Since 5828 Days
What did the trick was a trick a little bizarre lol.

Basically resume your game and wait a minute then go directly to dashboard and start the game again after that do a replay mission and the bug will be gone, that is what worked for mine.

Now teh game is beautifull again and Im playing focused like it should be, its not strange that I cleared the mission the first time I played without graphic bug, kinda strange too that I dont care at all for graphics in games and a graphic bug was teh thing that bothered the most for me :)

Best FPS ever made IMO, the mission I did and the mission that followed were just really fun and very beautifull to look at, Im a full on Predator now, nobody knows what is killing everything in there :P
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 5755 Days
I'm amazed people think this is the best FPS EVER MADE. Thats a pretty bold statement. Especially considering all the bugs that have been reported and the apparently awful multiplayer. If you look back at goldeneye, perfect dark, halo:ce, call of duty 4, quake 3, counterstrike, halflife 2.. you really believe crysis 2 stands out in a way that is comparable to or surpasses what they accomplished in their time? My guess is its not for most people, but if you think so then thats totally fine.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7120 Days
I think it's fair and I haven't even played it yet. Crysis/Warhead were very good, and Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are among the most over-rated games ever made.
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Since 5755 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I think it's fair and I haven't even played it yet. Crysis/Warhead were very good, and Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are among the most over-rated games ever made.
For their time, there was nothing that compared on consoles thats why I listed them. They were revolutionary in that aspect, they essentially were the catalyst to Halo and everything that came out after. Yes they were far from perfect but damn if I didn't play hundreds of hours of them with my friends. Of course its fair, I could agree with him by the time I play it I just highly doubt that.

I thought Crysis was a good game, I did not think Crysis was a game I'd put in my top 50 games of all time. Memorable? Maybe, but not even close to a game I'd call best ever. If C2 truly blows me away then I'll eat crow, but as of now I just can't imagine that situation happening based on what people are reporting.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat Demo (PS3), Starcraft 2(PC)

Since 7050 Days
The problem is, no game can have the same kind of staying power those games had way back when. There is too much coming out all the time.

Games like Goldeneye, and Halo had a lifespan of a number of years for my friends and I.
They were at the beginning of the major shift to console from pc.
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Since 5828 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
I'm amazed people think this is the best FPS EVER MADE. Thats a pretty bold statement. Especially considering all the bugs that have been reported and the apparently awful multiplayer. If you look back at goldeneye, perfect dark, halo:ce, call of duty 4, quake 3, counterstrike, halflife 2.. you really believe crysis 2 stands out in a way that is comparable to or surpasses what they accomplished in their time? My guess is its not for most people, but if you think so then thats totally fine.
Yes I do, and nostalgia means shit to me, those games were awesome back then, now I cant even play them.

Crysis 2 in my humble opinion and you dont have to agree, destroys them hard as of today standards.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 5755 Days
Posted by Tinks
The problem is, no game can have the same kind of staying power those games had way back when. There is too much coming out all the time.

Games like Goldeneye, and Halo had a lifespan of a number of years for my friends and I.
They were at the beginning of the major shift to console from pc.
I think there's always room for innovation and it will happen again. Some shooter will come out that will have everyone asking "why didn't we think of this, its totally revolutionary." I think CoD4 was that shooter for this generation... perks are now in every single shooter that ever comes out. I think what crysis 2 brings to the table that is new are the suit powers (arguably "new" because Crysis already did it, and to some extent other games have as well), and essentially nothing else. A lot of people will look past the short comings of games because of pretty graphics (doom 3 comes to mind, that game was not very good but look at the reviews) and over time people realize that maybe they were blinded by the visual spectacle and maybe it wasn't as good as advertised. It'll be interesting to see peoples' postmortem on this game 6-12 months down the line when we're discussing the best games of 2011.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Since 5755 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Yes I do, and nostalgia means shit to me, those games were awesome back then, now I cant even play them.

Crysis 2 in my humble opinion and you dont have to agree, destroys them hard as of today standards.
Well of course it "destroys them hard" as of TODAYS standards :) I'm not disagreeing with you, you could be totally spot-on. I'll just be interested to see what your thoughts are 6 months from now, or a year from now. I remember Sath had similar things to say right after he beat the game and not even a week later he essentially retracted his statements saying that the game is glitchy and all these different things that he found wrong with the game. I do need to fork over the $60 and get in on this game, just can't justify it right now based on the reports of glitches and no dx11/proper SLI support on PC!
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Since 5828 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
Well of course it "destroys them hard" as of TODAYS standards :) I'm not disagreeing with you, you could be totally spot-on. I'll just be interested to see what your thoughts are 6 months from now, or a year from now. I remember Sath had similar things to say right after he beat the game and not even a week later he essentially retracted his statements saying that the game is glitchy and all these different things that he found wrong with the game. I do need to fork over the $60 and get in on this game, just can't justify it right now based on the reports of glitches and no dx11/proper SLI support on PC!
I agree with that totally, my toughts on the game will not change in a year lets say but maybe in 2-3 years when a new Crysis is released with new gameplay elements, or say a new totally new game from another company with some bold new elements that makes FPS more awesome, then I will probably will say is the best yes.

Is just that in terms of graphics, gameplay, killing feedback, level design, weapons, awesome single player campaign, Crysis 2 has it all and forms a very complete package not found in other games out there, yes I agree it has lots of bugs and stuff like that, I had a gamebraking bug myself that I had to do some magic shit to fix :) but when it all clicks together with you and runs like its suposed to its just pure raw gaming nirvana IMO.

Biased a little because Im a huge fan of Predator movies and this game basically is a Predator Sim for me. :P
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 5755 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
I agree with that totally, my toughts on the game will not change in a year lets say but maybe in 2-3 years when a new Crysis is released with new gameplay elements, or say a new totally new game from another company with some bold new elements that makes FPS more awesome, then I will probably will say is the best yes.

Is just that in terms of graphics, gameplay, killing feedback, level design, weapons, awesome single player campaign, Crysis 2 has it all and forms a very complete package not found in other games out there, yes I agree it has lots of bugs and stuff like that, I had a gamebraking bug myself that I had to do some magic shit to fix :) but when it all clicks together with you and runs like its suposed to its just pure raw gaming nirvana IMO.

Biased a little because Im a huge fan of Predator movies and this game basically is a Predator Sim for me. :P
Curious what you thought of the narrative. One thing that really worries me are the people on here, and moreso neogaf, saying that the story is laughably bad and poorly executed. You apparently had no problem with it, I'm wondering if its just the same crowd that thinks EVERY shooter has a bad narrative.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat(PS3), Starcraft 2 (PC)

Since 7105 Days
those games were awesome back then, now I cant even play them.

Crysis 2 in my humble opinion and you dont have to agree, destroys them hard as of today standards.
Are you speaking from a gameplay or graphical standpoint?

Crysis 2 is fun enough, but it's pretty easily forgettable to me. In a few years' time, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't on most people's top ## FPS list.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 5828 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
Curious what you thought of the narrative. One thing that really worries me are the people on here, and moreso neogaf, saying that the story is laughably bad and poorly executed. You apparently had no problem with it, I'm wondering if its just the same crowd that thinks EVERY shooter has a bad narrative.
Im probably teh wrong person to ask about the story because I don't pay that much attention to history in games to be honest but I tought so far where I am now in the game its been decent with a few twist here and there, keeps you entertained and intrigued for the most part, I didn't played the first so I dont know if it compares or anything but yeah I say is decent enough.
Posted by Ronsauce
those games were awesome back then, now I cant even play them.

Crysis 2 in my humble opinion and you dont have to agree, destroys them hard as of today standards.
Are you speaking from a gameplay or graphical standpoint?

Crysis 2 is fun enough, but it's pretty easily forgettable to me. In a few years' time, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't on most people's top ## FPS list.
Both, for me as of today it has the best graphics I have seen in consoles, and has the best gameplay of any FPS I had played or seen, it sure as hell will be in my top 5 in five years and if it is not that would mean more awesome games came out and that is an awesome thing too in my opinion, maybe you have played more awesome games with more awesome gameplay elements that I have not played, can you give me some examples as to what games has better gameplay elements that this one?
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6987 Days
For me, Crysis 2 is the nanosuit, thats the only thing that made me enjoy the game tbh, and some cool setpieces (destruction and vistas) and nice music.
But I said that from the start that the only reason I care for Crysis 2 is the nanosuit and how the gameplay between cloak and armor, rambo and ninja/stealth is played out.

As far as gameplay goes, IMO, Crysis 2 is the best one in FPS genre because of the nanosuit, its perfect for my style, thats about it.

Tbh, I think the actual feel of the guns when shooting was decent good, but it doesnt touch Killzone 2/3, I am spoiled by that game.

Multiplayer, well the trailers and all was looking very fun, but the more I played it more issues I found very annoying and not fun, especially the hit detection, cloak+camp+sniper, disconnect...etc. put me off and I dont play it much anymore, so I am back to Killzone 3 which I am starting to like again.

I guess the hype got the best out of me saying its the best, but really, it isnt, as a overal game that is.

Its a very good game sure, but so many bugs and glitches, gamebreaking ones, some of the issues wasent even fixed in the new 1.2 patch according to some people.
The ending was "meh", expected much more epic ending like Crysis/Warhead, no boss or anything, though I did enjoy a small piece of the ending before the last cutscene, reminded me of LOTR3.
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Since 7050 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
those games were awesome back then, now I cant even play them.

Crysis 2 in my humble opinion and you dont have to agree, destroys them hard as of today standards.
Are you speaking from a gameplay or graphical standpoint?

Crysis 2 is fun enough, but it's pretty easily forgettable to me. In a few years' time, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't on most people's top ## FPS list.
Completely agree.

To me Crysis 2's game play still hasn't caught up with its technology. The game is boring, and the only thing saving it's MP is the COD4 elements they integrated.
It's commendable they made such a long SP experience with it.

I'd still rather be playing BFBC2 over this game. That's a personal choice though as I'm someone who doesn't gel with the COD4 madness going on.

There's too many FPS on the market and this game doesn't do enough new things for it to be memorable. Graphics and tech only get a game so far. You have to have game play for the time to match just like Counterstrike, Goldeneye, and Halo did.

Not to draw comparisons, but I expect Gears of War 3 to make everyone forget real quick about this game. I also have high hopes for games like Brink which are in route as well.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6987 Days
The MP gets boring fast, I am one of the few who said it looks great the first few days of demo and retail, but now I just dislike it and can't bother to play more than 1 hour (PC).

Also, Gears 3 is exclusive, so I think 360 gamers will forget Crysis 2 MP very quick as Grift said long time ago (and I admit, argued back lol).
Until the new CoD (sigh) and BF3 shows up.

Just my thoughts.
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Since 5755 Days
Sath you gonna play BF3?! Thought u only played future warfare games :)
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat(PS3), Starcraft 2 (PC)

Since 5828 Days
Imo and dont get mad but those who say this game is boring must play it like a CoD clone or some shit, there is lots of options as to how to play it, I use like 5 deferent types of gameplay in every level, alwasy doing something diferent playing with style or like a Predator or like a full on Rambo and so on, its as fun as what you want it to be, so Im sorry but those saying is boring then is not your type of game or something, same thing as those who say Crackdown is boring.

As for me is the most fun I ever had in any FPS in the last years easy, this and Bulletstorm gameplay are simply a joy to play.

Also as far as I been reading and what I know Crysis was not known by the MP aspect of it so this being not that great is not a surprise, dont act like if someone screwed with the MP part of it.
Posted by Tinks
There's too many FPS on the market and this game doesn't do enough new things for it to be memorable. Graphics and tech only get a game so far. You have to have game play for the time to match just like Counterstrike, Goldeneye, and Halo did.
lol, I mean what are even talking about here man? gameplay is the best part of this game, sometimes I seriously think Im playing a diferent game than some of you or something.

But then again there is tastes and opinions and all that.....
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 5755 Days
You should really try out the original game, I think you'd really like it. Way more of a "predator" vibe given that the map is WAY more open and a ton of different ways to approach each objective.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat(PS3), Starcraft 2 (PC)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6987 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
Sath you gonna play BF3?! Thought u only played future warfare games :)
I am into shooter-mind now so I am going to widen my settings a tiny bit to get the ones I find the most fun.
I love sci fi shooters so thats my priority, but i am VERY picky in modern/military shooters.

My next title is going to be SOCOM 4, because its 3rd person (love 3rd person *GRAW games*) and its fun (beta).
With BF3, I dont know, I need to see the MP side of it. Though I am gonna have atleast 2, max, (one being SOCOM 4) of modern military games.

With me, there are very rare times I can enjoy modern military games but that mood wears out fairly quick, so I am focusing on what I like the most, which is sci fi shooter.
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Since 5755 Days
You should pick up bad company 2 on the cheap, its AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat(PS3), Starcraft 2 (PC)

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7114 Days
it's a good game, I wouldn't call it amazing or anything like that.

It's good.

If ya'll weren't a bunch of lazy asses, we'd be playing UT3 right now.
That's a game that separates the men from the boys, right there.
(unfortunately there's no underage girls to speak of)
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Since 5755 Days
Its amazing, its amazing. Multiplayer that is. Assuming you play with friends.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat(PS3), Starcraft 2 (PC)

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7114 Days
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Since 5755 Days
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Mortal Kombat(PS3), Starcraft 2 (PC)

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7114 Days
I, it, you....

good game
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