SweeneyTodd Config PC enfin mise à jour, je vais pouvoir rejouer aux jeux XBOX. J’espère que c’est cette année pour Gears E-Day :) (il y a 2 Heures)
CraCra @Elidjah: Bientôt l'Ehpad pour certains ^^ (il y a 20 Heures)
Elidjah @davton: On ne dit pas "vieux" mais "expérimentés" (il y a 1 Jour)
davton @Bigquick: tu peux remplacer "anciens" par "vieux", ça fonctionne aussi ^^ (il y a 1 Jour)
LeBart Quand même choeutte de voir les mêmes pseudos avec (de mémoire) les mêmes avatars. ^^ (il y a 1 Jour)
Bigquick C'est le retour des anciens ? :3 (il y a 2 Jours)
MorphBZH @LeBart: Yop! (il y a 2 Jours)
Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
People are nerd raging all over the place, which I don't entirely understand. Lucas already fucked up the majority of what people cherished, so in new hands it can only get better.
He already disgraced the classics, and then proved he had no place directing in the most recent trilogy.
Imagine the Directors they could get, the stories that are ripe for the picking, the writers, and hopefully much better actors.
People with some unbiased perspective on just what they're handling.
I have no doubt that Disney can handle it better than bloody George Lucas.
Nerd Rage
I'm really glad is out of Lucas hand now. George Lucas the only thing he has been doing lately is destroying the franchise. Also, Disney has had some good movies lately and they definitely can get the talent to properly handle Start War series. Hopefully a lot of good stuff will come out of this.
To me it's still a trilogy, I know nothing about a 4th one.
"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"
I have no doubt that Disney can handle it better than bloody George Lucas.
This is a good move by Disney, and excellent news for me as far as Im concerned.
Lucas is a hack nowadays.
Real Madrid C.F. fan.
Also the most superior films Lucas was involved with in the past, were due to the fact that he was either getting help with the writing or most of all, someone else was directing. Which is why Empire and Jedi are both superior to the original. Why Indiana Jones is a classic trilogy because it was back when Spielberg was an absolute monster.
Also the most superior films Lucas was involved with in the past, were due to the fact that he was either getting help with the writing or most of all, someone else was directing. Which is why Empire and Jedi are both superior to the original. Why Indiana Jones is a classic trilogy because it was back when Spielberg was an absolute monster.
Real Madrid C.F. fan.
The indiaina jones trilogy is another great show of this. Spielberg directs, someone else writes the screen play and George does the story. Works out great, because his dirty little fingers aren't anywhere near the actual film making process :P
Nerd Rage
Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!
Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th
Oh, and saw an article on who should play Luke, Leah, Han, etc. How about this for Luke: Christian Hayden--he looks like similar to Luke's father!
/runs away from thread.
Pwn'd by Phaethon360.
Also if Hayden Christensen is anywhere near a new star wars film i will spend the rest of my life trying to kill the entire company by psychic force.
Nerd Rage
I watched the Original Trilogy yesterday and it amazes me how superior all of them are to the new one, only Revenge of The Sith showed pieces of greatness in some parts only by being let down by some incredible stupid dialog, still is my favorite.
Lawrence Kasdan and some other wirtter were great in writting ESB, I still think ANH writting is good even if that was the only thing Lucas made right.
Real Madrid C.F. fan.
GT: ManThatYouFear
Steam: Psn_ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat
Real Madrid C.F. fan.
It was basically the human centipede and everyone just ate Lucas's shit
Christensen probably was the unlucky one to be the primary focus of the films so he was extra awful.