GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I've yet to see any other gold weapons personally, but supposedly you get them by completing challenges. I suppose the gold AK-47 is probably obtained by completing all of the assault rifle challenges, and is probably a camo/skin.

I don't know if I'll ever get the gold AK-47 in that case, since that means I'll have to use the AK-47, the G3, and the G36C a lot more than I'd like to. Oh.. and the MP44. :/
Posted by LEBATO
What has been your maximum kill streak? Mine was like 16 or 17
I think mine is still 17, which sorta drives me crazy. I keep getting 17 kills streaks when I'm not playing S&D and I wanted to break 20 by now. I always seem to die at 17 for some reason. Luck aint on my side.
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Since 6721 Days
Is the MP44 that WWII gun ? Im not planning on doing prestige mode so I think I will eventually complete most of those challenges. Im just about to get the red skin for the M4.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Yup. It's a fantastic weapon in COD2.. but it just doesn't hold up with some of the other weapons available. It's not bad I guess.. it's just not good either. Between that and the G36C.. I don't see myself using them enough to finish every challenge.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6982 Days
Grift, I can say that I will probably loose the overkill perk, the Stopping Power is better to have, because any time in the game, you can always just switch your pistol with any weapon laying on the ground anyway you know, so its basically the samething.

And yeah, the chart between the ACOg and red dot is that ACOG have longer distance, but the assault rifle doesnt fit with that scope, the precision will decrease, but with red dot sure, you wont see from far, but the weapon is more suitable to its usage.

Thats atleast how I see it anyway.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Some of the missions are worth a replay. The last 2, the AC130 mission, and the one right before the nuke are all really cool levels.
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My Blog:

Since 6547 Days
Posted by Acert93
Some of the missions are worth a replay. The last 2, the AC130 mission, and the one right before the nuke are all really cool levels.
My favorite is death from above. i just feels so so scaringly (is this a word?) real! And it's just damn fun, shooting everything from above!
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Since 6721 Days
Yeah, I watched some real AC130 videos today and its strikingly similar. I kinda wish I hadnt watched them now. Pretty disturbing.
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Since 7754 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I think mine is still 17, which sorta drives me crazy. I keep getting 17 kills streaks when I'm not playing S&D and I wanted to break 20 by now. I always seem to die at 17 for some reason. Luck aint on my side.
My best killstreak is also "only" 17 atm.. To get any higher I would really have to hang back and play very defensivly all the time, making sure I don't die.. When you attack/rush you get kills way more quickly, but to get a high killstreak involves a lot more luck aswell.. There's always someone that gets you in the back, or you're simply to outnumbered, or some lamer get's you with a Martydrom or the n00btube (grenadelauncher).. Tbh I don't care, aslong as my average K/D ratio is over 2:1 I'm happy.. It kindof reminds me of CS again, where my average ratio was also something like that over the years..

Infact CoD4 feels like a whole new CS, although I don't play the typical CS gamemode S&D, I prefer TDM.. That offers a lot more action with less camping etc, but not as crazy/chaotic as headquarters or some other objective based gamemodes.. I think there is a reason the game defaults to TDM, I think it's the perfect most fun gamemode for this game.. Plenty of action and still plenty of room to do your own thing without being stuck to a certain objective or just a few points on the map.. I tried some hardcore servers aswell a few times, but that tens the end up into a campingfest aswell.. I'll just stick with normal TDM on public servers..

And gamemodes like S&D etc are best played with a clan anyway, not some uncoordinated team on a public server where half the team has no clue what to do..
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Since 6721 Days
My current streak is 22. The helicopter is what makes that possible. I actually like TDM the least. I enjoy HQ and Sabotage so much more. It gives you that area where the combat is focussed. I find that people spawn in such random locations in TDM. Really gets on my nerves.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Inflatable
My best killstreak is also "only" 17 atm.. To get any higher I would really have to hang back and play very defensivly all the time, making sure I don't die.. When you attack/rush you get kills way more quickly, but to get a high killstreak involves a lot more luck aswell.. Tbh I don't care, aslong as my average K/D ratio is over 2:1 I'm happy.. It kindof reminds me of CS again, where my average ratio was also something like that over the years..

Infact CoD4 feels like a whole new CS, although I don't play the typical CS gamemode S&D, I prefer TDM.. That offers a lot more action with less camping etc, but not as crazy/chaotic as headquarters or some other objective based gamemodes.. I think there is a reason the game defaults to TDM, I think it's the perfect most fun gamemode for this game.. Plenty of action and still plenty of room to do your own thing without being stuck to a certain objective or just a few points on the map..
My overall average K/D ratio is a bit lower than 2:1 at the moment, but I blame that on all the relatively hard S&D games I play. If I stuck to playing HQ or Sabotage for a week, I could probably adjust it to well over that, as my K/D in those games is usually fantastic by comparison. I'm not too worried about doing that though, I'd rather get the practice that S&D gives you.. it makes you play the game a lot smarter.
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Since 7754 Days
It depends on the map and people you play with I guess, but I've seen the helicopter not even last 5-10 seconds. a lot of times. That's why I never save up for it, I always use the airstrike, and when I get a few kills from that I can call in the chopper anyway as a bonus.. Sometimes it makes a few kills, but most of the times it's shot down within 10 seconds, that's my experience at least..
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Yeah, always use your airstrike before you get to your 7th kill. Wasting airstrikes isn't too smart.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6982 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Yeah, always use your airstrike before you get to your 7th kill. Wasting airstrikes isn't too smart.
Sometimes I miss it, not on purprose, but I just miss it.

Like if I throw a grenade, I cant help to get more kills than what I need for an airstrike so it automatically jumps straight to helicopter.

Sometimes when I am about to use the air strike and get my what is it +10 points? the match damn unlucky.

So I use it as soon as I get it, I need those points :D
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
+10 experience. Points and experience are separate values. I have max XP and it's still stupid to miss an oppertunity to use an airstrike.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
I prefer hardcore + sabatoge (or even domination). I dislike TDM as it seems so pointless. I haven't played alot, still under 10 houres, but I had some good rounds this weekend. I actually had a good sniping experience (I hate sniping) and broke 30 points with a handful of deaths. Of course playing a round on shipment counterbalances that fast :|

Is it just me, or do a lot of the maps play better with 16 players than 24?
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My Blog:

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
It's not just you.. most maps are far too small for 32 players. Sometimes it works out, but it's rare. I don't really like hardcore that much. It's okay, but I'm not really digging the increased bullet damage.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
I am digging it though and that is all that matters :P It makes good use of your surroundings (elevation, cover, teamwork, etc) more important, makes quick / stable aim a premium, and devalues flopping, hopping, and the like.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I don't really think it devalues that stuff at all. Less bullets = more damage. There's no additional punishment to your accuracy for using hipshots or bunny hopping.. so what's the incentive not to do it, especially when it decreases your chances of taking vital blows? Maybe it plays out that way, but it's only a matter of perception.

Mod Warfare blows hardcore away. It takes the best element that hardcore has to offer, which is the reduced HUD (no minimap) and adds to it by stripping away the kill bonuses (airstrike, UAV, etc) without reducing the players health or increasing the amount of damage each weapon does. It also removes some of the more bullshit elements of the game (martyrdom, claymores, etc) which is far more "hardcore" in my opinion.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I just pulled my best k/d yet I think. Server was full of noobs, but whatever. 41:4 -- and I also beat my best kill streak. Up to 21 kills now.

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Since 6643 Days
Nice one!

Got one too, same score :D

P.S: Dont mind the Spanish. My game is in fully Spanish... Bought from a spanish site, and dont even had english to install it :P
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Shipment really does suck, as does your ping, ouch :)

We were having an interesting conversation in the mod forum about online gaming, and I thought this was kinda funny, so I'm going to share it here. Ace was saying something about how in general he's found that PC gamers are a bit more mature than the populous of Xbox Live. While I'm generally inclined to agree, I thought I would post this experience I just had this afternoon as a counter argument. Enjoy.

Oh I don't know about the maturity level. I just witnessed (and participated in) an epic bout of shit talking during a game. I should probably add that to my last post in the gaming forum. I'll just copy and paste it from here. It went a little something like this (it's not all word for word, blame my short memory)...

This guy starts off by saying "you're all pathetic." Which, immediately someone on his own team responds to, because he assumes he's talking about them, since they're getting dominated. "I guess this is your life, getting all worked up over a video game," his teammate says. They go back and forth for a while, until I decide it's time to join in.

"You're calling us pathetic and you have the most deaths on the server, by a lot," which gets an immediate response. "I'm using my pistol, you guys are pathetic" he says. This starts a back and forth between this noob, his teammate, and myself. The teammate says, "Stop crying," which gets the reply "I'm not crying, I'm bragging." I can't let up now, I'm sort of a compulsive shit talker when someone gets me going, even though I try my best to be a good sport in most cases, so I say, "Bragging about having the most deaths on the server?"

Now he's really going. "WITH A PISTOL!" he shouts. "Just wait, I guarantee I'll be in first place next round!" And we all have a laugh.

So anyway, along comes the next round, and I'm just dying to see what happens. The shit talking between the tree of us (which is more or less us double teaming this guy) continues without pause. I continually make fun of the fact that he doesn't even have a positive k/d ratio, while he pokes fun at me every time he manages to catch me off guard. He says "keep talking faggots, you're just amusing me," so I feel like it's my duty to do just that. "You know, you should see if it's not too late to just return the game and get something else," I say, as he adds "You'll feel stupid." The back and forth continues for the duration of the match.

"But shouldn't you be in first place?"

"If I'm not even positive and I'm killing you, what does that say about you?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't think 9 and 12 equates to bragging rights."

"I just love getting a rise out of random fucktards on these servers."

"That must be a fun thing to do, when you can't even pull a positive k/d ratio."

We all have a good laugh, at his expense.. and who knows, maybe he was really enjoying it too. I came in first place by the way -- and I'm not bragging -- just trying to point out that the pitfalls of online gaming are everywhere -- and when you get me going, it just makes me play harder, and occasionally join in on the nonsense.

All in all, it was a fun game.
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Since 7046 Days
Super Mario Galaxy - 10
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - 8
Assassins Creed - 7
Crysis - 9
Mass Effect - 7
COD4 - 9
Kane and Lynch - 6
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - 6
The Simpsons Game - 5
Zack and Wiki - 8
The Witcher - 5
Bladestorm - 8
Castlevania Dracula X - 7
Silent Hill Origins - 7
Hellgate - 6
Timeshift - 6
Mutant Storm Empire - 8
Guitar Hero III - 6
Beowulf - 5
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Bring on Lost Odyssey!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Amazingly deserved score.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
PC Version: Command to show FPS in Multiplayer?
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Since 6874 Days
This is the command you're looking for:

/cg_drawFPS 1
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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