Since 5750 Days
Sound like Beast mode is going to be just as Brilliant as Horde mode.
So why not just co-op as a gang of Maulers and annihilate the human resistance? Becase Beast Mode limits the available number of powerful Locusts with in-game currency. To play as a Boomer, the player spends 1 token. But to play as a Mauler, it will cost a whopping 42 tokens. And these tokens don't come easily; to earn them, players must rack up kills and destroy fortifications. Performing either task gradually fills an orange bar; top off the bar and the player earns a token. At the moment, this sounds a bit uneven; Epic personnel have noted that the speed of the orange bar's growth and the cost of a species, are both works in progress. So if 42 tokens sounds like an impossible number to reach, it could be changed in the balancing that will occur between now and release.

Players who invest in expensive species will be able to pay a cheaper price for that type in future purchases within the session. So pay 36 tokens for a Savage Boomer, and it will be available for 12 in all subsequent character selections. And players will want to invest in the big guys. Chain guns eviscerate entire squads, and the flail attack empties out camping soldiers like a mortar shell; the bigger the bad guy, it seems, the more gory its method for killing foes.

Enemies get blown up, ripped apart, riddled through, thwacked away, and generally mowed down. Gears 3 feels so violent because death isn't limited to bullets, grenades and chainsaws. The Serapede, a sort of 15' long centipede you see in '50s horror flicks, makes the best impression. Said Serapede protects itself from victims with its plated back, making it vulnerable only to shots from behind; to totally exterminate the bug, humans have to shoot it apart one abdomen at a time. Meanwhile, the Serapede's electric zap, sparked by raising its two front tendrils together, proves to be a super-effective (and gory) melee attack -- snapping loose humans limb from limb.

Readers will have to wait a little longer to learn about the campaign mode for Epic's finale to the Gears of War trilogy, but if single-player innovates on its formula as significantly as multiplayer has, there's much to look forward to. We couldn't get Bleszinski to confirm he's a Team Fortress fan when he swung by for the Oddcast, but whatever's got him rethinking co-op multiplayer, we like it.
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Since 5970 Days
Been reading lots of Hands-On of this Beast mode everyone loves it, cant wait to get my hands on it, also its been reported that dedicated servers are in and a possible beta is on the way?
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 5605 Days
Excellent very informative and candid video interview from CliffyB
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Since 5605 Days
Another video interview this time its Rod with some new info on Beast mode.
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Since 6842 Days
Been playing through Gears 2 campaign again- Just awesomeness. Just cut my way out of the Worm. I wish there was a way to play as the "bloody" Marcus in Horde, or somethin'. It impresses me visually just as much as my play-through of God of War 3( both games are impressive for different reasons). I still hate their trees, though, and am very happy about how great the Foliage is looking for Gears 3...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6415 Days
There are plenty of more great moments on the way, don't you worry about that.
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Since 6842 Days
Posted by blmbox
There are plenty of more great moments on the way, don't you worry about that.
Oh this is NOT my first play-through, lol! It is always fun for me to revisit and see if it lives up to what I remembered- and it does. This game is a visual powerhouse every moment after you first go underground. I just fought the Kraken again. Every gamer should experience this game. Every time I see Dom find his wife, it gives me goose bumps- totally redeems his "I lost her again" cheese performance. I am constantly surprised at how good the anti-aliasing is too( almost flawess). Love this game, man... trees are still shit though, and it is annoying...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6415 Days
Good thing the trees look great in Gears 3 then. ;)

I have a thing with trees in games as well to be fair. It's partly why I couldn't bring myself to enjoy GTA IV (no, seriously).
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Since 5792 Days
Posted by blmbox
Good thing the trees look great in Gears 3 then. ;)

I have a thing with trees in games as well to be fair. It's partly why I couldn't bring myself to enjoy GTA IV (no, seriously).
You should have sex with a good ol oak!!
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Since 6437 Days
Bad graphics have never kept me from enjoying a game. I admit the obviously increase the experience, but I never feel like taking a game out b/c it doesn't look good. Rainbow Six Vegas is still one of my favorite games to play and it looks like complete shit compared to even middle of the line games today. But the co-op gameplay, awesome gun sounds (the best this gen IMO in terms of using base and volume for effect), and great cover system make the game far more fun than most shooters I've played.

I might not be a huge fan of Gears' MP due to it's issues, but the Horde mode and campaign co-op are right up there w/ Vegas for awesome fun with some buddies.

From the E3 demo I thought Gears 3 looked like a clear step up from Gears 2, especially in terms of lighting, AA, and more rich colors (not the washed out effect previous gears had, especially the first).

Beast mode alone has me really excited.
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Since 5718 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Bad graphics have never kept me from enjoying a game. I admit the obviously increase the experience, but I never feel like taking a game out b/c it doesn't look good. Rainbow Six Vegas is still one of my favorite games to play and it looks like complete shit compared to even middle of the line games today. But the co-op gameplay, awesome gun sounds (the best this gen IMO in terms of using base and volume for effect), and great cover system make the game far more fun than most shooters I've played.

I might not be a huge fan of Gears' MP due to it's issues, but the Horde mode and campaign co-op are right up there w/ Vegas for awesome fun with some buddies.

From the E3 demo I thought Gears 3 looked like a clear step up from Gears 2, especially in terms of lighting, AA, and more rich colors (not the washed out effect previous gears had, especially the first).

Beast mode alone has me really excited.
I think the upgraded unreal engine looks a bit better for sure in terms of lighting. I was watching the bulletstorm demo bein played by cliffyB and i was genuinely impressed by it. I think it might just be the change in perspective but the graphics in bulletstorm look even better than gears 3 to me.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Since 6944 Days
Posted by blmbox
Good thing the trees look great in Gears 3 then. ;)

I have a thing with trees in games as well to be fair. It's partly why I couldn't bring myself to enjoy GTA IV (no, seriously).
Gears wil be a BEAST graphically for sure, but its top level gameplay and over the top action it what makes it so speacial, oh and now also its trees :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7107 Days
I actually don't expect to find Gears 3 that impressive, visually. I think it's pretty obvious by now that the PS3 (alternatively its attached second/first party devs) has surpassed the 360 in that regard, and once you've been wooed by stuff like Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, the Unreal Engine is definitely a few notches below that in both visual ambition and execution. Until I saw GOW3, I blamed the palette of Gears for its similarly muted impression on me - and it's true that games with more colour immediately look a lot more vibrant, Batman/Mass Effect 2 style - but it's really a lot more to do with the fidelity and animation of models and the lack of impressive post processing effects that make UE3 inhabitants rigid and awkward in comparison.

Until UE3, and specifically Gears 3, proves to have some lifelike animation and some natural, organic textures/post processing effects, I think it's prolly hopelessly stuck in clay golem/puppet mode. Marcus' facial animation always reminds me of Goro from the first MK movie.

I don't particularly mind though, I think it'll be a superb game. Provided they keep stepping it up the way they did with Gears 2 in terms of gameplay bits and bobs, it should pretty easily be the premium shooter experience again.
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Since 6944 Days
Gears3 already looks impressive visually and is sure to get praise left right and Center on release, but the ue3 is showing it's age now, I mean just look at crysis 2 and Rage, with Rage being the most impressive looking title I have seen on ANY console to date, Epic need to bring UE4 to the plate.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6986 Days
Theres a reason people on this site are often accused of being graphics whores.

Lacking in the animation department has very little to do with the engine.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7107 Days
Why would it get praise left right and center if the UE3 is showing its age? That's precisely my point.

Rage and Crysis do the same things as Gears, dismissing character animation for visual fidelity, but they, granted, have more visual oomph than UE3 at this point, that's undeniable.

I think the PC mentality of protagonist you can't see and antagonist you're supposed to shoot has played down the importance of character animation and organic "humanity" for so long that it's a distant priority in crafting an engine. Only Valve showed interest in actually creating believable characters, but they haven't really made an engine in 7 years at this point.

The graphics whore comment is a fun one though because in my time here I've probably covered everything by now. I am impressed by things very much outside of any measurable graphical standard. I play Wii games that genuinely fires up my chest region because they're beautiful, and likewise a game with buckets of zany visuals on an HD console sometimes irks me by being stupid about where it focuses those efforts.

My stance on Gears has a lot to do with that game focusing everything on its scenes, and nothing on the guys you control. That was fine for one and a half game, but the genre has shown how much you can do to create a more interesting and intense visual impression. Gears 2 adapted some of the contextual animation of Nathan Drake from Uncharted 1, Marcus ducking as bullets zip around his head, but it's still on a miniscule level compared.

Third time out, even the "scenes" it paints may well be surpassed by scenes from other games, and unless they've upped the animation it's pretty much surrounded by things that makes my heart race faster in that particular regard.

Ultimately though it's of little consequence, since Gears is absolutely brilliant as a game, and that's sort of the dealmaker for me, so to speak.
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Since 6944 Days
Easy because it still looks amazing even with it's age, the animations in gears crysis and rage are more than good enough IMO and all the games will look and play amazing!! I'm sure.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7078 Days
Gears series is just starting to look great; shoot just ask Epic themselves.

They've been beat with a ten pound sledge ever since Sony poked their first party stuff.
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Oh well, whatever

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7107 Days
If Gears' animated less I don't think they'd even animate. "More than good enough" I have to wonder what you're even comparing them to.

I mean I am comparing them here, to where games are heading with that stuff. Inverse kinetics and contextual animation. Nathan Drake seamlessly transistions between animation based even on the elevation of the ground beneath him. Arcs forward when running uphill, placing his feet on solid objects running over a small stream.

That's what I call more than good enough. It's superfluous for sure, but other games are adapting that stuff and it has been setting a bar since the first Uncharted. That's almost three years ago soon.
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Since 5970 Days
Gears 2 still looks amazing and only a few top games out there beat it, 3 will look better but for me nothing can touch the graphics and engine of Rage.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6944 Days
True, but I still can't wait to see the beauty and mayhem Gears 3 will bring.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6961 Days
Gears 3 looks disappointing to me, atleast from what I've seen of that E3 presentation. Bulletstorm on the otherhand looks brilliant! That is by far the best showcase for the UE3.

Animations and UE3 don't exactly play along very nicely, but that goes for most engines out there...
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-- "Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb" --

-- "You're under arrest, and I'm breaking up with you..." --

Since 5605 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
True, but I still can't wait to see the beauty and mayhem Gears 3 will bring.
Gears 3 is a clear leap over Gears 2, and that got praised by every gaming site out there on release, but when all is said and done it will be a brilliant game and i cant wait to play it.
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Since 6842 Days
I was just watching the E3 presentation in HD on my TV through Live and it looks substantially better than Gears 2, IMO. The skin shaders in Gears 3 have got to be the best I've seen this gen- the muscle is hinted at under the skin as opposed to being the over-done diffuse maps in Gears 2, and the SSS(sub-surface scattering) is very evident. Nice. Thankfully the trees are looking quite good as well. The lighting/ shadowing is better and there is even more variety in enemies( I'm loving the burrowing "bouncing bettys"). There are more moves(kicking the enemy as you mantle, as well as the charging bayonette and the sticking 'nades and kicking the enemies).

I don't think the animation is crappy either. It has nice weight to it, and they move like they should( diving animations are much better timed compared to say, Vanquish IMO). If detracters are talking transitions and variety, I can agree somewhat( especially sliding into cover) but sometimes those must be sacrificed to keep it playable. I would love to see more cover animations/ context animations. I will agree that the animations for climbing ladders is generally atrocious though...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7107 Days
I hate to keep bringing up PS3 games because I realise that irks a lot of people in this thread, but I think if anything, Uncharted and Infamous both show that you can "decorate" things with dynamic, flowing animation and not sacrifice playability at all. You just need it to seamlessly happen during normal movement.

Marcus trots along identically at all times, and while some of that is attributed to the panhandle controls (you can't turn towards the camera) they could still do tons to make him seem less like a piece of machinery and more like a human being.

Using an example that isn't controversially tied to a competing platform, Alan Wake incorporates quite a few of the techniques that Uncharted and Infamous use, and Wake pretty convincingly darts around the place, shifts his weight, contextually places his feet when walking up and down stairs. None of this is essential, clearly, but it does rocket Alan Wake to - in my opinion - the clear top of visual powerhouses on the 360 just by borrowing a few minor presentational elements from Sony's character action games.

There just doesn't seem to be a desire to pursue those techniques with Gears, and it's kinda stuck just polishing the surfaces of everything to be a marginally prettier *picture*. You can do loads for a game's feel and intensity by infusing the characters with more believable weight and volume and subtle behaviour patterns.

I'm not contesting that Gears plays great, of course. I still think Gears 2 trashes TPS'es to left and right, but it's frustrating that they seemingly have no interest in upping their game in the areas where other "premium" games blow it away in turn.

If I may, I'll call attention to Uncharted 2's spectacular building complex/helicopter fight. I wager 50% of its percieved intensity is just seeing Nate BARELY stumble into safety, BARELY grab a hold of ledges, DUCKING WILDLY as he dives into safety behind cover and the distraught look on his face and his body language as bullets rain around him. All of that is just layers on top of controls that are as responsive as ever, never once impeding your sense of complete agency. It's remarkably produced, and even though it doesn't mechanically play as well as Gears, that's not an inherent problem of those production values.

Gears could be competing on that level if Epic gave that aspect of it some thought and poured effort into it.

I hope none of this paints me a fanboy, because it's really just a general observation of games. It just happens that I really do think Uncharted 2 is an astonishing achievement with its relentless ambition, presentation wise, in every area. Much to my "colleague" Dominic's chargrin, I wasn't quite as evangelic about the game itself. But hey, that's another matter entirely.
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (5 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (7 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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