Battlefield 3 -- Now with *less* suppression!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
In BF3 as a conquest only player I tend to gravitate to city maps since the action is a lot more dense. Very few "full sized" maps in BF3 are actually fun to play on consoles. Caspian Border and Oman have great action and flow, but Kharg Island and Op Firestorm are rarely ever fun. Damavand Peak and Metro are great rush maps but completely fall apart in conquest...
I don't really agree. Oman is destroyed by a lot of bad server configs, and Kharg is my favorite sandbox. I think Kharg and Caspian are pretty good.
Posted by Viginti_Tres
That said I'll be switching to PC this fall. Not for BF3 since there is really no reason to support DICE in their abysmal patching policy but mainly for Planetside 2. The game looks very promising and gets a lot of praise from youtubers I follow.
DICE's patching policy is because there are three versions of the game, and because it costs money to patch console games. I agree. It's terrible. It's one of the many reasons the console SKU's are dragging Battlefield through the dirt. Planetside 2 is pretty interesting. I don't think I'll be doing it full time, but I haven't really made up my mind yet. I can't talk about the beta too much, but it's still very rough around the edges and comes with plenty of its own issues. It's certainly one to keep an eye on. I think a lot of Battlefield players are putting far too much faith in it though. Even if they can sort it all out, the Free to Play aspect of the game is bound to come back and bite it in the ass.

See: Tribes.

I might go to CS or Natural Selection next, but that's (obviously) a much smaller scale.
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Since 7034 Days
Nowadays a long time is about 2-3 years.
At the rate games get released anymore, most communities don't support a title long enough to form anything substantial or worth investing in.
There was a time where you played a PC game for 5+ years with some of the same players and got to know people.

Also something else in addition to the patching. How about the fact that the 4th iteration is already being announced?
Battlefield's gonna get milked dry?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Posted by Tinks
At the rate games get released anymore, most communities don't support a title long enough to form anything substantial or worth investing in.
I was thinking in terms of game play hours. A long time, to me, could really only start after 1000 hours.. I have friends playing BF2 right now who have clocked in over 5000 hours in that game. That's a long time.

I think a few hundred hours is a lot more average in terms of commitment. I put that much time into Bad Company 2 and I don't think that's a lot. Heck.. I think to really know a game you have to put a decent amount of time into it.

I've only broken a thousand hours with one FPS so far this generation: COD4. I think I'll probably go slightly over 1000 in BF3 too.. but it'd be a lot easier to get there if I weren't just pubbing.
Posted by Tinks
Also something else in addition to the patching. How about the fact that the 4th iteration is already being announced?
Battlefield's gonna get milked dry?
Again: thanks consoles!
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Since 7034 Days
I checked BC2 I guess it comes out to over 300 hours.

Also yeah my BF3 time isn't high because I didn't enjoy it unfortunately.
I plan on playing it more because I have friends after me about it, but I'm not in a rush to do so.
I've been playing these games since 1942 and Secret Weapons personally, it's not like I just picked Battlefield up with BC.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Posted by Tinks
Also yeah my BF3 time isn't high because I didn't enjoy it unfortunately.
Yeah.. that wasn't really my point in bringing that up. You're certainly entitled to dislike it regardless of how little you've played it. I don't mean to turn this into a Battlelog discussion, where you're not allowed to have an opinion unless you're in a certain skill bracket.

On the other hand, I don't think it's enough to form a reasonable opinion about the mechanics of BF3 either. You've talked about how much better vehicles are in BC2 like it's an informed opinion. It's not.

It's a bit like Frozpot wishing there were smoke grenades in BF3.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7105 Days
So I bought this game on launch day, played about 13 hours and didn't touch it anymore. I think it was because of several small things that irritated me; game was pretty unstable, including the web-based client.
Graphically the game was also unstable and I hated the slow and unresponsive interface.

Anyway; in a kind of weird haze I decided to start this up again and immediately got myself the premium pack last saturday....
I must honestly say that it was kind of amazing how stable/smooth the experience is now and I really feel like they've patched the living daylights out of this game to make it a smooth and comfortable ride.
Really enjoyed playing some CQ maps with Iso yesterday and we also did an amazing outdoor map (which name I forgot, but it's definitely a new map).

Only thing I kind of hate is: Going up against level 100+ guys with almost all of the unlocks and I feel I'm really at a disadvantage here (aside that they're more experienced).
Although after a couple of hours of play I got the hang of it again (love the AEK and the F2000), I'm ready to fall in love with Battlefield again.
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
The game performance was really sorted out in the first few weeks man. I also like Battlelog quite a bit so I won't even go there. :P

I tried to join you guys last night but your server was full. The AEK is especially awesome, but so is the M16A3 and now M416 too! Assault rules.

I think some of the game's lack of direction shines through in AK, making it my least favorite set of maps so far in BF3. It has the best graphics though. Love dat wet sand.

I've been playing more recently too (although I have clocked nearly 600 hours already). I have to say--Since they nerfed tanks, APC's with heat rounds are now dominating armor. They're almost too good. I see some more rebalancing incoming. They almost have to.
Posted by FireWire
Only thing I kind of hate is: Going up against level 100+ guys with almost all of the unlocks and I feel I'm really at a disadvantage here (aside that they're more experienced).
I'm not a big fan of this type of customization and progression in general, but I don't think it's too bad in BF3. In my opinion most of the games best weapons are heavily front loaded, in that you unlock them all relatively early. I think it's probably most obvious and most unfair when you look at the vehicle unlocks. Those take a bit too much considering how much they actually do skew the vehicle balance. There is no comparing a tank w/ two pilots and properly stacked perks to a noob with no unlocks :)

I wonder if I could still find a team. Even for some 4v4 squad rush. A little organized competition would give this game a new life for me.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7105 Days
It's funny, performance was really shit for me at the beginning (granted only played 13 hours the first week and then dropped it).
Now battlelog; I did hate it at first and have pointed that out several times in this thread, but I must say, they cleaned it up a bit and it's also patched if you ask me because everything is more responsive and it feels more smooth (I hated the server browser, but now it actually works).

Regarding the APC's with heat rounds: I think I found this out the hard way when I was playing Tank superiority and kept getting owned by APC's with heat rounds and rocket upgrade or something.
I also feel that the upgrades for the other vehicle's really make it unbalanced, I mean having a helo with all the extra's versus a standard one is pretty much GG.

Anyway I'm happy to be back into this again, seems like it wasn't a waste of money after all
I'll definitely join up with you and Iso for some games later!
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Oh tank superiority is sorta shitty in general. I bet the new game mode in aftermath is a bit of a throw away thing too.
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Since 6863 Days
Been playin' a bit recently and still having a great time. It helps that I'm doing better now-a-days. I really like Battlelog too- didn't at first, but I actually think it's pretty inspired...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Not completely related but awesome:

EA just made 1942 free. Go download it.
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Since 7034 Days
1942 was/is the shit
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Aftermath patch just showed up on the PC. I don't k now if you can play it yet or not. It's a day early if you can.

3.8 gig patch :D Looking for patch notes.

Edit: Balance notes. Looks like the 416 got nerfed again. That didn't last long!
M416: First shot and horizontal recoil slightly increased. This should make the choice between M16 and M416 more interesting again.

L85A2: Slightly reduced horizontal recoil.

AUG: first shot recoil slightly decreased to increase weapon controllability.

FAMAS: Slightly reduced horizontal recoil.

G53: Vertical recoil reduced to make this weapon more controllable.

QBZ-95B: Slightly reduced horizontal recoil.

LSAT: Hip accuracy has been increased to highlight the weapon’s role as a highly mobile LMG.

Type88 LMG: Recoil has been decreased to make it a viable option when compared to the M249.

M5K: Increased horizontal recoil and decreased vertical recoil to focus this weapon as a high damage, low control PDW.

UMP45: Decreased fully automatic fire to differentiate this weapon from the PP2000.

MP412: Increased its accuracy to better distinguish it from the .44 Magnum.

M26: Increased aimed accuracy to be in line with the other shotguns.
OMFG they buffed the goddamn REX. Again. :D
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Aftermath is good. Also, yay, more Conquest Assault.

I like Markass and Talah most so far. I'm not crazy about the orange tint on the first, but I'm already used to it.

The Mall is a really great flag location. What a great structure to fight over.
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Since 5125 Days
"Again, thanks consoles"

Because it has everything to do with consoles and nothing to do with the company that owns them trying to take the crown of the biggest fps.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
That's are all part of the same issue. I don't really see what you're bitching about. I'm not personally blaming consoles for anything. They're not people.

It's more of a problem with a big dumb audience. And the first part of the issue, patching, has certainly got nothing to do with Call of Duty and everything to do with how closed platforms function.

If BF3 weren't multiplatform, a lot of these issues wouldn't exist.
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Since 6607 Days
I like the new maps, especially on Rush. This is easily better than Close Quarters and Armored Kill.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
I don't generally like rush, but I definitely prefer rush on these types of city maps. I really love Talah. And I really love that there's more assault.

I wish this game had double assault. That shit is awesome. It's a strange thing to omit from the game when you consider these throw away modes they keep giving us. Scavenger is dumb. Tank superiority is dumb. Domination is the only thing that has a chance of actually sticking.

But yeah.. I dig em too. I don't know where I'd rate it in the bigger picture, but I imagine at least a couple of the maps are among my favorites in the entire game. I really can't say it enough: The Mall in Markaz is one of the coolest structures in any Battlefield game. It's a super neat flag.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Epicenter isn't clicking with me as much as the rest, but Talah and Markaz are instant favorites.

Talah, Markazz, Bazaar, Seine (32), Karkand, Sharqi.. this game has quite a few really awesome infantry/armor maps at this point.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Here's a problem with Battlefield 3 that's not Battlefield 3's problem: what people want.

The current poll has Epicenter as the clear favorite out of this new set. It's by fair the worst. It's not an awful map, but it's extraordinarily choke point heavy. That's not good!

But why am I surprised? People love Metro. Metro can be excellent with two skilled, proactive teams. That's a one-in-a-thousand experience. People like meat grinders.

Anyway.. still my favorite BF3 DLC. But Karkand and Close Quarters are up there too.

PS. Love driving tanks through Azadi Palace.
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Since 6654 Days
Close Quarters is one of your favs? How could you say such a thing!! ;D
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Psn:AfxBGD |XBL:AF3X |Steam:**AFX** |X-Fire:F3X

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
Posted by aphex187
Close Quarters is one of your favs? How could you say such a thing!! ;D
Because it's incredibly fun. It's certainly much better than Armored Kill.

Ziba Tower is especially awesome. I'm a big 925 fan too. Just because they're not traditional Battlefield maps doesn't mean they're not good. BF3 has the best infantry gameplay in the series, and it shines in CQ. I'm a combat medic who prefers to be constantly "in the shit." That's pretty easy to manage in Ziba Tower :D

Buuut.. I can see how people who prefer to camp over rush crates all day might not like it ;)
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Since 6654 Days
I'll let you into a little secret on why i play Rush more than CQ, because it slows the frantic, hectic gameplay down a tad. BF was never about speed and this OTT fast paced style of gaming it has become IMO needs to be toned down for BF4, re-introduce the stamina bar is what i say!

Don't get me wrong i love BF3 but it's biggest flaw is how it doesn't encourage team/squad play, i'll put that down to the speed of the game and the art direction of the game. Here's a perfect example of why this game doesn't encourage teamplay, VOIP! Coupled with unlimited sprint and the amount of detail in the game trying to get a squad to go cap certain flags becomes a mess because before you know it half your squad has ran and capped 3 different flags! Having a 63m gap between a flag is preposterous and that's probably why i play more Rush now because i know my damn team will at least go to one of the points on the map :)

Perfect example of my squashed flag troubles :

Why i loved BF2, take Karky for example, most of the time you would take a flag by flag and move on up (that's if no one had managed to get the APC up to the MEC base). Battles could be long and exhausting but it was always rewarded when you eventually got over that bridge and took those 4 flags for the win. Now all you have to do is run and you can cap that back flag in under 4 minutes if your lucky, all i'm saying is that i hope for BF4 they review the flag placements and the pacing of the game, tone it down a bit and ffs bring back VOIP!

Anyway i'm off for some Epi Center Rush, sure someone hates that map hmmmmm....
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Psn:AfxBGD |XBL:AF3X |Steam:**AFX** |X-Fire:F3X

Since 6654 Days
And before you flame me like i know you will because you are MR BF haha have a gander at this :
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Psn:AfxBGD |XBL:AF3X |Steam:**AFX** |X-Fire:F3X

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7105 Days
1) Get friends.
2) Use vent/mumble/teamspeak.
3) Win.

Conquest is still much better than rush. Most rush maps are just campy meat grinders that don't really allow any tactical movement around the map. Somehow that's more "Battlefield" to you? Really?

You'd be fast enough for hectic gameplay if you didn't spend all of your time sitting in windows with your bipod deployed. ;)
Posted by aphex187
Anyway i'm off for some Epi Center Rush, sure someone hates that map hmmmmm....
Yay chokepoints!

PS. Aftermath is out! Phaethon! You should get it!

PPS. The only thing I'd change about Close Quarters is to add a CS/COD-like Search & Destroy gametype. It would be perfect for it w/ small teams. They could have even called it "Rush Elimination!"

I wouldn't want unlimited sprint removed from this game. I don't want it every game, but it works fine in BF3 and it was part of the game's core design from the get-go. I don't hate being mobile on foot.

I really wonder how they'll handle BF4. Common sense suggests that it will be BF3.5, but with BF3 right there in Battlelog with 29 maps.. that seems like a harder sell. I hope it contains some of its own gameplay without changing the core too much. This is their best infantry game by a longshot. BF3 can be pretty fast and hectic. I get a chuckle when "people" say it's slow and clunky. Nope. That's your gamepad.
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