm's way on offense and defense to improve their KDR. They sit back and let other's rush to charge/defend crates and just sit back at medium range killing people. Sure that is good for protection, but when they ONLY do that it makes it harder for the team when they aren't willing to put their own but on the line to make things even more hectic for the other team to control.

I agree if you are playing well you can/should have a decent KDR, I always have at least double the kills as I do deaths, but I still die a decent amount b/c I know when I need to be rushing in to help my team. Some players simply won't take those risks and thus it improves their KDR a bit but hurts their team a lot at times.

So paying attention to your stats is fine if you care about that kind of stuff, I just get annoyed when people play the game in a way to increase their stats MORE than to increase their team's chance of winning.

You don't sound like that person, you sound like a good team player so don't get me wrong. But their are many who kill a LOT of players but still aren't nearly as big of a help as they could be if they used thier skills with more focus on objectives than just stats.

My biggest gripe is still having well over half my team on defense running all around the map instead of protecting their base. SOOOO annoying.
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Since 6883 Days
Oh yeah. Like if there is an M-com sounding off and you are trying to protect a flank, and all hells coming down on you, but not one person goes to save the base. ...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

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