Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
To tell you the brutal truth I didnt expect the combat would be this good,sure I knew that it would get the job done but not this good.

Its incredible satisfying and when you know how to fight it becomes more insane.

They did a pretty good job I must say.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Yeah I know exactly what you mean.
I knew it would be good enough to get the job done, but definitely not this awesome. Definitely more satistfying than Dante's inferno IMO.

Because I dont need to hold a button extra to do advanced attacks, and you get multiple weapons to use anytime you want!

Arena mode is needed and I wont trade the game in at all!

But anyways, the artstyle and voice acting is just fantastic, cant get enough of it.

Its like the merged Hellgate London + World of Warcraft + Hellboy art into one full game!
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
I will make a thread in teh official forums and hopefully they give a shoot.

I will not get my hopes up but its worth the try.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
I will make a thread in teh official forums and hopefully they give a shoot.

I will not get my hopes up but its worth the try.
Indeed you should, but yeah not hoping much.
But even before the game came out these guys said they are not planning to do any DLCs at all.

Just tell them that fans of the hack and slash genre will love a Arena Mode like Ninja Gaiden and God of War, the combat is just surprisingly fantasticly fun.
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
It is done.

Now lets see if there is feedback =)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
It is done.

Now lets see if there is feedback =)
*crossing fingers*

Oh one thing I should mention is...I cried a bit inside when I read and experienced..that there is no QTEs in the game AT ALL (only interface which is different). The crying was for joy, my god i am happy. Thank god they did add the gimmick from God of War like Visceral did with Dante's Inferno, much kudos Vigil!
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
I got my chain armlet and guns now (and Ruin)...and holy shit the combat becomes amazingly fun, especially with the chain armlet attached.
Its like they took the best out of all combat mechanics in each AAA title and mixed in it with their own twist.

The mix of sword and chain armlet to keep chaining to grab the enemy to either pull them in or you pull yourself to them and keep attacking with the sword then mix it with the scythe or the "hammerfist".

This game is screaming for a arena mode, I am serious that Vigil Games would make fans love the game even more, me included, enough to add it to one of my favorite games along with Ninja Gaiden.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
So far no feedback from the devs Sath but there is a couple of guys there that would like an arena mode just as us.

Damn it!!
En réponse à


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
So far no feedback from the devs Sath but there is a couple of guys there that would like an arena mode just as us.

Damn it!!
Yeah I did find your thread, shouold have posted myself, might do so later.
But this game is just pure AWESOMe all around, just far. Only problem I got is the hit reaction is none on the bigger enemies, they dont react...but so didnt some of the levels in other games I did. I wish devs would come to their senses to not make this!
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
I hated the beam god it was soooo long and confusing...and boring.

I am going to be honest and say that I wish the location was not based on earth rather on some fantasy world created for the game.
I am happy that most of the locations are very fantasy located or have their twists.
I kind of want it to be more like LOTR/Warcraft type of setting, sure most of it is not earthlike, but still.

But yeah the only bad part with the game was the laser beam puzzle, but so far I havent been bored nor annoyed at all, I think my final score for the game could be 9/10, the extra point missing is just because there is no Arena Mode, if that is there then its a perfect 10/10 for me.

But we will see how it ends, but so far so great.
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
Oh man it gets that good towards more into the game?

Awesome :)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Yeah, but thats because the stuff you get in terms of equipment can be used as weapons, or the weapons you get is awesome with the combos, its awesome for sure.

I died like 4-5 times in row just because the brutes in this game is just hard, I dont want to think about that in Apocalyptic mode.
Sure it pissed me off, but its not cheap. Cant get greedy to keep attacking on the bigger enemies because they can just avoid your attacks and go into their own attacks, so just dash away and dash in.

Alot of dashes!
One thing I do wish the game upgrade had was the dashes, longer and faster and stronger dash, that would be awesome because the dashes towards a enemy hits them, so imagine upgrading the dash move.

But I posted a long message on the Darksiders forum about the Arena Mod, you can read it if you want.
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
Will go now!!
En réponse à


Inscrit depuis 7068 Jours
Posté par Sath
I died like 4-5 times in row just because the brutes in this game is just hard, I dont want to think about that in Apocalyptic mode..
Yeah, I decided to play through on Apocalyptic... it can get a little tough at times.

I do wish there was an upgrade to the dash. Not even the dash attack...just the dash. I can't count the number of times I've tried dashing away from an enemy's impending attack...only to get hit by their second attack while I'm recovering from my dash. It's a little frustrating... especially since blocking hardly works at all later on... I swear it seems like every enemy's attacks are unblockable. To be fair though, I'm not playing that conservatively, so it's my own fault.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
I agree with you Ron, the block almost dont work, especially the counter attack because its very hard to reconize a enemy attack.

As for the dash, even a faster and longer dash upgrade would be nice to have, especially like you said, some of the tougher enemies their attacks are a bit hard to dash away unless its perfect timing.

But once you learn their patterns like the demonic knights withg shields, you can dash them away very easily, but add minions and another demonic knight and then its harder.

But all this means nothing compared to everything else offered in the game which is pure fantastic, and do I dare say that it has a spot in my heart next to Ninja Gaiden.

Now if Castlevania Lords of Shadow follows these steps in terms of polish and amazing combat and shocks me...then I am in 3rd person action heaven!

Ninja Gaiden and Darksiders are now my top favorite games...Castlevania Lords of Shadow remains, please be godly!
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
Awesome to know that and more awesome its that finally games of this generation took the place of favorites of mine over other older games like OoT and NGB,Bayonetta will remain number 1 now and Darksiders as 2 as for OoT and Ninja Gaiden black those are in 3 and 4 spots.

Amazing games are amazing.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Yeah, but for me as you know, my standards are high for this genre, and Darksiders pulled it off with the combat, great job Vigil.

I think I got like 7/10 pieces of the Abyssmal armor, they are so hard to find :(
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Inscrit depuis 6436 Jours
Finished the game the other day, and thought I would come here to just add my opinion, which is that while flawed, the game does so many things right that I cannot help but say that 2010 already has a true GOTY contender in my book.

The combat was ok, pretty fun (not a big GoW fan really) and enough to keep things entertaining. However, the puzzle levels were so well done that I just couldn't stop smiling from playing each of the amazingly well done dungeons.

The story was decent and the voice acting pretty good, but the puzzle and exploration aspects were so well blended with the combat that the end result is a game that I had much more fun with than I had expected.

It might not have the production values of games like God of War, but in my opinion, due to the depth of it's level designs, it is far superior. What a great surprise to start 2010!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
I completed it!

The Good:

95% Everything!

The bad:

Its over :(
But seriously though, the game was such a awesome surprise, just fantastic.

The combat was a huge surprise to be, especially how damn polish it was. From sound fx to animation to the right weight to them, just amazing IMO.
The combat had a mix of God of War and DMC thrown in one, so there is nothing wrong with that at all.

The locations was awesome...some of them anyways, especially the underground cathedral which reminded me of Khazad Dum from LOTR, I only wish it was more epic like LOTR.
I wish they didnt add any modern environment or stuff in it, I would love it if all of it was in a underworld type of universe.

The Music was also fantastic, considering it was from the composers of God of War series it was obvious they would be good for such a genre and setting.

The story, well I loved it because you dont see much good story within this genre, so this IMO is the best one.

And Ruin!!!!
My god this horse is just one of the most badass things with this game!

Sure not everything was good with the game, but it was extremely minor annoyances I experienced but these are not gamebreaking problems at all, not for me anyways.

The artstyle was also awesome, it had a very dark LOTR style (think of the orcs or Uruk Hais and the Two Towers) and some Hellgate London for the demons and World of Warcraft.
But in my opinion, nothing is wrong with these considering I love them all with a passion.
Sure War looks like Arthas, but I dont mind considering I love good western fantasy design more than japanese ones, just fantastic.

The platforming and puzzles was fun too, it reminded me of Ninja Gaiden 1, but 10x more fun.
A nice break from the combat were you can explore the locations and do some puzzles, even though some puzzles was annoying and some werent. A Mixed bag really, but good in general.

The voice acting was awesome, everyone in the game had such an awesome voice, especially War.
I definitely loved War as a character, he is great and had always something awesome to say.

I got to say, I have played the game in a few days and god knows how many hours I put into it. I could have been playing from 10 in the morning and still play until 6 in the afternoon, nonstop and still werent done.

Now this is what I call game making with gamers in mind, especially for such a genre.

- The few seconds you have to wait when inserting the game into your console, it takes a bit too long.

- Some locations, mostly the vast ones like Ashlands, the framerate goes quite slow, not slow motion slow, but from what it normaly is, it gets a bit slow.

- Bigger enemies than yourself seems to not care for you attacks. You attack them but they will just do their own animation and attack you, so you have to dash away. Though this problem has existed in other AAA titles like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and God of War, but I hope not only Vigil, but all devs who makes these games fix this!

One thing I wish they would have done is added awesome CG videos like they did in the early videos on internet.
The CG was so amazingly done I kind of wished they would edit them and made a full video, as a ending or between locations and cutscenes.

Now the ending was such an damn tease Vigil! I got such a big goosebump when I saw it!
Uriel said that everyone will be coming for War now (play the game to know why) and he had to fight them all. But War said he wouldnt be alone, then showed the Four Horsemen seal and the camera went to the sky while 3 burning comets with various colors was shooting down to the ground...the other 3 Horsement!!!!
Anyone who checked the spoiler, how awesome is that! With such a great feedback from pretty much everyone who played it, it is bound that Vigil will make a sequal for sure, and once they do...I will buy it for sure.

Now the only thing, as I mentioned many times, this game needs a Arena Mode. In various locations, various enemies...maxed out War, just a big brawler.
I read that Vigil wont make a DLC because they said its their first game and they are being careful and such, something like that.

But Vigil Games is now one of my top favorite companies, just an amazing game!

I give this game a 9/10 without hesitation, and the reason for that minus 1 point is because of no Arena Mode for me to get into the game without hunting for equipment and upgrading them and just fight.

PS. One enemy Vigil should have added would be a big flaming Balrog like the one in LOTR, it fits for Darksiders perfectly!
Probably my favorite part in the LOTR movies (especially when Gandalf is about to fall and he grasps his sword, amazing sound effect and music)

Imagine War fighting that big beast with a similair fight, would be just epic!

This title is very high, right there with Ninja Gaiden for me.

Thank you Vigil Games for such an amazing experience with this title, money VERY well spent!

PS. I love fantasy stuff like this! :D
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
Im really glad you love it Sath,Im sure I will love it by when I finish it too.
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Inscrit depuis 5711 Jours
I'm loving this game to Death... I hope Vigil get to make a sequel.
Maybe all 4 horsemen....4 player coop??? just kiddin that would ...Ruin..the game
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Raptor you will.

Padje, we will probably see the other 3 horsemen in the sequal if there is any.
But co-op...nah I wouldnt like it. However, to be able to PLAY as the other horsemen now that would be awesome.

I love this guys design (except the guns, give him a sword and he is golden).
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Inscrit depuis 5711 Jours
yeah that's what I meant, that it would probably ruin the game. But playing as the other horsemen would indeed be awesome.
Now I only have to finish the game before ME2 day.....A great start for this year
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
I decided to play from the beginning again, but on Apocalyptic difficulty with the Abyssal armor.

One think you guys should know if you tend to replay it later, the chests that originally was the pieces of Abyssal armor is now filled with alot of big blue souls, so more credits to get.

But now that I got some ideas of where these "arenas" takes place, I plan on saving them manually, the best ones anyways so I can always go back to them quickly and just have fun with the combat, even though later on I get higher upgrades and new upgrades.
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Inscrit depuis 5791 Jours
Thats a very good idea Sath,is there various saving slots?

Because there is various arena types places no?
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