Inscrit depuis 6461 Jours
It's just too bad that epic hasn't geared (get it?) this game more towards PC for the multiplayer longevity. Every GOW has had maybe 2 months of multiplayer then it just dies due to the majority of the console gamers attention spans. If they aimed it towards PC type multiplayer of the golden age, such as UT1, 2k4, none of this 'locked in' and 'auto-joining server' bullshit, but dedicated servers and an in-game server browser. Then the games life may last longer than a cloned one-trick pony.
Epic has been my favorite developer since Unreal, and I hate to see them not go with their guts and pander to the console crowd.
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Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
Posté par marcusfenix
MP BLOWOUT!! (Some amazing additions, plus BETA!!)

Video Preview:

SHABAM Dedicated servers ARE coming to Gears 3! Beta also? Sure, you got it! Love, Cliff and Epic.

Host Migration? Yeah, we added that too.

Original Info

In This Month's OXM: Dedicated Servers Coming to Gears 3

posted 10/6/2010

Subscribers to Official Xbox Magazine are due for a nice surprise in their mailboxes very soon. In one hell of a cover story, the mag details its findings from a recent trip to Epic HQ in Cary, NC, for an in-depth preview of Gears 3 multiplayer. Among the litany of revelations: In addition to a swath of online code improvements, we’re bringing dedicated servers to Gears of War 3 to drive a balanced, optimized, and thrilling online experience for Gearheads everywhere. For the full scoop on Gears 3’s dedicated servers, new match types, and more, check out the latest issue of OXM, arriving in mailboxes now and due on newsstands soon!

Gears 3 Multiplayer Beta Inbound!

You read that right—a multiplayer beta is in the works for Gears 3, giving you and scores of other Gearheads an opportunity to test-drive 2011’s biggest game before release. “What modes will the beta include?” you bellow, shaking your fist at the sky. “What new weapons will I employ in my tyrannical march toward competitive online domination?” Easy, friends! All will be revealed in due time. Sit back, speculate with your fellow fans on the official Gears forums, and keep your eyes on for more details.


Gears 3 will include true host migration, meaning that if the person who started the game decides to quit (probably because you're beating them too badly), the game is designed to seamlessly choose another player to control the game without skipping a beat.

Peer-to-peer voice chat will also be handled by the servers,

Heading off what Epic anticipates could be some bandwidth limitations in the newest version of Xbox Live. Social matches like the ones introduced in Title Update 6 will be back in Gears 3 and will use the same method of filling in blank spots in the roster with AI bots

Persistent parties will now be a part of the Gears online experience, allowing you and your friends to move between games and modes without having to disband and re-gather after your matches end

And Epic will even be storing your Gears of War 3 profile information on its own servers to prevent some of the file corruption that has occurred in Gears of War 2

Although there's no precise date set for the beta just yet, Fergusson says it's scheduled for early 2011.

Despite the obvious advantages of dedicated servers and public betas, neither will necessarily make it easier for inexperienced players or series newcomers to get sucked into Gears online. So Epic has gone back to the drawing board and streamlined the multiplayer modes

Game types

Guardian and Submission have been merged into a single mode called Capture the Leader. At the beginning of each round in this mode, each team is assigned a leader, and your mission is to grab the enemy's leader and hold him or her for 30 seconds. There are no capture points, just you and your captive as the clock ticks down. As an added twist, the captive has the opportunity to struggle every few seconds by tapping the B button. Time it right and you could throw off your captor's aim at a critical moment, or, if he's already wounded, do just enough damage to break free. In Capture the Leader, leaders also have enhanced tactical/communications capabilities that allow them to see enemy positions by holding down the left bumper

The new King of the Hill is a hybrid of Gears' current King of the Hill mode mixed with Annex. This one's based on capturing and holding ringed areas that rotate around the map at timed intervals. Enter the ring, and hold it as long as you can in order to milk points out of it. The spawn locations move as well, to prevent players from camping

The modes that have always typified that hold-the-front philosophy in Gears of War's competitive multiplayer are Warzone and Execution, each a slight variant on the typical deathmatch scenario. Both are back in Gears of War 3, but they're not in the spotlight. The marquee mode is now simply called Team Deathmatch, described as typical team-vs-team multiplayer combat with a Gears twist.

Each team begins with 20 lives, and they gradually dwindle to zero as team members are killed and re-spawn. The last team standing gets a point, and the first team to score two points wins. There are no locked spawn points, so it's impossible to camp in an open area with your back to one, unless you want a bayonet in your back.


No new Gears game would be complete without an arsenal of ridiculous weapons. The Pendulum-era Lancer is a particularly brutal beast. Essentially a machine gun with a nasty looking bayonet clamped to the barrel, it's not as accurate as the modern Lancer, but it has a bit more stopping power. Hold down the B button for long enough while moving with the retro Lancer equipped, and your character will break into a deadly roadie run. Whoever gets in the way will find himself dangling from the end of your weapon, impaled on a foot of steel.

Rather than simply choosing between the Hammerburst and Lancer rifles as your preferred starting weapons, Gears of War 3 throws the Pendulum Lancer in the mix, too. And now you can also choose between two default shotguns, the returning Gnasher and the punishing new Sawed-off.

Destined to be both one of the most loved and hated weapons in Gears 3, the Sawed-off is slow, clunky, impractical and altogether awesome. Once you learn how to use it correctly (get in 50% closer than you think you need to), you'll be absolutely hooked on its amazing splattery goodness.

The only other new weapon that comes close to its ridiculousness is the Oneshot, the angry, menopausal mother of all sniper rifles. It weighs a ton, only has one zoom level and makes a godawful whining noise when engaged. It leaves you totally exposed, it's hard to aim, and it broadcasts your intention to fire with a yellow-to-red laser sight similar to the Torque Bow. But, like the Sawed-off, it's a joy to kill with.

In addition to introducing these the new weapons, Epic has gone back into the sandbox to play with some of the existing favorites. The Hammerburst now has an iron-sights zoom that makes it even deadlier at range. The Gorgon burst pistol has been re-named the Gorgon SMG and fires as an automatic now, suddenly making it the go-to gun for meatshield wielders. Grenades can still be tagged to surfaces, but the Ink grenade and the new Incendiary grenade no longer give off warning beeps when thrown. By the time you see one, it's probably already too late.

Those grenade descriptions may have made your mind start spinning with all the applications for Horde battles, but so far Epic is still staying fairly silent on what's in store for Horde. It'll be back in Gears of War 3, with some "fundamental changes," says Fergusson. But beyond that, nothing new has been announced.

XP & Ribbons

New leveling system, which is leaps and bounds above what was patched into the second game last year. Everything you do, from reviving teammates to holding capture points, will gain you XP, which raises your level. But now, instead of being a meaningless number, your level will lead you to in-game rewards.

In addition to the overarching XP system, there are also new hooks built into Gears of War 3's leveling. Ribbons can be earned for doing things in matches like getting 5-kill streaks, drawing first blood, killing your nemesis and reviving a set number of teammates. Medals are mini-achievements that carry over from match to match and include things like getting a certain number of headshots or becoming an expert with a particular weapon. That, in turn, ties into Titles, which you earn for becoming specialized in certain areas. So if you're a slick enough sniper to earn a title for being an expert with the Longshot, you can actually append a special title related to that onto your in-game character.

Even better, your progress with all these little incentives is constantly being compared to that of your friends. So as you rank up with the shotty, you'll see little pop-ups telling you how you compare to your buddy. And that's not the only reward for getting good with guns.
Amazing info there, vids look great, sucks about the delay, but the beta is great news.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6451 Jours
Posté par crookedmind
It's just too bad that epic hasn't geared (get it?) this game more towards PC for the multiplayer longevity. Every GOW has had maybe 2 months of multiplayer then it just dies due to the majority of the console gamers attention spans. If they aimed it towards PC type multiplayer of the golden age, such as UT1, 2k4, none of this 'locked in' and 'auto-joining server' bullshit, but dedicated servers and an in-game server browser. Then the games life may last longer than a cloned one-trick pony.
Epic has been my favorite developer since Unreal, and I hate to see them not go with their guts and pander to the console crowd.
Yeah, because console gamers really do have such short attention spans. I mean, just look at Halo- oh wait...
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
*goes on gears 2, sees it still have a vibrant community*
En réponse à

I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Yeah, because console gamers really do have such short attention spans. I mean, just look at Halo- oh wait...
lol exactly!
LIVE Activity for week of Sept 20th

Here is a look at LIVE activity for the last week

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on UU’s)

1 Halo: Reach
2 Modern Warfare 2
3 Halo 3
4 Call of Duty: WaW
5 FIFA Soccer 11 Demo
6 FIFA 10
7 Call of Duty 4 (Purchase the full game for direct download)
8 Madden NFL 11
9 GTA IV (Purchase the full game for direct download)
10 Red Dead Redemption
11 Battlefield Bad Co. 2
12 Gears of War 2
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5301 Jours
Some more MP details.
I picked up the Gears 3 OXM yesterday and it had a very good spread on GoW 3 (8 Pages). It went into details on the multiplayer such as the new modes, tweaks, custimizable elements, maps, and characters. The screenshots looks beautiful. The graphics look really slick. I highly reccomend going out and picking this issue up. I got my copy at Walmart and I know Alco has OXM from time to time.

Here's my little preview of what's in the issue.

Magazine Cover :

*Edited* New Tid bits! Marked with an asterisk ( * ).

* Unreal Engine Update :
"Enhancements to the Unreal Engine for Gears of War 3 include more realistic lighting, smoother animations, and better A.I. pathfinding.*

* Wingman : "Gears 3's Wingman mode will have four pairs of players, not five, because the fifth spawn point in the middle of each map has proven too deadly to be fair."

* "Behind-the-Scenes Online Code" :
"Voice communication will now be peer-to-peer instead of routed through the game host's Xbox 360, further reducing bandwidth strain and noticeably increasing game performance."

* If the host quits :
"And if a game's host quits or disconnects, the current round will simply restart instead of the entire match being kiboshed by the hiccup."

Various details in this comment :

"After picking our character and weapon loadout via Gears 3's super-slick new user interface, we're soon battling it out among the collapsing shelves and warbling Muzak (the first game's main-menu theme, devolved) of the Super Snack Champion store. It's the five-on-five Gears you know and love, with upgraded visuals, some new weapons, and a host of enhancements and tweaks that add a variety and clarity to the experience."

Perhaps music plays during MP?

Originally posted by Sempiternal
I can't imagine there being music in multiplayer. To me, the magazine quote just means that there's music playing over a PA system on the Checkout map

Characters featured in screenshots:

1.) Jace
2.) Baird
3.) Cole (In Thrashball uniform)
4.) Clay (Also shows him doing the Retro-Lancer execution)
5.) Myrrah (In battle armor)
6.) Dom
7.) Prescott (In COG armor)
8.) Bernie Mataki
9.) Anya
10.) Marcus
11.) Various Locusts


Modes Explained:

Team deathmatch
Capture the leader
The new KoTH


New abilities:

1.) Bag and Tag
2.) Mantle Kick
3.) Spotting
4.) Self Revive


New Gears Player Perk Info: The first 10 kill buff. Goes down after each kill.

Dedicated Servers Information

Tac-Com: "Toggle it on to see weapon spawn points and ally locations."

Bayonet Execution and Charges: "Complete with character specific battle cry."


Map details/screenshots:

1.) Checkout - "Set inside a grocery store, the Checkout map is destined to become a Gears classic."
(Also has a screenshot)

2.) Overpass - "The new Overpass map slides into a giant sinkhole as the battle rages on. Best to take early control of the turret on the bridge." (Also has a screenshot)

3.) Trenches (Only a screenshot)


New Execution Examples:

1.) Scorcher - "Thrust the flamethrower into your enemy's midsection, pull the trigger, and watch fire spew from every orifice."

2.) Gorgon SMG - "Stomp on your opponent's arm to make sure he holds still, then pistol-whip him in the back of the skull witht he new fully automatic Gorgon."

3.) Mortar - "Ram the Mortar barrel into your foe's face and taer his head off."

4.) One-Shot - "....flip your foes on his back and pulp his face with the giant rifle's butt."

5.) Lancer - "....bury the barrel-mounted chainsaw in your opponent's guts, then rev it up."

6.) Digger - "....kick your enemy's head clean off."

7.) Retro-Lancer -"The Retro-Lancer's execution attack is a satisfyingly brutal stab-and-swipe combo."


Customizable Details, Challenges, Tags/Medals and Unlockables:

1.) Skins - "You'll be able to select a custom look for each gun." "Want to run riot as Cole in his Thrashball uniform, stangling fools with a zebra-skinned double-barreled shotgun?"

2.) Skill Kill Challenges - "Skill-kills like headshots and executions will not only be worth extra experience points, but will also tie into challenges on their own."

3.) Medals/Tags - 'Some of these reward objectives translate into a designation you can add toy our name in the game lobby. Hypothetically, 100 headshots might give you a Marksman medal, or perhaps 100 chainsaw kills earns you the Lumberjack tag."

4.) Unlockables - " in-game achievement and experience-points system that feeds into character customization and unlockables, rather than just giving players a level number to brag about."


"Big babies" : An unlockable mutator in Gears of War 3 will give players giant-sized heads, hands, and feet, as well as high-pitched voices. It's been nicknamed Toddler Mode."


"More To Come" :

It's a staggering amount of information to digest during our full day at Epic's headquarters, and we haven't even touched on things like the addition of a built-in calendar of online events (don't miss "Ticker Tuesdays!"), or some of the more subtle but welcome tweaks that have adjusted the fow of the game.

This isn't the end of Gears of War, to be sure; Blezinski, Fergusson, and the rest of the Epic crew have lots of ideas on deck for the franchise's future. But it is the end of this trilogy, and it seems clear from our time with the competitive multiplayer modes that Epic is sweating every last detail to make this the biggest, meatiest, and most satisfying Gears experience of all. Call it sweet, sweet surrender."
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Inscrit depuis 6006 Jours
Man they are really stepping up the MP side!!
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
Man they are really stepping up the MP side!!
They need to announce they are fixing online, you can give us all the features i the world, but if it dont work whats the point :(
En réponse à

I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 6006 Jours
If you read the number of thread updates you will see that Epic have annouced Dedicated servers for Gears3 and a beta next year plus many other additions that will make this MP miles better than G2 and one of the best MP experiences out there.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Then its all good "bring it"
En réponse à

I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours
dedicated servers!!! sweet, does any other console game do that?
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When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.

Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Posté par Schmooboo
dedicated servers!!! sweet, does any other console game do that?
Actually quite a few...but only a few.
En réponse à

I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 7093 Jours
OH yess dedicated servers. Please epic do it. Also I will like unranked or custom games with a server browser like the first Gears.
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Inscrit depuis 5307 Jours
MP video preview, dedicated servers confirmed!!

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Inscrit depuis 5307 Jours
looks and sounds great, cant wait to play the beta.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Actually quite a few...but only a few.
Quite a few... but only a few?

Dedicated servers should do a lot for Gears MP, considering how big of an advantage hosts tend to have (thank you shotgun!).
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Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Quite a few... but only a few?
Yeah yeah i know, it makes sence to me lol.
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Santa better bring me what i want...

Inscrit depuis 6621 Jours
That sounds great. I'm buying the Bulletstorm Epic edition just for the beta. :)
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Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
That sounds great. I'm buying the Bulletstorm Epic edition just for the beta. :)
Thats just for early access right?
En réponse à

** Yes We CAN!! **

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Yeah, because console gamers really do have such short attention spans. I mean, just look at Halo- oh wait...
Was that supposed to be a good example? You can't even play Halo 2 online anymore. People frequently play PC games for more than half a decade (and sometimes more).

Now that's longevity.
Posté par crookedmind
It's just too bad that epic hasn't geared (get it?) this game more towards PC for the multiplayer longevity. Every GOW has had maybe 2 months of multiplayer then it just dies due to the majority of the console gamers attention spans. If they aimed it towards PC type multiplayer of the golden age, such as UT1, 2k4, none of this 'locked in' and 'auto-joining server' bullshit, but dedicated servers and an in-game server browser. Then the games life may last longer than a cloned one-trick pony.
Epic has been my favorite developer since Unreal, and I hate to see them not go with their guts and pander to the console crowd.
You can't really blame Epic. Microsoft is their publisher for this, and they've released very few PC games since, well, Gears of War 1.

Plus, UT3 flopped hard, which is a shame, because it's actually quite good.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 6451 Jours
He implied that console gamers have attention spans that last no longer than a few months, so I used Halo 3 as an example - at the time of my post, Halo 3 was consistently in the top 2 most played XBL games despite being released in 2007 (even now it's still in the top 10, and that's mostly because it's essentially been replaced by Reach). Three years and still one of the most played Xbox games is pretty good in terms of longevity no?

So yeah, it was a good example. :P

* I saw that I only put 'Halo', but I was referring to Halo 3.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
I think it all balances out in the end. There are a lot of console gamers with short attention spans. A lot of people jumped from Reach to Black Ops, for example, in a period of months. But then there are a lot of dedicated fans out there too, so while there might be a higher percentage of flaky console players (which isn't a hard fact or anything), there are just more console gamers in general. It's a wash I guess.

I would love to see Gears of War 3 sell (and do well) on PC, but with Microsoft in charge it's difficult to see that happening. Epic hasn't really put much effort into that space on their own anyway.
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Inscrit depuis 6621 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Thats just for early access right?
I don't know. All I know is that it guarantees me a place in the beta and that's worth something here in Germany.

@Grift: You have to take into account that games on consoles are designed to be short living, at max it's a full dev cycle. For CoD that means just a year. Also splitting the community with mappacks over and over again shortens that time span. Imo that was also the downfall of BC2 (well and the bad maps, just played Harvest Day and I didn't have that much fun with BC 2 yet, fantastic map).
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 5307 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
That sounds great. I'm buying the Bulletstorm Epic edition just for the beta. :)
Me too Bulletstorm looks like fun.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I don't know. All I know is that it guarantees me a place in the beta and that's worth something here in Germany.

@Grift: You have to take into account that games on consoles are designed to be short living, at max it's a full dev cycle. For CoD that means just a year. Also splitting the community with mappacks over and over again shortens that time span. Imo that was also the downfall of BC2 (well and the bad maps, just played Harvest Day and I didn't have that much fun with BC 2 yet, fantastic map).
Harvest Day and Oasis are two of the best conquest maps in the game. People still play COD4 on the PC quite a bit--it's the #2 game on Xfire's daily stats still--but Xfire users are generally more of the "hardcore" base.
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