Dragon Age 2 - Demo Confirmed Feb 22con

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Did not mean DA1 was turn based, i was mearly pointing out its a type of play style you and raptor do not like.
Ah, yes, we hate turn based games.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
DA.2 Story Video. Cant wait for this game to Hit!!

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** Yes We CAN!! **

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
DA.2 Story Video. Cant wait for this game to Hit!!

Saw it, c'mon march!

I hope they show console gameplay footage more and character creation soon!
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Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
And Female Hawke!!

I want to see her in gameplay.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Hmmm, the longer Bioware waits to show us any real combat footage, the more likely it is that I'll be waiting for some tough and detailed player reviews of this thing before deciding to pick it up.

The first day DLC scheme that Bioware/EA is running is typical of what's happening with gaming these days, but I've already made my peace with that kind of extra, extra special editions bullshit that developers keep pushing. None of us have to buy special editions or first day content if we don't want to. Anyone is free to purchase whatever is of value to them in a game's experience.

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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Most of my concerns have gone, man this year will be the best for RPG's ever!!

I've seen a lot of people voice concerns about the combat being "dumbed down" to be more like an action game. In truth, combat works largely the same – actions are mapped to the face buttons and by pulling on the right trigger or R2 you can switch to a different set of moves. There have been some modifications to the action wheel that you can pull up with the left trigger or L2, but for the most part it's similar too.

Yes, the command wheel still exists.

We haven't seen much of the PC version, but I was told that you will still be able to pause with the space bar and issue commands via the action bar. The biggest change is that the attack animations are sped up and much flashier than before, making battle scenes more visually interesting and visceral. So if you like instant gratification don't want to bother with babysitting your squad, that's an option. On the other hand, if you want to take a little more control over the situation you can do that as well.

Another alternative is setting up specific tactics for your squad, which was also present in Origins. With tactics you can get down into the nitty gritty of your squad's behavior. Choose general stances like aggressive or a role like healer. You can also take it a step further and make sure your party is taking health potions at the appropriate times or using a specific spell or attack when surrounded, etc. Though that level of obsessiveness is reserved for a small portion of gamers, I'm happy that BioWare kept it in.

Watch any dialogue focused cut-scene from Dragon Age: Origins and you'll notice one thing – a silent mannequin of a hero that looks completely spaced out. It's distracting and awkward. Who just stands there with a blank expression when a friend has just been attacked?

My lady Hawke has an attitude.

Dragon Age 2 addresses this problem by incorporating a more "Mass Effect like" hero that actually emotes in cinematic cut-scenes. Although the idea is the same and the dialogue wheel is present, this is clearly not Mass Effect. Besides the indicator icons in the center wheel that tell you if you're flirting, being a jerk or inquiring further, there's a dedicated sarcasm option that I fell in love with. Some of the lines are delightfully absurd and the voice acting is well performed.

Was it a problem that your Grey Warden didn't speak in Origins? Personally, I don't think it was the lack of voice, but more the fact that the character was so lifeless compared to others. Still, I'm happy with the decision to include a fully voiced hero, especially when I have the opportunity to be a smart-ass.

As with any role-playing game, when you earn experience points in Dragon Age II you will gain levels. If you've played Dragon Age: Origins you should feel right at home here – the attributes and abilities system makes a return. For the uninitiated, attributes are points you can divvy up between strength (attack power), willpower (stamina), constitution (health), etc. while abilities are specific powers you can choose.

The new skill trees are pretty and functional.

Selecting abilities looks vastly different from Origins – instead of a massive block of linear progressions, different spell sets or attack sets are bundled together. As you unlock the skill tree you can either choose to upgrade a specific move to make it more powerful or gain a new one. Visually, abilities are presented in a much more digestible way than they were before, which is a nice change.

It's no secret that Dragon Age: Origins was not a good-looking game. Even on the PC, which was the best of all the versions, there was no real visual flair to it. That's changed this time around. There's a really cool gothic comic art style to jazz up the cut-scenes and the scenery I've witnessed has all been much more impressive than the bland sets of Origins.

Even the map has had a nice overhaul, though I do wonder if there'll still be random battle encounters outside of cities.

I love the way the new map system works and looks.

After my session with the game I fired up a new character in Origins, a Dalish elf warrior. I was pleasantly surprised to realize that they had redone the elf character models. Instead of a human with different ears the elves now have a distinct look – large, wide-set eyes and more petite features actually make them stand out from the crowd.

Another nice touch is that your family's physical features will change depending on how you model your Hawke. So, if your hero is a red head with super fair skin, your family will be altered to match that. You know, so there won't have to be any awkward discussions about adoption.

I won't name names, but yes, you will run into characters from the previous game and expansion packs in Dragon Age 2. It's a nice touch for hardcore fans to see familiar faces, but newcomers don't need to know their backstories in order to appreciate them.

Look who's back!

In terms of your new crew, gone are the days where people will leave if they don't like your actions. Now you can be as awful or as kind as you'd like without worrying about being abandoned by certain party members. Instead of a "dislike" or "like" relationship status, party members will be noted as a "friend" or a "rival."

I was told that being a rival with a party member does not mean you can't pursue a romance (hot hate sex anybody?), though I do imagine it will be harder to woo them.

The more I play Dragon Age II the more I realize that this is still very much a Dragon Age game. Unlike the Mass Effect series, no major RPG features like loot or inventory have been pulled for the sequel and instead everything has been refined. I don't know about you, but for me, March 8 can't come soon enough.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
DAO fans can rest now.

Great stuf there!
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Awesome stuff indeed, I can't wait to buy it!

I kept saying that the combat is unchanged, the only thing they did change was the animations, making it more flashy, faster and visceral, the way I like it :)
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
Posté par Sath
I kept saying that the combat is unchanged
That was speculation, this is more confirmation.

Still, I don't see myself buying this unfortunately. There are just too many fantasy RPGs for me to choose from, and this is nearer to the bottom of the list - as a fantasy fanatic, it's great to see so many games in the genre coming out this year.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Sorry Blmbox but thats nonsense.

I didnt say I was speculating when I kept going on and on saying it was the exact same thing as DA1 but with flashier and faster animations, I thought the combat video was obvious that it played exactly like DA1 but animations were more "actiony".
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Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
Since day one we've been saying its the same freaking thing but no the hardcore didn't wanted to believe.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 5295 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
DA.2 Story Video. Cant wait for this game to Hit!!

Looking very good.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
Since day one we've been saying its the same freaking thing but no the hardcore didn't wanted to believe.
The truth will set you free :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6001 Jours
This game is sounding better and better everyday.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 5302 Jours
Glad to hear that the combat depth is still there.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Missing some RPG Dragon slaying so much, i'm playing TW2!!!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
Im playing DA:O at the moment in preparation for this little game :)

Im still early so I think it will last me at least till mid Feb, I plan on doing 2 runs.

Awesome now that Im getting good at this, Im a noob still though :(
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
What do you make of the combat?
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
DA.Awakening is not bad either, it should be dirt cheap to buy now also.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
Posté par blmbox
What do you make of the combat?
Combat is nice but trust me it took a little while for me to accept this kind of gameplay, in fact I was about to trade this game a few weeks ago but then something happened, I made a last effort to like it and I made a new playthrough, this time I chose a Rogue Female and leaning towards pure dual wielding swords and just like that it clicked :) this is my class, and now Im enjoying it a lot and now Im enjoying the story too now that Im in peace with the gameplay lol.

True story though.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
What Raptor is trying to say is that I saved him for not trading the game in and make him enjoy it LOL

Gave him alot of pointers of how to make the combat more action paste, what class to take, what talents...etc.

You are welcome Raptor :)
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
Haha, and he didn't even mention you!

The combat is definitely something you need to get used to, especially if you're more accustomed to action-oriented games - I still don't think it works particularly well on consoles though.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Yes, whats up with that!?
Without my tips he wouldnt be having the game right now and not even get hyped for DA2 :P

I think it works fine, just refined the menu, controls, inventory...etc. more to fit for consoles, but the entire gameplay works very well.

The game is out in Marcg, i dont know why they arent releasing console gameplay/controls yet, or gameplay footage period.

PS. Still buying the Signature Edition :)
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
I've most certainly never been one who buys into this whole 'PC superiority' thing, but DA:O is one of those games where you're better off getting it for the PC.

Just my opinion of course, but there's a reason why the PC version is rated 91/100, while the console versions are 87 and 86 respectively - not too much of a difference I know, but a difference nonetheless.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Well Dragon Age was originally only a PC exclusive, console version announcement came out later.

I have played the PC version before and after I played the PS3 version, it is really boring and annoying.
I hate the point-click combat, you have to be able to click on moving enemies so you can make the character attack, so basically you have to pause the game frequently so you can click on whoever is moving so you can start the action, really annoying.

Some people may like it (PC elites LOL) but I definitely hated it.

On consoles, items, enemies...etc. is highlighted automatically when you are close enough, so you just face the camera to the enemy/chest/item you want and then press the default action button and your character will do it, much easier, less frustuating.

So IMO, they arent
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