GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Tinks
As for MW2, I haven't found anything game breaking yet, it's still early. I have personal issues with a game that's never really balanced until everyone is level 70, which will never happen. Seems like a cheap way to avoid balance really. The way they "balance" a match is weird just like 1943 too. I don't enjoy having to mute everyone but my friends most of the time.
I'm not really that surprised that this is more of an issue in MW2 than COD4.. but in the latter I can take the default Spec Ops class into any server and kick complete ass. You don't actually need unlocks in COD4 (Or BF2) to perform. I hate RPG progression... but those earlier examples mostly got it right. The more they try to make the progression "deeper," the more they're going to break their games.

Just sayin'.

As for the rest of your post.. well.. if you enjoyed the first BC so much.. it's only natural that this is going to look terrific. The kit design is still very suspect to me though. There's a more obvious explanation behind their decisions too.. They don't actually want to force people into squads. Giving the assault class resupply makes him a lot more deadly on his own than he probably should be. It's the same reason they've added in health regeneration. You don't actually have to work as a team to perform. That's pretty lame. It doesn't matter if it's "arcade," TF2 forces classes to work together better than any game on the market, and it doesn't get much more arcade than that.
Posted by blmbox

1943 is a great multiplayer game; I didn't find it to be broken.
1943 is okay. I don't know about Ace, but my main beef with '43 is that it's really stripped down. There's only a small handful of vehicles.. and they couldn't even balance the three kits in the game.

It's funny too, because DICE had suggested that the reason they consolidated kits in 2142 (and on) is that it made balancing the game easier.. yet BF2 feels infinitely more balanced than BF1942Lite.
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Since 6456 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
my main beef with '43 is that it's really stripped down.
I get what you're saying, but when taken into context - the fact that it's a downloadable game which costs very little money - my gripes are few.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7096 Days
Posted by blmbox

1943 is a great multiplayer game; I didn't find it to be broken.
You didn't notice how squads were totally borked? Everything from joining a squad (didn't work half the time! Even Dice noted this), joining a server game in progress had issues and even more issues getting in open squads, 4 person squad limits, limited chat, no squad direction, etc. Squads were *very* limited in BF1943, and it was especially BAD because it was broken (as in inconsistent and didn't always act predictably which is POOR software design).
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
You could give basic orders in 1943.. and considering how basic the game is, I'm not sure how much more direction you were looking for.

Everything is very limited in 1943.
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Since 6556 Days
Posted by Acert93
(what I was told by someone in the PS3 beta is the MP is just as broken as 1943--which was really bad--and which makes sense as 43 was essentialy demo).
Uh?! You state this as if this was a fact. 1943, although very simplified, had a great, addictive and polished gameplay.
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Since 6627 Days
Pardon me, but BF2 had its fair share of balance issues as well. Was there ever a vehicle as overpowered as the Blackhawk, in any game? DICE patched it later on but the whole air craft did strike me as a bit too powerful to begin with.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Pardon me, but BF2 had its fair share of balance issues as well. Was there ever a vehicle as overpowered as the Blackhawk, in any game? DICE patched it later on but the whole air craft did strike me as a bit too powerful to begin with.
Yeah, those crazy blackhawks tore through attack helos! Oh wait.. no.. they didn't! Granted.. there's not an attack chopper on every map, but there is anti-air.

Plus, I'm just talking about infantry balance.

Does anyone know if engis in vehicles still repair neighboring vehicles automatically? There was nothing like being a tank+apc squad in BF2.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7096 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
Uh?! You state this as if this was a fact. 1943, although very simplified, had a great, addictive and polished gameplay.
Posted by blmbox
1943 is a great multiplayer game; I didn't find it to be broken.
Well if you would quote the freaking entire SENTANCE you wouldn't be reading me out of conexts with strawmen, now would you?
A lot of core teamwork features didn't work (what I was told by someone in the PS3 beta is the MP is just as broken as 1943--which was really bad--and which makes sense as 43 was essentialy demo). It just wasn't very polished. And this was the MP. The SP was pretty bad (bad story, worse set pieces, HORRENDOUS AI, no coop, same crates and explosive drums everywhere, etc).
Which I even clarified with examples:
You didn't notice how squads were totally borked? Everything from joining a squad (didn't work half the time! Even Dice noted this), joining a server game in progress had issues and even more issues getting in open squads, 4 person squad limits, limited chat, no squad direction, etc. Squads were *very* limited in BF1943, and it was especially BAD because it was broken (as in inconsistent and didn't always act predictably which is POOR software design).
The teamwork features in the squads is not only very simplifies (newbified from BF2 as I said) and actually broken. It was inconsistent in terms of joining/leaving squads and had team joining issues as well as joining your friends in open servers.

So, back to what I was told, taking away the "This is more like BF2 and not BFBC" as some have thought, people playing the game are saying squads are like 1943 AND have the technical issues. Dumbed down design + technical issues that make the tools inconsistent = BAD.

As for 1943 onlione in general I liked it. Never said I hated it. But the teamwork implimentation is very, VERY weak. And while people are trying to excuse it to justify bashing other games and it was "only $15" the fact is BFBC2 has the same implimentation in the demo.

At least you can manually spot targets for better team communciation.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Team work implementation is weak in 1943, but so is everything else. I'm not sure what kind of squad direction you're expecting when there's so little to do in the game. Simple attack/defend commands are in the game. With out medics, resupply, etc.. what else do you really need? I find it ironic that squad spawning in 1943 (and BC2) is so.. open. There's no definitive squad leadership.. and when you consider how DICE went out of their way to nerf squad-hopping in BF2, that seems pretty ridiculous!

But that's what you get when they listen to the dominant player base.. aka pub scrubs.

The one thing I'm most worried about in BC2 is the context sensitive spot button. There's literally one button to do.. well.. many things. I hope they bring back the radial quick coms from BF2 in the PC version.

Well... no... that's not the biggest worry I have. That still belongs to the jack of all trades approach to kit design.

I didn't seem to have nearly as many problems joining squads in 1943, but I got bored as hell of the game pretty quickly. I won't be buying the PC version.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
UAV Gameplay:

^^ thanks Uruk.
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Since 6730 Days
Anyone happen to have another spare key for a friend of mine? I'm getting bored playing this on my own.
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Band myspace =

Since 6556 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
UAV Gameplay:

^^ thanks Uruk.
looks cool. but isn't the person manning the uav supposed to manually spot the enemies? which i don't think this guy's doing.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
We wanted to update you, and slow the flood of tweets, on questions surrounding the BFBC2 PC Beta being cancelled. I'll get right to it and say "the BFBC2 PC Beta is not cancelled". Now this all started due to changes made to an earlier blog that removed the PC Beta from the details and the reason for this was the plan changed. With the huge success of the PS3 Beta we decided to drastically increase the PC Beta's capacity to insure as many people as possible could participate. Unfortunately this meant we had to delay the Beta to very early next year giving us more planning time to make it happen and implement more optimizations.
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Since 6652 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Anyone happen to have another spare key for a friend of mine? I'm getting bored playing this on my own.
Sorry no key here but Join me! I have been playing with one friend only too! Add me on PSN: UrukPT. I should play more over the weekend, and tomorrow.

I have been enjoying the beta. It's very fun. I played in the past, the demo of BC1 and thought was okay, but enjoying much more BC2 beta.

Love being medic, and it's very sad to see i have to carry the damn LMG's with me :( And it's lame see the Assault dude carry ammo, i mean he can just sit in a corner and keep nade spamming, or nade launcher...
It's weird too see the Sniper carry C4. I mean sniper rifles, they have to be far not near the combat to plant C4 on the tanks.

Bring back the support class please.

I like that we can spawn on any squad member, really weird though see this, after what they patched on BF2 to prevent swapping the leaders. I'm also enjoying that not many bullets needed to kill someone.

Honestly i don't like the new spotting system, you get points for everything. A nub sniper can just sit far spotting enemies, and keep getting points when they are killed, just need spam SELECT key :/

Overall enjoying this VERY much, and made me very optimistic about the PC release. It's still no BF2, but it's the closest thing we get, and that's good enough for me, for now :)
Considering i've been playing it everyday since i started the beta, it's a good thing.
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Since 6556 Days
Posted by UrukHaiPT
Sorry no key here but Join me! I have been playing with one friend only too! Add me on PSN: UrukPT. I should play more over the weekend, and tomorrow.

I have been enjoying the beta. It's very fun. I played in the past, the demo of BC1 and thought was okay, but enjoying much more BC2 beta.

Love being medic, and it's very sad to see i have to carry the damn LMG's with me :( And it's lame see the Assault dude carry ammo, i mean he can just sit in a corner and keep nade spamming, or nade launcher...
It's weird too see the Sniper carry C4. I mean sniper rifles, they have to be far not near the combat to plant C4 on the tanks.

Bring back the support class please.

I like that we can spawn on any squad member, really weird though see this, after what they patched on BF2 to prevent swapping the leaders. I'm also enjoying that not many bullets needed to kill someone.

Honestly i don't like the new spotting system, you get points for everything. A nub sniper can just sit far spotting enemies, and keep getting points when they are killed, just need spam SELECT key :/

Overall enjoying this VERY much, and made me very optimistic about the PC release. It's still no BF2, but it's the closest thing we get, and that's good enough for me, for now :)
Considering i've been playing it everyday since i started the beta, it's a good thing.
thanks for the input man. looking forward. remember doing some games with you on the beta of the first one on the xbox. Looks like this one is much better, great to know specially i like the first one a lot (even with it's big flaws)
Posted by UrukHaiPT
Bring back the support class please.
nooo! it used to be my class of choice! but second is the medic, so if the medic carries the LMG, best of two worlds :)
Posted by UrukHaiPT
Honestly i don't like the new spotting system, you get points for everything. A nub sniper can just sit far spotting enemies, and keep getting points when they are killed, just need spam SELECT key :/
Yeah, but in theory it's for the benefit of the entire team, which is good i guess.
Posted by UrukHaiPT
I'm also enjoying that not many bullets needed to kill someone.
Yes! This was one of the main quirks with the first one. I could be shooting with an LMG in the body of an enemy for 2 seconds (ok, maybe not that much but you get the point) that he could continue running towards me and still knife me in the face.

And how is the aiming? In the first one, if you aim down the ironsight, the joystiq seams to have the same sensitivity as when you're not aiming, which feels wrong. I don't know if this is clear but whenever i'm aiming down the ironsight and try to do minor adjustments with the joystiq, it moves "too much"...
In reply to
Since 6652 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
Yes! This was one of the main quirks with the first one. I could be shooting with an LMG in the body of an enemy for 2 seconds (ok, maybe not that much but you get the point) that he could continue running towards me and still knife me in the face.

And how is the aiming? In the first one, if you aim down the ironsight, the joystiq seams to have the same sensitivity as when you're not aiming, which feels wrong. I don't know if this is clear but whenever i'm aiming down the ironsight and try to do minor adjustments with the joystiq, it moves "too much"...
Hmm the aiming seems fine to me. Never touched sensitivity on the options. In fact i'm enjoying playing it too much with the PS3 controller. There's a small aim assist, that can be turned off on the options though.

Still missing prone. Very hard to blend in as sniper if you are always crouched :P
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
I hate the "prone is for camping" crowd. Noobs.

Giant Bomb quick look.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7096 Days
Yep. I have no issues with doing things to help make snipers hidden in the grass easier to spot (e.g. MW2 has the muzzle flare and scope reflection) and with stun grenades and such campers often can be neutralized. Heck, do a death cam, pop them up on the radar, etc. Camping IS a problem in TDM games, but in Team Objective games camping is not something I find an issue with.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
It can be at times.. but it's a little less common. You have those guys who only care about getting kills. I've seen plenty of Demoman campers in TF2.
In reply to
Since 6556 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I hate the "prone is for camping" crowd. Noobs.

Giant Bomb quick look.
wow, 20min and all we saw was the guy constantly dying :). nevertheless this game looks hot.
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Since 7247 Days
That looked nice indeed, first video I see of this game, lol.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6627 Days
Ok, here is a good one:

Well, the gameplay is average but it's in 1080fuckingp, since when did Youtube become the market leader in terms of quality? Never imagined a day when free internet videos were too hi res for my LCD. I probably should start crying now. :)

fake edit: Just googled it and it seems that it's just been added recently.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Yea, it's a bummer that they haven't actually upgraded their bandwidth to go along with it!
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Since 7247 Days
1080p? That looks awful, it still look like a streaming video to me, and I've seen better. They can call it 100000p, but at that quality it's meaningless.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7125 Days
Do you have a 1080p+ monitor? It looks pretty great to me. Granted the video is pretty heavily compressed and BC2 doesn't look great in 1080p, but their streams are just fine.
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