GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Posted by Scarface
can someone explain how the Radar works on MP. when do i show up as a red dot on the enemies radar? also what does the UAV do?
The UAV makes every enemy (except those using the UAV jammer perk) appear on the radar. You also appear on the radar when you fire your weapon, unless you are using a silencer. Don't listen to Roxy. You can breath.

Footsteps are also incredibly loud in this game, listening to enemy movement (especially in S&D) can be a dead giveaway as to a players location.
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Since 6447 Days
i think u need the Jammer perk, so you dont show as a red dot
i dont know whether it disguises you constantly or only when a Uav is activated or both

Uav shows enemies on the radar

i assume they are only usually on the radar without using a uav if they are in combat with someone

EDIT, forget all that, grift explains it better and more correct lol^^^
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Since 6447 Days
infact, i have a question...

on the scoreboard after a match, some people have a pair of dog tags next to their name. i was wondering what that meant?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
It means they were dead when the round ended.
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Since 6447 Days
oh is that all lol... thanks for the info though

i thought it might have been a man of the match thing or something
that would be cool

because its annoying when the top of the scroeboards theres someone with say 20 kills you think well thats pretty good ,then you look at their deaths and its like 40

or an easier way would be a kill spread ratio
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Since 7101 Days
haha, thanks for the help.

just started on COD4 MP and am very impressived with the intensity of the action. Deep impact, last stand and a few other perks really work well. Can get a bit repetive though, especially in comparison to R6:vegas with its cover system. The Map design in COD4 is much better though.
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Since 6720 Days
Posted by jioann00
oh is that all lol... thanks for the info though

i thought it might have been a man of the match thing or something
that would be cool

because its annoying when the top of the scroeboards theres someone with say 20 kills you think well thats pretty good ,then you look at their deaths and its like 40

or an easier way would be a kill spread ratio
You weren't ever curious as to why there were multiple MVP's ? :p
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Since 6447 Days
^^ this might sound really silly but... whats MVP?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Most valuable player.
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Since 6447 Days

thats a good point you raise Beagle :P
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Since 7752 Days
Did one of you play the new Winter Crash map yet that was in the latest CoD4 v1.4 patch on the PC?

That map is so cool.. They turned Crash into a winter christmas setting, dark, colourfull lights everywhere and a christmas tree with presents in the middle near the crashed chopper.. And when you call in an airstrike you hear jinglebells, and one of the pilots shouts 'ho ho ho', and they drop (exploding) presents instead of bombs.. So funny!!! :D

Here's a video:

P.s. this is one of the reasons why it's still PC FTW for me when it comes to these kind of games.. Free DLC from developers that show they care about and just want to share to fun of their game with the fans.. No premium DLC BS that nickle&dime you.. To bad people that play the consoleversions have to miss out on a lot of great stuff like this, I guess you guys just have to wait until they release some mappack or something (premium offcourse).. But that's what happens if you choose to play it on a closed platform instead of the PC, sorry.. Anyway, thanks to IW for this map, it's great and makes me appreciate CoD4 even more.. Happy holidays everyone!!
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Since 6720 Days
I would play on PC if I had the gear...which I should, hopefully not too late next year.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Yea, I think Winter Crash is entertaining but I don't enjoy playing it too much. The lighting and additional objects are distracting. I was in a pug yesterday and someone was hiding underneath the Christmas tree picking people off. Annoying. :)

By the way.. to answer a question from ages ago: Stopping power makes you do an additional 40% damage, and Juggernaut makes you take 75% of normal damage.
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Since 6720 Days
That is quite significant.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 6447 Days
75% of practically nothing to begin with is not alot lol :p
thats what i thought when i tried it, i couldnt feel much differance personally

i do use stopping power though...i dont feel a differance there either, but it makes me feel more powerful knowing i have it lol

btw, i started using a light machine gun for the first time last night (the third one on the list), and boy it is practically cheating lol. i couldnt belive it!!!

on the first time i used it, it was on downpour, i got 37 kills, and only 7 deaths!
i was stoked, but then i didnt do so well on the rounds to follow, but still better then usual!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
75% is a lot. It means it takes more than two headshots with an M4 to kill someone--more than a single knife stab--more than, etc etc. Juggernaut is a pain in the ass. Luckily, they have to sacrifice stopping power, which I suppose more or less makes up for it. In the CAL beta ruleset, they've adjusted Juggernaut to 90% of total damage, and it's still hard to kill people.. but you're doing 40% less damage too, so I'm not too worried about it.

I always use stopping power. It makes a pretty significant difference on most of the weapons, I find. I've started using deep impact over steady aim on the assault rifles, just because being able to wall people is pretty important if you're using an M4. Unfortunately, it kills your ability to strafe while shooting from the hip, unless you're at an extremely close range.. which has taken some getting used to. I also switch up between attachments quite frequently, using the silencer and the red dot sight mostly. I love the silencer, because I hate the muzzle flash, but while it makes the M4 easier to aim, it also reduces the amount of damage you do in long range firefights, so it's far from the perfect solution.

I hate LMG.. thank god you can only have one LMG, one shotty, and one scope in the competition mods.. also, they remove the ability to attach a grip to the LMG all together. Those things are nasty.
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Since 6720 Days
LMG's piss me off more than anything in this game. I'm sick of watching people kill me without even aiming.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 6447 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
LMG's piss me off more than anything in this game. I'm sick of watching people kill me without even aiming.
i know lol, i used to too
but now i cant stop using it!!
its just all too easy
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6960 Days
I just went 125-42 on Shipment Headquarters. HOLY SHIT I love the P90. I unlocked all the challenges for it already! Even with the ACOG scope its brutal. Better with the red dot really, I mowed down 10 people on one clip. LOL @ Sath for saying it sucked.
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If I haven't banned you atleast once, I'm not doing my job.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
My definitive defence of CoD4 MP from B3D. The criticism was:
The MP is meh. Like the SP campaign, there's nothing innovative. Spawn, shoot, kill, die, rinse, repeat.
How long have you played MP?

There is plenty innovative about MP. First is the "RPG-lite" design. Importantly, it isn't broken. The core kits work fine and have suitable perks. Just as significantly is you get perks quickly, so the process isn't overly laborous (until the last 1/3rd which takes 3-5 quality matches to gain a rank).

Anyhow, the RPG-lite system works as a well designed two-tiered system of Perks&Challenges and Weapon Unlocks. Perks and Challenges are granted when you obtain a new rank. You gain rank through "Experience Points" i.e. doing well in matches -- defuse or plant a bomb, capture and defend control points, kill opponents, and so forth. Every time you gain a new rank (55 in all) you get a new Perk/Challenge. Perks allow you to create a custom class, challenges are essentially achievements--and everytime you successfully complete a challenge you get more experience points which, in turn, allows you to rank up faster. There are hundreds of challenges that all tie back into the core gameplay and even make you try new tactics.

The Weapon Unlocks are substantial and based on performance. e.g. Get 25 kills with most weapons and you get a red dot scope. Get 150 head shots you get access to the ACOG scope. You, the player, decide on your loadout. Do you want a 'Nade Launcher on your M16 or do you want a Red Dot scope?

The weapon customization is really deep.

Which brings us back to perks--you can tailor your player, in a very balanced way to lean toward your strengths or to buttress your weaknesses. Do you like to run and gun? Then something like this may suit you well:

Primary: P90 with Red Dot Scope
Perk1: Bandolier (more ammo)
Perk2: Double Tap
Perk3: Steady Aim

Are you more stealthy? Why not toss on a gilly to blend right into your environment with the following loadout:

Primary: RD700 Sniping Rifle
Secondary: Deagle
Perk1: Claymore x2
Perk2: UV Radar Jammer
Perk3: Iron Lung (or Dead Silence or Deep Impact)

The above would work just as well with an Assault Rifle or Sub Machinegun with a silencer as those, too, don't show up on radar when fired.

I have found a lot of kits that I like. e.g. My sniping kit has the Overkill Perk so I have the P90 with Red Dot scope for close quarters and an RD700 sniper and the steady aim perk as well as claymores. My current favorite kits include a silenced M4 with claymores, Deagle, stopping power and steady aim (and an alternate with martyrdom for crouded close in servers; I also have a variant of this with an M16 with red dot scope when I can be more at a distance in combat).

And in CoD style you can see the perks others killed you with so you can see what combos work well. This isn't your grandfather's "weapons spawn in open fields" shooter with a limited array of weapons. There are dozens and dozens of guns--with probably over a thousand weapon loadout combinations. This is the GT of gun games.

And all of this falls back into (A) Really great map design and (B) team/objective gameplay. Yes, CoD4 has Free-For-All and Team Death Match. And while those modes work great, the real meat is the teamplay in Headquarters, Search & Destroy, Domination, and Sabatoge. These modes are essentially variations on classic modes for the most part, but they are very, very well executed and balanced.

CoD4 also offers some final touches. e.g. There is Hardcore mode with minimal HUD as well as a more lethal damage model. And for those dieing to play Doom/Quake style gameplay in the CoD4 universe there is the over the top Old School mode where weapons and perks spawn in fields and buildings. You have more health, unlimited sprint, can jump higher, etc.

I will say this: If you lack the skills to be in the top 20% of gamers when it comes to shooters all of this probably means squat: You are going to get owned. If you have never figured out a tactic that works well for you, be it run&gun, sniping, good strategical use of surroundings, etc that enable you to hold your own (i.e. you cannot aim or haven't figured out more tactical approaches to get a drop on enemies) then this isn't going to fun like most other shooters online.

I personally don't like the faster pace of CoD4. I have more of an affinity for DC or CS slowness in these sort of shooters. The fact the first shot of pretty much any gun is accurate (if you are not moving) also takes a bit to get used to as it means that pretty much any gun, within their range, can be lethal with a well placed first shot. You really need to learn the guns in the game as they are all quite distinct. Iron sites is always something new to get familiar with as is the unique action of each gun when fired.

Yet there is so much that has drawn me into CoD4. The refined elements: a lot of very good MP maps and refined game modes means pretty much every map and round has the potential for a good game. The RPG-lite system brings you back for "one more round" and doesn't discourage new players as the core kits are fine and you gain rank very quickly at first. The class customization rocks and is both robust and balanced and keeps team-objective gameplay interesting and fresh. And you always have an incentive to live (or kill the other teams best players) in the "combos" that get you UAV access, Airstrikes, or Helo Support. And as a server admin, if you dislike such, can literally custom tailor what features are and are not available--even what perks, perk slots, weapons, combos, and so forth can be used.

Sure, CoD4 didn't add vehicles. And it didn't add a cover system. It doesn't have an advanced combo based melee system either or robust motion sensative controls.

But to say it lacks innovation, imo, means you didn't play the game much. Yes, large chunks of the game are more "evolutionary design, refined for the design". Yet in MP a HUGE part of the gameplay is based on the Perks, Unlocks, and Challenges which is quite unlike any other MP shooter on the market. CoD4 has a unique game design that builds on the genre, adds plenty of fresh elements, but most importantly is very balanced and ver well executed. Nothing is useless or broken, and everything works well within the team oriented shooter design.
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My Blog:

Since 6519 Days
coming up to the big choice soon on whether i want to start prestige mode. im not a die hard enough player for a new icon next to my name to be that significant for me. but i dont want to just hit a wall either. tough choice considering you go back to a zero if you do it. kinda scary.

as for my load-out i use what a hell of a lot of people use (although some opt for juggernaut)

-m16 plus red dot (no camo) (still the best gun in the game imo and it was the first)
-bandolier (mines if its domination)
-stopping power (to kill those without juggernaut really fast and to counteract the juggernauts so its "normal" odds again)
-martyrdom (cheap but it works, doesnt annoy me as much as last stand mind you)

was that xmas map an official release? if so surely the console guys should have gotten it to. i mean. kinda unfair.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Yes, Winter Crash is an official map. The PC version also has elements that have been patched far quicker than the PS3/360 versions. It's probably just a matter of the complicated process of certification that MS requires on the 360 that prevented console users from getting the map. <3 IW.

Personally I think prestige is a waste of time, and I'm not just saying that because it's not in the PC version. My personal interest in multiplayer FPS is not driven by RPG elements that reward playtime as an artificial means to increase the games replayability. Replay (for me) comes from the games core mechanics being fun, and from an active, healthy community and the competitive nature of the games. I played around 1000 hours of BF2 and it was entirely unmotivated by unlocks.

I hate martyrdom, probably the most, out of all perks. More than Claymores or 3X spamtastic-frags.. but I prefer playing comp. rules anyway. That way I don't have to deal with any of that stuff. I do pub from time to time still, but when playing by default rules I still try to stick to competition kits so I'm sharp with what's available in that setting.

The M16 is a really great gun. Not terribly well balanced but for long range combat the only thing that has it beat (granted, beaten by quite a bit) is the scope. Well.. the G3 and M14 are great too, but there's something really great about the M16 still. Great power, extremely stable.

PS. Hardcore still sucks.
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Since 6720 Days
My god damn second 360 broke so no COD for me. I guess that's what I get for buying a PS3...
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6960 Days

1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
3 Guitar Hero III
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band

There are those who said this day would never come.
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If I haven't banned you atleast once, I'm not doing my job.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7115 Days
Posted by Phaethon360

1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
3 Guitar Hero III
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band

There are those who said this day would never come.
Doesn't surprise me one bit ;)
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

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