Since 6652 Days
Sorry only saw now your message.

If anyone else interested don't know if it's still working got my code doing this: (PS3)


Hmm trying to put my code on my US account it isn't working :(

Maybe not working yet, will have to try again later.
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Since 6556 Days

hmm, rather curious about how the total destruction works. I mean can we destroy totally a building at any point in the game? Could we simply as defender destroy the building and make the gold crate inaccessible to the attacking team?! Or the other way around, arm the bomb as an attacker, destroy the building and make the crate innaccesible to the defenders who want to reach it to disarm it?

those of you in the ps3 beta, keep us posted.
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Since 5606 Days
Oh, man it's so dope!

I'm in the US connecting to the EU servers, so there's a little bit of lag, but I have a good enough connection to where it's not that bad.
Everything feel right. The sound is fantastic, squad-spawning is done right (BF:1943). My only concern is stat-resetting. I got disconnected from my first game after unlocking a whole ton of stuff, only to by sent back to the main menu with nothing. :/

Also, I think custom soundtracks should be made a big deal for PS3 users. I think I'm going to make a thread on the beta boards and hopefully get a good response. I want basically more than anything else for this to support it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Even though I do it all the time anyway... listening to music in an FPS puts you at a distinct disadvantage. Your ears are deadly important.
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Since 6626 Days
Every second game on XBL has an idiot in it who listens to loud music so everyone can hear it. IW forced me to mute every single non-friend by default. Yay for that. Hopefully DICE will let me play in party chat.

Well, yes. Listening to music while playing is hell of a distraction.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Every second game on XBL has an idiot in it who listens to loud music so everyone can hear it. IW forced me to mute every single non-friend by default. Yay for that. Hopefully DICE will let me play in party chat.

Well, yes. Listening to music while playing is hell of a distraction.
It's almost standard I mute everyone besides my friend in a MW2 game....
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"Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherf*cker in the valley"

"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 6626 Days
You can have your box do it automatically. Just go to your privacy settings on the dashboard and set "voice and Text" to "friends only". It's a godsend option.
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Since 5606 Days
It's up for the US, now.
See you all out there. :)
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Since 6556 Days
hmmm, I hear the health system is now regenerative like CoD now?! Can anyone confirm this?

If so, add this to the list of "crappy things they are getting from CoD"...
In reply to
Since 6556 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
hmmm, I hear the health system is now regenerative like CoD now?! Can anyone confirm this?

If so, add this to the list of "crappy things they are getting from CoD"...
ok, apparently it's a mix of the two systems
Bad Company 2 introduces a system we call Out of Combat Healing. Like many features in Battlefield it's a reflection of a real soldier's world. Every soldier learns some basic first aid so he can patch himself up and get back into the fight. In Bad Company 2 we represent a soldier's first aid ability via the Out of Combat Heal. A soldier who's been wounded in a fight but survived will slowly heal himself. Out of Combat Healing is a not a fast process. Unlike your Medic teammate it's not going to save you in the middle of a firefight, but it will keep you from bleeding out somewhere alone on the Battlefield.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Aye.. I really don't think I care for the health system. If they needed to have individual themselves, they should have a single use morphine injection or something. I guess streamlining the pick up and play experience means sacrificing some of the class dependency. I don't like that the medic is carrying around big ole LMG's either.. they should really just add a support class back into the game. The nice thing about this game? If stuff like prone and regenerative health are really big issues.. they'll be modded back in (or out).

Some people on NeoGAF are complaining about the resolution and image quality (i imagine it's really the latter.. since COD is 600p and looks "fine") on the PS3.. apparently it makes it difficult to see past mid-range.
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Since 6556 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Some people on NeoGAF are complaining about the resolution and image quality (i imagine it's really the latter.. since COD is 600p and looks "fine") on the PS3.. apparently it makes it difficult to see past mid-range.
What do you mean, they say it's bad? Tee first one on the console (360) was great, except for terrible aliasing and a bit of tearing. Otherwise the gfx were stunning. My biggest quirk was the lag (shoot a door or a window or a tree, and it takes it an eternity to brake...)
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Since 6626 Days
Don't like the LMGs beeing in the medic class either. It's my class of choice but I don't like the weapons. They should carry assault rifles just like in BF2 without secondary fire and give the engineer the LMGs.

Seems like I'll be constantly changing classes though. Meaning they seem to be very balanced.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
The more I play it, the less I can stand the aliasing. It makes everything at medium range and further fuzzy and confusing. Considering this is how the FB engine is, I don't expect it to look any better IQ-wise upon release.
They closed they thread because of the NDA. Seems silly to even have an NDA on a beta like this.

Anyway.. is that a .357 Magnum I see in the moments 2 vid? That's almost enough to make me play sniper... almost!

Medics carrying LMG's is pushing me back towards Assault... which was my main in BF2 anyway so that's no biggy.
In reply to
Since 6556 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
The more I play it, the less I can stand the aliasing. It makes everything at medium range and further fuzzy and confusing. Considering this is how the FB engine is, I don't expect it to look any better IQ-wise upon release.
They closed they thread because of the NDA. Seems silly to even have an NDA on a beta like this.

Anyway.. is that a .357 Magnum I see in the moments 2 vid? That's almost enough to make me play sniper... almost!

Medics carrying LMG's is pushing me back towards Assault... which was my main in BF2 anyway so that's no biggy.
hmmm, so we'll still get the aliasing. Ok, I can live with that...
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
There's so much profanity in this game. It's awesome.

It seems really fucking stupid that the assault kit has resupply. You give the ammo bags to the dude with the heavy armor and noob tube? Seriously? The heaviest guns in the game to the medic? There are some strange choices in the kit design.
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Since 6556 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
There's so much profanity in this game. It's awesome.
profanity is such an...american word... lol
but i do agree with you, it's awesome
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7095 Days
Hearing this is a lot like BFBC in terms of newbification. :(
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Acert93
Hearing this is a lot like BFBC in terms of newbification. :(
Hard to see how that's so upsetting when the most popular games this year are all about newbification. :P

It looks a good deal deeper than 1943, anyway.

I've been critical of kit consolidation since 2142. I don't think it will necessarily make this a poor game, but some of the design choices do strike me as a little strange. Medics getting heavy weapons and Assault kits getting resupply are among the most jarring changes... I just hope that they don't take a simular approach with Battlefield 3. It would be one thing if they allowed you to edit your classes more.. I could see custom kits working well in this game with the proper restrictions. Like... let people change their primary and secondary weapons with different weapon types, just with certain restrictions. For example: A support hierarchy that allowed you to use any weapon in the game... so long as it didn't have a grenade launcher attached.

Unlimited tubes are the new hotness.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7095 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Hard to see how that's so upsetting when the most popular games this year are all about newbification. :P
iirc You have never owned BFBC so it may be hard to understand.

As someone who owned the game I would summarize it like this: they made is "console accessible" but then forgot to build it up in other areas. A lot of core teamwork features didn't work (what I was told by someone in the PS3 beta is the MP is just as broken as 1943--which was really bad--and which makes sense as 43 was essentialy demo). It just wasn't very polished. And this was the MP. The SP was pretty bad (bad story, worse set pieces, HORRENDOUS AI, no coop, same crates and explosive drums everywhere, etc).

In a nut shell the MP has a lot of the great stuff from the PC version stripped out (and we aren't talking about mod support but instead really core concepts to the gameplay), lacked polish, and didn't really add anything new to the series outside of destruction that wasn't always really relevant. There was a reason people DEMANDED conquest back as well as Goldrush--the only mode--made for a really, really shallow game.

On the positive it seems troop combat is more of an emphasis, at least in the demo maps.

All in all I don't think BFBC2, if like the first BC, will be a major "fix" for those who loved BF2. And in terms of polish, shooter mechanics, map design, etc it definately isn't up there with other shooters. Then again I like the BIG open areas, helos, and team work. If they can FIX team work oriented features I will be interested in the title.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
I've played Bad Company (albeit briefly) and I didn't like it at all, but much of this game looks vastly improved, especially the basic combat mechanics. It's probably still no Call of Duty, but then again, neither is Call of Duty anymore... and you wouldn't want people strafe jumping around corners while simultaneously dolphin diving and shooting you in the head anyway. The gun play actually looks (seriously) more compelling than BF2! I'm glad they've injected some amount of "arcade" feel into combat without taking it all the way to 11 and making it a twitch shooter like Call of Duty.

Impressions around NeoGAF have mostly been pretty positive too.. it sounds like they've beefed up many of the game's components, especially squad mechanics and class dependency (although it still sound like it's lacking). The funny thing is, that while we're not talking about mod support, much of what you're on about can be fixed by the community. If there are problems with kits, squad gameplay, stances, the health system or pretty much anything else that people take up as a serious issue... they can fix it themselves.

I'm still anticipating the PC beta (which is one map BTW).. I'm really interested in seeing how successfully they port the game to the PC. Hopefully it translates well.

Your point about how DICE actually listens to user feedback is a good one though! It's just a bummer when the users are wrong. User feedback helped make future revisions of BF2 worse than the initial game. Instead of fixing bugs, they added poorly implemented stance delays. YAY!

And... for what it's worth... the thousand some hours of BF2 I've played makes the stuff you're complaining about pretty apparent... but conversely, I've played enough Modern Warfare to know that other games are no less dumbed down for the masses than Bad Company. Where Call of Duty really trumps (everything) Battlefield is polish. If there's one thing that Infinity Ward are experts at (aside from inciting nerd rage), it's polish!

This may not be the game I was hoping it would be, but the verdict is still out. One thing I know for certain: we're going to have to wait a lot longer for something that truly rivals Battlefield 2.

So... back to Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead for now I guess!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Oh... and here's to hoping that Homefront makes vast improvements over FFOW. I never puchased FFOW... @ $7.50 on Steam it's actually pretty tempting! I have too much to play through right now anyway though!

If nothing else this game looks like it's come a long way since the original BF:BC.
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Since 6626 Days
GAF hype can be deceiving sometimes, but heck I can't wait to get my hands on this game. Hopefully there is some news about the PC beta soon.
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Since 7054 Days
I never really had any issues wth 1943 you speak of, other than the forced team swap after every match. I'd come into games with friends and they'd force them to join the opposing team to "balance" the game. Friends would then have to suicide over to my squad or vice versa. Other than that there really wasn't much that was broken about 1943.

BFBC1 was a good game, I played it a long time. I still do every now and then. It had team play in it, which was all the more obvious when your team got slaughtered. If you had competent support, assault, snipers, etc, you did really well. Later on though you learned the Recon class was just too powerful. Recon grenades could constantly be regenerated at crates and give you an endless layout of where enemies were. It broke a lot of levels (Goldrush). One could also make that case with the helicopters in Conquest Mode too. Helicopters were incredibly dominant when a good pilot was using it.
This was the real problem with BC. Anything else people talk about with their complaints seems to come more down to personal taste and not really a problem or something game breaking.

As for MW2, I haven't found anything game breaking yet, it's still early. I have personal issues with a game that's never really balanced until everyone is level 70, which will never happen. Seems like a cheap way to avoid balance really. The way they "balance" a match is weird just like 1943 too. I don't enjoy having to mute everyone but my friends most of the time.

BFBC2's class systems may not make sense, especially in terms of their real life counterparts, but this series is arcade. Dice is making a game with balance in mind moreso than MW2. It seems odd where they have set everything (just like in 1943) but I think they are realizing there may be more potential if they mix things up a bit. BFBC was a good game and just from the videos things seem quite upgraded.
-Goldrush crates no longer look like just gray boxes
-Completely destructible buildings will add a lot. Whether you believe it or not they played a major role in the last one.
-Vehicles look even more fun than before
-Players still look incredible running around you into a field/desert/forest
-Sound sounds even better (why you probably shouldn't listen to a custom soundtrack)

Something I will say that I noticed in above conversation. I expect the majority of team play to take place in the vehicles. They are putting a lot of focus into this area from what I understand, which may also explain the weird choices for the classes. I expect any team based game play to be centered around helping destroy or maintain vehicles.
In reply to
Since 6456 Days
Posted by Acert93
what I was told by someone in the PS3 beta is the MP is just as broken as 1943--which was really bad--and which makes sense as 43 was essentialy demo.

1943 is a great multiplayer game; I didn't find it to be broken.
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (11 Weeks ago)

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