GEARS 4 :: Dark, gritty, Storms and Swarms

Inscrit depuis 7067 Jours
New infos have appeared. The cast got explained. Nice idea!

New Trailer


more new info from Neogaf's user Shinobi

-2 player couch co-op (Online TBA)
-Set on Sera 25 years after Gears of War 3
-Imulsion weapon set off at the end of GOW3 killed off all fossil fuels
-Humanity has become an endangered species huddled in walled cities seeking shelter from devastating wind storms (as a result of the bomb & intense war aftermath)
-Called "windflares", sort of a melting of a hurrican and volcano
-4 categories of weather in the game: Start out as heavy breeze (trees, leaves, dust kicking up) and grow into violent category 3 windstorms that can affect combat and weapon usage
-Category 4 windstorms have you just trying to survive, super violent, dodging lightning strikes, etc
-Think of the wind when fighting: Putting the wind behind could help projectile travel, but fighting directly against the wind could throw bullets back at you
-Enemies also affected by the weather (which you could exploit and use strategically)
-"Outsider" camps outside of COG
-Heavy inspiration on the setting from Northern Italy (forests, forts, etc)
-Want to get back to the "intimacy" and "boogeyman" feeling of the original Gears
-Team settled on story that features 3 protagonists and stretches across a 24 hour span in game
-JD Fenix (main character) is Marcus Fenix's son
-JD: Joined the COG militia, classified incident forced him to AWOL
-Del: JD in the campaign, befriended him at boarding school (deep bond)
-Kait: Outsider, capable survivalist, shares Outsider perspective with JD/Del
-Story begins as their Outsider village is invaded by a mysterious new force; kidnapped
-The trio goes into the forest in search, wondering why only they were spared
-New enemy is called "The Swarm"
-After the war, too many Locust to bury so many were tossed into mass graves (our trio believe this new threat may be linked)
-First mission sets off with the trio in the forest, discovering giant cocoon-like pods, pale monstrous creatures erupt looking almost human
-These enemies are dubbed "Juvies" (harkening to their seemingly first evolutionary stage of a new enemy)
-Juvies can eventually evolve into "Drones" (homage to the trilogy), able to use weapons, seemingly the main enemy type
-Also experimenting with new enemies like the "Pouncer" (E3 demo)
-Pouncer switches tactics based on player (if you run out in the open, it shoots poisonous quills; stay in cover and it comes after you)
-New weapons like "construction based" tools repurposed for combat
-Wanted to revamp the cover system; can more easily mantle kick over any piece of cover & perform knife kills
-Can also perform a short distance shoulder charge, knocking enemies off balance
-Enemies can also pull players out of cover and perform their own takedowns
-Implementing dynamic cover (for example shooting enemy pods from ceilings in an otherwise open area)
-Big emphasis on multiplayer, saying original Gears development was 90% SP, 10% MP
-Want to meet needs of recreational players and esports players
-Acknowledges love for horde mode and promises fans won't be disappointed
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I do it with 'em all: PC, WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One.

Inscrit depuis 5584 Jours
I dig the new character designs. Much better than the goofy looking man meat characters from 1-3. Really into the babe.
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i7-4770k @ 4.2Ghz, GTX 980ti, 16GB DDR3 2400, Samsung Evo 850, Windows 10

add me on PSN/XBL/Origin: scoobs0688
add me on Steam: scoobs

Currently playing: Heroes of the Storm, NOT OVERWATCH, Diablo 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider

Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
Ok. Hype rising.

I believe in Rod Fergusson. I BELIEVE.

Also, Spartacus 2.0 as J.D? M'kay. M'kay.
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There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
the demo they showed a year or so ago was terrible. no urgency, by the numbers and you couldn't even appreciate the visuals due to it being so dark. hard to appreciate the gameplay because it was so dull. characters have become some sort of uncharted/tomb raider/gears hybrid which looks crap imo. but they're not tree trunk armed roiders and they seem to be aiming for a gear 1 vibe (the best gears by far) so it could be good. i dunno. feelings of indifference on this one for me. at least until they show something to get excited by. certainly not one of the reasons i bought an xbox.

couch co-op though so props for that. staple feature returning...343 could learn a thing or two.

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Inscrit depuis 7067 Jours
105 Questions And Answers About Gears Of War 4
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I do it with 'em all: PC, WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One.

Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
Posté par docLEXfisti
105 Questions And Answers About Gears Of War 4
Good to know they're going from Gears 3 controls and working up.

Man, I may need to add Rod to my list of favourite developers, slot him in 3rd position. He has a passion for Gears, so I'm confident it is in very good hands.
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There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

Inscrit depuis 7067 Jours
No more Locusts, here's the new enemy-type "The Swarm"

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I do it with 'em all: PC, WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One.

Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Posté par docLEXfisti
No more Locusts, here's the new enemy-type "The Swarm"

The "swarm" look an awful lot like locust in this shot?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Yeah I dunno but I think there might be locusts :P
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Inscrit depuis 7067 Jours
Apparently some Locusts survived... man that storm looks nice

Windflares are devastating storms that rage across the surface of Sera during Gears 4's campaign. Not only can they fry combatants into crispy bacon but their fierce winds fling objects across the environment, turning anyone unlucky enough to be in their path into bloody smears. During the demo, we saw that the player could use this to their advantage by shooting signs and barricades that hold cars and boulders in place, sending them flying into enemy soldiers. On a gruesomely amusing note: yes, corpses and dismembered limbs are hurled about in the wind as well.

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I do it with 'em all: PC, WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One.

Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
The Flood--err the Swarm look cool!
Put this on PC with dedicated servers prz

This is Xbox exclusive though probably?
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Inscrit depuis 5783 Jours
Posté par Tinks
This is Xbox exclusive though probably?
That doesn't mean a lot these days though. If the other Xbox titles sells well I think can be released as well.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Well it will definitely be a Universal Windows App... and I'm not sure that counts as a PC release.
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Inscrit depuis 5783 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Well it will definitely be a Universal Windows App... and I'm not sure that counts as a PC release.
Hehe, true true. :)

I'm really interested in what type of sales figures Microsoft will be able to get on such a closed platform as the Windows store is.

I guess we will have to start calling them Microsoft 10 exclusives?
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Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
Posté par Tinks
This is Xbox exclusive though probably?
Most likely XboxOne for the first few months then Windows 10 after. However, you will never see it on other digital delivery platforms like Steam etc. I think the name xbox exclusive should be changed to Microsoft exclusive (i.e. XboxOne/Windows10)
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Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
Posté par asdfg
I'm really interested in what type of sales figures Microsoft will be able to get on such a closed platform as the Windows store is.
Is the Steam platform an open platform?
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Inscrit depuis 5584 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Most likely XboxOne for the first few months then Windows 10 after. However, you will never see it on other digital delivery platforms like Steam etc. I think the name xbox exclusive should be changed to Microsoft exclusive (i.e. XboxOne/Windows10)
I really don't think this is going to be the case. Alan wake is simultaneous, I imagine all future releases will be too. I for one welcome this change, but only if Microsoft opens up UWP and sells their games on other stores. I'm sorry but I have no interest in owning games on 4 different PC stores. Just ludicrous.
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i7-4770k @ 4.2Ghz, GTX 980ti, 16GB DDR3 2400, Samsung Evo 850, Windows 10

add me on PSN/XBL/Origin: scoobs0688
add me on Steam: scoobs

Currently playing: Heroes of the Storm, NOT OVERWATCH, The Division, Rise of the Tomb Raider

Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I really don't think this is going to be the case. Alan wake is simultaneous, I imagine all future releases will be too. I for one welcome this change, but only if Microsoft opens up UWP and sells their games on other stores. I'm sorry but I have no interest in owning games on 4 different PC stores. Just ludicrous.
quantum break :P
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Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I really don't think this is going to be the case. Alan wake is simultaneous, I imagine all future releases will be too. I for one welcome this change, but only if Microsoft opens up UWP and sells their games on other stores. I'm sorry but I have no interest in owning games on 4 different PC stores. Just ludicrous.
Maybe a year or so after the release on Windows 10 store, they can release them on other platforms but If the purpose is to push Windows 10, they'd be dumb to release it on other platforms at the same time - they want to make their own platform appealing. It's as simple as that. I agree windows 10 has a lot to do to be able to compete with Steam.
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Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Maybe a year or so after the release on Windows 10 store, they can release them on other platforms but If the purpose is to push Windows 10, they'd be dumb to release it on other platforms at the same time - they want to make their own platform appealing. It's as simple as that. I agree windows 10 has a lot to do to be able to compete with Steam.
aren't they effectively doing that anyway but with the xbone? if they want more sales as is clearly evident here, they should probably put it on all popular distribution channels on PC.
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Inscrit depuis 5584 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
quantum break :P
Haha freudian slip :)
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i7-4770k @ 4.2Ghz, GTX 980ti, 16GB DDR3 2400, Samsung Evo 850, Windows 10

add me on PSN/XBL/Origin: scoobs0688
add me on Steam: scoobs

Currently playing: Heroes of the Storm, NOT OVERWATCH, The Division, Rise of the Tomb Raider

Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
aren't they effectively doing that anyway but with the xbone? if they want more sales as is clearly evident here, they should probably put it on all popular distribution channels on PC.
MS wants more devices on Windows 10, that means Xbox One, PCs, MS Hub, Surface and soon Surface Phone. They are using software to push adoption. Releasing games on Steam or other delivery platforms does not do that for them as most users still prefer Windows 7.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Is the Steam platform an open platform?
I really don't think you get it.

UWP is not even close to the same thing as Steam. Firstly, Steam games are available on other stores. Including Valve games! Yes, they require Steam, but believe it or not that's a notable difference for the consumer. Secondly, Windows has always been an open platform. Microsoft building walled gardens and turning Windows 10 into iOS is not consumer friendly in any sense of those words. There's no advantage that UWP offers over Win32 for the PC consumer. It's a pretty big deal that you can not inject or mod UWP games. It's a pretty big deal that you can't use overlays in UWP games. It's a pretty big deal that v-sync is compulsory, and that g-sync and SLI do not work properly. And thirdly... and this is pretty important... Steam is not the friggin' OS.

UWP sucks. Microsoft has promised they'll fix it, but it was designed to suck. And after fucking this up three or four times already, they don't really get the benefit of the doubt. Go ahead and look at how developers feel about UWP. You'll be hard pressed to find developers that are singing its praises.

And it's a vendor and OS lock as well. Steam games don't require a Windows version. Hell... they don't require Windows.
Posté par alimokrane
MS wants more devices on Windows 10, that means Xbox One, PCs, MS Hub, Surface and soon Surface Phone.
Yup. And it sucks.
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Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I really don't think you get it.

UWP is not even close to the same thing as Steam. Firstly, Steam games are available on other stores. Including Valve games! Yes, they require Steam, but believe it or not that's a notable difference for the consumer. Secondly, Windows has always been an open platform. Microsoft building walled gardens and turning Windows 10 into iOS is not consumer friendly in any sense of those words. There's literally no advantage that UWP offers over Win32 for the consumer. It's a pretty big deal that you can not inject or mod UWP games. It's a pretty big deal that you can't use overlays in UWP games. It's a pretty big deal that v-sync is compulsory, and that g-sync and SLI do not work properly.

UWP sucks. Microsoft has promised they'll fix it, but it was designed to suck. And after fucking this up three or four times already, they don't really get the benefit of the doubt. Go ahead and look at how developers feel about UWP. You'll be hard pressed to find developers that are singing its praises.

And it's a vendor and OS lock as well. Steam games don't require a Windows version. Hell... they don't require Windows.
Thanks for clarifying as I genuinely don't understand it.

If it sucks, then it will fail - simple as that. As for their content, it's their content and they will do with it what they want and will lock it behind Windows 10 because that's their purpose: more windows 10 devices. There is nothing we can do about that except not buy their games in Windows 10 until they fix the issues. Having said that, why doesn't Apple receive the same sort of slapping which is what gets on my nerve really.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Having said that, why doesn't Apple receive the same sort of slapping which is what gets on my nerve really.
What? Apple has always built walls, and PC fans have always "slapped" Apple over this. And it's why many people use Android instead of iOS. I think the notion that Apple doesn't receive criticism is pretty wild. But also consider that this has always been how Apple operates. Their consumers don't expect more freedom from their platforms. Microsoft has a different legacy.

I think the big thing for me here is that Steam games are still PC games... Windows 10 games are Windows 10 games. And it's always a little scary to see Microsoft moving away from the freedom that made some of us love the platform in the first place.

Microsoft fired back at some of the louder criticism, especially Tim Sweeny's (Epic) insistence that UWP must die. I think both of those positions are pretty extreme. They may turn it into an interesting platform but it has a lot of issues and we're all having GFWL flashbacks.

Which... was better than UWP in its current form.
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Quoi de neuf ?
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