GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
My biggest gripe is still having well over half my team on defense running all around the map instead of protecting their base. SOOOO annoying.
Or likewise, there's 13 tickets left on attack and more than half your team are in the mountains sniping. Yes. Those people are campers. Campers are fucking lame.

The official stats/soldier page is still wonky. It tells me I have to wait for zero seconds to see my stats and has for the last few days. BCS took a while to update, but it finally did.. and that's relatively accurate and relatively recent. The most interesting thing to me is the win/lose spread for me on attack versus defense in Rush. Holy crap is that skewed.. and frankly I would have expected it to lean on defense, especially now that the M-COM's are harder to kill. Wow.

Yes? No? I don't know. I wish they wouldn't touch the M1911.
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Since 5535 Days
M1911 is ridiculous, no reason I should be killed by one point blank when I have a SAIGA! Nice stats Grift. I actually got my KDR up to a .98 last night without even trying. I was a beast defending as a Medic with the M60.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Doomsong83
M1911 is ridiculous, no reason I should be killed by one point blank when I have a SAIGA!
Well if he gave you a headshot you should go down IMO...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 6883 Days
I have finally unlocked the Aug for the assault class! Finally a gun I can get kills with. I was seriously crap with the assault class until I got this one. I was getting owned by everyone( of course, they all had the M16s and M60s). I do very well with other kits, but for some reason I couldn't kill anything with the XM-8 at any respectable distance...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 5759 Days
if they're gonna bother to balance guns, the an94 should be added to that list of guns that are just a little too good, making any gun you unlock afterwards a bit pointless.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
if they're gonna bother to balance guns, the an94 should be added to that list of guns that are just a little too good, making any gun you unlock afterwards a bit pointless.
Nonsense. At full range the AN-94 and M-16 do identical damage, and the M-16 has less recoil and a higher rate of fire.
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Since 7054 Days
Thank god for the M60 tweak. I was using it recently and it's basically a sniper rifle.
I'd prefer not to get headshot with shotguns like the SAIGA from across the map as well.

Also I'd argue XM-8 is in the top 3 for Assault. I dunno why you couldn't get much with it.

Last night I witnessed something ridic I feel I have to share. I saw a medic at the UAV station with two of his teammates, both assault. Each assault class dropped ammo at their feet while they stood at the UAV. Both then proceeded to strap what must have been two loads of c4 to the UAV. This was then used on the crates to destroy them.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
I really hope they don't kill its range damage entirely. It takes more than one headshot in close quarters to kill someone (with magnum ammo), and at least three or four at range. There's no reason that you shouldn't be able to use an LMG at long range. It's not like the effective range is any worse than an assault rifle. I do think that it needs to be tweaked, but I hope they don't go overboard, because the other LMG's sorta blow.

The XM8 is definitely a great weapon.. and better than the AUG imo. I can't stand the AUG or the F2000.
Posted by Tinks
Last night I witnessed something ridic I feel I have to share. I saw a medic at the UAV station with two of his teammates, both assault. Each assault class dropped ammo at their feet while they stood at the UAV. Both then proceeded to strap what must have been two loads of c4 to the UAV. This was then used on the crates to destroy them.
You can only deposit 6 C4 at a time even if you refill your ammo.
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Since 7054 Days
Still! I had never seen someone do such a thing before.

Another reason I'm glad to see the m60 tweak is that it's all Medics seem to use. Granted it is the best gun, but they did a good job with the other classes so certain guns don't dominate quite as much.
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Since 6883 Days
Thats wierd. I sucked with the xm-8 and do quite well with the Aug. I hate the F2000. Anyway, that is pretty creative with the c4 and drone. Any game that allows for that kind of creativity is good in my book.
As to the M60 being good at range- that's something LMGs are good for, really. Not with accuracy, though. I am annoyed with the shotguns too. Waaay too effective from range....
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Tinks
Still! I had never seen someone do such a thing before.

Another reason I'm glad to see the m60 tweak is that it's all Medics seem to use. Granted it is the best gun, but they did a good job with the other classes so certain guns don't dominate quite as much.
One or two guns are still going to stand out in every class anyway.. but the distinction between the M60 and the other LMG's is much more defined. With that said, I would hate it if it still weren't the best gun in the class after it gets nerfed. The other LMG's aren't very good, so unless they're going to buff other weapons, they better not be too harsh. I'm more worried about the 1911 getting nerfed though. I'm really, really used to its damage and range, and it's going to feel weird to have to adjust! Plus, I am really quite fond of having a powerful side arm. It's still not quite as powerful as the deagle in COD4.. but I guess it is more accurate, but only from the hip. I can't hit shit with any of the pistols down the sights, and the deagle is a laser beam from its sights in COD4.
Posted by Frozpot
Thats wierd. I sucked with the xm-8 and do quite well with the Aug. I hate the F2000. Anyway, that is pretty creative with the c4 and drone. Any game that allows for that kind of creativity is good in my book.
As to the M60 being good at range- that's something LMGs are good for, really. Not with accuracy, though. I am annoyed with the shotguns too. Waaay too effective from range....
Are you spraying with the XM8 or something? You have to tap out shots with it, especially at range, but you should almost never hold the trigger down with any of the assault rifles in this game. Even from the hip at close range you shouldn't be holding the trigger down for more than a handful of shots at a time.
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Since 5759 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Nonsense. At full range the AN-94 and M-16 do identical damage, and the M-16 has less recoil and a higher rate of fire.
I don't know man... the an-94 seems alot more accurate at range than the m-16 does.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
The AN-94 may pack slightly more of a punch than the M-16 even at full range.. but I'm not sure. I've seen conflicting numbers on this stuff, but it's pretty clear that the XM8 and M416 are the top shelf autos and the M-16 and AN-94 are the top shelf semis. The AN-94 does more damage than the M-16 and probably has a lower time-to-kill than any other assault rifle if you've got killer aim, but the M-16 definitely has less recoil, a higher rate of fire, and is generally more accurate. It's the classic AK version M-16 dynamic that's been central to almost every modern military shooter ever, and it's no different in Bad Company 2.

Regardless, even with a damage advantage over the M-16, it's no where near as pronounced difference as the M60 versus the rest of the LMG's.

Here's some good analysis of this stuff:

I believe this is the most accurate analysis of the game to date. These charts seem to imply that at full range the M-16 and AN-94 are identical, but even if they're not, it's not a huge gap. The M60 has a giant advantage over other LGM's. Some people cry about this, but I don't think it's a big deal if there are stand-out weapons. When push comes to shove, it's only natural. It's more important that all four classes are balanced in terms of their best weapons, than having perfect in-class balance.
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Since 6883 Days
Nah man, I always try to fire in bursts. I'd even see the hit indicator go off, but I just couldn't keep the recoil under control( Console version)...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7054 Days
If recoil were the problem I would think it was because your bursts are too long? I play the console version too

I'm not sure how I feel about Squad Rush so far. I had to go back to Gamestop to get the code they forgot to hand to me so now I am playing it.
They probably should have taken out the ability to drop buildings on crates in this mode.
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Since 6883 Days
Regardless, I have no problems with the Aug, and eagerly await the M16. Maybe now that I got the grip for the assault class it will be better with the XM-8. Still, if the weapon is useless as a full auto, whats the point of the functionality( of course, I NEVER used the burst functionality on my M16 when I was active either)...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
All weapons are useless full auto except in extremely close quarters. The M60 is the only gun that you can get away with spraying, and even then, you still have to be close and zoomed to get it to perform properly. That's all actually sorta realistic though. You wouldn't fire an assault rifle full auto at range and expect it to be perfectly accurate. This isn't Call of Duty where you're basically firing a laser rifle with the M4.
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Since 5535 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
All weapons are useless full auto except in extremely close quarters. The M60 is the only gun that you can get away with spraying, and even then, you still have to be close and zoomed to get it to perform properly. That's all actually sorta realistic though. You wouldn't fire an assault rifle full auto at range and expect it to be perfectly accurate. This isn't Call of Duty where you're basically firing a laser rifle with the M4.
That's what most people fail to realize when they play this game and for the most part I can't blame them if they are coming from COD to this. Pretty much everyday some goober is complaining about accuracy in game and they're clearly from the Spray n Pray congregation.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
I've also become really fond of the red dot, almost to the point where it's become a bit of a crutch. I know some people can't adapt to it, but now I'm having trouble adapting back to the iron sights :/
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Since 5535 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I've also become really fond of the red dot, almost to the point where it's become a bit of a crutch. I know some people can't adapt to it, but now I'm having trouble adapting back to the iron sights :/
Ditto lol, that or the 4x Zoom scope.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 5535 Days
They should change the name of Hardcore mode to "Snipers Only." Wasn't there a BF2 mod that limited the number of snipers per team to just two and even then only the highest rank and first one in would be able to play as one.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Not in ranked pubs, but there are mods like that in most games. There are plenty of TF2 and promodlive (COD4) servers that limit the number of snipers per map. It really does get pretty ridiculous in Bad Company 2, but I guess it comes with the territory. I'm really questioning the validity of Rush as a game mode at all based on my stats. I'd be interested to see if most other users stats aren't similarly skewed. I wouldn't have expected as much without seeing it on paper, but attack almost always wins. Again: I wouldn't have thought as much just from playing the game, but the stats speak for themselves. I figured it would have leaned on defense after they made the M-COM's stronger, but apparently not.

I can't use the damn 4x scope at all. It's completely disorienting, because I use my sights at medium range too.

Oh, and check that link out, they have information on "hardcore," and it's just as nonsensical as it is in Call of Duty. You start with 50 health in hardcore. There's practically no consideration to how damage scales, and like Call of Duty's HC, it rewards reaction time above and beyond anything else. I can't even imagine what it's like on the consoles, where they already have a 1.25 increased damage modifier to compensate for the game pad. Add that multiplier to the magnum ammo's 1.25x mod, and it would turn most weapons into one-hit-kills to the chest. What a joke.

I like the vanilla damage model on the PC just fine. It makes headshots count for a lot.

Oh, and Doomsong, I didn't mean to deny your friend request. Do you think you could resend it? This stupid game only lets you have twenty friends, so I have to make more room. There are more than twenty people in my clan... it's a pain in the ass.
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Since 6883 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
All weapons are useless full auto except in extremely close quarters. The M60 is the only gun that you can get away with spraying, and even then, you still have to be close and zoomed to get it to perform properly. That's all actually sorta realistic though. You wouldn't fire an assault rifle full auto at range and expect it to be perfectly accurate. This isn't Call of Duty where you're basically firing a laser rifle with the M4.
Oh believe me, I know. I like that stuff, that's why I brought up the burst on the M16. I always used the semi setting on my rifle because trying to hit shit with burst is an exercise in fustration. It's pretty much for suppressive fire only...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7054 Days
I tend to be on a team that wins on defense most of the time. You really notice how well you do depending on whether there are decent people playing each class. I like that a lot. If you lack a competent medic or engineer it creates an observable problem to the game you're in.

Also I would agree with the sniper problem if most snipers weren't complete idiots. The majority of the time snipers I play with do not utilize Mortar, C4, or Recon Grenades EVER. This is a really big issue since those things can make a big difference to team play. It also makes for a better sniper. The majority are simply noobs.
This will never end as the sniper is perceived as the "cool class" in all games.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Tinks
I tend to be on a team that wins on defense most of the time.
Yeah, I thought that too, until I saw the actual numbers. It's too bad BCS doesn't do console stats yet.
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