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The BBC show VideoGaiden is reporting on their website that in the coming weeks they are going to begin an aggressive campaign to demand Shenmue 3 from Sega. They seem to be communicating the idea that because they're part of BBC, a major force in the media, they will be able to get real answers from Sega about Shenmue 3.
Damn it I want this game finished.
You can watch the Episodes here on their website.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
I dont see why Sega are ignoring it just give people a statement and clear it up all about PR. :)
I loves me some Sega, but they're not exactly famous for making good decisions.
If by pretty clear you mean not giving an answer then i suppose you are right.
They haven't actually given Shenmue fans a definitive answer nor a reason why they don't plan to continue the series.
Of course it will be there own decision, this game show is simply asking for a Yes or No answer and a good reason why.
I think it's pretty crap that Sega are making Shenmue online, an MMO which looks like a frikkin PS1 game and has been in the making for 5 odd years (what a waste of money) and yet they can't give their fans what they truely want, a proper sequel and conclusion to the story.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
And so what if Shenmue Online is the answer?
I love Shenmue, especially Shenmue 2--but I guess that's where we stop agreeing on the subject. I could care less about them finishing the story at this point, it's been forever and I'm not much into videogame story telling (since for the most part, it's not worth caring about) when I could go read a book or something.
Go to the book store.
Buy a book.
Shutup and read. ;P
Then go play Yakuza and be happy that Sega is still kick'n.
And MMO's are not a waste of money--Especially in Asian markets, where they're serious money makers. I honestly don't get it, I mean, the MMO market can only support so many games, yet there seems to be a new Korean MMO every day.
There are over 20'000 people who signed a petition to see a sequel, there is a gaming show making it a point to get an answer.
Whether you want to see a sequel or care for one is besides the point, other people do.
I don't want to read a shitty book, however if you can show me to a book of Shenmue 3, then i will gladly go and buy it.
I know MMO's aren't a waste of money, but one that has taken 5 years and still isn't finished is a waste of money.m (oh and looks like a piece of crap)
I have played Yakuza it was ok but nothing special.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Shitty book? Some of the shittiest books are better than Shenmue, when it comes to story telling--give me a break. If you really wanted a good story, you wouldn't be investing so much time in turn based gaming--you'd get into the cinema or start reading more.
I mean, 20,000 people? Are you serious? I've seen bigger petitions for patches that never got a serious answer--for SUPPORT. 20,000 people begging them to make a new game isn't going to make a difference.
Turn based gaming has some of the best story telling in computer games. (whether you agree, i don't care)
And it's not about that, why can i not combine gaming and story telling ?
Not everybody is like you and just wants to mindlessly shoot people in multiplatform games.
I want more from my games than that.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Seriously, man...Ms Pac Man had the best story...that's what's made it such a classic!
You can combine story telling and gaming, but story telling will never take the place of gameplay, in any genre. What made Shenmue great to me is what they were able to achieve in GAMEPLAY--not dry storytelling and horrible acting.
Seriously, why would you play games for story over gameplay? Shooters are not mindless--they are some of the most well designed games out there. Fighting games, too, are well designed. But who cares about Ryu's past? I just want to kick some ass, forgive me.
Games are about the act of playing a game. I love poker, I don't wish it had a better story. But the lack of narrative doesn't make it shallow either. I mean--mindless? Many shooters are far from mindless--some of them even have decent stories! Not that it matters, since the gameplay is what really counts. Mindless? Mindless and you think Final Fantasy 7 has a story worth the time? You could finish a much better book in the same amount of time. (and likewise, I don't care if you don't agree, but that's a fact!)
You want more from games..then great gameplay? There's nothing better.
The Xbox port of Shenmue 2 was not that great in terms of improvements but the game was still the same, and the story was untouched, so it was worth playing.
Too bad it sold badly as far as I can remember, and unfortunately I was one who didn't buy the game. Shame really, I want to buy it! I wish Shenmue 2 were BC.
EDIT: is BC!!!!!! Blog Failed.....
So why is it that the avergae RPG is 30-60 hours long ?
If i had to hack and slash for 30 hours i think i would get extremely bored.
Or even running around beating up people for 30 hours would be just as bad.
A story is there to drive players to continue playing and to give them a break between the gameplay.
POKER ? seriously!! what the hell has poker got to do with a story anyway ?
I'm not saying that every gfame has to contain a story, i don't care whether shooter contain a story as i don't play them.
I'm still a bit baffled why you came in and had such a negative slant on this, i was basically posting some news, not trying to cause a debate about whether story is good or bad in a game.
The vast majority buying Blue Dragon are buying it for it's story line, so i don't agree with you when you say go buy a book, it's not the same by any stretch of the imagination.
I could say if you want to shoot people, go paint balling or if you want to play football go kick a ball about. geezzzz
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
And btw paint ball is NOTHING like shooting a real weapon. :P Shooting people for real isn't legal, so it's not a viable option. And for what it's worth, shooters have stories, some of the best in gaming. Almost none of them are told well, but that's another issue all together. It's okay, because story telling has yet to be done in any significant capacity in gaming. It's also okay because some of the best shooters out there have absolutly no story--but that's what you can get away with in a multiplayer game. Battlefield doesn't need a story, really (though 2142 has a backstory) UT doesn't need a story--Quake, even though it has one--never needed a story.
There is a big difference between reading a book and playing a videogame, you're right. One has the ability to convey a great story, and one doesn't ;P
I doubt Blue Dragon will go down in history as one of the world's great stories. If you're not buying it for gameplay as well as story, then you're not buying games to play games.
And Yakuza owns.
But obviously we disagree about something fundamental here. The reason this issue even came up is because I don't think I'm hurting for a new Shenmue anymore--because I could care less about them finishing the story up at this point. It held my interest while I played it--and I thought it was a great game--but my life isn't missing anything without it. I'd rather Sega keep on the track they're on right now--with a lot of great looking arcade games being born in this time between generations. If Sega gets around to finishing the Shenmue series then good for them and good for us..but 20,000 people begging for another game isn't going to do it.
When Sega first said that they did not have a Shenmue 3 in the works--I stopped worrying about it. That was enough information for me. And it's the only answer they really need to give. It's not coming, not any time soon--so don't expect it to. How is that not a good enough answer? They're not going to come out and say never when they don't know that themselves, at this point.
I'm just thankful that Sega is still here, their arcade line-up looks fantastic, and that's all I need. They've never been very good at the whole, well developed story thing, imo.
I just don't think they really need to explain themselves here. You want a reason? How about sales? How about just the fact that Sega is relatively stupid to what the world wants from them? I don't think they owe anyone anything more then Ubisoft owes the world an answer for the lack of Beyond Good & Evil 2.
If you don't want Shenmue fine that's alright, but i don't see why i should have to explain why i want it.
I can't help but think you are somehow jumping to Sega's defense here, saying you want Sega to continue on the path they are on is madness.
You say they are making great arcade games, VF5, VT5, HOTD4, all of which are great games, but then you get Sonic, PSU and the like which aren't.
Yakuza does not own, it's an ok game (i'd give it 7/10) nothing special, when i first bought it i was surprised with how much it reminded me of Shenmue and my opinion may have been clouded but looking back on it, it was mediocre to say the least.
Shame Shenmue 2 wasn't realease on the PS2 it would have sold more and we would have probably seen Shenmue 3 by now.
Yet again Sega and their dumb ass mistakes.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
And PSU is good fun--we already know that Sonic Team isn't all that these days--considering their last few titles I think that PSU is a big improvement. And it's held back by the limits of the PS2.
Would Shenmue really make much more sense than what they're doing now? Do you think it would be a big hit?
mess with the best die the like rest
We all know that Sega are crap at advertising.
Yea PSU is fun but not worth the monthly fee.
There are so many games i want to see form Sega not just Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, a Panzer Dragon RPG, Nights, Vitua Cop 4, Space Channel 5 and loads more.
Where the hell has Afterburner gone ?
You say you do want Shenmue 3, but then say you don't care, which is fair, but i do care, and i'm glad that people aren't giving up on the series.
Perhaps the BBC will show Sega that their is a demand for this game, even though Yu Suzuki knows about the 20'000 petition, yet he still does nothing about it.
It could be that Sega may not beable to afford the cost of such a project, but doesn't stop me wanting the game, or whining about it either.
Plus there was that Kiziko interview 6-7 months back, i can only hope that was true and Sega are keeping it under their hats.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
I miss JSR, Nights, and Panzer Dragoon (though I'd rather another shooter) way more then Shenmue, personally. A new Jet Set--now that's something worth signing a petition for :P
I agree about PSU not being worth a monthly fee--unfortunately it has one--I plan on playing the game for a couple months anyway. I'm waiting for more content to show up first though..atleast that was the plan.
And yea seems Yu Suzuki has been demoted much like Sakaguchi was before he left SE, Yu Suzuki is (was ??) head of Digital Rex, which is owned by Sega.
AM2 is the Vitua Fighter team isn't it ?
Perhaps they will make Shenmue 3 after finishing VF5 for the PS3. (although i doubt it)
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Blue Dragon is going to be an incredible RPG
What exists to Peter Moore is probably different than what exist to us, as he knows more than we do, I’m sure.
But yea, i was furious when i found about VF5 being PS3 exclusive, Sega seem to annoy me a lot so it seems.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!
But what doesn't make sense, is that they're not trying to grow the brand. VF5 should be played at Evolution, damnit! They need to work on getting people into it--the game is fine, better than fine, even.
All be it VT5 uses different teams, but i would still be happy with that.
I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..
Marumaro for the WIN !!