GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
PC version is up to 1.3 now -- and they've fixed the hit detection on the sniper rifles and ACOG scope. Are the Xbox/PS3 versions getting these updates at the same pace? I would assume they are, since there should be a huge population playing.. but then again, PC gamers are pretty damn demanding.

And here I thought they nerfed snipers on purpose. They're still nothing compared to COD2.. thankfully.
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Since 6546 Days
no, there hasn't been any update.
But hei, i'm 30 hours in multiplayer and the fun just doesn't stop :D
Grift, is there any place online where the PC players can check stats?
That's one of the few negative things that i have to point out to this, and it falls short compared to HALO3, lack of indepth stats...Would love to see how many times i've killed with the claymore, grenade, knife...afterall, this would come in handy building new classes, checking the efficiency.

Oh, and they should absolutely give you points for taking out the enemy heli (and i mean besides the one time initial challenge). Cmon, i risk myself in favor of the team, waste all my ammunitions, and in the end we get nothing. This i would like to see addressed in an update.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
There's in game stat tracking in the PC version, but it's not as in depth as the console version unfortunately. It keeps track of your overall kill/death/assist ratio, but not really much else. I'm not sure why they decided to do that, but then again, I'm not sure why stats are stored locally on the users machine either.. I guess just so they don't have to have some sort of central ranking servers a la Battlefield 2.. which probably turned a profit for EA, but then again they also drove up the prices of renting servers dramatically.

I'm like, 120 something hours into MP on Xfire, and probably a good deal more than that since you can't run xfire while playing on modded servers.. and yes.. it's still a blast. The CEVO competition is killing me though, the COD2 teams are owning even the BEST BF players, and the best BF players still toss me around.. it's hard but we're learning. I've noticed that pubs are generally a bit more challenging too than the they are on the Xbox.. I went to a friends house last weekend and played a bit on his live account, and I was pressing the wrong buttons constantly and still owning people :P

I just started using the AK-47 today, I think it may actually take the place of the M4 as my second favorite rifle. It's a hard call really, but I need to start using LESS guns so I use them more effectively. It's tough, because I really like the G3 and the M14 too.. but the M16 remains my number one choice for long range combat. Which, in turn, gets owned by snipers, especially now that they fixed the damn sniper rifles up.

I want to unlock the gold skin for the AK now, but I don't know if I'll bother, since it means I have to complete the challenges for the G3 and MP44 as well, which I really don't see myself doing. The MP44 was super in COD2, but I really don't like it in COD4.. I like it less than the G36 even. Easily my least favorite assault rifle.

I don't really care about XP anymore, so I'm not sure I care about not getting points for taking out a chopper much. I don't tend to see many choppers anyway since I mostly play S&D and they're far less common than they are in other game types. I'm actually sorta glad there's no prestige mode in the PC version, as I couldn't really be bothered to unlock all of my gear over and over again anyway.. once was plenty enough.
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Since 6546 Days
Yeah, its funny i just started using the M4 now, because i only been using the M60E4 LMG ever since i unlocked it. Also in BF i was always a LMG/support type. But i thought i should try other guns, just to try other gametypes, because the game sure feels different, you run faster/slower, shoot from far/close etc etc...

But its a pitty, im a stats guy, loved seeing in BF2/2142 all those crazy stats, grafs, variations etc etc etc, not that they are super useful, but even so interesting to read.
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Since 7753 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
There's in game stat tracking in the PC version, but it's not as in depth as the console version unfortunately. It keeps track of your overall kill/death/assist ratio, but not really much else. I'm not sure why they decided to do that, but then again, I'm not sure why stats are stored locally on the users machine either.. I guess just so they don't have to have some sort of central ranking servers a la Battlefield 2.. which probably turned a profit for EA, but then again they also drove up the prices of renting servers dramatically.
Like you said yourself, it's probably a money-issue.. On the Xbox 360 MS runs the servers that hold all the stats, and on PC Activision probably didn't want to run their own (costs money).. That leaves the PS3, I don't know if that version has all the stats and who runs the servers for that..
Posted by GriftGFX
I've noticed that pubs are generally a bit more challenging too than the they are on the Xbox.. I went to a friends house last weekend and played a bit on his live account, and I was pressing the wrong buttons constantly and still owning people :P
Makes sense.. Because FPS has a longer history on the PC, and is played by more hardcore players aswell.. Consolegamers are on average more casual.. As a result the average skillllevel on the PC is higher..

I can't hit an elephant if it was standing in front of me having to aim with a analoge stick (that's how it feels to me), but even with no aim I do pretty ok in consoleshooters (if I play them, which is rare) purely based on my 15+ years of FPS experience on the PC.. Xbox 360 FPS gamers should be lucky I don't have my aim there that I have on the PC, because it would be 'game over' for 99,9% of them..

Only console FPS game that maybe comes close to the hardcore level of most PC FPS games is Halo I think..
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
I just noticed that there are 50+ player servers now. What the hell are people thinking? These maps can't possibly hold that many people. 52 player team deathmatch--that simply can't be fun. Maybe on custom maps, but not on the default 16.

Oh god, I just pictured 52 player shipment.. I think I'm going to be sick.. and yet.. I want to try it just for kicks.
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Since 6721 Days
Many times when you enter the xbox live portion of COD4 on the 360 there is a small download. I have no idea wether they include stuff like balancing within that or not. Currently we are on 1.0.472. I couldn't tell you if that has changed since the game was released.

Oh yeah Grift. So you discovered there is a gold skin for the AK ? How is that unlocked ? And yeah one of my friends is on the second prestige at this point. I have yet to reach level 55. I definatly not going to use prestige mode though. I really dont wanna have to unlock everything again. I like all my skins an shit.
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Since 7753 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I just noticed that there are 50+ player servers now. What the hell are people thinking? These maps can't possibly hold that many people. 52 player team deathmatch--that simply can't be fun. Maybe on custom maps, but not on the default 16.

Oh god, I just pictured 52 player shipment.. I think I'm going to be sick.. and yet.. I want to try it just for kicks.
Most people are into stupid gameplay, that's my conclusion over the years..

50+ player servers on these relative small maps is crazy, I think 16-20 is the best balance.. Same as CS where most public servers populated nowadays are mostly stupid aim-maps etc, that have nothing to do with the original CS gameplay.. Unfortunatly TF2 is already heading that way aswell, more & more normal TF2 servers are going empty and servers with stupid custom maps are filling.. I guess most people cannot play games like they were meant to be played anymore, it all has to be stupid simple gameplay for a quick fix.. It's all part of the same thing imho (Wii succes incl.), most people are into simple and stupid gameplay..

And sure that's fun, but no longer then 15 minutes.. At least not for me.. I'd rather play on a proper map, with a proper team, like a game was meant to be played.. CoD4 TDM with 16-20 people, or TF2 on a official map with the same ammount of people.. If I want my simple quick fix I go play UT3 or Q4 DM..
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Oh yeah Grift. So you discovered there is a gold skin for the AK ? How is that unlocked ? And yeah one of my friends is on the second prestige at this point. I have yet to reach level 55. I definatly not going to use prestige mode though. I really dont wanna have to unlock everything again. I like all my skins an shit.
Complete all of the weapon challenges for all of the assault rifles. Every class has a gold skin for a single weapon, they're all unlocked the same way.
Posted by Inflatable
Most people are into stupid gameplay, that's my conclusion over the years..
COD4 with 32 players is borderline stupid.. 52 players is just unreasonably insane.
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Since 6721 Days
Sweet. That gives me something to aim for besides shitty prestige.
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Since 7753 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
COD4 with 32 players is borderline stupid.. 52 players is just unreasonably insane.
Yup, if you don't manage to find a good camping spot real quick on those it's gonna be spawn, dead, spawn, dead, spawn dead, repeat 300x, within 1 seconde..
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Since 6721 Days
Shipment with 12 players is bad enough.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
I actually saw a gold AK earlier, and now I really want one. Much cooler looking than any of the camos on that gun. It's actually a pretty good rifle to chose as the AR to give a gold skin for, since the camos probably have the least appealing effect on it. It's sexy.
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Since 6721 Days
Yeah, Im definatly going for that. Some AR's I just hate to use though. Like the M14. I haven't even tried that WWII one yet. For so long I was using the M4. Got the red camo for it and everything. Now I've moved over to the M16. Im likin it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Really? I love the M14.. one of my favorite guns in the game. A close second to the M16 as my favorite long range AR.. the G3 is pretty popular, because it has a lot less recoil, but if you control your speed with the M14 recoil is hardly a factor, and it does so much damage that the lower rate of fire hardly matters either. I really like that gun, it also looks and sounds very cool as well.

I guess the single shot weapons may be a bit harder to use with the gamepad in general.. the high recoil weapons too.
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Since 6721 Days
I haven't given it much play time yet. Im at that point with it where I dont even have the laser dot and I find it very difficuly to use iron sights. I'll give it some love soon after I complete the M16 challenges. Do you use the laser dot with it ?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Yea I use the red dot with it, but I like the iron sights on the M14 too. Generally speaking, I use the red dot on everything except the M4. I can't stand the red dot on the M4 for some reason, it sways, and while I know the iron sights on the M4 sway too, for some reason I find it more distracting with the red dot. I almost always use the M4 silenced.. been using the silencer on the AK-47 too. The added bonus of killing off the muzzle flash is really killer when it comes to controlling the recoil in longer bursts. It's even better on the M4 where the weapon has almost no recoil to begin with.
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Since 6448 Days
has anyone completed cod4 on veteran yet?
(with no cheats, because i want the achivements for doing it anyway which you dont get if you use cheats)

ive just started act 2
god its hard. frustrating as hell
but i love it
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Since 6721 Days
Im doing it right now. Im on safe houses. Really fucking frustrating. I ask myself many times why am I doing this.
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Since 6721 Days Cool post here detailing some of the changes coming to the 360. A lot of small things but they all have me excited in a strange way.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
That post sorta outlines the problems with matchmaking as a concept in general. Why not let people spawn their own servers with their own rules and map rotations, and just include a damn server browser? You could still allow people to join them as parties.. matchmaking kills variety that's built in to the game already.

Hello Halo.

Also is interesting that the bug / balance fixes are behind the PC version, which less people probably play at the moment. I guess they still know who the more dedicated (and demanding) audience is.

I hope they don't change the spectator camera in the PC version, it will just allow dead teammates to become a second set of eyes for you, watching your back when you're not paying attention.
In reply to
Since 6721 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
That post sorta outlines the problems with matchmaking as a concept in general. Why not let people spawn their own servers with their own rules and map rotations, and just include a damn server browser? You could still allow people to join them as parties.. matchmaking kills variety that's built in to the game already.

Hello Halo.

Also is interesting that the bug / balance fixes are behind the PC version, which less people probably play at the moment. I guess they still know who the more dedicated (and demanding) audience is.
It seems that with PC versions of shooters these days they get small patches every now and then to fix certain things. I think they then might wait a while until there is a more substantial patch for the console.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Hey I wish they never fixed the sniper rifles :)
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Since 6721 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Hey I wish they never fixed the sniper rifles :)
Has it made a noticable difference ?
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Has it made a noticable difference ?
Oh yeah.. big difference. In competition games, there's always one sniper, and if he's good, he's always at the top of the score board. In pubs, on maps that encourage the behavior (Crossfire, Bloc) there are always a good number of snipers, picking you off in the beginning of a given round. It's made a big difference in S&D.
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